
Defines functions gradients getMFCLversion availableMFCLversions setMFCLversion check.mfcl.cfg

Documented in availableMFCLversions check.mfcl.cfg getMFCLversion gradients setMFCLversion

#' mfcl
#' Runs MFCL with defined inputs
#' @param frq An object of class MFCLFrq.
#' @param par An object of class MFCLPar.
#' @param outpar The name of the output par file.
#' @param switch Optional numeric vector of additional flag settings.
#' @param spp Character string with 3 letter species code - optional but required to produce the .cfg file if missing.
#' @param ... Additional argument list that might not ever be used.
#' @return Creates a text file at the specified location.
#' @seealso \code{\link{read.MFCLFrq}} and \code{\link{read.MFCLPar}}
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname mfcl-methods

check.mfcl.cfg <- function(dir=".", spp){
  if(!file.exists(paste(dir, 'mfcl.cfg', sep="/")) & is.null(spp))
    stop("mfcl.cfg file unavailable: spp arg in mfcl call is not defined!")
  if(!file.exists(paste(dir, 'mfcl.cfg', sep="/")) & !is.null(spp)){
    cfg <- switch(toupper(spp), 
                  SKJ = paste("96000000" , "\n", "850000000", "\n", "180000000", sep=""),
                  BET = paste("100000000", "\n", "850000000", "\n", "550000000", sep=""),
                  YFT = paste("100000000", "\n", "850000000", "\n", "550000000", sep=""),
                  ALB = paste("36000000", "\n", "450000000", "\n", "200000000", sep=""),
                  BSH = paste("36000000", "\n", "450000000", "\n", "200000000", sep=""))
    cat(cfg, file=paste(dir,"mfcl.cfg",sep="/"))

setGeneric('mfcl', function(frq, par, ...) standardGeneric('mfcl')) 

#' @rdname mfcl-methods
#' @aliases mfcl

setMethod("mfcl", signature(frq="MFCLFrq", par="MFCLPar"), 
  function(frq, par, outpar="out.par", tag=NULL, makepar=F, newflags=NULL, spp=NULL, ...){
  check.mfcl.cfg(dir=getwd(), spp=spp)  
    outpar <- "out.par"
  path <- system.file("extdata",package="FLR4MFCL")
  write(frq, "xx.frq")
  write(par, "xx.par")
    write(tag, "xx.tag")
    newflags <- paste(" -switch", paste(newflags, collapse=" "))
  makepararg <- ifelse(makepar, " -makepar", "")
  system(paste(path, "/mfclo64 xx.frq xx.par ", outpar, newflags, makepararg, sep=""))  
  #system(paste(path, "/mfclo64 --version", sep=""))  

#' @rdname mfcl-methods
#' @aliases mfcl

setMethod("mfcl", signature(frq="MFCLFrq", par="MFCLIni"), 
          function(frq, par, outpar="out.par", tag=NULL, makepar=F, newflags=NULL, ...){
              outpar <- "00.par"
            path <- system.file("extdata",package="FLR4MFCL")
            write(frq, "xx.frq")
            write(par, "xx.ini")
              write(tag, "xx.tag")
              newflags <- paste(" -switch", paste(newflags, collapse=" "))
            makepararg <- ifelse(makepar, " -makepar", "")
            system(paste(path, "/mfclo64 xx.frq xx.ini ", outpar, newflags, makepararg, sep=""))  
            #system(paste(path, "/mfclo64 --version", sep=""))  

#' setMFCLversion
#' Sets the version of MFCL to be activated within the package.
#' Currently only the 2015 development version of MFCL is available.
#' The available versions can be obtained from the function availableMFCLversions.
#' @param version Character string specifying the MFCL version.
#' @return Returns Nothing: just sets the MFCL version to the one specified.
#' @examples
#' setMFCLversion("2015_devvsn_1.1.4.3_linux")
#' @export
setMFCLversion <- function(version="2015_devvsn_1.1.4.3_linux"){
  opsys <- rev(unlist(strsplit(packageDescription("FLR4MFCL")$Built, split=" ")))[1]
  oldpath <- getwd()
  path <- system.file("extdata",package="FLR4MFCL")
  from <- paste(path, "/", version, sep="")
  to   <- switch(opsys,
                 "unix"    = paste(path, "/mfclo64",     sep=""),
                 "linux"   = paste(path, "/mfclo64",     sep=""),
                 "windows" = paste(path, "/mfclo64.exe", sep=""))
  file.copy(from=from, to=to, overwrite=TRUE)
    system(paste("chmod 777 ", path, "/mfclo64", sep=""))

#' availableMFCLversions
#' Returns the available versions of MFCL within the package.
#' Currently only the 2015 development version of MFCL is available.
#' @return Returns a list of available MFCL versions.
#' @examples
#' availableMFCLversions()
#' @export

availableMFCLversions <- function(){
  res <- dir(system.file("extdata",package="FLR4MFCL"))
  res2<- res[grep("mfcl", res)]

#' getMFCLversion
#' Returns the version of MFCL to be used for this session
#' @param file name of a file to get the MFCL version from.
#' @details
#' The value of \code{file} should be either (1) a path to an MFCL executable
#' such as \file{mfclo64}, or (2) a path to an MFCL \verb{rep} file such as
#' \file{plot-10.par.rep}.
#' The default value of \code{file} looks for \verb{mfclo64} inside the FLR4MFCL
#' package installation directory.
#' @return the mfcl version
#' @examples
#' repfile <- system.file(package="FLR4MFCL", "extdata/plot-07.par.rep")
#' getMFCLversion(repfile)
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @export

getMFCLversion <- function(file)
  if(missing(file)) {
    file <- file.path(system.file(package="FLR4MFCL"), "extdata/mfclo64")
    warning("file '", file, "' does not exist")
    return(invisible(NULL))  # exit with warning, consistent with old function

  # Read rep file or run executable
  if(file_ext(file) == "rep") {
    ver <- readLines(file)
    ver <- grep("MULTIFAN-CL version number", ver, value=TRUE)
    ver <- gsub(".*: ", "", ver)
  } else {
    ver <- system(paste(file, "--version"), intern=TRUE)
    ver <- grep("Version number", ver, value=TRUE)
    ver <- gsub(".*: ", "", ver)


#' gradients
#' Returns a data.frame of parameters and their gradients in reverse order.
#' @param grads text string of input file name for sorted gradients.
#' @param parnames text string of input file name for parameter names.
#' @return data.frame of parameter gradients.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gradients()
#' }
#' @export

gradients <- function(grads="sorted_gradient.rpt", parnames="xinit.rpt"){
  trim.leading  <- function(x) sub("^\\s+", "", x) 
  kk <- strsplit(readLines(parnames), split="[[:blank:]]+")
  parnum <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(kk, el, 1)))
  parname<- unlist(lapply(kk, el, 2))
  df1    <- data.frame(parnum=parnum, parname=parname)
  kk <- strsplit(trim.leading(readLines(grads)), split="[[:blank:]]+")
  parnum  <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(kk, el, 1)))
  gradient<- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(kk, el, 2)))
  df2     <- data.frame(parnum=parnum, gradient=gradient)
  df3 <- merge(df1, df2)
PacificCommunity/ofp-sam-flr4mfcl documentation built on July 24, 2024, 6:38 p.m.