
Defines functions get_p_node_data

Documented in get_p_node_data

#' @title
#' Create a data frame that contains information about p nodes in every internal links in a given URL
#' @description
#' First, this function finds redirected url from a given url. This redirected url is used for
#' subsequent parts of this function. It makes a list of internal links using LinkExtractor function
#' in Rcrawler package. Then, information related to every p nodes in each internal link is scraped and
#' combined in a data frame. This information include xpath, text, url, domain, and tag.
#' @param input.URL An URL for searching every p nodes in its interal links
#' @return A data frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_p_node_data( input.URL )
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
get_p_node_data <- function( input.URL )
  redirected.URL <- get_redirected_url( input.URL )
  internal.links <- Rcrawler::LinkExtractor( url = redirected.URL )$InternalLinks

  results.list   <- NULL
  results.df     <- NULL

  input.URL.list <- NULL
  node.list      <- NULL
  xpath.list     <- NULL
  URL.list       <- NULL
  domain.list    <- NULL
  page.list      <- NULL
  text.list      <- NULL
  tag.list       <- NULL

  for ( i in 1:length(internal.links) )

    if( httr::http_error( internal.links[i] ) == TRUE ){next}

    node.list[[i]]  <- 
      xml2::read_html(internal.links[i]) %>% 

    xpath.list[[i]] <- node.list[[i]] %>% xml2::xml_path()
    text.list[[i]]  <- node.list[[i]] %>% xml2::xml_text()

    num.nodes <- length( text.list[[i]] )

    input.URL.list[[i]] <- rep( input.URL, num.nodes )
    URL.list[[i]]       <- rep( internal.links[i], num.nodes )
    domain.list[[i]]    <- rep( redirected.URL, num.nodes )
    page.list[[i]]      <- rep( stringr::str_remove( internal.links[i], redirected.URL), num.nodes )
    tag.list[[i]]       <- rep( "p", num.nodes )

    results.list[[i]] <- 
     dplyr::bind_cols( list( input.URL=input.URL.list[[i]], 
                             text=text.list[[i]]  ) )

  df <- 
    dplyr::bind_rows( results.list ) %>%
    dplyr::mutate( text = stringr::str_squish( text ) ) %>%
    dplyr::filter( nchar(text) > 0 ) %>% 

  df$page <- gsub( "^(/)(.*)(.[a-zA-Z]{3,4}$)", "\\2", df$page )

  return( df )
Nonprofit-Open-Data-Collective/webscraper documentation built on July 19, 2023, 6:09 p.m.