
Defines functions getKit

Documented in getKit

# CHANGE LOG (last 20 changes)
# 03.01.2019: Elaborated description for parameter "what".
# 28.06.2016: Added support for 'Quality Sensor'.
# 02.12.2016: Possible to return multiple kits by specifying a vector.
# 29.08.2015: Added importFrom.
# 28.06.2015: Changed parameter names to format: lower.case
# 14.12.2014: what='Gender' changed to 'Sex.Marker' now return vector.
# 26.09.2014: Fixed error if kit=NULL and what!=NA.
# 26.08.2014: what=Offset/Repeat, now returns identical data frames.
# 03.08.2014: Added option to return kit index.
# 02.03.2014: Removed factor levels from 'Marker' before returning 'OFFSET'/'REPEAT'.
# 09.12.2013: Removed factor levels from 'Marker' before returning 'VIRTUAL'.
# 20.11.2013: Change parameter name 'kitNameOrIndex' to 'kit'.
# 10.11.2013: 'Marker' returns vector instead of factor.
# 24.10.2013: Fixed error when no matching kit and 'what'!=NA, return NA.
# 04.10.2013: Removed factor levels from 'Marker' before returning 'COLOR'.
# 17.09.2013: Added new parameter 'what' to specify return values.
# 16.09.2013: Changed to support new kits file structure.
# 05.06.2013: Added 'gender.marker'
# 19.05.2013: Re-written for reading data from text file.

#' @title Get Kit
#' @description
#' Provides information about STR kits.
#' @details
#' The function returns the following information for a kit specified in kits.txt:
#' Panel name, short kit name (unique, user defined), full kit name (user defined),
#' marker names, allele names, allele sizes (bp),
#' minimum allele size, maximum allele size (bp), flag for virtual alleles,
#' marker color, marker repeat unit size (bp), minimum marker size,
#' maximum marker, marker offset (bp), flag for sex markers (TRUE/FALSE).
#' If no matching kit or kit index is found NA is returned.
#' If kit='NULL' or '0' a vector of available kits is printed and NA returned.
#' @param kit string or integer to specify the kit.
#' @param what string to specify which information to return. Default is 'NA' which return all info.
#' Not case sensitive. Possible values: "Index", "Panel", "Short.Name", "Full.Name",
#' "Marker, "Allele", "Size", "Virtual", "Color", "Repeat", "Range", "Offset", "Sex.Marker",
#' "Quality.Sensor". An unsupported value returns NA and a warning.
#' @param show.messages logical, default TRUE for printing messages to the R prompt.
#' @param .kit.info data frame, run function on a data frame instead of the kits.txt file.
#' @param debug logical indicating printing debug information.
#' @return data.frame with kit information.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils read.delim
#' @examples
#' # Show all information stored for kit with short name 'ESX17'.
#' getKit("ESX17")
getKit <- function(kit = NULL, what = NA, show.messages = FALSE, .kit.info = NULL, debug = FALSE) {
  if (debug) {
    print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))

  .separator <- .Platform$file.sep # Platform dependent path separator.

  # LOAD KIT INFO  ############################################################

  if (is.null(.kit.info)) {
    # Get package path.
    packagePath <- path.package("strvalidator", quiet = FALSE)
    subFolder <- "extdata"
    fileName <- "kit.txt"

    filePath <- paste(packagePath, subFolder, fileName, sep = .separator)

    .kit.info <- read.delim(
      file = filePath, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = "\"",
      dec = ".", fill = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  # Available kits. Must match else if construct.
  kits <- unique(.kit.info$Short.Name)

  # Check if NULL
  if (is.null(kit)) {
    # Print available kits
    if (show.messages) {
      message("Available kits:")
    res <- kits

    # String provided.
  } else {
    # Check if number or string.
    if (is.numeric(kit)) {
      # Set index to number.
      index <- kit
    } else {
      # Find matching kit index (case insensitive)
      index <- match(toupper(kit), toupper(kits))

    # No matching kit.
    if (any(is.na(index))) {
      # Print available kits
      if (show.messages) {
          "No matching kit! \nAvailable kits:",
          paste(kits, collapse = ", ")

      # Assign matching kit information.
    } else {
      currentKit <- .kit.info[.kit.info$Short.Name %in% kits[index], ]

      res <- data.frame(
        Panel = currentKit$Panel,
        Short.Name = currentKit$Short.Name,
        Full.Name = currentKit$Full.Name,
        Marker = currentKit$Marker,
        Allele = currentKit$Allele,
        Size = currentKit$Size,
        Size.Min = currentKit$Size.Min,
        Size.Max = currentKit$Size.Max,
        Virtual = currentKit$Virtual,
        Color = currentKit$Color,
        Repeat = currentKit$Repeat,
        Marker.Min = currentKit$Marker.Min,
        Marker.Max = currentKit$Marker.Max,
        Offset = currentKit$Offset,
        Sex.Marker = currentKit$Sex.Marker,
        Quality.Sensor = currentKit$Quality.Sensor,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

      # Create useful factors.
      res$Marker <- factor(res$Marker, levels = unique(res$Marker))

  # Used in error message in 'else'.
  options <- paste("Index",
    sep = ", "

  # WHAT ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  # Kit is required.
  if (!is.null(kit)) {
    if (is.na(what)) {
      # Return all kit information.
    } else if (toupper(what) == "INDEX") {
      # Return kit index.
    } else if (toupper(what) == "PANEL") {
      # Return panel name.
    } else if (toupper(what) == "SHORT.NAME") {
      # Return short name.
    } else if (toupper(what) == "FULL.NAME") {
      # Return full name.
    } else if (toupper(what) == "MARKER") {
      # Return all markers.
    } else if (toupper(what) == "ALLELE") {
      # Return all alleles and markers.

      res <- data.frame(Marker = res$Marker, Allele = res$Allele)

    } else if (toupper(what) == "SIZE") {
      # Returns all alleles and their indicated normal size in base pair.
      # Their normal size range is idicated in min and max columns.
      # Grouped by marker.

      res <- data.frame(
        Marker = res$Marker,
        Allele = res$Allele,
        Size = res$Size,
        Size.Min = res$Size.Min,
        Size.Max = res$Size.Max,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    } else if (toupper(what) == "VIRTUAL") {
      # Returns all alleles (bins) with a flag if it is virtual
      # 1 for virtual or 0 it it is a physical ladder fragment.
      # Grouped per marker.

      res <- data.frame(
        Marker = as.character(res$Marker),
        Allele = res$Allele,
        Virtual = res$Virtual,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    } else if (toupper(what) == "COLOR") {
      # Return markers and their color as strings.

      marker <- getKit(kit, what = "Marker")
      color <- NA

      for (m in seq(along = marker)) {
        color[m] <- unique(res$Color[res$Marker == marker[m]])

      res <- data.frame(
        Marker = marker,
        Color = color,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    } else if (toupper(what) == "REPEAT") {
      # Return markers and their repeat unit length in base pair.

      marker <- getKit(kit, what = "Marker")
      offset <- NA
      repeatUnit <- NA

      for (m in seq(along = marker)) {
        offset[m] <- unique(res$Offset[res$Marker == marker[m]])
        repeatUnit[m] <- unique(res$Repeat[res$Marker == marker[m]])

      res <- data.frame(
        Marker = marker, Offset = offset, Repeat = repeatUnit,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    } else if (toupper(what) == "RANGE") {
      # Return markers and their range (min and max) in base pair.

      marker <- getKit(kit, what = "Marker")
      markerMin <- NA
      markerMax <- NA
      color <- NA

      for (m in seq(along = marker)) {
        markerMin[m] <- unique(res$Marker.Min[res$Marker == marker[m]])
        markerMax[m] <- unique(res$Marker.Max[res$Marker == marker[m]])
        color[m] <- unique(res$Color[res$Marker == marker[m]])

      res <- data.frame(
        Marker = marker,
        Color = color,
        Marker.Min = markerMin,
        Marker.Max = markerMax,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

      # Create useful factors.
      res$Color <- factor(res$Color, levels = unique(res$Color))

    } else if (toupper(what) == "OFFSET") {
      # Return markers and their estimated offset in base pair.

      marker <- getKit(kit, what = "Marker")
      offset <- NA
      repeatUnit <- NA

      for (m in seq(along = marker)) {
        offset[m] <- unique(res$Offset[res$Marker == marker[m]])
        repeatUnit[m] <- unique(res$Repeat[res$Marker == marker[m]])

      res <- data.frame(
        Marker = marker, Offset = offset, Repeat = repeatUnit,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    } else if (toupper(what) == "QUALITY.SENSOR") {
      # Return quality sensors as vector.

      qsMarkers <- as.character(unique(res$Marker[res$Quality.Sensor == TRUE]))

    } else if (toupper(what) == "SEX.MARKER") {
      # Return sex markers as vector.

      sexMarkers <- as.character(unique(res$Marker[res$Sex.Marker == TRUE]))

    } else {
      warning(paste(what, "not supported! \nwhat = {", options, "}"))
  } else {
    # If kit is NULL return available kits.

OskarHansson/strvalidator documentation built on July 22, 2023, 12:04 p.m.