
Defines functions tunapredict

Documented in tunapredict

#' @name tunapredict
#' @title Model Predictions
#' @description Compute proportion by species fishing mode and ocean
#' @param sample_data (data frame) Data used for the modelling. Output table from process 3.1.
#' @param allset_data (data frame) Data used for prediction.Output table from process 3.4.
# @param schooltype (integer) Fishing mode of the catch.
# @param ocean (integer) Target ocean.
# @param species (character) Target species. 'SKJ' for kipjack and 'YFT' for yellowfin.
#' @param Ntree (integer) Number of trees to grow. This should not be set to too small a number, to ensure that every input row gets predicted at least a few times. The default value is 1000.
#' @param Nmtry (integer) Number of variables randomly sampled as candidates at each split. The default value is 2.
#' @param Nseed (integer) Set the initial seed for the modelling. The default value is 7.
#' @param min_node (integer) Minimum size of terminal nodes. Setting this number larger causes smaller trees to be grown (and thus take less time).The default value is 5.
#' @param target_period (integer) Time period for the predictions in year. Default is the year of the data to predict
#' @importFrom ranger ranger
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @return TODO
tunapredict <- function(sample_data,
                     # schooltype = 1,
                     # ocean = 1,
                     # species = "SKJ",
                     # model parameters
                     Ntree = 1000,
                     Nmtry = 2,
                     Nseed = 7, # fix seed number for reproducibility of the predicts
                     min_node = 5,
  # local binding global variables ----
  modrf0 <- prop_t3 <- NULL
  if (missing(target_period)) {target_period = allset_data$yr[1]}
  # subset of all sampled set
  sub <- sample_data
  # format columns
  sub$resp <- (sub$prop_t3)
  sub$tlb <- (sub$prop_lb)
  sub$yr <- factor(sub$year)
  sub$mon <- factor(sub$mon)
  sub$vessel <- factor(sub$vessel)
  sub <- droplevels(sub)
  sub$ocean <- factor(sub$ocean)
  sub$fmod <- factor(sub$fmod)
    ### remove set used to train models from data to predict
    no_sampled_set <- droplevels(allset_data[!(allset_data$id_act %in% unique(sub$id_act)),])
    no_sampled_set <- droplevels(no_sampled_set[no_sampled_set$yr %in% target_period,])
    ## Prepare data
    no_sampled_set$tlb <- (no_sampled_set$prop_lb)  # transform predictor if necessary
    no_sampled_set$yr <- factor(no_sampled_set$yr)
    no_sampled_set$mon <- factor(no_sampled_set$mon)
    no_sampled_set$vessel <- factor(no_sampled_set$vessel)
    ### split dataframe for different treatment if needed
    # no_sampled_set$wtot_lb_t3 <- no_sampled_set$w_tuna #  total tuna catch of each set
    no_sampled_set$data_source <- NA # assign source later
    no_sampled_set$fit_prop <- NA # stock final proportion
    # not sampled vessel list
    vessel_not_train <- base::setdiff(levels(no_sampled_set$vessel),levels(sub$vessel))
    # dataset with all information
    newd <- (no_sampled_set[!no_sampled_set$vessel  %in% vessel_not_train, ])
    # newd$vessel <- factor(newd$vessel, levels = setdiff(levels(newd$vessel),vessel_not_train)) # remove levels of vessel not train
    # dataset with vessel not sampled
    new_wtv <- no_sampled_set[no_sampled_set$vessel %in% vessel_not_train & !is.na(no_sampled_set$prop_lb), ]
    # dataset with no logbook
    new_0 <- no_sampled_set[no_sampled_set$vessel %in% vessel_not_train & is.na(no_sampled_set$prop_lb), ]
    new_0$data_source <- as.character(new_0$data_source)
    ## models and predicts ##
    # best case  (all information available)###
    if (nrow(newd) > 0) {
      model_rf_full <- ranger::ranger(resp ~ tlb + lon + lat + yr + mon + vessel,
                                      data = sub,
                                      num.trees = Ntree,
                                      mtry = Nmtry,
                                      importance = "none",
                                      min.node.size = min_node,
                                      splitrule = "variance",
                                      replace = TRUE,
                                      quantreg = FALSE,
                                      keep.inbag= FALSE)

      newd$fit_prop <- predict(model_rf_full, data = newd)$predictions
      newd$data_source <- "full_model" # add flag
    ##  without vessel information
    if(nrow(new_wtv)>0) {
      model_rf_wtvessel <- ranger::ranger(resp ~ tlb + lon + lat + yr + mon,
                                          data = sub,
                                          num.trees = Ntree,
                                          mtry = Nmtry,
                                          importance = "none",
                                          min.node.size = min_node,
                                          splitrule = "variance",
                                          replace = TRUE,
                                          quantreg = FALSE,
                                          keep.inbag= FALSE)

      new_wtv$fit_prop<- predict(model_rf_wtvessel,data=new_wtv)$predictions
      new_wtv$data_source <- "model_wtv" # add flag
    ## without logbook information on the catch, location and date only
    if(nrow(new_0)>0) {
      model_rf_simple <- ranger::ranger(resp ~ lon + lat + yr + mon,
                                        data = sub,
                                        num.trees = Ntree,
                                        mtry = Nmtry,
                                        importance = "none",
                                        min.node.size = min_node,
                                        splitrule = "variance",
                                        replace = TRUE,
                                        quantreg = FALSE,
                                        keep.inbag= FALSE
      new_0$fit_prop<- predict(modrf0,newdata=new_0)$predictions
      new_0$data_source <- "simple_model" # add flag
    ### compute catch by species by set ###
    sampled_set <- unique(sub[sub$yr %in% target_period,])
    ## add sample not corrected catch by species
    sampled_set$data_source <- "sample" # add flag
    sampled_set <- dplyr::rename(sampled_set,
                                 fit_prop = prop_t3)
    column_keep <- c("id_act",
                     # "w_lb_t3",
     # remove set with no data
    all_set <- list(newd,new_wtv,new_0, sampled_set,new_0)
    all_set <- all_set[which(unlist(lapply(all_set, nrow)) >0)]
    all_set <- dplyr::bind_rows(all_set)
OB7-IRD/t3 documentation built on April 23, 2023, 7:34 p.m.