
#' Create new R script
#' @param name character indicating name of script to create
#' @param overwrite logical. Whether to overwrite existing file (default = FALSE)
#' @param open_file logical. Whether function should open script (default = TRUE)
#' @param libs character. What libraries to add.
#' @export
new_script <- function(name, overwrite = FALSE, open_file = TRUE, libs=c("MSDproject")) {
    ## create black script with comment fields. Add new_script to git
  if (name != basename(name)) 
    stop("name must not be a path")
  to_path <- file.path(scripts_dir(), name)  ## destination path
  if (file.exists(to_path) & !overwrite) 
    stop(paste(to_path, "already exists. Rerun with overwrite = TRUE"))
  s <- c(paste0("## ", "Author: ", Sys.info()["user"]), paste0("## ", "First created: ", 
                                                               Sys.Date()), paste0("## ", "Description: "), paste0("## ", 
                                                                                                                   "Keywords: "), "", "########################################", "## load packages and source functions here", 
         "", paste0("library(",libs,")"), "", "########################################", 
         "## main script here", "")
  writeLines(s, to_path)
  if (open_file) 

## how to have multiple paths on the code_library Can add them in order to the search
## path

#' Create a recursive dependency_tree of file names
#' @param from character. file name or path of file to copy
#' @param already_got logical. Default = NULL. If true will terminate loop
#' Used by copy_script. Creates an an ordered vector of script dependencies.
dependency_tree <- function(from, already_got = NULL) {
  ## This is a difficult to understand function - it's recursive
  if (!file.exists(from)) 
    stop("can't find \"from\" file")
  suppressWarnings(s0 <- readLines(from))
  s0 <- parse(text = s0)
  calling_env <- environment()
  depends.on <- unique(unlist(lapply(s0,depends_find)))
  if (length(depends.on) == 0) 
  if (!identical(depends.on, basename(depends.on))) 
    stop("Can't read dependencies as full paths")
  if (length(intersect(depends.on, c(basename(from), already_got))) > 0) 
    stop("Circular dependency detected")
  ## recursively call function
  depends.on <- c(unlist(sapply(depends.on, function(i) dependency_tree(file.path(dirname(from), i), depends.on))), depends.on)
  names(depends.on) <- NULL

depends_find <- function(x){
  if(is.name(x) || is.atomic(x)) {
  } else if(is.call(x)){
    lhs <- character()
        lhs <- basename(as.character(x[[2]]))
  } else if(is.pairlist(x)){
  } else {
    stop("Don't know how to handle type ", typeof(x), 
         call. = FALSE)

#' Copy script to project directory
#' Will search code library and copy script and dependencies into scripts directory.
#' Script will also be stamped with source location, time and user information
#' @param from character. file name or path of file to copy
#' @param to character. file name file to create
#' @param dependencies logical. Default = TRUE. will script copy dependencies
#' @param stamp_copy logical. Create a commented timestamp at beginning of file
#' @param overwrite logical. Overwrite 'to' file if exists?
#' @param comment_char character. Comment character
#' @param alt_paths character vector. paths to other candidate files to search
#' @param proj_path character. Default = current working directory. path to MSDproject
#' @export
copy_script <- function(from, to, dependencies = TRUE, stamp_copy = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE, 
                        comment_char = "#", alt_paths, proj_path = ".") {
  ## User function: copies script from one location (e.g. code_library) to project
  ## scripts directory
  if (missing(from)) 
    stop("need \"from\" argument")
  onlyfrom <- missing(to)
  if (missing(to)) 
    to <- basename(from)
  if (to != basename(to)) 
    stop("name must not be a path")
  to_path <- file.path(scripts_dir(proj_path), to)  ## destination path
  if (file.exists(to_path) & !overwrite) 
    stop(paste(to_path, "already exists. Rerun with overwrite = TRUE"))
  use_code_library <- missing(alt_paths)
  if (onlyfrom) 
    from_path <- locate_file(from, search_path = NULL) else from_path <- locate_file(from, search_path = scripts_dir(proj_path))
  if (length(from_path) == 0) {
    ## if file is not found directory or in scripts.dir
    if (use_code_library) 
      alt_paths <- getOption("code_library_path")
    from_path <- locate_file(from, search_path = alt_paths, recursive = TRUE)
    if (length(from_path) == 0) 
      stop(paste(from, "not found"))
    if (length(from_path) > 1 & use_code_library) 
      stop("Matched more than one file with that name in code library.\n Try:\n  1) specifying full path OR\n  2) ensuring getOption(\"code_library_path\") points to non-overlapping directories")
    if (length(from_path) > 1 & !use_code_library) 
      stop("Matched more than one file with that name in alt_paths.\n Try specifying full path")
  from <- from_path
  ## assume dependencies are in the same directory: dirname(from_path) dependencies
  ## should not be from_path current directory
  if (dependencies) {
    depends.on <- dependency_tree(from_path)
    if (length(depends.on) > 0) 
      message("Copying dependencies...")
    for (i in depends.on) {
      if (file.exists(file.path(scripts_dir(proj_path), i))) 
        message(paste("Dependency", file.path(getOption("scripts.dir"), i), "already exists. Will not overwrite")) else copy_script(file.path(dirname(from_path), i), dependencies = FALSE, 
                                                                                                                                    alt_paths = alt_paths)
  suppressWarnings(s0 <- readLines(from_path))
  ## modify text at top of 'from_path'
  if (stamp_copy) 
    s <- c(paste0(comment_char, comment_char, " Copied from ", from_path, "\n##  (", 
                  Sys.time(), ") by ", Sys.info()["user"]), s0) else s <- s0
  writeLines(s, to_path)

#' Copy file to project directory
#' Will copy any file from an external location (e.g. code library) into project
#' No modification of that file will take place
#' @param from character. file name or path of file to copy
#' @param dest character. file name file to create
#' @param overwrite logical. Overwrite 'to' file if exists?
#' @param alt_paths character vector. paths to other candidate files to search
#' @param version_control logical. Should file be added to version control (default = FALSE)
#' @export

copy_file <- function(from, dest, overwrite = FALSE, alt_paths, version_control=FALSE) {
  ## dest is the location direcdestry
  if (missing(from)) 
    stop("need \"from\" argument")
  dest_path <- normalizePath(dest, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
  use_code_library <- missing(alt_paths)
  from_path <- locate_file(from, search_path = NULL)
  if (length(from_path) == 0) {
    ## if file is not found directory or directory
    if (use_code_library) 
      alt_paths <- getOption("code_library_path")
    from_path <- locate_file(from, search_path = alt_paths, recursive = TRUE)
    if (length(from_path) == 0) 
      stop(paste(from, "not found"))
    if (length(from_path) > 1 & use_code_library) 
      stop("Matched more than one file with that name in code library.\n Try:\n  1) specifying full path OR\n  2) ensuring getOption(\"code_library_path\") points to non-overlapping directories")
    if (length(from_path) > 1 & !use_code_library) 
      stop("Matched more than one file with that name in alt_paths.\n Try specifying full path")
  file.copy(from_path, dest_path, overwrite = overwrite)

copy_directory <- function(){

detect_type <- function(x){
  ## detect type of x
  ##   if x = directory do copy_directory
  ##   if x = Rscript
  ##   if x = NM control file

copy_code <- function(x){
  type <- detect_type(x)
  ## Apply copy_x to it:
  ##  read in required contents of x
  ##  transform if necessary
  ##  return (list of) file contents with paths
  if(type %in% "Rscript"){
    #res <- get_contents_Rscript(x)
  if(type %in% "unknown"){
    #res <- get_contents_ascii(x)
  ## write and setup

#' Locate file from search path
#' Finds first file in search_path that exists
#' @param x string for file name
#' @param search_path vector of strings giving search path
#' @param recursive logical. Default TRUE. whether to do recusive search or not
#' @return Path of located file.  Returns error if file not found.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' locate_file('script.R',c('.','Scripts')) ## looks in current working directory, then Scripts folder
#' }
locate_file <- function(x, search_path = c("."), recursive = FALSE) {
  ## internal function: locate_file from an ordered vector of directories
  if (!is.null(x)) 
    if (file.exists(x)) 
      return(normalizePath(x, winslash = "/"))
  all_files <- unlist(lapply(search_path, function(dir) {
    x <- list.files(path = dir, all.files = TRUE, full.names = TRUE, recursive = recursive)
    if (length(x) > 0) 
      return(normalizePath(x, winslash = "/")) else return(character())
  all_files[grepl(paste0(x, "$"), all_files)]
Ollegst/MSDproject documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:37 a.m.