### Class Definition
#' S4 Class for union of data.frame, matrix, and tibble
#' An S4 class for a union of data.frame, matrix, and tibble
#' @rdname dfOrMtx
#' @aliases dfOrMtx
#' @docType class
#' @exportClass dfOrMtx
setClassUnion("dfOrMtx", c("data.frame", "matrix", "tbl_df"))
#' S4 Class for a waveST
#' The waveST class stores the data and additional result after computing.
#' @section Slots:
#' \describe{
#' \item{data}{original data, cell(n)-by-gene(p) matrix, can be matrix/data.frame/tibble}
#' \item{spatial}{cell(n)-by-location(2) matrix, representing coordinates of each cell, see "details"}
#' \item{input}{location(D^2)-by-gene(2) matrix, representing gene expression over location}
#' \item{output}{a list containing SVD-like output: factors, diagonal matrix, loadings, fitted values, see "details"}
#' }
#' @name waveST-class
#' @rdname waveST-class
#' @aliases waveST-class
#' @docType class
#' @exportClass waveST
#' @author Zhuoyan Xu \email{zhuoyan.xu@wisc.edu}
#' @note The decomposition in this package require a waveST input.
#' @details If \code{spatial} is not given, the class assumes the data is generated input: location(D^2)-by-gene(2).
#' The class set \code{input} = \code{data}, this is useful when we already have location(D^2)-by-gene(2)
#' matrix (like settings in simulations).
#' The content of \code{output} depends on whether use wavelet, and the decomposition methods.
#' The \code{output} is NA once created. The values will be updated once called \code{\link{decompse}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' wave = new("waveST", data = matrix(rnorm(6), 2, 3))
setClass("waveST", representation(
data = "dfOrMtx", spatial = "dfOrMtx", input = "dfOrMtx",
output = "list"
prototype = list(
spatial = matrix(),
input = matrix(),
output = list()
### Creation of waveST from data
#' waveST Constructor
#' Create a \code{\link{waveST}} object from an \code{data.frame}, \code{matrix}, or \code{tibble}.
#' @docType methods
#' @export
#' @name waveST
#' @rdname waveST
#' @aliases waveST
#' @param data an instance of \code{data.frame}, \code{matrix}, or \code{tibble}, representing riginal data, cell(n)-by-gene(p) matrix,
#' @param spatial cell(n)-by-location(2) matrix, representing coordinates of each cell, see "details"
#' @param input location(D^2)-by-gene(2) matrix, representing gene expression over location
#' @param level the scale for the gene expression image after input generation, the size of images for input generation should be 2^level
#' @return a \code{\link{waveST}} object
#' @details If \code{spatial} is not given, the class assumes the data is generated input: location(D^2)-by-gene(2).
#' The class set \code{input} = \code{data}, this is useful when we already have location(D^2)-by-gene(2)
#' matrix (like settings in simulations).
#' The content of \code{output} depends on whether use wavelet, and the decomposition methods.
#' The \code{output} is NA once created. The values will be updated once called \code{\link{decompse}}.
#' @examples
#' res = kOverA_ST(k = 3, A = 7)
#' viz = res$viz
#' df = res$df
#' wave = waveST(data = df, spatial = viz)
waveST = function(data, spatial = NA, input = NA, level = 6) {
if (sum(is.na(spatial)) == 1) {
spatial = matrix()
input = data
} else {
# if given raw data and saptial matrix, run Algorithm 1: Input Generation
## transfer n*p matrix to grid by gene D^2*p matrix
## gridValue is coor image, gridls is a long list with length p (num of genes),
gridls = gridGeneRaw(spatial, data, level = level)
input = gridls %>%
map_dfc(~ as.vector(.))
new("waveST", data = data, spatial = spatial, input = input)
## Main workflow shown in diagram
#' waveST decomposition
#' Decompose input in \code{\link{waveST}} object with wavelet transformation and threshold
#' @docType methods
#' @export
#' @name decompose
#' @rdname decompose
#' @aliases decompose
#' @param waveST an \code{waveST} class
#' @param wavemethod a vector showing whether whether we use wavelet transformation, "raw" means we decompose
#' directly without wavelet technique, "wave" means we apply wavelet transformation and shrinkage technique
#' @param decom_method Matrix decomposition method, "SVD" or "EBMF"
#' @param K The estimated number of factors, use "elbow" method to estimate it if not given
#' @param bar threshold for selecting number of factors, \code{K}, useless if \code{is already given}, see "details"
#' @param wf name of the wavelet filter to use
#' @param J depth of the wavelet basis decomposition, must be a number less than or equal to log(min(M,N),2)
#' @param thresholdMethod wavelet shrinkage method used "hybrid" thresholding or "manual" thresholding, see "details"
#' @param tau constant threshold when using manual thresholding
#' @return a \code{\link{waveST}} object with \code{output} updated, see "details"
#' @details If the number of factors \code{K} is not given, the use \code{bar} to select \code{K}, it
#' conduct SVD first,only keep the singular values larger than \code{bar}, the number of
#' kept values are selected \code{K}.
#' The "hybrid" thresholding or "manual" thresholding, see \code{\link{WaveTransCoefs}}.
#' The output contains:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \code{f} factor matrix, representing factor genes
#' \item \code{D} middle diagonal matrix
#' \item \code{l} loading matrix
#' \item \code{recon} The fitted reconstruction matrix, estimated data
#' }
#' If wavelet method is used, \code{f}, \code{D}, \code{l} cooresponding to the decomposition
#' result for coefficient matrix. \code{recon} is still the fitted matrix of original input.
#' @examples
#' res = kOverA_ST(k = 3, A = 7)
#' viz = res$viz
#' df = res$df
#' wave = waveST(data = df[, 1:5], spatial = viz)
#' wave = decompose(wave, "raw", "SVD", K = 5)
decompose = function(waveST, wavemethod = c("raw", "wave"), decom_method = c("SVD", "EBMF"),
K = NULL, bar = 500, wf = "d4", J = 5, thresholdMethod = "manual", tau = 0) {
stopifnot(is(waveST) == "waveST")
raws = waveST@input
if (wavemethod == "raw") {
if (decom_method == "SVD") {
waveST@output = decomp2(raws, wavemethod = "raw", decom_method = "SVD", K = K, threshold = bar)
} else if (decom_method == "EBMF") {
waveST@output = decomp2(raws, wavemethod = "raw", decom_method = "EBMF", K = K, threshold = bar)
} else if (wavemethod == "wave") {
if (decom_method == "SVD") {
waveST@output = decomp2(raws,
wavemethod = "wave", decom_method = "SVD", K = K, threshold = bar,
wf = wf, J = J, thresholdMethod = thresholdMethod, tau = tau
} else if (decom_method == "EBMF") {
waveST@output = decomp2(raws,
wavemethod = "wave", decom_method = "EBMF", K = K, threshold = bar,
wf = wf, J = J, thresholdMethod = thresholdMethod, tau = tau
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