
check_running <- function(pid){
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
        r <- system(paste0("kill -s 0 ", pid), intern = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE, ignore.stdout = TRUE)
    else {
        r <- system(paste0("powershell \"get-process -ID ", pid, "\""),
                    ignore.stderr = TRUE, ignore.stdout = TRUE)
    length(attr(r, "status")) == 0

terminate <- function(pid){
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
        system(paste0("kill ", pid), ignore.stderr = TRUE)
    else {
        system(paste0("powershell \"kill ", pid, "\""),
                    ignore.stderr = TRUE)

create_proj <- function(folder){
    dir.create(file.path(folder, "/Rproj"), recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
    file.create(file.path(folder, "/Rproj/Rproj.Rproj"))
    writeLines("Version: 1.0", file.path(folder, "/Rproj/Rproj.Rproj"))

inject_code <- function(code, Rprofile){
    writeLines(code, Rprofile)

start_and_get_pid <- function(cmd){
    pidfile <- tempfile()
    # print(pidfile)
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
        system(paste0(cmd, " & echo $! > ", pidfile), wait = FALSE)
    else {
        system(paste0("powershell \"$app = start-process ", cmd, " -passthru; echo $app.Id | out-file -ENCODING ASCII ", pidfile, "\""))

    Sys.sleep(1) ## wait for the content to write into the pidfile

writeToFileExpr <- function(x, file_name){
    basic <- quote(writeLines(x, file_name))
    basic[[2]] <- substitute(x)
    basic[[3]] <- file_name

expr2str <- function(expr){
    deparse(expr, width.cutoff = 500)

start_rstudio_and_inject_code <- function(code){
    folder <- tempdir()
    # folder <- "/tmp"
    rsession_pidfile <- tempfile()
    rerror_file <- tempfile()
    rfinish_file <- tempfile()

    write_pid <- writeToFileExpr(deparse(Sys.getpid() + 0), rsession_pidfile)

    write_error <- writeToFileExpr(geterrmessage(), rerror_file)
    error_func <- quote(function()body)
    error_func[[3]] <- write_error
    error_option <- quote(options(error = error_func))
    error_option[[2]] <- error_func

    finish_writing <- writeToFileExpr('Succeed', rfinish_file)
    block <- paste0(code, "; ", expr2str(finish_writing))
    task <- quote(rstudioapi::sendToConsole(block))
    task[[2]] <- block
    schedule <- quote(tcltk2::tclTaskSchedule(3000, task))
    schedule[[3]] <- task

    code <- paste(expr2str(write_pid), expr2str(error_option), expr2str(schedule), sep = "; ")
    inject_code(code, file.path(folder, "/Rproj/.Rprofile"))
    rstudio_pid <- start_and_get_pid(paste0("rstudio ", file.path(folder, "/Rproj/Rproj.Rproj")))

    message(paste0("Start a new RStudio process with pid = ", rstudio_pid))

    Sys.sleep(1) ## wait for the content to write into the pidfile
    rsession_pid <- readLines(rsession_pidfile)

    message(paste0("The rsession has pid = ", rsession_pid))

    stopifnot(length(rstudio_pid) == 1)
    stopifnot(length(rsession_pid) == 1)

    list(rstudio = rstudio_pid, rsession = rsession_pid,
         rerror = rerror_file, rfinish = rfinish_file)

#' Check the code in RStudio.
#' \code{detailed_check_in_rstudio} checks the code in RStudio.
#' @param code the code you want to test in RStudio
#' @param time the time for the testing
#' @return a list,
#'     the component crashed means whether rsession is crashed,
#'     the component finished means whether the code runs to the end successfully,
#'     the component errmsg is the error message of the code (if any).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' detailed_check_in_rstudio("1")
#' }
#' @export
detailed_check_in_rstudio <- function(code, time = 20){
    r <- start_rstudio_and_inject_code(code)
    rstudio_pid <- r$rstudio
    rsession_pid <- r$rsession


    crashed <- !check_running(rsession_pid)


    finished <- length(readLines(r$rfinish)) == 1 && readLines(r$rfinish) == "Succeed"
    errmsg <- readLines(r$rerror)

    list(crashed = crashed, finished = finished, errmsg = errmsg)

#' Check the code in RStudio.
#' \code{check_in_rstudio} checks the code in RStudio.
#' @param code the code you want to test in RStudio
#' @param time the time for the testing
#' @return whether or not the code runs in RStudio successfully.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' check_in_rstudio("1")
#' }
#' @export
check_in_rstudio <- function(code, time = 30){
    r <- detailed_check_in_rstudio(code, time)

    if (length(r$errmsg) > 0) {

    if (r$crashed) {
        message("The rsession is crashed by your code.")

    if (!r$finished) {
        message("The code didn't finish running.")

    length(r$errmsg) == 0 && !r$crashed && r$finished

#' Check whether RStudio is available or not.
#' \code{check_rstudio} checks whether RStudio is available or not.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' check_rstudio()
#' }
#' @export
check_rstudio <- function(){
Non-Contradiction/TestWithRStudio documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:44 p.m.