
# getAllParametersMatching

sim <- loadTestSimulation("S1")

test_that("It can retrieve parameters with absolute path", {
  parameters <- getAllParametersMatching(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "Intracellular", "Volume")), sim)
  expect_equal(length(parameters), 1)

test_that("It can retrieve parameters with generic path path", {
  parameters <- getAllParametersMatching(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liv*", "Intracellu*", "Vol*")), sim)
  expect_equal(length(parameters), 1)

test_that("It can retrieve all parameters matching a given criteria with wild card entry", {
  parameters <- getAllParametersMatching(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "*", "Volume")), sim)
  expect_equal(length(parameters), 6) # 6 sub compartments in liver

test_that("It can retrieve all parameters matching a given criteria with generic path entry", {
  parameters <- getAllParametersMatching(toPathString(c("Organism", "Muscle", "**", "Volume")), sim)
  expect_equal(length(parameters), 5) # 4 compartments + own volume

test_that("It can retrieve parameters from multiple paths", {
  parameters <- getAllParametersMatching(c(
    toPathString(c("Organism", "Muscle", "**", "Volume")),
    toPathString(c("Organism", "Muscle", "Intracellular", "Volume")),
    toPathString(c("Organism", "Bone", "Intracellular", "Volume"))
  ), sim)
  expect_equal(length(parameters), 6) # 4 compartments + own volume + volume of bone intracellular

test_that("It returns an empty list when no parameter was found", {
  parameters <- getAllParametersMatching(c(toPathString(c("Organism", "Muscles", "**", "Volume"))), sim)
  expect_equal(length(parameters), 0)
  parameters <- getAllParametersMatching(c(
    toPathString(c("Organism", "Muscles", "**", "Volume")),
    toPathString(c("Organism", "Muscles", "Intracellular", "Volume"))
  ), sim)
  expect_equal(length(parameters), 0)

test_that("It throws an error when no valid container is provided", {
  expect_error(parameters <- getAllParametersMatching(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "Intracellular", "Volume")), NULL))

test_that("It throws an error when no valid path is provided", {
  expect_error(parameters <- getAllParametersMatching(NULL, sim))

# getAllParameterPathsIn

test_that("It can retrieve all parameter paths defined in the simulation", {
  paths <- getAllParameterPathsIn(sim)
  expect_gt(length(paths), 0)

test_that("It can retrieve all parameter paths defined in a container", {
  paths <- getAllParameterPathsIn(sim$root)
  expect_gt(length(paths), 0)

# getParameter

test_that("It can retrieve a single parameter by path if it exists", {
  parameter <- getParameter(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "Intracellular", "Volume")), sim)
  expect_equal(parameter$name, "Volume")

test_that("It returns null if the  parameter by path does not exist and stopIfNotFound == FALSE", {
  parameter <- getParameter(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "Intracellular", "Length")), sim, stopIfNotFound = FALSE)

test_that("It throws an error if the parameter by path does not exist", {
  expect_error((parameter <- getParameter(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "Intracellular", "Length")), sim)))

test_that("It throws an error when trying to retrieve a parameter by path that would result in multiple parameters", {
  expect_error(getParameter(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "*")), sim))

# setParameterValues

test_that("It throws an error when no valid parameter objects are provided", {
  expect_error(setParameterValues("parameter", 1))
  parameters <- c(getAllParametersMatching(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "*", "Volume")), sim), "1")
  expect_error(setParameterValues(parameters, 1))

test_that("It throws an error when no valid values are provided", {
  parameter <- getParameter(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "Intracellular", "Volume")), sim)
  expect_error(setParameterValues(parameter, "s"))

test_that("It throws an error when the number of parameters differs from the number of values", {
  parameter <- getParameter(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "Intracellular", "Volume")), sim)
  parameters <- getAllParametersMatching(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "*", "Volume")), sim)
  expect_error(setParameterValues(parameter, c(1, 2)))
  expect_error(setParameterValues(parameters, c(1:5)))

test_that("It throws an error when the number of parameters differs from the number units", {
  parameter <- getParameter(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "Intracellular", "Volume")), sim)
  parameters <- getAllParametersMatching(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "*", "Volume")), sim)
  expect_error(setParameterValues(parameters = parameters, values = c(1:6), units = c("l", "ml")))

test_that("It can set the value of a single parameter", {
  parameter <- getParameter(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "Intracellular", "Volume")), sim)
  setParameterValues(parameter, 1)
  expect_equal(parameter$value, 1)

test_that("It can set the value of a single parameter with unit", {
  parameter <- getParameter(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "Intracellular", "Volume")), sim)
  setParameterValues(parameters = parameter, values = 1, units = "ml")
  expect_equal(parameter$value, 1e-3)

test_that("It can set the values of multiple parameters", {
  parameters <- getAllParametersMatching(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "*", "Volume")), sim)
  setParameterValues(parameters, c(1:6))
  newVals <- sapply(parameters, function(x) {
  expect_equal(newVals, c(1:6))

test_that("It can set the values of multiple parameters with units", {
  parameters <- getAllParametersMatching(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "*", "Volume")), sim)
  setParameterValues(parameters, c(1:6), units = rep(c("l", "ml"), 3))
  newVals <- sapply(parameters, function(x) {
  expect_equal(newVals, c(1:6) * c(1, 1e-3))

test_that("It can set a single values in multiple parameters", {
  parameters <- getAllParametersMatching(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "*", "Volume")), sim)
  setParameterValues(parameters, 10)
  newVals <- sapply(parameters, function(x) {
  expect_equal(newVals, rep(10, 6))

# setParameterValuesByPath

test_that("It can set single parameter values", {
  sim <- loadTestSimulation("S1", loadFromCache = TRUE)
  parameterPath <- "Organism|Liver|Intracellular|Volume"
  setParameterValuesByPath(parameterPath, 100, sim)
  parameter <- getParameter(parameterPath, sim)
  expect_equal(parameter$value, 100)

test_that("It can set multiple parameter values", {
  sim <- loadTestSimulation("S1", loadFromCache = TRUE)
  parameterPath1 <- "Organism|Liver|Intracellular|Volume"
  parameterPath2 <- "Organism|Kidney|Intracellular|Volume"
  setParameterValuesByPath(c(parameterPath1, parameterPath2), c(40, 50), sim)
  parameter1 <- getParameter(parameterPath1, sim)
  parameter2 <- getParameter(parameterPath2, sim)
  expect_equal(parameter1$value, 40)
  expect_equal(parameter2$value, 50)

test_that("It throws an exception when setting values for a parameter that does not exist", {
  sim <- loadTestSimulation("S1", loadFromCache = TRUE)
  parameterPath1 <- "Organism|Liver|NOPE|Volume"
  expect_error(setParameterValuesByPath(parameterPath, 100, sim))

test_that("It can get the value of an individual from a population and set them into a simulation", {
  populationFileName <- getTestDataFilePath("pop.csv")
  population <- loadPopulation(populationFileName)
  sim <- loadTestSimulation("S1", loadFromCache = TRUE)
  individualValues <- population$getParameterValuesForIndividual(8)
  setParameterValuesByPath(individualValues$paths, individualValues$values, sim)
  parameter <- getParameter(individualValues$paths[1], sim)
  expect_equal(parameter$value, individualValues$values[1])

# scaleParameterValues

test_that("It can scale a single parameter with a given factor", {
  parameter <- getParameter(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "Intracellular", "Volume")), sim)
  originalValue <- parameter$value
  scaleParameterValues(parameter, 1.5)
  expect_equal(parameter$value, originalValue * 1.5)

test_that("It can scale mulstiple parameters with a given factor", {
  parameters <- getAllParametersMatching(toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "*", "Volume")), sim)
  originalValues <- sapply(parameters, function(x) x$value)
  scaleParameterValues(parameters, 1.5)
  scaledValues <- sapply(parameters, function(x) x$value)
  expect_equal(scaledValues, originalValues * 1.5)

# getParameterDisplayPaths

test_that("It return the display path for an existing parameter", {
  path <- toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "Intracellular", "Volume"))
  displayPath <- getParameterDisplayPaths(path, sim)
  expect_equal(displayPath, "Liver-Intracellular-Volume")

test_that("It return the full path for a parameter that does not exist", {
  path <- toPathString(c("Organism", "Nope"))
  displayPath <- getParameterDisplayPaths(path, sim)
  expect_equal(displayPath, path)

test_that("It return the display paths for a vector of parameters", {
  path1 <- toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "Intracellular", "Volume"))
  path2 <- toPathString(c("Organism", "Liver", "Volume"))
  path3 <- toPathString(c("Organism", "Age"))
  displayPath <- getParameterDisplayPaths(c(path1, path2, path3), sim)
  expect_identical(displayPath, c("Liver-Intracellular-Volume", "Liver-Volume", "Age"))
Open-Systems-Pharmacology/OSPSuite-R documentation built on May 8, 2024, 11:36 a.m.