
Defines functions crack_compact_given_columns crack_wide_given_columns crack_compact_all_columns crack_wide_all_columns crack_bundles_to_one_table crack_bundles_to_tables

## This file contains all functions needed for flattening ##
## Exported functions are on top, internal functions below ##

path <- node <- value <- attrib <- entry <- spath <- xpath <- column <- id <- dummy <- NULL #To stop "no visible binding" NOTE in check()

#' Flatten list of FHIR bundles
#' @description Converts a [fhir_bundle_list-class] (the result of [fhir_search()]) to a data.frame/data.table or list of df/dt,
#' if more than one resource type is extracted at once.
#' There are two main output formats for the table: compact and wide. They differ regarding their handling of multiple occurrences of
#' the same FHIR element (e.g. `Patient.adress`). In the compact format multiple occurrences are pasted together into one cell/column,
#' in the wide format multiple occurrences are distributed over several (indexed) columns. If none of the resources contains any multiple
#' values on the extracted elements, the two formats will result in the same structure.
#' To increase speed with larger amounts of data the cracking process can be parallelised over a number of cores defined in the
#' `ncores` argument.
#' @param bundles A FHIR search result as returned by [fhir_search()].
#' @param design A [fhir_design-class] or [fhir_table_description-class] object. See [fhir_design()]/[fhir_table_description()]
#' and the corresponding vignette (`vignette("flattenResources", package ="fhircrackr")`) for a more detailed explanation and
#' comprehensive examples of both.
#' @param sep Optional. A character of length one containing the separator string used for separating multiple entries in cells when `format = "compact"`.
#' Will overwrite the `sep` defined in `design`. If `sep = NULL`, it is looked up in `design`, where the default is `":::"`.
#' @param brackets Optional. A character of length one or two used for the indices of multiple entries, which will overwrite the `brackets` defined in `design`.
#' If `brackets = NULL`, it is looked up in `design`, where the default is `character(0)`,i.e. no indices are added to multiple entries.
#' Empty strings (`""`) are not allowed.
#' @param rm_empty_cols Optional. Remove empty columns? Logical scalar which will overwrite the `rm_empty_cols` defined in
#' `design`. If `rm_empty_cols = NULL`, it is looked up in `design`, where the default is `FALSE`.
#' @param verbose An integer vector of length one. If 0, nothing is printed, if 1, only finishing message is printed, if > 1,
#' extraction progress will be printed. Defaults to 2.
#' @param data.table A logical vector of length one. If it is set to `TRUE` the fhir_crack-function returns a data.table, otherwise a data.frame.
#' Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param format Optional. A character of length one indicating whether the resulting table should be cracked to a `wide` or `compact` format. Will overwrite the `format` defined
#' in `design` which defaults to `compact`. `wide` means multiple entries will be distributed over several columns with indexed names. `compact` means multiple entries will be pasted into one cell/column separated by `sep`.
#' @param keep_attr Optional. A logical of length one indicating whether the attribute name of the respective element (`@value` in most cases)
#' should be attached to the name of the variable in the resulting table. Will overwrite `keep_attr` in `design` which defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param ncores Either `NULL` (no parallelisation) or an integer of length 1 containing the number of
#'  cpu cores that should be used for parallelised cracking. Parallelisation currently only works on linux systems.
#'  Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @return If a [fhir_design-class] was used, the result is a list of data.frames, i.e. a [fhir_df_list-class] object, or a list of data.tables,
#' i.e. a [fhir_dt_list-class] object. If a [fhir_table_description-class] was used, the result is a single data.frame/data.table.
#' @export
#' @rdname fhir_crack-methods
#' @docType methods
#' @include fhir_design.R fhir_bundle_list.R fhir_table_list.R
#' @seealso
#' - Downloading bundles from a FHIR server: [fhir_search()]
#' - Creating designs/table_descriptions: [fhir_table_description()] and [fhir_design()]
#' - Dealing with multiple entries: [fhir_melt()], [fhir_cast()], [fhir_rm_indices()]
#' @examples
#' #unserialize example bundle
#' bundles <- fhir_unserialize(medication_bundles)
#' ###Example 1###
#' #Extract just one resource type
#' #define attributes to extract
#' med_desc <- fhir_table_description(
#'    resource = "MedicationStatement",
#'    cols     = c(
#'    	id              = "id",
#'    	status          = "status",
#'    	system          = "medicationCodeableConcept/coding/system",
#'    	code            = "medicationCodeableConcept/coding/code",
#'    	display         = "medicationCodeableConcept/coding/display"
#'   )
#' )
#' med_df <- fhir_crack(bundles = bundles, design = med_desc)
#' head(med_df) #data.frame
#' ###Example 2###
#' #extract two resource types at once
#' pat_desc <- fhir_table_description(
#'    resource = "Patient"
#' )
#' design <- fhir_design(med_desc, pat_desc)
#' df_list <- fhir_crack(bundles = bundles, design = design)
#' #list of data.frames/fhir_df_list
#' head(df_list$med_desc)
#' head(df_list$pat_desc)
#' #The design that was used can be extracted from a fhir_df_list
#' fhir_design(df_list)
#' ###Example 3###
#' #Filter values before extracting
#' #unserialize example bundle
#' b <- fhir_unserialize(bundles = example_bundles5)
#' #only extract codings with loinc system
#' table_desc <- fhir_table_description(
#'                     resource = "Observation",
#'                     cols = c(
#'                       id = "id",
#' 		                 loinc = "code/coding[system[@value='http://loinc.org']]/code",
#'		                 display = "code/coding[system[@value='http://loinc.org']]/display"
#'		                 )
#' )
#' table <- fhir_crack(bundles = b,
#'					    design = table_desc)
#' table

	name = "fhir_crack",
	def = function(
		sep                  = NULL,
		brackets             = NULL,
		rm_empty_cols        = NULL,
		verbose              = 2,
		data.table           = FALSE,
		format               = NULL,
		keep_attr            = NULL,
		ncores               = 1
	) {

#' @rdname fhir_crack-methods
#' @aliases fhir_crack,fhir_table_description-method
	f          = "fhir_crack",
	signature  = c(design = "fhir_table_description"),
	definition = function(
		sep                  = NULL,
		brackets             = NULL,
		rm_empty_cols        = NULL,
		verbose              = 2,
		data.table           = FALSE,
		format               = NULL,
		keep_attr            = NULL,
		ncores               = 1
	) {

		#overwrite design with function arguments
		if(!is.null(sep)) {
			design@sep <- sep

		if(!is.null(brackets)) {
			brackets <- fix_brackets(brackets = brackets)
			design@brackets <- brackets

		if(!is.null(rm_empty_cols)) {
			design@rm_empty_cols <- rm_empty_cols

		if(!is.null(format)) {
			design@format <- format

		if(!is.null(keep_attr)) {
			design@keep_attr <- keep_attr

		validObject(object = design, complete = TRUE)

		#Check for dangerous XPath expressions ins cols
		cols <- design@cols
		dangerCols <- sapply(cols, function(x) {any(grepl("(?<!:)//", x, perl=T))})

		if(any(dangerCols)) {
				"In the cols element of the table description, you specified XPath expressions containing '//' which point to an ",
				"arbitrary level in the resource. \nThis can result in unexpected behaviour, e.g. when the searched element appears ",
				"on different levels of the resource. \n", "We strongly advise to only use the fully specified relative XPath in the cols ",
				"element, e.g. 'ingredient/strength/numerator/code' instead of search paths like '//code'. \n",
				"This warning is thrown for the following data.frame descriptions: ", paste(names(cols)[dangerCols], collapse = ", ")

		df <- crack_bundles_to_one_table(bundles = bundles, table_description = design, data.table = data.table, ncores = ncores, verbose = verbose)

		if(0 < verbose) {cat('finished.\n')}

		assign(x = "canonical_design", value = design, envir = fhircrackr_env)


#' @rdname fhir_crack-methods
#' @aliases fhir_crack,fhir_design-method
	f          = "fhir_crack",
	signature  = c(design = "fhir_design"),
	definition = function(
		sep                  = NULL,
		brackets             = NULL,
		rm_empty_cols        = NULL,
		verbose              = 2,
		data.table           = FALSE,
		format               = NULL,
		keep_attr            = NULL,
		ncores               = 1
	) {
		#overwrite design with function arguments
		if(!is.null(sep)) {
			design <- fhir_design(lapply(
				function(x) {
					x@sep <- sep

		if(!is.null(brackets)) {
			brackets <- fix_brackets(brackets = brackets)
			design <- fhir_design(
					function(x) {
						x@brackets <- brackets

		if(!is.null(rm_empty_cols)) {
			design <- fhir_design(
					function(x) {
						x@rm_empty_cols <- rm_empty_cols

		if(!is.null(format)) {
			design <- fhir_design(
					function(x) {
						x@format <- format

		if(!is.null(keep_attr)) {
			design <- fhir_design(
					function(x) {
						x@keep_attr <- keep_attr

		validObject(object = design, complete = TRUE)
		#Check for dangerous XPath expressions ins cols
		cols <- lapply(
			X   = design,
			FUN = function(x) {c(x@cols)}
		dangerCols <- sapply(cols, function(x) {any(grepl(esc("//"), x))})

		if(any(dangerCols)) {
				"In the cols element of the design, you specified XPath expressions containing '//' which point to an ",
				"arbitrary level in the resource. \nThis can result in unexpected behaviour, e.g. when the searched element appears ",
				"on different levels of the resource. \n", "We strongly advise to only use the fully specified relative XPath in the cols ",
				"element, e.g. 'ingredient/strength/numerator/code' instead of search paths like '//code'. \n",
				"This warning is thrown for the following data.frame descriptions: ", paste(names(cols)[dangerCols], collapse = ", ")

		if(length(bundles) < 1) {
			warning('No bundles present in bundles list \'bundles\'. NULL will be returned.')

		if(length(design) < 1) {
			warning('No table descriptions present in design \'design\'. NULL will be returned.')

		dfs <- crack_bundles_to_tables(bundles = bundles, design = design, data.table = data.table, ncores = ncores, verbose = verbose)

		#if(0 < verbose) {message("FHIR-Resources cracked. \n")}
		assign(x = "canonical_design", value = design, envir = fhircrackr_env)


#' Create fhir_table_list from bundles and design
#' @param bundles A FHIR search result as returned by [fhir_search()].
#' @param design A [fhir_design-class] object. See [fhir_table_description()]
#' and the corresponding vignette (`vignette("flattenResources", package ="fhircrackr")`) for a more detailed explanation and
#' comprehensive examples of both.
#' @param data.table A logical vector of length one. If it is set to TRUE the fhir_crack-function returns a data.table, otherwise a data.frame.
#' Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param ncores Either NULL (no parallelisation) or an integer of length 1 containing the number of
#'  cpu cores that should be used for parallelised cracking. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param verbose An integer vector of length one. If 0, nothing is printed, if 1, only finishing message is printed, if > 1,
#' extraction progress will be printed. Defaults to 2.
#' @noRd

crack_bundles_to_tables <- function(bundles, design, data.table = FALSE, ncores = 1, verbose = 0) {
	ncores <- limit_ncores(ncores)
	tables <- lapply(
		X   = design,
		FUN = function(table_description) {
				bundles           = bundles,
				table_description = table_description,
				data.table        = data.table,
				ncores            = ncores,
				verbose           = verbose

	if(data.table) {
		fhir_dt_list(dt_list = tables, design = design)
	} else {
		fhir_df_list(df_list = tables, design = design)

#' Create DF/DT from bundles and fhir_table_description
#' @param bundles A FHIR search result as returned by [fhir_search()].
#' @param table_description A [fhir_table_description-class] object. See [fhir_table_description()]
#' and the corresponding vignette (`vignette("flattenResources", package ="fhircrackr")`) for a more detailed explanation and
#' comprehensive examples of both.
#' @param data.table A logical vector of length one. If it is set to TRUE the fhir_crack-function returns a data.table, otherwise a data.frame.
#' Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param ncores Either NULL (no parallelisation) or an integer of length 1 containing the number of
#'  cpu cores that should be used for parallelised cracking. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param verbose An integer vector of length one. If 0, nothing is printed, if 1, only finishing message is printed, if > 1,
#' extraction progress will be printed. Defaults to 2.
#' @noRd
crack_bundles_to_one_table <- function(
		data.table        = FALSE,
		ncores            = 1,
		verbose           = 0
	) {
	os <- get_os()
	available_cores <- get_ncores(os)
	ncores <- limit_ncores(ncores)
	if(0 < verbose) cat(
			'Cracking ',
			' ',
			's\' ',
			if(1 == length(bundles)) 'Bundle' else 'Bundles',
			' on a ',
			'-Engine using ',
			if(1 == available_cores) ' CPU' else ' CPUs',
			' ... \n'

	table <- if(0 < length(table_description@cols)) {
		if(table_description@format == 'wide') {
			crack_wide_given_columns(bundles = bundles, table_description = table_description, ncores = ncores)
		} else {
			crack_compact_given_columns(bundles = bundles, table_description = table_description, ncores = ncores)
	} else {
		if(table_description@format == 'wide') {
			crack_wide_all_columns(bundles = bundles, table_description = table_description, ncores = ncores)
		} else {
			crack_compact_all_columns(bundles = bundles, table_description = table_description, ncores = ncores)

	###Deal with resources/elements that were not found
	#given columns
	if(0 < length(table_description@cols)){
			#nothing was found. Return empty table with appropriate names
				table <- data.table::setnames(data.table(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = length(table_description@cols))), names(table_description@cols))
				warning("The resource type or columns you are looking for don't seem to be present in the bundles.\n ",
						"Returning an empty table.")
				#some items were found: Fill missing with NA
			} else {
				names <- names(table)
				if(0 < length(table_description@brackets)){
					regexpr_ids <- stringr::str_c(esc(table_description@brackets[1]), "([0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)*)", esc(table_description@brackets[2]))
					names <- unique(gsub(regexpr_ids, "", names))
				empty_cols <- setdiff(gsub("\\[.*\\]", "",names(table_description@cols)), gsub("@.*$", "", gsub("\\[.*\\]", "", names)))
				if(0 < length(empty_cols)){table[,(empty_cols):=NA]}
		} else {
				warning("The resource type or columns you are looking for don't seem to be present in the bundles.\n ",
						"Returning an empty table.")
		#set column order to order stated in table_description (only works for compact table)
		data.table::setcolorder(x = table, neworder = names(table_description@cols)[names(table_description@cols) %in% names(table)])

		#all columns
	} else {
		if(nrow(table)==0){warning("The resource type you are looking for (",table_description@resource ,") doesn't seem to be present in the bundles.\n ",
								   "Returning an empty table.")}

	if(!data.table) {


#' Convert Bundles to a wide table when all elements should be extracted
#' @param bundles A fhir_bundle_list
#' @param table_description A fhir_table_description with an empty cols element
#' @param ncores The number of cores for parallelisation
#' @noRd
crack_wide_all_columns <- function(bundles, table_description, ncores = 1) {
	if(2 == length(table_description@brackets)) {
		bra <- table_description@brackets[[1]]
		ket <- table_description@brackets[[2]]
	} else {
		stop("You need to provide brackets if you want to crack to format 'wide'")
	result <- data.table::rbindlist(
			function(bundle_id) {
				#bundle_id <- 1
				d <- data.table(
					node   = xml2::xml_find_all(
						stringr::str_c('./entry/resource/', table_description@resource, '//@*')
					) # intermediate save entries
				if(0 < nrow(d)){
					d <-(d
						 [, path     := xml2::xml_path(node) |> busg('/Bundle/', '')|> busg('([^]])/', '\\1[1]/')] # add missing indices
						 [, value    := xml2::xml_text(node)] # get value
						 [, attrib   := path |> busg('.*@', '')] # get attribute
						 [, path     := path |> busg('@.*', '')] # remove attribute from path
						 [, entry    := path |> busg('entry\\[([0-9]+)].*', '\\1') |> as.integer()] # enumerate entry
						 [, spath    := path |> busg('^[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/','')] # remove 'Bundle/entry/resource' from paths
						 [, id       := spath |> busg('[^0-9]+', '.') |> busg('(^\\.)|(\\.$)', '')] # extract ids
						 [, xpath    := spath |> busg('\\[[0-9]+]*/', '/') |> busg('\\/$', '')] # remove ids
						 [, column   := stringr::str_c(bra, id, ket, xpath) |>
						 		busg('/', '.') |>
						 		stringr::str_c(if(table_description@keep_attr) stringr::str_c('@', attrib) else '')
						 ] # create column name
						 [, -c('node', 'xpath', 'spath', 'attrib', 'id')] # remove unnecessary columns
					d <- dcast(d, entry ~ column) # cast columns by bundle and entry
			mc.cores = ncores
		use.names = TRUE,
		fill      = TRUE

	result <- if(nrow(result) == 0) {result} else {unique(result[, -c('entry')])}

	ebra <- esc(bra)
	eket <- esc(ket)
	n <- separate_names(  names = names(result), ebra, eket)
	i <- separate_indices(names = names(result), ebra, eket)
	o <- order(paste(n, i))
	names(result) <- paste0(bra, i, ket, n)
	setcolorder(result, o)

#' Convert Bundles to a compact table when all elements should be extracted
#' @param bundles A fhir_bundle_list
#' @param table_description A fhir_table_description with an empty cols element
#' @param ncores The number of cores for parallelisation
#' @noRd
crack_compact_all_columns <- function(bundles, table_description, ncores = 1) {
	use_indices <- FALSE
	if(2 == length(table_description@brackets)) {
		bra <- table_description@brackets[[1]]
		ket <- table_description@brackets[[2]]
		use_indices <- TRUE
				function(bundle_id) { #bundle_id <- 1
					d <- data.table(
						node   = xml2::xml_find_all(
							stringr::str_c('./entry/resource/', table_description@resource, '//@*')
						) # intermediate save entries
					if(0 < nrow(d)){
						(d[, path     := xml2::xml_path(node) |> busg('/Bundle/', '')|> busg('([^]])/', '\\1[1]/')] # add missing indices
						 [, value    := xml2::xml_text(node)] # get value
						 [, attrib   := path |> busg('.*@', '')] # get attribute
						 [, path     := path |> busg('@.*', '')] # remove attribute from path
						 [, entry    := path |> busg('entry\\[([0-9]+)].*', '\\1') |> as.integer()] # enumerate entry
						 [, spath    := path |> busg('^[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/','')] # remove 'Bundle/entry/resource' from paths
						 [, xpath    := spath |> busg('\\[[0-9]+]*/', '/') |> busg('\\/$', '')]
						 [, column   := stringr::str_c(
						 	xpath |> busg('/', '.') |> stringr::str_c(if(table_description@keep_attr) stringr::str_c('@', attrib) else '')
						if(use_indices) {
							d <- (d[, id := spath |> busg('[^0-9]+', '.') |> busg('(^\\.)|(\\.$)', '')][, stringr::str_c(bra, id, ket, value, collapse = table_description@sep), by=c('entry', 'column')] |>
								  	dcast(entry ~ column, value.var = 'V1'))[,-c('entry')]
						} else {
							d <- (d[, stringr::str_c(value, collapse = table_description@sep), by=c('entry', 'column')] |> dcast(entry ~ column, value.var = 'V1'))[,-c('entry')]
				mc.cores = ncores
			use.names = TRUE,
			fill = TRUE

#' Convert Bundles to a wide table when only some elements should be extracted
#' @param bundles A fhir_bundle_list
#' @param table_description A fhir_table_description with a non-empty cols element
#' @param ncores The number of cores for parallelisation
#' @noRd
crack_wide_given_columns <- function(bundles, table_description, ncores = 1) {
	rm_dummy <- FALSE

	if(2 == length(table_description@brackets)) {
		bra <- table_description@brackets[[1]]
		ket <- table_description@brackets[[2]]
	} else {
		stop("You need to provide brackets if you want to crack to format 'wide'")

	#add dummy column for id so each resource is represented in one row
	if(!any(grepl("id", table_description@cols))){
		table_description@cols <- fhir_columns(c(c(dummy="id"), table_description@cols))
		rm_dummy <- TRUE

	result <- data.table::rbindlist(
			function(bundle_id) {# bundle_id <- 1
				colwise_list <- lapply(
					function(xpath) {# xpath <- table_description@cols[[1]]
							stringr::str_c('./entry/resource/', table_description@resource, '/', xpath, '/@*')
				nodelist <-	unlist(
					recursive = FALSE,
					use.names = FALSE

				d <- data.table(
					node   = xml_nodeset(nodelist),
					column = rep(names(colwise_list), lengths(colwise_list))
				if(0 < nrow(d)){
					d <- (d[, path     := xml2::xml_path(node) |> busg('/Bundle/', '') |> busg('([^]])/', '\\1[1]/')] # add missing indices
						  [, value    := xml2::xml_text(node)] # get value
						  [, attrib   := path |> busg('.*@', '')] # get attribute
						  [, path     := path |> busg('@.*', '')] # remove attribute from path
						  [, entry    := path |> busg('entry\\[([0-9]+)].*', '\\1') |> as.integer()] # enumerate entry
						  [, spath    := path |> busg('^[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/','')] # remove 'Bundle/entry/resource' from paths
						  [, id       := spath |> busg('[^0-9]+', '.') |> busg('(^\\.)|(\\.$)', '')] # extract ids
						  [, xpath    := spath |> busg('\\[[0-9]+]*/', '/') |> busg('\\/$', '')] # remove ids
						  [, column   := stringr::str_c(bra, id, ket, column) |>
						  		#busg('/', '.') |>
						  		stringr::str_c(if(table_description@keep_attr) stringr::str_c('@', attrib) else '')
						  ] # create column name
						  [, -c('node', 'xpath', 'spath', 'attrib', 'id')] # remove unnecessary columns
					cols <- unique(d$column)
					d <- dcast(d, entry ~ column) # cast columns by bundle and entry
					data.table::setcolorder(x = d, neworder = cols)
			mc.cores = ncores
		use.names = TRUE,
		fill = TRUE
	if(nrow(result)!=0){result <- unique(result[, -c('entry')])}
	if(rm_dummy){result[,grep("dummy", names(result)):=NULL]}

#' Convert Bundles to a compact table when only some elements should be extracted
#' @param bundles A fhir_bundle_list
#' @param table_description A fhir_table_description with a non-empty cols element
#' @param ncores The number of cores for parallelisation
#' @noRd
crack_compact_given_columns <- function(bundles, table_description, ncores = 1) {
	use_indices <- FALSE
	rm_dummy <- FALSE
	bra <- ket <- ''

	#add dummy column for id so each resource is represented in one row
	if(!any(grepl("id", table_description@cols))){
		table_description@cols <- fhir_columns(c(c(dummy="id"), table_description@cols))
		rm_dummy <- TRUE

	if(2 == length(table_description@brackets)) {
		bra <- table_description@brackets[[1]]
		ket <- table_description@brackets[[2]]
		use_indices <- TRUE
	result <- unique(
				function(bundle_id) {# bundle_id <- 1
					colwise_list <- lapply(
						function(xpath) {# xpath <- table_description@cols[[1]]
								stringr::str_c('./entry/resource/', table_description@resource, '/', xpath, '/@*')
					nodelist <-	unlist(
						recursive = FALSE,
						use.names = FALSE

					d <- data.table(
						node   = xml_nodeset(nodelist),
						column = rep(names(colwise_list), lengths(colwise_list))
					if(0 < nrow(d)){
						(d[, path     := xml2::xml_path(node) |> busg('/Bundle/', '')|> busg('([^]])/', '\\1[1]/')] # add missing indices
						 [, value    := xml2::xml_text(node)] # get value
						 [, attrib   := path |> busg('.*@', '')] # get attribute
						 [, path     := path |> busg('@.*', '')] # remove attribute from path
						 [, entry    := path |> busg('entry\\[([0-9]+)].*', '\\1') |> as.integer()] # enumerate entry
						 [, spath    := path |> busg('^[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/','')] # remove 'Bundle/entry/resource' from paths
						 [, xpath    := spath |> busg('\\[[0-9]+]*/', '/') |> busg('\\/$', '')]
						 [, column   := column |> stringr::str_c(if(table_description@keep_attr) stringr::str_c('@', attrib) else '')] #attach attribute to column name
						 # [, column   := stringr::str_c(names(table_description@cols)[match(xpath, gsub("\\[.*\\]", "",table_description@cols))]) |>
						 # 		busg('/', '.') |>
						 # 		stringr::str_c(if(table_description@keep_attr) stringr::str_c('@', attrib) else '')
						 # ] # create column name
						if(use_indices) {
							d <- (d[, id := spath |> busg('[^0-9]+', '.') |> busg('(^\\.)|(\\.$)', '')][, stringr::str_c(bra, id, ket, value, collapse = table_description@sep), by=c('entry', 'column')] |>
								  	dcast(entry ~ column, value.var = 'V1'))[,-c('entry')]
						} else {
							d <- (d[, stringr::str_c(value, collapse = table_description@sep), by=c('entry', 'column')] |> dcast(entry ~ column, value.var = 'V1'))[,-c('entry')]
				mc.cores = ncores
			use.names = TRUE,
			fill = TRUE
	if(rm_dummy){result[,grep("^dummy", names(result)):=NULL]}
POLAR-fhiR/fhircrackr documentation built on Dec. 24, 2024, 3:06 a.m.