
#' search businesse on yelp
#' @param api_key string
#' @param location string. Required if either latitude or longitude is not provided. Specifies the combination of "address, neighborhood, city, state or zip, optional country" to be used when searching for businesses
#' @param latitude  decimal. Required if location is not provided. Latitude of the location you want to search nearby
#' @param longitude decimal. Required if location is not provided. Longitude of the location you want to search nearby
#' @param term string. Optional search term (e.g. "food", "restaurants"). If term isn’t included we search everything. The term keyword also accepts business names such as "Starbucks"
#' @param ... optional paramters [More](https://www.yelp.com/developers/documentation/v3/business_search)
#' @examples
#' # search businesses with keyword 'food' in New York
#' key <- "######"
#' business_search(key,
#'                 location = 'New York',
#'                 term = "chinese")
#' @return List with the following elements:
#' * total: Total number of business Yelp finds based on the search criteria. Sometimes, the value may exceed 1000. In such case, you still can only get up to 1000 businesses. total may be limited to 40 for non-default sorts such as "distance" and "review_count"
#' * businesses:  List of business Yelp finds based on the search criteria
#' * region: Suggested area in a map to display results in
#' @md
#' @import jsonlite
#' @import httr
#' @export

business_search <- function(api_key,
                             location = NULL,
                             latitude = NULL,
                             longitude = NULL,
                             term = NULL,

  parameters <-  parameters <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  parameters <-  parameters[2:length(parameters)]

  res <- GET("https://api.yelp.com/v3/businesses/search",
             add_headers(Authorization = prepare_header(api_key)),
             query = parameters)

  fromJSON(content(res, type = "text"))

# business_search2 <- function(api_key, parameters){
#   res <- GET("https://api.yelp.com/v3/businesses/search",
#              add_headers(Authorization = prepare_header(api_key)),
#              query = parameters)
#   fromJSON(content(res, type = "text"))
# }

#' Search businesses on yelp by id
#' @param api_key string
#' @param business_id business id
#' @examples
#' key <- "######"
#' business_lookup_id(key, 'gary-danko-san-francisco')
#' @return
#' * categories: A list of category title and alias pairs associated with this business.
#' * coordinates: The coordinates of this business
#' * display_phone: Phone number of the business formatted nicely to be displayed to users. The format is the standard phone number format for the business's country.
#' * hours: Opening hours of the business
#' * id: Unique Yelp ID of this business. Example: '4kMBvIEWPxWkWKFN__8SxQ'
#' * alias: Unique Yelp alias of this business. Can contain unicode characters. Example: 'yelp-san-francisco'. Also see: [What's the difference between the Yelp business ID and business alias?](https://www.yelp.com/developers/faq#difference-between-id-and-alias)
#' * image_url: URL of photo for this business
#' * is_claimed: Whether business has been claimed by a business owner
#' * is_closed: Whether business has been (permanently) closed
#' * location: 	The location of this business, including address, city, state, zip code and country
#' * name: Name of this business
#' * phone: Phone number of the business
#' * photos: URLs of up to three photos of the business
#' * price: Price level of the business. Value is one of $, $$, $$$ and $$$$
#' * rating: Rating for this business (value ranges from 1, 1.5, ... 4.5, 5)
#' * review_count: Number of reviews for this business
#' * url: URL for business page on Yelp
#' * transactions: 	A list of Yelp transactions that the business is registered for. Current supported values are "pickup", "delivery", and "restaurant_reservation"
#' @md

#' @export
business_lookup_id <- function(api_key, business_id){

  endpoint_url <- paste0("https://api.yelp.com/v3/businesses/", business_id)

  res <- GET(endpoint_url,
             add_headers(Authorization = prepare_header(api_key)))

  fromJSON(content(res, type = "text"))

#' Return a list of businesses on yelp based on the provided phone number
#' @param api_key string
#' @param phone_number Phone number of the business you want to search for. It must start with + and include the country code, like +14159083801
#' @return List with the following elements:
#'  * total: Total number of business Yelp finds based on the search criteria. Sometimes, the value may exceed 1000. In such case, you still can only get up to 1000 businesses. total may be limited to 40 for non-default sorts such as "distance" and "review_count"
#' * businesses:  List of business Yelp finds based on the search criteria
#' @md
#' @examples
#' key <- "######"
#' business_search_phone(api_key = key, phone_number = '+14159083801')
#' @export

business_search_phone <- function(api_key, phone_number){

  res <- GET("https://api.yelp.com/v3/businesses/search/phone",
             add_headers(Authorization = prepare_header(api_key)),
             query = list(phone = phone_number))

  fromJSON(content(res, type = "text"))

#' return up to three review excerpts for a given business ordered by Yelp's default sort order
#' @param api_key string
#' @param business_id business id
#' @return List with the following elements:
#' * total: The total number of reviews that the business has
#' * reviews: A list of up to three reviews of this business
#' * possible_languages: A list of languages for which the business has at least one review
#' @md
#' @examples
#' key <- "######"
#' business_search_review(key, 'gary-danko-san-francisco')
#' @export

business_search_review <- function(api_key, business_id){

  endpoint_url <- paste0("https://api.yelp.com/v3/businesses/", business_id, "/reviews")

  res <- GET(endpoint_url,
             add_headers(Authorization = prepare_header(api_key)))

  fromJSON(content(res, type = "text"))

#' return autocomplete suggestions for search keywords, businesses and categories, based on the input text
#' @param api_key string
#' @param input_text Text to return autocomplete suggestions for
#' @param latitude Required if want to get autocomplete suggestions for businesses. Latitude of the location to look for business autocomplete suggestions.
#' @param longitude Required if want to get autocomplete suggestions for businesses. Longitude of the location to look for business autocomplete suggestions.
#' @return List with the following elements:
#' * terms: A list of term autocomplete suggestions based on the input text
#' * businesses: A list of business autocomplete suggestions based on the input text
#' * categories: A list of category autocomplete suggestions based on the input text
#' @md
#' @examples
#' key <- "######"
#' business_search_autocomplete(key, text = "star")
business_search_autocomplete <- function(api_key,
                                         latitude = NULL,
                                         longitude =  NULL,

  parameters <-  parameters <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  parameters <-  parameters[2:length(parameters)]

  res <- GET("https://api.yelp.com/v3/autocomplete",
             add_headers(Authorization = prepare_header(api_key)),
             query = parameters)

  fromJSON(content(res, type = "text"))

#'  return a list of businesses which support food delivery transactions.
#' @param api_key string
#' @param transaction_type string. transaction type like "delivery"
#' @param location Required when latitude and longitude aren't provided. Address of the location you want to deliver to
#' @param latitude Required when location isn't provided. Latitude of the location you want to deliver to.
#' @param longitude Required when location isn't provided. Longitude of the location you want to deliver to.
#' @return List with the following elements:
#' * total: The total number of business Yelp finds based on the search criteria. Sometimes, the value may exceed 1000. In such case, you still can only get up to 1000 businesses.
#' * businesses: A list of business Yelp finds based on the search criteria.
#' @md
#' @examples
#' key <- "######"
#' business_search_transaction(key,
#'                            transaction_type = "delivery",
#'                            longitude = "-122.399305736113", latitude = "37.787789124691")
#' business_search_transaction(key,
#'                            transaction_type = "delivery",
#'                            location = "94105")
#' @export

business_search_transaction <- function(api_key,
                                        transaction_type = "delivery",
                                        location = NULL,
                                        latitude = NULL,
                                        longitude = NULL

  parameters <-  parameters <- c(as.list(environment()))
  parameters <-  parameters[3:length(parameters)]

  endpoint_url <- paste0("https://api.yelp.com/v3/transactions/", transaction_type, "/search")

  res <- GET(endpoint_url,
             add_headers(Authorization = prepare_header(api_key)),
             query = parameters)

  fromJSON(content(res, type = "text"))

# business_search_transaction2 <- function(api_key,
#                                         transaction_type = "delivery",
#                                         parameters){
#   endpoint_url <- paste0("https://api.yelp.com/v3/transactions/", transaction_type, "/search")
#   res <- GET(endpoint_url,
#              add_headers(Authorization = prepare_header(api_key)),
#              query = parameters)
#   fromJSON(content(res, type = "text"))
# }

#'  match business data from other sources against businesses on Yelp, based on minimal provided information.
#' @description
#' These endpoints let you match business data from other sources against businesses on Yelp, based on minimal provided information. There are two different ways to do this:
#' * best match: This will only return 1 business that is the best match based on the information provided.
#' * lookup: This will return up to 10 businesses that are the best matches based on the information provided. Both endpoints have the same parameters and return the same response structure.
#' @param api_key string
#' @param type string. 'best match' or 'lookup'
#' @param name string. The name of the business. Maximum length is 64
#' @param city string. The city of the business. Maximum length is 64
#' @param state string. The ISO [3166-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2) with a few [exceptions](https://www.yelp.com/developers/documentation/v3/state_codes) state code of this business. Maximum length is 3.
#' @param country string. Required. The [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2) country code of this business. Maximum length is 2
#' @param ... optional parameters
#' @return
#' businesses: List of Yelp businesses matching the inputs
#' @examples
#' key <- "######"
#' business_match_name(key, "lookup",
#'                     name = "Good",
#'                     city = "San Francisco",
#'                     state = "CA",
#'                     country = "US",
#'                     postal_code = "12345")
#' @md
#' @export

business_match_name <- function(api_key,
                                type = "lookup",
                                name, city, state, country, ...){

  parameters <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
  parameters <-  parameters[3:length(parameters)]

  endpoint_url <- paste0("https://api.yelp.com/v3/businesses/matches/", type)

  res <- GET(endpoint_url,
             add_headers(Authorization = prepare_header(api_key)),
             query = parameters)

  fromJSON(content(res, type = "text"))

# business_match_name2 <- function(api_key,
#                                 type = "lookup",
#                                 parameters){
#   endpoint_url <- paste0("https://api.yelp.com/v3/businesses/matches/", type)
#   res <- GET(endpoint_url,
#              add_headers(Authorization = prepare_header(api_key)),
#              query = parameters)
#   fromJSON(content(res, type = "text"))
# }
OmaymaS/yelpr documentation built on May 15, 2019, 3:24 p.m.