#Exponential decay ###############################################
expoDecay.fun <- function(predictor, C0, k) {
C0 * exp(- k * predictor)
expoDecay.Init <- function(mCall, LHS, data, ...) {
xy <- sortedXyData(mCall[["predictor"]], LHS, data)
lmFit <- lm(log(xy[, "y"]) ~ xy[, "x"])
coefs <- coef(lmFit)
C0 <- exp(coefs[1])
k <- - coefs[2]
value <- c(C0, k)
names(value) <- mCall[c("C0", "k")]
NLS.expoDecay <- selfStart(expoDecay.fun, expoDecay.Init,
parameters=c("C0", "k"))
"DRC.expoDecay" <-
function(fixed = c(NA, NA), names = c("C0", "k"))
## Checking arguments
numParm <- 2
if (!is.character(names) | !(length(names) == numParm)) {stop("Not correct 'names' argument")}
if (!(length(fixed) == numParm)) {stop("Not correct 'fixed' argument")}
## Fixing parameters (using argument 'fixed')
notFixed <- is.na(fixed)
parmVec <- rep(0, numParm)
parmVec[!notFixed] <- fixed[!notFixed]
## Defining the non-linear function
fct <- function(x, parm)
parmMat <- matrix(parmVec, nrow(parm), numParm, byrow = TRUE)
parmMat[, notFixed] <- parm
init <- parmMat[, 1]; k <- parmMat[, 2]
init * exp ( - k * x )
## Defining self starter function
ssfct <- function(dataf)
x <- dataf[, 1]
y <- dataf[, 2]
## Linear regression on pseudo y values
pseudoY <- log( y + 0.000001)
coefs <- coef( lm(pseudoY ~ x) )
init <- exp(coefs[1])
m <- - coefs[2]
return(c(init, m)[notFixed])
## Defining names
pnames <- names[notFixed]
## Defining derivatives
deriv1 <- function(x, parms){
parmMat <- matrix(parmVec, nrow(parms),
numParm, byrow = TRUE)
parmMat[, notFixed] <- parms
# Approximation by using finite differences
a <- as.numeric(parmMat[,1])
b <- as.numeric(parmMat[,2])
d1.1 <- expoDecay.fun(x, a, b)
d1.2 <- expoDecay.fun(x, (a + 10e-7), b)
d1 <- (d1.2 - d1.1)/10e-7
d2.1 <- expoDecay.fun(x, a, b)
d2.2 <- expoDecay.fun(x, a, (b + 10e-7) )
d2 <- (d2.2 - d2.1)/10e-7
cbind(d1, d2)[notFixed]
## Defining the first derivative (in x=dose)
## based on deriv(~c+(d-c)*(exp(-exp(b*(log(x)-log(e))))), "x", function(x, b,c,d,e){})
derivx <- function(x, parm)
parmMat <- matrix(parmVec, nrow(parm), numParm, byrow = TRUE)
parmMat[, notFixed] <- parm
a <- as.numeric(parmMat[,1])
b <- as.numeric(parmMat[,2])
d1.1 <- expoGrowth.fun(x, a, b)
d1.2 <- expoGrowth.fun((x + 10e-7), a, b)
d1 <- (d1.2 - d1.1)/10e-7
## Defining the ED function
DT <- function(parms, respl, reference = "control", type="relative"){
dt.fun <- function (a, b, g){
log(a / g) / b
a <- as.numeric(parms[1])
b <- as.numeric(parms[2])
if(type == "relative"){
g <- respl/100
EDp <- dt.fun(a, b, g)
d1.1 <- dt.fun(a, b, g)
d1.2 <- dt.fun(a + 10e-6, b, g)
d1 <- (d1.2 - d1.1)/10e-6
d2.1 <- dt.fun(a, b, g)
d2.2 <- dt.fun(a, b + 10e-6, g)
d2 <- (d2.2 - d2.1)/10e-6
EDder <- c(d1, d2)
} else {
g <- respl
EDp <- dt.fun(a, b, g)
d1.1 <- dt.fun(a, b, g)
d1.2 <- dt.fun(a + 10e-6, b, g)
d1 <- (d1.2 - d1.1)/10e-6
d2.1 <- dt.fun(a, b, g)
d2.2 <- dt.fun(a, b + 10e-6, g)
d2 <- (d2.2 - d2.1)/10e-6
EDder <- c(d1, d2)
return(list(EDp, EDder))
## Defining the inverse function
## Defining descriptive text
text <- "Exponential Decay Model"
## Returning the function with self starter and names
returnList <- list(fct = fct, ssfct = ssfct,
deriv1 = deriv1, derivx = derivx,
names = pnames, text = text,
noParm = sum(is.na(fixed)),
edfct = DT)
class(returnList) <- "drcMean"
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