
Defines functions scatterplotData

#' @importFrom flipTransformations TextAsVector AsNumeric
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRamp
#' @importFrom verbs SumEachRow
scatterplotData <- function(chart.matrix,
                            colors = NULL,
                            colors.reverse = FALSE,
                            colors.custom.color = NA,
                            colors.custom.gradient.start = NA,
                            colors.custom.gradient.end = NA,
                            colors.custom.palette = NA,
                            group.labels.text = "",
                            group.indices.text = "",
                            origin = FALSE,
                            transpose = FALSE,
                            rows.to.ignore = "",
                            cols.to.ignore = "",
                            legend.show = TRUE,
                            x.title = "",
                            y.title = "",
                            colorscale.variable = NULL,
                            logos = NULL)
    not.na <- NULL
    if (any(is.na(as.matrix(chart.matrix))) || (!is.null(colorscale.variable) && any(is.na(colorscale.variable))))
        col.not.na <- 1:nrow(chart.matrix)
        if (!is.null(colorscale.variable) && any(is.na(colorscale.variable)))
            warning("Data points with missing values in the 'Colors' variable are hidden")
            col.not.na <- !is.na(colorscale.variable)

        warning("Data points with missing values have been omitted.")
        not.na <- which(!is.na(SumEachRow(chart.matrix, remove.columns = NULL, remove.missing = FALSE)) & col.not.na)

        if (length(not.na) == 0)
            stop("No non-missing values to plot")

        chart.matrix <- chart.matrix[not.na,,drop=FALSE]
        if (!is.null(colorscale.variable))
            colorscale.variable <- colorscale.variable[not.na]
        if (!is.null(logos))
            logos <- logos[not.na]
    if (!is.null(group.indices.text) && group.indices.text[1] != "" && !is.null(colorscale.variable))
        colorscale.variable <- NULL
        warning("Color-scale variable ignored when groups are provided\n")

    # Remove rows and columns to ignore
    no.dimnames <- is.null(colnames(chart.matrix)) || colnames(chart.matrix)[1] == "chart.matrix"
    if (is.null(dim(chart.matrix)) || ncol(chart.matrix) == 1)
        chart.matrix <- cbind(chart.matrix, rep(0, length(chart.matrix)))
        if (is.null(colnames(chart.matrix)) || colnames(chart.matrix)[1] == "chart.matrix")
            no.dimnames <- TRUE
    chart.matrix <- GetTidyTwoDimensionalArray(chart.matrix,
                                               row.names.to.remove = rows.to.ignore,
                                               column.names.to.remove = cols.to.ignore)
    if (no.dimnames)
        colnames(chart.matrix) <- NULL

    pt.ord <- NULL
    if (!is.null(group.labels.text) && any(group.labels.text != ""))
        if (!is.null(group.indices.text) && any(group.indices.text != ""))
            group.labels.text[group.labels.text == ""] <- "Undefined"
            group.labels <- if (length(group.labels.text) > 1) group.labels.text
                            else TextAsVector(group.labels.text)
            group.indices <- if (is.numeric(group.indices.text)) group.indices.text
                             else as.numeric(TextAsVector(group.indices.text))
            if (!is.null(not.na))
                group.indices <- group.indices[not.na]

            if (length(group.labels) == 1 && length(unique(group.indices)) > 1)
                stop(paste0("Only one group has been specified: ", group.labels[1]))

            if (length(group.indices) != nrow(chart.matrix))
                stop(paste0("The number of group indices (", length(group.indices), ") needs to equal the number of rows in the table (", nrow(chart.matrix), ")."))

            permitted.indices <- 1:length(group.labels)
            if (any(is.na(group.indices)) || !all(group.indices %in% permitted.indices))
                stop(paste0("The group indices are not in the correct format."))

            group <- group.labels[group.indices]
            pt.ord <- order(group.indices)
            stop("Group labels were provided but group indices are missing.")
        if (!is.null(group.indices.text) && any(group.indices.text != ""))
            stop("Group indices were provided but group labels are missing.")
            group <- rep(" ", nrow(chart.matrix))

    # order data points so that the color of groups are ordered
    if (!is.null(pt.ord))
        chart.matrix <- chart.matrix[pt.ord,]
        logos <- logos[pt.ord]
        group <- group[pt.ord]
        # colorscale.variable not compatible with groups

    # scale point sizes if needed
    z.unscaled <- NULL
    if (type == "Scatterplot" && ncol(chart.matrix) > 2)
        # scaling for plotly scatterplots - sizemode="area" does not work
        z.unscaled <- chart.matrix[,3]
        sc <- chart.matrix[,3]
        sc <- sqrt(abs(sc))
        sc <- sc/max(sc, na.rm=T) * 50
        if (any(is.na(sc)) || any(sc == 0))
            warnings("Some observations have been hidden as they have missing or zero size.")
        chart.matrix[,3] <- sc

    if (is.null(colors))
        colors <- "Default colors"
    color.strings <- NULL
    if (!is.null(colorscale.variable))
        color.strings <- if (is.numeric(colorscale.variable)) FormatAsReal(as.numeric(colorscale.variable), 2)
                        else as.character(colorscale.variable)
        colorscale.variable <- AsNumeric(colorscale.variable, binary=F)
    num.colors <- if (!is.null(colorscale.variable)) 3
                  else                               length(unique(group))
    colors <- ChartColors(number.colors.needed = num.colors,
                                            given.colors = colors,
                                            custom.color = colors.custom.color,
                                            custom.gradient.start = colors.custom.gradient.start,
                                            custom.gradient.end = colors.custom.gradient.end,
                                            custom.palette = colors.custom.palette,
                                            reverse = colors.reverse)

    color.scale <- NULL
    color.values <- NULL
    if (!is.null(colorscale.variable) && type == "Scatterplot")
        col.fun <- colorRamp(colors)
        group <- rep(" ", nrow(chart.matrix))
        c.tmp <- rgb(col.fun((0:5)/5), maxColorValue=255)
        v.tmp <- seq(from=0, to=1, length=length(c.tmp))
        color.scale <- mapply(function(a,b)c(a,b), a=v.tmp, b=c.tmp, SIMPLIFY=F)
        color.values <- colorscale.variable
        colors <- NULL
    if (!is.null(colorscale.variable) && type != "Scatterplot")
         col.fun <- colorRamp(colors)
         group <- 1:length(colorscale.variable)
         sc.vals <- (colorscale.variable - min(colorscale.variable, na.rm=T))/diff(range(colorscale.variable, na.rm=T))
         sc.tmp <- col.fun(sc.vals)
         colors <- rgb(sc.tmp, maxColorValue=255)

    result <- list()
    result$x <- if (transpose) AsNumeric(chart.matrix[, 2], binary=F) else AsNumeric(chart.matrix[, 1], binary=F)
    result$y <- if (transpose) AsNumeric(chart.matrix[, 1], binary=F) else AsNumeric(chart.matrix[, 2], binary=F)
    result$z <- if (ncol(chart.matrix) >= 3) AsNumeric(abs(chart.matrix[, 3]), binary=F) else NULL
    result$z.unscaled <- z.unscaled
    result$colors <- colors
    result$color.scale <- color.scale
    result$color.values <- color.values
    result$color.strings <- color.strings

    result$label <- if (!is.null(logos)) logos else rownames(chart.matrix)
    result$label.alt <- rownames(chart.matrix)
    result$group <- group
    result$origin <- origin
    result$legend.show <- is.null(colorscale.variable) && length(unique(result$group)) > 1 && legend.show
    result$legend.bubbles.show <- ncol(chart.matrix) > 2

    # Resolve axes labels if none specified manually
    if (x.title == "" || length(x.title) == 0)
        x.title <- colnames(chart.matrix)[1]
    if (is.null(x.title) || x.title == "FALSE" || x.title == FALSE)
        x.title <- ""

    if (y.title == "" || length(y.title) == 0)
        y.title <- colnames(chart.matrix)[2]
    if (is.null(y.title) || y.title == "FALSE" || y.title == FALSE)
        y.title <- ""

    result$x.title <- if (transpose) y.title else x.title
    result$y.title <- if (transpose) x.title else y.title

NumbersInternational/flipStandardCharts documentation built on Aug. 28, 2024, 11:44 p.m.