#' @title XYGDataMapping
#' @description R6 class for mapping `x`, `y` and `GroupMapping` variables to `data`
#' @export
#' @family DataMapping classes
XYGDataMapping <- R6::R6Class(
inherit = XYDataMapping,
public = list(
#' @field groupMapping R6 class `GroupMapping` object
groupMapping = NULL,
#' @description Create a new `XYGDataMapping` object
#' @param x Name of x variable to map
#' @param y Name of y variable to map
#' @param groupMapping R6 class `GroupMapping` object
#' @param color R6 class `Grouping` object or its input
#' @param fill R6 class `Grouping` object or its input
#' @param linetype R6 class `Grouping` object or its input
#' @param shape R6 class `Grouping` object or its input
#' @param size R6 class `Grouping` object or its input
#' @param group R6 class `Grouping` object or its input
#' @param data data.frame to map used by `.smartMapping`
#' @return A new `XYGDataMapping` object
initialize = function(x = NULL,
y = NULL,
groupMapping = NULL,
color = NULL,
fill = NULL,
linetype = NULL,
shape = NULL,
size = NULL,
group = NULL,
data = NULL) {
# .smartMapping is available in utilities-mapping.R
smartMap <- .smartMapping(data)
super$initialize(x = x %||% smartMap$x, y = y %||% smartMap$y)
.validateEitherOrNullInput(groupMapping, list(
"color" = color,
"fill" = fill,
"linetype" = linetype,
"shape" = shape,
"size" = size,
"group" = group
# To simplify the process workflow, groupMapping inputs color, fill... can be used directly instead of groupMapping
self$groupMapping <- groupMapping %||% GroupMapping$new(
color %||% group %||% smartMap$color,
fill %||% group %||% smartMap$fill,
linetype %||% group %||% smartMap$linetype,
shape %||% group %||% smartMap$shape,
size %||% group %||% smartMap$size
#' @description Check that `data` variables include map variables
#' @param data data.frame to check
#' @param metaData list containing information on `data`
#' @return A data.frame with map and `defaultAes` variables.
#' Dummy variable `defaultAes` is necessary to allow further modification of plots.
checkMapData = function(data, metaData = NULL) {
.validateMapping(self$x, data, nullAllowed = TRUE)
.validateMapping(self$y, data, nullAllowed = TRUE)
# Drop option simplify data.frame into vectors
# False enforces data to stay as data.frame if x or y is empty
self$data <- data[, c(self$x, self$y), drop = FALSE]
# All possible Groupings are listed in the enum LegendTypes
for (groupType in LegendTypes) {
if (isEmpty(self$groupMapping[[groupType]]$group)) {
grouping <- self$groupMapping[[groupType]]
groupVariables <- grouping$group
if (isOfType(groupVariables, "data.frame")) {
# Last group variable is the label in group data.frames
# and need to be removed from the check
groupVariables <- names(groupVariables)
groupVariables <- utils::head(groupVariables, -1)
.validateMapping(groupVariables, data)
# Enforce grouping variables to be factors
self$data[, grouping$label] <- as.factor(grouping$getCaptions(data, metaData))
# Dummy variable for default aesthetics that will be used to define legend labels
legendLabels <- self$data$legendLabels %||% grouping$getCaptions(data, metaData)
# Prevent duplication of legend if groupings are the same
if (isTRUE(all.equal(legendLabels, grouping$getCaptions(data, metaData)))) {
self$data$legendLabels <- legendLabels
self$data$legendLabels <- as.factor(paste(as.character(self$data$legendLabels),
as.character(grouping$getCaptions(data, metaData)),
sep = "-"
if (is.null(self$data$legendLabels)) {
self$data$legendLabels <- factor("")
#' @title PieChartDataMapping
#' @description R6 class for mapping `x`, `y`, and `group` to `data`
#' @export
#' @family DataMapping classes
PieChartDataMapping <- R6::R6Class(
inherit = XYGDataMapping
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