
Defines functions countOutcomesIntervalData cyclicSplineDesign addEraCovariateSettings addEventDependentObservationSettings computeObservedPerMonth convertMonthToEndDate convertMonthToStartDate computeMonthFraction convertDateToMonth createMultiSegmentDesignMatrix addCalendarTimeSettings addSeasonalitySettings addAgeSettings createEmptySccsIntervalData createSccsIntervalData

Documented in createSccsIntervalData cyclicSplineDesign

# Copyright 2024 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of SelfControlledCaseSeries
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' Create SCCS era data
#' @details
#' This function creates covariates based on the data in the `sccsData` argument, according to the
#' provided settings. It chops patient time into periods during which all covariates remain constant.
#' The output details these periods, their durations, and a sparse representation of the covariate
#' values.
#' @template StudyPopulation
#' @template SccsData
#' @param eraCovariateSettings        Either an object of type `EraCovariateSettings` as created
#'                                    using the [createEraCovariateSettings()] function, or a
#'                                    list of such objects.
#' @param ageCovariateSettings        An object of type `ageCovariateSettings` as created using the
#'                                    [createAgeCovariateSettings()] function.
#' @param seasonalityCovariateSettings An object of type `seasonalityCovariateSettings` as created using the
#'                                    [createSeasonalityCovariateSettings()] function.
#' @param calendarTimeCovariateSettings An object of type `calendarTimeCovariateSettings` as created using the
#'                                    [createCalendarTimeCovariateSettings()] function.
#' @param minCasesForAgeSeason        DEPRECATED: Use `minCasesForTimeCovariates` instead.
#' @param minCasesForTimeCovariates   Minimum number of cases to use to fit age, season and calendar time splines. If
#'                                    needed (and available), cases that are not exposed will be included.
#' @param eventDependentObservation   Should the extension proposed by Farrington et al. be used to
#'                                    adjust for event-dependent observation time?
#' @references
#' Farrington, C. P., Anaya-Izquierdo, A., Whitaker, H. J., Hocine, M.N., Douglas, I., and Smeeth, L.
#' (2011). Self-Controlled case series analysis with event-dependent observation periods. Journal of
#' the American Statistical Association 106 (494), 417-426
#' @return
#' An object of type [SccsIntervalData].
#' @export
createSccsIntervalData <- function(studyPopulation,
                                   ageCovariateSettings = NULL,
                                   seasonalityCovariateSettings = NULL,
                                   calendarTimeCovariateSettings = NULL,
                                   minCasesForAgeSeason = NULL,
                                   minCasesForTimeCovariates = 10000,
                                   eventDependentObservation = FALSE) {
  errorMessages <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assertList(studyPopulation, min.len = 1, add = errorMessages)
  checkmate::assertClass(sccsData, "SccsData", add = errorMessages)
  checkmate::assertList(studyPopulation, min.len = 1, add = errorMessages)
  if (is.list(eraCovariateSettings) && !is(eraCovariateSettings, "EraCovariateSettings")) {
    for (i in 1:length(eraCovariateSettings)) {
      checkmate::assertClass(eraCovariateSettings[[i]], "EraCovariateSettings", add = errorMessages)
  } else {
    checkmate::assertClass(eraCovariateSettings, "EraCovariateSettings", add = errorMessages)
  checkmate::assertClass(ageCovariateSettings, "ageSettings", null.ok = TRUE, add = errorMessages)
  checkmate::assertClass(seasonalityCovariateSettings, "SeasonalityCovariateSettings", null.ok = TRUE, add = errorMessages)
  checkmate::assertClass(calendarTimeCovariateSettings, "CalendarTimeCovariateSettings", null.ok = TRUE, add = errorMessages)
  checkmate::assertInt(minCasesForAgeSeason, lower = 1, null.ok = TRUE, add = errorMessages)
  checkmate::assertInt(minCasesForTimeCovariates, lower = 1, add = errorMessages)
  checkmate::assertLogical(eventDependentObservation, len = 1, add = errorMessages)
  checkmate::reportAssertions(collection = errorMessages)
  if (!is.null(minCasesForAgeSeason)) {
    warning("Argument 'minCasesForAgeSeason' in 'createSccsIntervalData()' is deprecated. Use 'minCasesForTimeCovariates' instead.")
    minCasesForTimeCovariates <- minCasesForAgeSeason

  start <- Sys.time()

  timeCovariateCases <- numeric(0)
  if (!is.null(ageCovariateSettings) ||
      !is.null(seasonalityCovariateSettings) ||
      !is.null(calendarTimeCovariateSettings)) {
    if (nrow(studyPopulation$cases) > minCasesForTimeCovariates) {
      timeCovariateCases <- sample(studyPopulation$cases$caseId, minCasesForTimeCovariates, replace = FALSE)

  settings <- list()
  settings$metaData <- list()
  settings$covariateRef <- tibble()
  settings <- addEventDependentObservationSettings(
  if (eventDependentObservation && settings$metaData$censorModel$model %in% c(1, 3) && !is.null(ageCovariateSettings)) {
    warning("Optimal censoring model adjusts for age, so removing age as separate covariate.")
    ageCovariateSettings <- NULL
  settings <- addAgeSettings(settings, ageCovariateSettings, studyPopulation)
  settings <- addSeasonalitySettings(settings, seasonalityCovariateSettings, sccsData)
  settings <- addCalendarTimeSettings(settings, calendarTimeCovariateSettings, studyPopulation, sccsData)

  settings <- addEraCovariateSettings(settings, eraCovariateSettings, sccsData)
  settings$metaData$covariateSettingsList <- cleanCovariateSettingsList(settings$covariateSettingsList)
  metaData <- append(studyPopulation$metaData, settings$metaData)
  metaData$design <- "SCCS"

  if (nrow(studyPopulation$outcomes) == 0) {
    sccsIntervalData <- createEmptySccsIntervalData()
    metaData$error <- "Error: No cases left"
    attr(sccsIntervalData, "metaData") <- metaData
    class(sccsIntervalData) <- "SccsIntervalData"
    attr(class(sccsIntervalData), "package") <- "SelfControlledCaseSeries"

  message("Converting person data to SCCS intervals. This might take a while.")
  # Ensure all sorted bv caseId:
  cases <- studyPopulation$cases[order(studyPopulation$cases$caseId), ]
  outcomes <- studyPopulation$outcomes[order(studyPopulation$outcomes$caseId), ]
  eras <- sccsData$eras %>%
  data <- Andromeda::andromeda()

    cases = cases,
    outcomes = outcomes,
    eras = eras,
    includeAge = !is.null(ageCovariateSettings),
    ageOffset = settings$ageOffset,
    ageDesignMatrix = settings$ageDesignMatrix,
    includeSeason = !is.null(seasonalityCovariateSettings),
    seasonDesignMatrix = settings$seasonDesignMatrix,
    includeCalendarTime = !is.null(calendarTimeCovariateSettings),
    calendarTimeOffset = settings$calendarTimeOffset,
    calendarTimeDesignMatrix = settings$calendarTimeDesignMatrix,
    timeCovariateCases = timeCovariateCases,
    covariateSettingsList = settings$covariateSettingsList,
    eventDependentObservation = eventDependentObservation,
    censorModel = settings$censorModel,
    scri = FALSE,
    controlIntervalId = 0,
    resultAndromeda = data

  if (is.null(data$outcomes) || is.null(data$covariates)) {
    warning("Conversion resulted in empty data set. Perhaps no one with the outcome had any exposure of interest?")
    data <- createEmptySccsIntervalData()
    if (nrow(settings$covariateRef) > 0) {
      data$covariateRef <- settings$covariateRef
  } else {
    metaData$covariateStatistics <- collect(data$covariateStatistics)
    data$covariateStatistics <- NULL
    data$covariateRef <- settings$covariateRef
  metaData$attrition <- bind_rows(
    countOutcomesIntervalData(data, sccsData, metaData$outcomeId)
  attr(data, "metaData") <- metaData
  class(data) <- "SccsIntervalData"
  attr(class(data), "package") <- "SelfControlledCaseSeries"

  delta <- Sys.time() - start
  message(paste("Generating SCCS interval data took", signif(delta, 3), attr(delta, "units")))

createEmptySccsIntervalData <- function() {
  sccsIntervalData <- Andromeda::andromeda(
    outcomes = tibble(
      rowId = 1,
      stratumId = 1,
      time = 1,
      y = 1
    )[-1, ],
    covariates = tibble(
      rowId = 1,
      stratumId = 1,
      covariateId = 1,
      covariateValue = 1
    )[-1, ],
    covariateRef = tibble(
      covariateId = 1,
      covariateName = "",
      originalEraId = 1,
      originalEraName = "",
      originalEraType = "",
      covariateAnalysisId = 1
    )[-1, ]

addAgeSettings <- function(settings,
                           studyPopulation) {
  if (is.null(ageCovariateSettings)) {
    settings$ageOffset <- 0
    settings$ageDesignMatrix <- matrix()
  } else {
    if (length(ageCovariateSettings$ageKnots) == 1) {
      ageKnots <- studyPopulation$outcomes %>%
        inner_join(studyPopulation$cases, by = join_by("caseId")) %>%
        transmute(outcomeAge = .data$outcomeDay + .data$ageAtObsStart) %>%
        pull() %>%
        quantile(seq(0.01, 0.99, length.out = ageCovariateSettings$ageKnots))
    } else {
      ageKnots <- ageCovariateSettings$ageKnots
    if (length(ageKnots) > nrow(studyPopulation$outcomes)) {
      warning("There are more age knots than cases. Removing age from model")
      settings$ageOffset <- 0
      settings$ageDesignMatrix <- matrix()
    settings$ageOffset <- ageKnots[1]
    settings$ageDesignMatrix <- splines::bs(ageKnots[1]:ageKnots[length(ageKnots)],
                                            knots = ageKnots[2:(length(ageKnots) - 1)],
                                            Boundary.knots = ageKnots[c(1, length(ageKnots))],
                                            degree = 2)
    splineCovariateRef <- tibble(
      covariateId = 100:(100 + length(ageKnots) - 1),
      covariateName = paste(
        "Age spline component",
      originalEraId = 0,
      originalEraType = "",
      originalEraName = ""
    settings$covariateRef <- bind_rows(settings$covariateRef, splineCovariateRef)
    age <- list(
      ageKnots = ageKnots,
      covariateIds = splineCovariateRef$covariateId,
      allowRegularization = ageCovariateSettings$allowRegularization,
      computeConfidenceIntervals = ageCovariateSettings$computeConfidenceIntervals
    settings$metaData$age <- age

addSeasonalitySettings <- function(settings, seasonalityCovariateSettings, sccsData) {
  if (is.null(seasonalityCovariateSettings)) {
    settings$seasonDesignMatrix <- matrix()
  } else {
    if (length(seasonalityCovariateSettings$seasonKnots) == 1) {
      # Single number, should interpret as number of knots. Spread out knots evenly:
      seasonKnots <- 0.5 + seq(0, 12, length.out = seasonalityCovariateSettings$seasonKnots)
    } else {
      seasonKnots <- seasonalityCovariateSettings$seasonKnots
    settings$seasonDesignMatrix <- cyclicSplineDesign(1:12, knots = seasonKnots)
    splineCovariateRef <- tibble(
      covariateId = 200:(200 + length(seasonKnots) - 2),
      covariateName = paste(
        "Seasonality spline component",
        1:(length(seasonKnots) - 1)
      originalEraId = 0,
      originalEraType = "",
      originalEraName = ""
    settings$covariateRef <- bind_rows(settings$covariateRef, splineCovariateRef)
    seasonality <- list(
      seasonKnots = seasonKnots,
      covariateIds = splineCovariateRef$covariateId,
      allowRegularization = seasonalityCovariateSettings$allowRegularization,
      computeConfidenceIntervals = seasonalityCovariateSettings$computeConfidenceIntervals
    settings$metaData$seasonality <- seasonality

addCalendarTimeSettings <- function(settings,
                                    sccsData) {
  if (is.null(calendarTimeCovariateSettings)) {
    settings$calendarTimeOffset <- 0
    settings$calendarTimeDesignMatrix <- matrix()
  } else if ((length(calendarTimeCovariateSettings$calendarTimeKnots) == 1 &&
              calendarTimeCovariateSettings$calendarTimeKnots > nrow(studyPopulation$outcomes)) ||
             (length(calendarTimeCovariateSettings$calendarTimeKnots) > nrow(studyPopulation$outcomes))) {
    warning("There are more calendar time knots than cases. Removing calendar time from model")
    settings$calendarTimeOffset <- 0
    settings$calendarTimeDesignMatrix <- matrix()
  } else {
    if (length(calendarTimeCovariateSettings$calendarTimeKnots) == 1) {
      observationPeriodCounts <- computeObservedPerMonth(studyPopulation) %>%
      total <- sum(observationPeriodCounts$observationPeriodCount)
      studyPeriods <- attr(sccsData, "metaData")$studyPeriods
      if (is.null(studyPeriods)) {
        studyPeriods <- tibble(studyStartMonth = -Inf, studyEndMonth = Inf)
      } else {
        studyPeriods <- studyPeriods %>%
          transmute(studyStartMonth = convertDateToMonth(.data$studyStartDate),
                    studyEndMonth =  convertDateToMonth(.data$studyEndDate)) %>%
      calendarTimeKnotsInPeriods <- list()
      for (i in seq_len(nrow(studyPeriods))) {
        countsInPeriod <- observationPeriodCounts %>%
          filter(.data$month >= studyPeriods$studyStartMonth[i],
                 .data$month <= studyPeriods$studyEndMonth[i]) %>%
          mutate(cumCount = cumsum(.data$observationPeriodCount))
        totalInPeriod <- sum(countsInPeriod$observationPeriodCount)
        # Evenly divide free knots (knots not at boundary) over periods:
        freeKnotsInPeriod <- round((calendarTimeCovariateSettings$calendarTimeKnots - 2) * (totalInPeriod / total))
        knotsInPeriod <- freeKnotsInPeriod + 2
        cutoffs <- totalInPeriod * seq(0.005, 0.995, length.out = knotsInPeriod)
        calendarTimeKnots <- rep(0, knotsInPeriod)
        for (j in seq_len(knotsInPeriod)) {
          calendarTimeKnots[j] <- min(countsInPeriod$month[countsInPeriod$cumCount >= cutoffs[j]])
        calendarTimeKnotsInPeriods[[length(calendarTimeKnotsInPeriods) + 1]] <- calendarTimeKnots
    } else {
      knotDates <- calendarTimeCovariateSettings$calendarTimeKnots
      calendarTimeKnotsInPeriods <- list(sort(convertDateToMonth(knotDates)))
    firstKnot <- calendarTimeKnotsInPeriods[[1]][1]
    lastKnot <- last(calendarTimeKnotsInPeriods[[length(calendarTimeKnotsInPeriods)]])
    settings$calendarTimeOffset <- firstKnot
    settings$calendarTimeDesignMatrix <- createMultiSegmentDesignMatrix(
      x = seq(firstKnot, lastKnot),
      knotsPerSegment = calendarTimeKnotsInPeriods
    splineCovariateRef <- tibble(
      covariateId = 300 + seq_len(ncol(settings$calendarTimeDesignMatrix)) - 1,
      covariateName = paste(
        "Calendar time spline component",
      originalEraId = 0,
      originalEraType = "",
      originalEraName = ""
    settings$covariateRef <- bind_rows(settings$covariateRef, splineCovariateRef)
    calendarTime <- list(
      calendarTimeKnotsInPeriods = calendarTimeKnotsInPeriods,
      covariateIds = splineCovariateRef$covariateId,
      allowRegularization = calendarTimeCovariateSettings$allowRegularization,
      computeConfidenceIntervals = calendarTimeCovariateSettings$computeConfidenceIntervals
    settings$metaData$calendarTime <- calendarTime

createMultiSegmentDesignMatrix <- function(x, knotsPerSegment) {
  for (i in seq_along(knotsPerSegment)) {
    knots <- knotsPerSegment[[i]]
    boundaryKnots <- knots[c(1, length(knots))]
    innerKnots <- setdiff(knots, boundaryKnots)
    designMatrix <- splines::bs(x = x[x >= boundaryKnots[1] & x <= boundaryKnots[2]],
                                knots = innerKnots,
                                Boundary.knots = boundaryKnots,
                                degree = if(length(innerKnots) == 0) 1 else 2)
    if (i == 1) {
      rowsToFillWithNew <- sum(x < boundaryKnots[1])
      if (rowsToFillWithNew == 0) {
        fullDesignMatrix <- designMatrix
      } else {
        filler <- designMatrix[rep(1, rowsToFillWithNew), ]
        fullDesignMatrix <- rbind(filler,
    } else {
      priorMatrix <- cbind(fullDesignMatrix,
                           matrix(0, nrow = nrow(fullDesignMatrix), ncol = ncol(designMatrix)))
      newMatrix <- cbind(matrix(0, nrow = nrow(designMatrix), ncol = ncol(fullDesignMatrix)),
      xToFill <- x[x > lastBoundary & x < boundaryKnots[1]]
      rowsToFillWithPrior <- sum(xToFill - lastBoundary < boundaryKnots[1] - xToFill)
      rowsToFillWithNew <- length(xToFill) - rowsToFillWithPrior
      filler <- rbind(priorMatrix[rep(nrow(priorMatrix), rowsToFillWithPrior), ],
                      newMatrix[rep(1, rowsToFillWithNew), ])
      fullDesignMatrix <- rbind(priorMatrix,
    lastBoundary <- boundaryKnots[2]
  rowsToFillWithPrior <- sum(x > lastBoundary)
  if (rowsToFillWithPrior != 0) {
    filler <- fullDesignMatrix[rep(nrow(fullDesignMatrix), rowsToFillWithPrior), ]
    fullDesignMatrix <- rbind(fullDesignMatrix, filler)

convertDateToMonth <- function(date) {
  return(as.numeric(format(date, "%Y")) * 12 + as.numeric(format(date, "%m")) - 1)

computeMonthFraction <- function(date, post = FALSE) {
  # For simplicity assume all months have 31 days. Could use lubridate package to be more precise.
  # Assume day itself is included
  if (post) {
    return((31-as.numeric(format(date, "%d")) + 1)/31)
  } else {
    return(as.numeric(format(date, "%d"))/31)

convertMonthToStartDate <- function(month) {
  year <- floor(month / 12)
  month <- floor(month %% 12) + 1

convertMonthToEndDate <- function(month) {
  year <- floor(month / 12)
  month <- floor(month %% 12) + 1
  year <- if_else(month == 12, year + 1, year)
  month <- if_else(month == 12, 1, month + 1)
  )) - 1)

computeObservedPerMonth <- function(studyPopulation) {
  observationPeriods <- studyPopulation$cases %>%
      startDate = .data$observationPeriodStartDate + .data$startDay,
      endDate = .data$observationPeriodStartDate + .data$endDay
    ) %>%
      startMonth = convertDateToMonth(.data$startDate),
      endMonth = convertDateToMonth(.data$endDate) + 1
    ) %>%
    select("startMonth", "endMonth")

  months <- full_join(
    observationPeriods %>%
      group_by(.data$startMonth) %>%
      summarise(startCount = n()) %>%
      rename(month = "startMonth"),
    observationPeriods %>%
      group_by(.data$endMonth) %>%
      summarise(endCount = n()) %>%
      rename(month = "endMonth"),
    by = "month"
  ) %>%
      startCount = ifelse(is.na(.data$startCount), 0, .data$startCount),
      endCount = ifelse(is.na(.data$endCount), 0, .data$endCount)

  # Adding months with no starts and ends:
  if (nrow(months) > 0) {
    months <- months %>%
      full_join(tibble(month = min(months$month):max(months$month)), by = "month") %>%
        startCount = if_else(is.na(.data$startCount), 0, .data$startCount),
        endCount = if_else(is.na(.data$endCount), 0, .data$endCount)
  months <- months %>%
    arrange(.data$month) %>%
      cumStarts = cumsum(.data$startCount),
      cumEnds = cumsum(.data$endCount)
    ) %>%
    mutate(observationPeriodCount = .data$cumStarts - .data$cumEnds) %>%
    select("month", "observationPeriodCount") %>%


addEventDependentObservationSettings <- function(settings,
                                                 studyPopulation) {
  if (!eventDependentObservation) {
    settings$censorModel <- list(model = 0, p = c(0))
  } else {
    data <- studyPopulation$outcomes %>%
      group_by(.data$caseId) %>%
      summarise(outcomeDay = min(.data$outcomeDay)) %>%
      inner_join(studyPopulation$cases, by = join_by("caseId")) %>%
        astart = .data$ageAtObsStart + .data$startDay,
        aend = .data$ageAtObsStart + .data$endDay + 1,
        aevent = .data$ageAtObsStart + .data$outcomeDay + 1,
        present = .data$noninformativeEndCensor == 1
    settings$censorModel <- fitModelsAndPickBest(data)
    settings$metaData$censorModel <- settings$censorModel

addEraCovariateSettings <- function(settings, eraCovariateSettings, sccsData) {
  if (is.list(eraCovariateSettings) && !is(eraCovariateSettings, "EraCovariateSettings")) {
    eraCovariateSettingsList <- eraCovariateSettings
  } else {
    eraCovariateSettingsList <- list(eraCovariateSettings)
  eraRef <- sccsData$eraRef %>%

  # Iterate over different covariate settings. Assign unique IDs, and store in covariateRef:
  outputId <- 1000
  for (i in 1:length(eraCovariateSettingsList)) {
    covariateSettings <- eraCovariateSettingsList[[i]]
    covariateSettings$covariateAnalysisId <- 1

    if (is.null(covariateSettings$label)) {
      covariateSettings$label <- "Covariate"
    if (is.null(covariateSettings$includeEraIds) || length(covariateSettings$includeEraIds) == 0) {
      covariateSettings$eraIds <- eraRef %>%
        filter(.data$eraType != "hoi") %>%
        select("eraId") %>%
    } else {
      covariateSettings$eraIds <- covariateSettings$includeEraIds
    if (!is.null(covariateSettings$excludeEraIds) && length(covariateSettings$excludeEraIds) != 0) {
      covariateSettings$eraIds <- covariateSettings$eraIds[!covariateSettings$eraIds %in% covariateSettings$excludeEraIds]

    if (!covariateSettings$stratifyById) {
      # stratifyById == FALSE
      covariateSettings$outputIds <- as.matrix(outputId)
      if (!covariateSettings$isControlInterval) {
        if (length(covariateSettings$eraIds) == 1) {
          originalEraId <- covariateSettings$eraIds
        } else {
          originalEraId <- 0
        exposureId <- covariateSettings$eraIds
        newCovariateRef <- tibble(
          covariateId = outputId,
          covariateName = covariateSettings$label,
          covariateAnalysisId = i,
          originalEraId = originalEraId,
          originalEraType = "",
          originalEraName = "",
          isControlInterval = covariateSettings$isControlInterval
        settings$covariateRef <- bind_rows(settings$covariateRef, newCovariateRef)
      outputId <- outputId + 1
    } else {
      # stratifyById == TRUE
      # Create a unique output ID for every covariate ID:
      outputIds <- outputId:(outputId + length(covariateSettings$eraIds) - 1)
      covariateSettings$outputIds <- matrix(outputIds, ncol = 1)
      outputId <- outputId + length(outputIds)
      varNames <- eraRef[eraRef$eraId %in% covariateSettings$eraIds, ]
      if (nrow(varNames) == 0) {
        warning(paste0("Could not find era with ID ", covariateSettings$eraIds, " in data"))
      } else {
        varNames <- varNames %>%
            originalEraId = .data$eraId,
            originalEraType = .data$eraType,
            originalEraName = .data$eraName,
            covariateName = paste(covariateSettings$label,
                                  sep = ": "
            isControlInterval = FALSE

        newCovariateRef <- tibble(
          covariateId = outputIds,
          covariateAnalysisId = i,
          originalEraId = covariateSettings$eraIds
        ) %>%
          left_join(varNames, by = join_by("originalEraId"))
        settings$covariateRef <- bind_rows(settings$covariateRef, newCovariateRef)
    eraCovariateSettingsList[[i]] <- covariateSettings
  settings$covariateSettingsList <- eraCovariateSettingsList

#' Create a design matrix for a cyclic spline
#' @details
#' This function is used by other functions in this package.
#' @param x       Vector of coordinates of the points to be interpolated.
#' @param knots   Location of the knots.
#' @param ord     Order of the spline function. `ord = 3` implies quadratic.
#' @export
cyclicSplineDesign <- function(x, knots, ord = 3) {
  errorMessages <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assertNumeric(x, min.len = 1, add = errorMessages)
  checkmate::assertNumeric(knots, min.len = 1, add = errorMessages)
  checkmate::assertInt(ord, lower = 2, add = errorMessages)
  checkmate::reportAssertions(collection = errorMessages)

  # Borrowed from mgcv::cSplineDes
  nk <- length(knots)
  if (ord < 2) {
    stop("order too low")
  if (nk < ord) {
    stop("too few knots")
  knots <- sort(knots)
  k1 <- knots[1]
  if (min(x) < k1 || max(x) > knots[nk]) {
    stop("x out of range")
  xc <- knots[nk - ord + 1]
  knots <- c(k1 - (knots[nk] - knots[(nk - ord + 1):(nk - 1)]), knots)
  ind <- x > xc
  X1 <- splines::splineDesign(knots, x, ord, outer.ok = TRUE)
  x[ind] <- x[ind] - max(knots) + k1
  if (sum(ind)) {
    X2 <- splines::splineDesign(knots, x[ind], ord, outer.ok = TRUE)
    X1[ind, ] <- X1[ind, ] + X2

countOutcomesIntervalData <- function(data, sccsData, outcomeId) {
  data$outcomes %>%
    inner_join(select(sccsData$cases, stratumId = "caseId", "personId"), by = join_by("stratumId"), copy = TRUE) %>%
      outcomeSubjects = n_distinct(.data$personId),
      outcomeEvents = sum(.data$y, na.rm = TRUE),
      outcomeObsPeriods = n_distinct(.data$stratumId),
      observedDays = sum(.data$time, na.rm = TRUE)
    ) %>%
    collect() %>%
      outcomeId = !!outcomeId,
      description = "Having at least one covariate",
      outcomeEvents = ifelse(is.na(.data$outcomeEvents), 0, .data$outcomeEvents),
      observedDays = ifelse(is.na(.data$observedDays), 0, .data$observedDays)
    ) %>%
OHDSI/SelfControlledCaseSeries documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 7:30 p.m.