# TODO: ...
# NB! pcr.prob fixed to 1 for the PCR simulation. Only the estimated number of
# molecules is currently affected in the calibration process as the PCR efficiency
# is reduced by step.size.
# Reducing both the estimate and the pcr.prob result in constant simulated peak height...
# Although this approach will not give the exact pcr.prob it give close to expected peak heights.
# IF the number of molecules known (i.e. picked cells) then it should be possible to reduce
# pcr.prob until data fits.
# CHANGE LOG (10 last changes)
# 25.09.2016: Updated for strvalidator 1.8.0.
# 14.04.2016: Version 1.0.0 released.
# 14.04.2016: Added detection threshold range.
# 09.09.2014: First version.
#' @title Calibrate PCRsim
#' @description
#' Estimates the detection threshold, peak height scaling factor,
#' and PCR efficiency needed to calibrate PCRsim.
#' @details
#' To calibrate the PCR simulator perform the following experiments:
#' 1) Prepare single source samples with optimal amount of DNA (different or replicates)
#' Calculate the average total peak height (sum of peak heights) across all samples
#' to set the \code{target} parameter.
#' 2) Prepare a serial dilution (preferrably from intact cells, or from single
#' source crime scene samples). It is suitable to go from approximately optimal amount
#' down to low concentrations with drop-outs or completely blank profiles.
#' Quantify each dilution as accurately as possible. Amplify using normal
#' procedure and analyse the PCR product.
#' Require a dataset with sample names ('Sample.Name'), and (average) concentration or
#' (average) amount in columns named 'Concentration' and 'Amount' respectively. Also
#' requires the average peak height ('H').
#' NB! Samples with either zero average peak height or zero number of molecules is removed automatically.
#' In addition, if replicate quants, samples where one replicate was negative can be removed manually.
#' @param data data.frame with observed DNA result. Required columns are sample names ('Sample.Name'),
#' average peak height ('H'), and (mean) DNA concentration ('Mean').
#' @param target integer average peak height ('H') as observed average across replicate
#' analyses of samples with \code{dna.amount} of DNA.
#' If NULL it will be estimated from the linear regression at \code{dna.amount} of DNA.
#' @param ref data.frame with known profiles for the samples in \code{data}.
#' Required columns are 'Sample.Name', 'Marker', and ('Allele'), and (mean) DNA concentration ('Mean').
#' @param quant data.frame with (average) 'Concentration' or 'Amount' for the samples in \code{data}.
#' @param ignore.case logical \code{TRUE} to ignore case in sample name matching.
#' @param kit character string to specify the STR DNA typing kit to simulate.
#' If NULL all markers in \code{db} will be used.
#' @param db data.frame with the allele frequency database (if random profiles are simulated).
#' @param fixed.profile data.frame with columns 'Marker' and 'Allele' (if fixed profiles are simulated).
#' @param sim integer the number of simulations per calibration cycle.
#' @param pcr.cyc integer the number of PCR cycles.
#' @param pcr.aliq integer the aliquot DNA extract transferred to the PCR reaction.
#' @param pcr.vol integer the total PCR reaction volume.
#' @param ce.aliq integer the aliquot PCR product used for capillary electrophoresis.
#' @param minimize logical \code{TRUE} stops when the squared difference is minimized,
#' \code{FALSE} continues until the PCR efficiency is 0.
#' @param step.size numeric size of PCR efficiency reduction for each calibration cycle.
#' @param cell.dna numeric the DNA content of a diploid cell in nanograms (default is 0.006 ng).
#' @param filter logical \code{TRUE} to retrieve known alleles defined in \code{ref} from \code{data}.
#' @param dna.amount numeric the amount of DNA in nanograms (ng) to be used in simulation.
#' NB! must correspond to the amount in samples used to calculate \code{target}.
#' @param plot.data logical to show linear regression data plot with marked target.
#' @param decimals interger for number of decimal places in plot title.
#' @param debug logical to print debug information.
#' @param ext.debug logical to print extended debug information.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes_string aes ggtitle labs geom_point geom_smooth geom_segment
#' geom_rect annotate scale_x_continuous scale_y_continuous
#' @importFrom stats lm coefficients quantile
#' @importFrom utils head tail str
#' @export
calibratePCRsim <- function(data, target=NULL, ref=NULL, quant=NULL, ignore.case=TRUE,
kit=NULL, db=NULL, fixed.profile=NULL, sim=1,
pcr.cyc, ce.aliq=1, pcr.aliq=17.5, pcr.vol=25,
minimize=TRUE, step.size=0.001, cell.dna=0.006, dna.amount=0.5, filter=TRUE,
plot.data=TRUE, decimals=4, debug=FALSE, ext.debug=FALSE){
# Initialise the PCR efficiency variable to 1 (100%).
pcreff <- 1.0
# Set metric to correct column name.
metric <- "H"
# PREPARE ###################################################################
# CALCULATE PEAK HEIGHT METRICS ---------------------------------------------
# Check if peak height metrics are available.
if(!metric %in% names(data)){
message(paste("Metric", metric, "is not available in data."))
message(paste("Filter known alleles from 'data'."))
# Filter the data.
data <- strvalidator::filterProfile(data=data, ref=ref,
invert=FALSE, debug=ext.debug)
message(paste("Calculating metric ", metric, ".", sep=""))
# Calculate average peak height.
data <- strvalidator::calculateHeight(data=data, ref=ref,
na.replace=0, add=FALSE,
exclude=NULL, kit=kit,
# Add amount to dataset.
data <- strvalidator::addData(data=data, new.data=quant,
by.col="Sample.Name", then.by.col=NULL,
exact=FALSE, ignore.case=ignore.case,
} else {
stop("'ref' is required to calculate peak height metrics.")
} else {
message(paste(metric, "is available in 'data'."))
# Make new column with metric to simplify code.
data$Metric <- data[ , metric]
# CALCULATE NUMBER OF CELLS -------------------------------------------------
if("Amount" %in% names(data)){
data$Amount <- as.numeric(data$Amount)
message(paste("Using 'Amount' /", cell.dna, "to estimate number of cells."))
# Estimate the number of cells.
data$Cells <- data$Amount / cell.dna
} else if("Concentration" %in% names(data)){
data$Concentration <- as.numeric(data$Concentration)
message(paste("Using ( 'Concentration' *", pcr.aliq, ")/", cell.dna,
"to estimate number of cells."))
# Estimate number of cells.
data$Cells <- (data$Concentration * pcr.aliq) / cell.dna
} else {
stop("'data' must contain a column 'Amount' or 'Concentration'.")
# ESTIMATE EMPIRICAL THRESHOLD ----------------------------------------------
# First get the minimum number of cells resulting in a peak height > 0 (any peak > LDT).
# Remove samples with zero peak height.
dfmin <- data[data$Metric > 0, ]
# Get minimum number of cells.
minM <- round(suppressWarnings(min(dfmin$Cells)), 2)
# Second get the maximum number of cells resulting in a blank profile (all peaks < LDT).
# Remove samples with non-zero peak height.
dfmax <- data[data$Metric == 0, ]
# Get minimum number of cells.
maxM <- round(suppressWarnings(max(dfmax$Cells)), 2)
# Print reulst.
message(paste("Estimated empirical detection threshold (@ LDT) is between:",
minM, "and", maxM, "cells."))
# DISCARD NULL RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------
# Remove samples with zero peak height.
if(any(data$Metric == 0)){
tmp1 <- nrow(data)
data <- data[data$Metric != 0, ]
tmp2 <- nrow(data)
message(paste("Removed", (tmp1 - tmp2), "rows with", metric, "= 0"))
# Remove samples with zero cells.
if(any(data$Cells == 0)){
tmp1 <- nrow(data)
data <- data[data$Cells != 0, ]
tmp2 <- nrow(data)
message(paste("Removed", tmp1 - tmp2, "rows with Cells = 0"))
# CALCULATE PARAMETERS ------------------------------------------------------
# Calculate the number of cells to use in simulation.
targetCells <- dna.amount / cell.dna
# Estimate target from regression.
# Regression: log peak height by log amount.
a_model <- lm(formula=log(Metric) ~ log(Amount), data=data)
a_intercept <- coefficients(a_model)[1]
a_slope <- coefficients(a_model)[2]
# a_fit <- summary(a_model)
# a_sigma <- a_fit$sigma
target <- round(exp(as.numeric((a_intercept + a_slope * log(dna.amount)))),0)
message(paste("Parameter estimated from linear regression: target =", target, "RFU"))
# CALCULATE -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Pre-allocate result vectors.
res_pcreff <- rep(NA, sim)
res_t_intercept <- rep(NA, sim)
res_t_slope <- rep(NA, sim)
res_t_sigma <- rep(NA, sim)
res_intercept <- rep(NA, sim)
res_slope <- rep(NA, sim)
res_sigma <- rep(NA, sim)
res_obsH <- rep(NA, sim)
res_simH <- rep(NA, sim)
res_sqd <- rep(NA, sim)
# Initiate variables.
element <- 1 # Vector index.
previous.sqd <- NULL # Previous squared difference.
repeat{ # Alt. put repeat in function, f(pcreff), with output diff^2
# Also think about confidence interval and variation compared to observed. m(pcreff) = m of pcreff = average TPH.
# M=E[m(pcreff)]? Calculate the number of simulations needed for confidence in the result.
# Progress.
message(paste("Simulating with PCR efficiency:", pcreff))
# Calculate number of molecules after 'pcr.cyc' cycles PCR Nc = N0 * E^c,
# where Nc is the number of molecules after c cycles, N0 is the number of starting molecules,
# and E is the PCR efficiency (a number {1-2} where 2=100% efficiency), hence the 1 + pcreff.
data$Molecules <- data$Cells * (1 + pcreff)^pcr.cyc
# Calculate number of molecules loaded to CE (e.g. 1 uL from the 25uL PCR reaction).
data$MoleculesCE <- data$Molecules * (ce.aliq / pcr.vol)
# Logistic regression -----------------------------------------------------
# To calculate (threshold) number of molecules from peak height.
# Regression: log peak height by log number of molecules.
t_model <- lm(formula=log(MoleculesCE) ~ log(Metric), data=data)
t_intercept <- coefficients(t_model)[1]
t_slope <- coefficients(t_model)[2]
t_fit <- summary(t_model)
t_sigma <- t_fit$sigma
print(paste("T intercept=", t_intercept,
", T slope=", t_slope,
", T sigma=", t_sigma))
print(paste("Threshold (number of molecules) @ LDT=1 RFU",
round(exp(as.numeric((t_intercept + t_slope * log(1)))),0)))
# Calculate the 5th and 95th percentile for the threshold.
t_range_mol <- quantile(floor(exp(rnorm(100000, t_intercept, t_sigma))), c(0.05, 0.95))
t_range_cell <- c(NA,NA)
t_range_cell[1] <- (t_range_mol[1] / (ce.aliq / pcr.vol)) / (1 + pcreff)^pcr.cyc
t_range_cell[2] <- (t_range_mol[2] / (ce.aliq / pcr.vol)) / (1 + pcreff)^pcr.cyc
t_range_amount <- c(NA,NA)
t_range_amount[1] <- t_range_cell[1] * cell.dna
t_range_amount[2] <- t_range_cell[2] * cell.dna
t_range_df <- data.frame(xmin = t_range_amount[1],
xmax = t_range_amount[2],
ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf,
color = "red",
Amount=0.5, Metric=50)
print("Threshold range (5th and 95th percentile)")
print(paste("Molecules in CE:", paste(floor(t_range_mol), collapse=", ")))
print(paste("Input cells:", paste(t_range_cell, collapse=", ")))
print(paste("Input Amount:", paste(t_range_amount, collapse=", ")))
# Logistic regression -----------------------------------------------------
# To calculate peak height from number of molecules.
# Regression: log average peak height by log number of molecules .
model <- lm(log(Metric) ~ log(MoleculesCE), data=data)
intercept <- coefficients(model)[1]
slope <- coefficients(model)[2]
fit <- summary(model)
sigma <- fit$sigma
print(paste("Scaling intercept=", intercept, ", slope=", slope, ", sigma=", sigma))
# Simulate ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Simulate profiles.
dfsim <- suppressMessages(simProfile(data=fixed.profile, kit=kit, sim=sim,
name="Dil", db=db))
print("Simulated profiles")
# Simulate sample.
dfsim <- suppressMessages(simSample(data=dfsim, cells=targetCells, sd.cells=0,
conc=NULL, sd.conc=0,
vol=NULL, sd.vol=0,
cell.dna=cell.dna, haploid=FALSE,
# Simulate extraction.
dfsim <- suppressMessages(simExtraction(data=dfsim, vol.ex=pcr.aliq, sd.vol=0,
prob.ex=1, sd.prob=0,
cell.dna=cell.dna, debug=ext.debug))
# Simulate PCR.
dfsim <- suppressMessages(simPCR(data=dfsim, kit=NULL, pcr.cyc=pcr.cyc,
pcr.prob=1, sd.pcr.prob=0,
stutter.prob=0, sd.stutter.prob=0,
vol.aliq=pcr.aliq, sd.vol.aliq=0,
vol.pcr=pcr.vol, sd.vol.pcr=0,
stutter=FALSE, debug=ext.debug))
print("Simulated data after PCR:")
# Combine homozygote alleles.
dfsimph <- suppressMessages(compact(data=dfsim, per.sample=TRUE, col="PCR.Amplicon", sim=TRUE))
# Simulate capillary electrophoresis.
dfsimph <- suppressMessages(simCE(data=dfsimph, vol=ce.aliq, sd.vol=0,
intercept=intercept, slope=slope, sigma=sigma,
t.intercept=t_intercept, t.slope=t_slope, t.sigma=t_sigma,
print("Simulated data after CE:")
# Analyse -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Calculate peak height metrics.
dfsimH <- suppressMessages(strvalidator::calculateHeight(data=dfsimph,
if(nrow(dfsimH) == 0){
dfsimH <- data.frame(H=0)
# Calculate total mean.
dfSimMean <- mean(dfsimH[ , metric], na.rm=TRUE)
# Calculate squared differences.
sqd <- (dfSimMean - target)^2
print("Simulated peak height metrics:")
print(paste("Simulated mean:", dfSimMean))
print(paste("Target mean:", target))
print(paste("Squared Difference:", sqd))
# Create result -------------------------------------------------------------
# Add in vectors.
res_pcreff[element] <- pcreff
res_t_intercept[element] <- t_intercept
res_t_slope[element] <- t_slope
res_t_sigma[element] <- t_sigma
res_intercept[element] <- intercept
res_slope[element] <- slope
res_sigma[element] <- sigma
res_obsH[element] <- target
res_simH[element] <- dfSimMean
res_sqd[element] <- sqd
# Prepare next loop.
pcreff <- pcreff - step.size
element <- element + 1
# Initiate of NULL.
previous.sqd <- sqd
# Stop when PCR efficiency is below 0 (0%).
if(pcreff < 0){
# If stop when sqd is minimized.
if(sqd > previous.sqd){
# Store previous value.
previous.sqd <- sqd
} # End repeat.
# Create result dataframe.
res <- data.frame("PCR.Efficiency"=res_pcreff,
# Remove na rows.
res <- res[!is.na(res$PCR.Efficiency),]
a_title <- paste("Calibration data with target peak height (RFU) and amount (ng)",
"\n[PCR.Efficiency=", res_pcreff[which.min(res_sqd)], "]",
"\n[Detection threshold: T.intercept=", round(unique(res_t_intercept), decimals),
"T.slope=", round(unique(res_t_slope), decimals),
"T.sigma=", round(unique(res_t_sigma), decimals), "]",
"\n[Peak height scaling: intercept=", round(unique(res_intercept), decimals),
"slope=", round(unique(res_slope), decimals),
"sigma=", round(unique(res_sigma), decimals), "]")
# Plot data.
# NB! A workaround for 'object not found' bug is to use environment = environment():
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5106782/use-of-ggplot-within-another-function-in-r
a_plot <- ggplot(data=data, aes_string(x="Amount", y="Metric"), environment = environment())
a_plot <- a_plot + labs(title = a_title)
a_plot <- a_plot + labs(y = "Average peak height")
a_plot <- a_plot + geom_point(shape=1)
a_plot <- a_plot + geom_smooth(method='lm', fullrange = TRUE)
a_plot <- a_plot + geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = target, xend = dna.amount, yend = target), linetype="dotted")
a_plot <- a_plot + geom_segment(aes(x = dna.amount, y = 0, xend = dna.amount, yend = target), linetype="dotted")
a_plot <- a_plot + annotate("text", label = target, x = dna.amount, y = target,
colour = "red", hjust = 0, vjust = 0)
a_plot <- a_plot + annotate("text", label = dna.amount, x = dna.amount, y = 0,
colour = "red", hjust = 0, vjust = 0)
a_plot <- a_plot + geom_rect(data=t_range_df,
aes(xmin=t_range_df$xmin, xmax=t_range_df$xmax, ymin=0, ymax=Inf),
fill="red", alpha=0.2)
a_plot <- a_plot + scale_x_continuous(trans='log2')
a_plot <- a_plot + scale_y_continuous(trans='log2')
# Print info about threshold:
message("Threshold range (5th and 95th percentile)")
message(paste("Molecules in CE:", paste(floor(t_range_mol), collapse=", ")))
message(paste("Input cells:", paste(t_range_cell, collapse=", ")))
message(paste("Input Amount:", paste(t_range_amount, collapse=", ")))
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