
Defines functions replaceModelsHelper replaceSubmodels imxReplaceModels imxIndependentModels imxDependentModels collectFitFunctionsHelper collectExpectationsHelper collectExpectations collectFitFunctions collectMatricesHelper collectMatrices collectDatasetsHelper collectDatasets collectComponentsHelper collectComponents imxFlattenModel findDataForSubmodel imxFreezeModel freezeFitfunction freezeAlgebra freezeMatrix getAllIndependents shareDataHelper shareData

#   Copyright 2007-2021 by the individuals mentioned in the source code history
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

shareData <- function(model) {
	return(shareDataHelper(model, model@data))

# If we reach an independent model and this model
# does not have any data, then give the current "default"
# data to this model. As we move down the tree, update
# the current "defult" data.
shareDataHelper <- function(model, default) {
	if((is.null(model@data)) && (model@independent == TRUE)) {
		model@data <- default
	} else if (!is.null(model@data)) {
		default <- model@data
	submodels <- lapply(model@submodels,
		shareDataHelper, default)
	model@submodels <- submodels

getAllIndependents <- function(model) {
    submodels <- model@submodels
    if(length(submodels) == 0) return(submodels)
    select <- sapply(submodels, function(x) { x@independent })
	retval <- submodels[select]
	recursive <- lapply(submodels[!select], getAllIndependents)
	recursive <- unlist(recursive, recursive = TRUE)
	retval <- c(retval, recursive)

freezeMatrix <- function(mxMatrix) {
  mxMatrix@free[mxMatrix@free] <- FALSE

freezeAlgebra <- function(mxAlgebra) {
	if(is.null(mxAlgebra@result)) return(NULL)
	res <- mxMatrix(values = mxAlgebra@result,
		name = mxAlgebra@name)

freezeFitfunction <- function(model) {
	fitfunction <- model@fitfunction
	if (!is.null(fitfunction)) {
		model[[fitfunction@name]] <- NULL
		if (length(fitfunction@result) > 0) {
			newMatrix <- mxMatrix(values = fitfunction@result)
			newMatrix@name <- fitfunction@name
			model[[fitfunction@name]] <- newMatrix

##' Freeze model
##' Remove free parameters and fit function from model.
##' @param model model
imxFreezeModel <- function(model) {
	model <- freezeFitfunction(model)
	model@matrices <- lapply(model@matrices, freezeMatrix)
	algebras <- lapply(model@algebras, freezeAlgebra)
	algebras <- algebras[!sapply(algebras, is.null)]
	model@matrices <- append(model@matrices, algebras)
	model@algebras <- list()
	model@constraints <- list()
	model@intervals <- list()
	model@submodels <- lapply(model@submodels, imxFreezeModel)

findDataForSubmodel <- function(model, subname, defaultData=NULL) {
	if (!is.null(model$data)) defaultData <- model$data
	if (model$name == subname) {
	if (length(model@submodels) > 0) for (mx in 1:length(model@submodels)) {
		got <- findDataForSubmodel(model@submodels[[mx]], subname, defaultData)
		if (!is.null(got)) return(got)

##' Remove hierarchical structure from model
##' @param model model
##' @param namespace namespace
##' @param unsafe whether to skip sanity checks
imxFlattenModel <- function(model, namespace, unsafe=FALSE) {
	flatModel <- new("MxFlatModel", model)
	name <- model@name
	flatModel@unsafe <- unsafe
	flatModel@fitfunction <- safeQualifyNames(model@fitfunction, name, namespace)
	flatModel@expectation <- safeQualifyNames(model@expectation, name, namespace)
	defaultData <- safeQualifyNames(model@data, name, namespace)
	flatModel@data <- defaultData
	flatModel@matrices <- collectMatrices(model, namespace, defaultData)
	flatModel@algebras <- collectComponents(model, namespace, "algebras", qualifyNamesAlgebra)
	flatModel@constraints <- collectComponents(model, namespace, "constraints", qualifyNamesConstraint)
	flatModel@intervals <- collectComponents(model, namespace, "intervals", qualifyNamesInterval)
	flatModel@penalties <- collectComponents(model, namespace, "penalties", qualifyNames)
	flatModel@datasets <- collectDatasets(model, namespace)
	flatModel@fitfunctions <- collectFitFunctions(model, namespace, defaultData)
	flatModel@expectations <- collectExpectations(model, namespace, defaultData)
	flatModel@submodels <- list()

collectComponents <- function(model, namespace, slotName, convertFunction) {
	components <- collectComponentsHelper(model, namespace, slotName, convertFunction)
	if (slotName != "intervals") {
		names(components) <- imxExtractNames(components)

collectComponentsHelper <- function(model, namespace, slotName, convertFunction) {
	components <- lapply(slot(model, slotName), convertFunction, model@name, namespace)
	if (length(model@submodels) > 0) {
		submodel_components <- lapply(model@submodels, collectComponentsHelper, namespace, slotName, convertFunction)
		submodel_components <- unlist(submodel_components, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
		components <- append(components, submodel_components)

collectDatasets <- function(model, namespace) {
	datasets <- collectDatasetsHelper(model, namespace)
	names(datasets) <- imxExtractNames(datasets)

collectDatasetsHelper <- function(model, namespace) {
	modeldata <- model@data
	if (!is.null(modeldata)) {
		modeldata <- safeQualifyNames(modeldata, model@name, namespace)
		retval <- list(modeldata)
	} else {
		retval <- list()
	if (length(model@submodels) > 0) {
		submodel_datasets <- lapply(model@submodels, collectDatasetsHelper, namespace)
		submodel_datasets <- unlist(submodel_datasets, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
		retval <- append(retval, submodel_datasets)

collectMatrices <- function(model, namespace, defaultData) {
	matrices <- collectMatricesHelper(model, namespace, defaultData)
	names(matrices) <- imxExtractNames(matrices)

collectMatricesHelper <- function(model, namespace, defaultData) {
	modeldata <- safeQualifyNames(model@data, model@name, namespace)
	if (is.null(defaultData)) {
		defaultData <- modeldata
	if (is.null(defaultData)) {
		defaultDataName <- NULL
	} else {
		defaultDataName <- defaultData@name
	if (is.null(modeldata)) {
		retval <- lapply(model@matrices, qualifyNamesMatrix,
			model@name, defaultDataName, namespace)
	} else {
		retval <- lapply(model@matrices, qualifyNamesMatrix,
			model@name, modeldata@name, namespace)
	if (length(model@submodels) > 0) {
		submodel_matrices <- lapply(model@submodels, collectMatricesHelper, namespace, defaultData)
		submodel_matrices <- unlist(submodel_matrices, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
		retval <- append(retval, submodel_matrices)

collectFitFunctions <- function(model, namespace, defaultData) {
	fitfunctions <- collectFitFunctionsHelper(model, namespace, defaultData)
	names(fitfunctions) <- imxExtractNames(fitfunctions)

collectExpectations <- function(model, namespace, defaultData) {
	expectations <- collectExpectationsHelper(model, namespace, defaultData)
	if (length(expectations) == 0) return(list())
	names(expectations) <- imxExtractNames(expectations)

collectExpectationsHelper <- function(model, namespace, defaultData) {
	expectation <- safeQualifyNames(model@expectation, model@name, namespace)
	modeldata <- safeQualifyNames(model@data, model@name, namespace)
	if (is.null(defaultData)) {
		defaultData <- modeldata
	container <- character(0)
	if (!is.null(expectation)) {
		if(is.na(expectation@data) && is.null(modeldata) && !is.null(defaultData)) {
			expectation@data <- defaultData@name
		} else if (is.na(expectation@data) && !is.null(modeldata)) {
			expectation@data <- modeldata@name
		container <- expectation@name
	submodel_expectations <- c()
	if (length(model@submodels) > 0) {
		submodel_expectations <- lapply(model@submodels, collectExpectationsHelper, namespace, defaultData)
		submodel_expectations <- unlist(submodel_expectations, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
	return(c(expectation, submodel_expectations))

collectFitFunctionsHelper <- function(model, namespace, defaultData) {
	fitfunction <- safeQualifyNames(model@fitfunction, model@name, namespace)
	modeldata <- safeQualifyNames(model@data, model@name, namespace)
	if (is.null(defaultData)) {
		defaultData <- modeldata

	if (!is.null(fitfunction)) {
		if ("data" %in% slotNames(fitfunction)) {
			if(is.na(fitfunction@data) && is.null(modeldata) && !is.null(defaultData)) {
				fitfunction@data <- defaultData@name
			} else if (is.na(fitfunction@data) && !is.null(modeldata)) {
				fitfunction@data <- modeldata@name
		retval <- list(fitfunction)
	} else {
		retval <- list()

	if (length(model@submodels) > 0) {
		submodel_fitfunctions <- lapply(model@submodels, collectFitFunctionsHelper, namespace, defaultData)
		submodel_fitfunctions <- unlist(submodel_fitfunctions, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
		retval <- append(retval, submodel_fitfunctions)

##' Are submodels dependence?
##' @param model model
imxDependentModels <- function(model) {
        retval <- model@submodels
        if(length(retval) == 0) return(retval)
        retval <- retval[sapply(retval, function(x) { !x@independent })]

##' Are submodels independent?
##' @param model model
imxIndependentModels <- function(model) {
        retval <- model@submodels
        if(length(retval) == 0) return(retval)
        retval <- retval[sapply(retval, function(x) { x@independent })]

##' Replace parts of a model
##' @param model model
##' @param replacements replacements
imxReplaceModels <- function(model, replacements) {
	if (length(replacements) == 0) return(model)
	names(replacements) <- imxExtractNames(replacements)
	return(replaceModelsHelper(model, replacements))

replaceSubmodels <- function(target, replacements) {
	retval <- replacements[[target@name]]
	if (is.null(retval)) {
	} else {

replaceModelsHelper <- function(model, replacements) {
	submodels <- model@submodels
	if (length(submodels) == 0) return(model)
	submodels <- lapply(submodels, replaceSubmodels, replacements)
	submodels <- lapply(submodels, replaceModelsHelper, replacements)
	model@submodels <- submodels
OpenMx/OpenMx documentation built on April 17, 2024, 3:32 p.m.