# Copyright 2024 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of SelfControlledCaseSeries
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# source("~/git/SelfControlledCaseSeries/R/SccsDataConversion.R")
computeOutcomeRatePerMonth <- function(studyPopulation, sccsModel = NULL) {
# Computes not only the observed outcome rate per calendar month, but also
# observed / expected rate assuming everything is constant, and if sccsModel is
# provided, observed / expected using the adjustments in the model.
# To compute the expected rate for a month, we must consider only those cases
# observed during that month, summing their respective incidence rates.
if (nrow(studyPopulation$cases) == 0) {
result <- tibble(
month = 1.0,
observedCount = 1.0,
observationPeriodCount = 1.0,
ratio = 1.0,
adjustedRatio = 1.0,
monthStartDate = as.Date("2000-01-01"),
monthEndDate = as.Date("2000-01-01")) %>%
filter(month == 0)
cases <- studyPopulation$cases %>%
mutate(startDate = .data$observationPeriodStartDate + .data$startDay,
endDate = .data$observationPeriodStartDate + .data$endDay) %>%
mutate(startMonth = convertDateToMonth(.data$startDate),
endMonth = convertDateToMonth(.data$endDate),
startMonthFraction = computeMonthFraction(.data$startDate, TRUE),
endMonthFraction = computeMonthFraction(.data$endDate)) %>%
select("caseId", "startMonth", "endMonth", "startMonthFraction", "endMonthFraction") %>%
studyPopulation$outcomes %>%
group_by(.data$caseId) %>%
summarize(outcomeCount = n()),
by = join_by("caseId")
) %>%
mutate(outcomeCount = if_else(is.na(.data$outcomeCount), 0, .data$outcomeCount)) %>%
mutate(rate = .data$outcomeCount / (.data$endMonth - .data$startMonth + .data$startMonthFraction + .data$endMonthFraction))
hasAdjustment <- FALSE
monthAdjustments <- tibble(month = seq(min(cases$startMonth), max(cases$endMonth)),
totalRr = 1)
if (!is.null(sccsModel) && hasCalendarTimeEffect(sccsModel)) {
hasAdjustment <- TRUE
estimates <- sccsModel$estimates
splineCoefs <- estimates[estimates$covariateId >= 300 & estimates$covariateId < 400, "logRr"]
calendarTimeKnotsInPeriods <- sccsModel$metaData$calendarTime$calendarTimeKnotsInPeriods
designMatrix <- createMultiSegmentDesignMatrix(x = monthAdjustments$month,
knotsPerSegment = calendarTimeKnotsInPeriods)
monthAdjustments <- monthAdjustments %>%
mutate(calendarTimeRr = exp(apply(designMatrix %*% splineCoefs, 1, sum))) %>%
mutate(totalRr = .data$totalRr * .data$calendarTimeRr)
if (!is.null(sccsModel) && hasSeasonality(sccsModel)) {
hasAdjustment <- TRUE
estimates <- sccsModel$estimates
splineCoefs <- estimates[estimates$covariateId >= 200 & estimates$covariateId < 300, "logRr"]
seasonKnots <- sccsModel$metaData$seasonality$seasonKnots
season <- 1:12
seasonDesignMatrix <- cyclicSplineDesign(season, seasonKnots)
logRr <- apply(seasonDesignMatrix %*% splineCoefs, 1, sum)
monthAdjustments <- monthAdjustments %>%
mutate(monthOfYear = .data$month %% 12 + 1) %>%
monthOfYear = season,
seasonRr = exp(logRr)
by = join_by("monthOfYear")
) %>%
select(-"monthOfYear") %>%
mutate(totalRr = .data$totalRr * .data$seasonRr)
if (hasAdjustment) {
# Need to correct for the fact that a person may have seen only part of the spline, so
# techincally has a different intercept:
cases <- cases %>%
mutate(correction = computeCorrections(cases, monthAdjustments))
} else {
cases <- cases %>%
mutate(correction = 1)
observedCounts <- studyPopulation$outcomes %>%
inner_join(studyPopulation$cases, by = join_by("caseId")) %>%
transmute(month = convertDateToMonth(.data$observationPeriodStartDate + .data$outcomeDay)) %>%
group_by(.data$month) %>%
summarise(observedCount = n())
computeExpected <- function(monthAdjustment) {
month <- monthAdjustment$month
cases %>%
filter(month >= .data$startMonth & month <= .data$endMonth) %>%
mutate(weight = if_else(month == .data$startMonth,
if_else(month == .data$endMonth,
1))) %>%
summarize(month = !!month,
expectedCount = sum(.data$weight * .data$rate),
adjustedExpectedCount = sum(.data$weight * .data$rate * monthAdjustment$totalRr / .data$correction),
observationPeriodCount = sum(.data$weight)) %>%
expectedCounts <- bind_rows(lapply(split(monthAdjustments, seq_len(nrow(monthAdjustments))), computeExpected))
data <- observedCounts %>%
inner_join(expectedCounts, by = join_by("month")) %>%
mutate(ratio = .data$observedCount / .data$expectedCount) %>%
mutate(adjustedRatio = .data$observedCount / .data$adjustedExpectedCount) %>%
mutate(monthStartDate = convertMonthToStartDate(.data$month),
monthEndDate = convertMonthToEndDate(.data$month)) %>%
select(-"expectedCount", -"adjustedExpectedCount")
#' Compute stability of outcome rate over time
#' @details
#' Computes for each month the observed and expected count, and computes the (weighted) mean ratio between the two. If
#' splines are used to adjust for seasonality and/or calendar time, these adjustments are taken into consideration when
#' considering the expected count. A one-sided p-value is computed against the null hypothesis that the ratio is smaller
#' than `maxRatio`. If this p-value exceeds the specified alpha value, the series is considered stable.
#' @template StudyPopulation
#' @param sccsModel Optional: A fitted SCCS model as created using [fitSccsModel()]. If the
#' model contains splines for seasonality and or calendar time these will be adjusted
#' for before computing stability.
#' @param maxRatio The maximum global ratio between the observed and expected count.
#' @param alpha The alpha (type 1 error) used to test for stability.
#' @return
#' A tibble with one row and three columns: `ratio` indicates the estimated mean ratio between observed and expected.
#' `p` is the p-value against the null-hypothesis that the ratio is smaller than `maxRatio`, and `stable` is `TRUE`
#' if `p` is greater than `alpha`.
#' @export
computeTimeStability <- function(studyPopulation, sccsModel = NULL, maxRatio = 1.25, alpha = 0.05) {
errorMessages <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
checkmate::assertList(studyPopulation, min.len = 1, add = errorMessages)
checkmate::assertClass(sccsModel, "SccsModel", null.ok = TRUE, add = errorMessages)
checkmate::assertNumeric(maxRatio, lower = 1, len = 1, add = errorMessages)
checkmate::assertNumeric(alpha, lower = 0, upper = 1, len = 1, add = errorMessages)
checkmate::reportAssertions(collection = errorMessages)
data <- computeOutcomeRatePerMonth(studyPopulation, sccsModel)
if (nrow(data) < 2) {
result <- tibble(ratio = NA,
p = 1,
stable = TRUE)
o <- data$observedCount
e <- data$observedCount / data$adjustedRatio
# logLikelihood <- function(x) {
# return(-sum(log(dpois(o, e*x) + dpois(o, e/x))))
# }
# From https://cdsmithus.medium.com/the-logarithm-of-a-sum-69dd76199790
smoothMax <- function(x, y) {
return(ifelse(abs(x-y) > 100, pmax(x,y), x + log(1 + exp(y-x))))
logLikelihood <- function(x) {
return(-sum(smoothMax(dpois(o, e*x, log = TRUE), dpois(o, e/x, log = TRUE))))
likelihood <- function(x) {
vectorLikelihood <- function(x) {
return(sapply(x, likelihood))
x <- seq(1, 10, by = 0.1)
ll <- sapply(x, logLikelihood)
maxX <- x[max(which(!is.na(ll) & !is.infinite(ll)))]
minX <- x[min(which(!is.na(ll) & !is.infinite(ll)))]
xHat <- optim(1.5, logLikelihood, lower = minX, upper = maxX, method = "L-BFGS-B")$par
l0 <- integrate(vectorLikelihood, lower = 1, upper = maxRatio)$value
l1 <- integrate(vectorLikelihood, lower = maxRatio, upper = Inf)$value
llr <- 2*(log(l1) - log(l0))
if (is.nan(llr)) {
if (xHat > maxRatio) {
p <- 0
} else {
p <- 1
} else {
p <- pchisq(llr, 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
result <- tibble(ratio = xHat,
p = p,
stable = p > alpha)
#' Compute P for pre-exposure risk gain
#' @details
#' Compares the rate of the outcome in the 30 days prior to exposure to the rate
#' of the outcome in the 30 days following exposure. If the rate before exposure
#' is higher, this indicates there might reverse causality, that the outcome, or
#' some precursor of the outcome, increases the probability of having the exposure.
#' The resulting p-value is computed using a Poisson model conditioned on the person.
#' @param exposureEraId The exposure to create the era data for. If not specified it is
#' assumed to be the one exposure for which the data was loaded from
#' the database.
#' @template StudyPopulation
#' @template SccsData
#' @return
#' A one-sided p-value for whether the rate before exposure is higher than after, against
#' the null of no change.
#' @export
computePreExposureGainP <- function(sccsData, studyPopulation, exposureEraId = NULL) {
errorMessages <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
checkmate::assertClass(sccsData, "SccsData", add = errorMessages)
checkmate::assertList(studyPopulation, min.len = 1, add = errorMessages)
checkmate::assertInt(exposureEraId, add = errorMessages)
checkmate::reportAssertions(collection = errorMessages)
if (is.null(exposureEraId)) {
exposureEraId <- attr(sccsData, "metaData")$exposureIds
if (length(exposureEraId) != 1) {
stop("No exposure ID specified, but multiple exposures found")
cases <- studyPopulation$cases %>%
select("caseId", "startDay", "endDay")
exposures <- sccsData$eras %>%
filter(.data$eraId == exposureEraId & .data$eraType == "rx") %>%
by = join_by("caseId", "eraStartDay" >= "startDay", "eraStartDay" < "endDay"),
copy = TRUE) %>%
if (nrow(exposures) == 0) {
warning("No exposures found with era ID ", exposureEraId)
firstExposures <- exposures %>%
group_by(.data$caseId, .data$startDay, .data$endDay) %>%
eraStartDay = min(.data$eraStartDay, na.rm = TRUE),
eraEndDay = min(.data$eraEndDay, na.rm = TRUE),
.groups = "drop"
outcomes <- studyPopulation$outcomes %>%
inner_join(firstExposures, by = join_by("caseId")) %>%
mutate(delta = .data$outcomeDay - .data$eraStartDay) %>%
select("caseId", "outcomeDay", "delta")
# Restrict to 30 days before and after exposure start:
outcomes <- outcomes %>%
filter(.data$delta >= -30 & .data$delta <= 30) %>%
beforeExposure = .data$delta < 0,
y = 1
) %>%
group_by(.data$caseId, .data$beforeExposure) %>%
y = sum(.data$y),
.groups = "drop"
observed <- bind_rows(
firstExposures %>%
mutate(daysBeforeExposure = .data$eraStartDay - .data$startDay) %>%
daysObserved = if_else(.data$daysBeforeExposure > 30, 30, .data$daysBeforeExposure),
beforeExposure = TRUE
) %>%
select("caseId", "daysObserved", "beforeExposure"),
firstExposures %>%
mutate(daysAfterExposure = .data$endDay - .data$eraStartDay) %>%
daysObserved = if_else(.data$daysAfterExposure > 30, 30, .data$daysAfterExposure),
beforeExposure = FALSE
) %>%
select("caseId", "daysObserved", "beforeExposure")
) %>%
filter(.data$daysObserved > 0)
poissonData <- observed %>%
left_join(outcomes, by = join_by("caseId", "beforeExposure")) %>%
rowId = row_number(),
y = if_else(is.na(.data$y), 0, .data$y),
covariateId = 1
) %>%
stratumId = "caseId",
covariateValue = "beforeExposure",
time = "daysObserved",
cyclopsData <- Cyclops::convertToCyclopsData(
outcomes = poissonData,
covariates = poissonData,
addIntercept = FALSE,
modelType = "cpr",
quiet = TRUE
fit <- Cyclops::fitCyclopsModel(cyclopsData)
if (fit$return_flag != "SUCCESS") {
# compute one-sided p-value:
llNull <- Cyclops::getCyclopsProfileLogLikelihood(
object = fit,
parm = 1,
x = 0
llr <- fit$log_likelihood - llNull
p <- EmpiricalCalibration:::computePFromLlr(llr, coef(fit))
names(p) <- NULL
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