#' Ref_2_Lab
#' Function to convert reflectance spectra to CIELab values
#' @param wS wavelenth vector
#' @param S matrix of reflectance spectra. One spectrum per line. Number of columns should match length(wS)
#' @return
#' A matrix of dimension (nrow(S),3) where the columns are L, a and b value, one row per sample
#' @export
Ref_2_Lab <- function(wS,S){
# Converts reflectance spectra to CIELab.
# Inputs:
# wS : wavelenth vector
# S : matrix of reflectance spectra. One spectrum per line.
# Number of columns should match length(wS)
hasIt <- require(colorSpec)
if (hasIt){
I <- D65.1nm #D65 illuminant, 1 nm
wI <- wavelength(I)
I <- as.numeric(coredata(I))
xyz <- xyz1931.1nm #XYZ 2° observer, 1 nm
wxyz <- wavelength(xyz)
xyz <- as.matrix(coredata(xyz))
if(is.vector(S)) S <- t(as.matrix(S))
doIt <- function(S,wS,I,wI,xyz,wxyz)
rI <- range(wI)
rxyz <- range(wxyz)
rS <- range(wS)
wmin <- max(c(rI[1],rS[1],rxyz[1]))
wmax <- min(c(rI[2],rS[2],rxyz[2]))
w <- seq(wmin,wmax,1)
i1 <- which(wI==wmin); i2 <- which(wI==wmax)
I <- I[i1:i2]
i1 <- which(wS==wmin); i2 <- which(wS==wmax)
St <- S[i1:i2]
i1 <- which(wxyz==wmin); i2 <- which(wxyz==wmax)
xyz <- xyz[i1:i2,]
x <- xyz[,1]
y <- xyz[,2]
z <- xyz[,3]
N <- length(x)
X <- 1/sum(I*x)*sum(x*St*I)
Y <- 1/sum(I*y)*sum(y*St*I)
Z <- 1/sum(I*z)*sum(z*St*I)
CieLab <- LabfromXYZ(t(rbind(X,Y,Z)), standardXYZ('D65'))
res <- apply(S,MARGIN = 1,doIt, wS=wS,I=I,wI=wI,xyz=xyz,wxyz=wxyz)
colnames(res) <- c("L","a","b")
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