
Defines functions per_facility_summary all_admissions_summary

Documented in all_admissions_summary per_facility_summary

# Functions giving summary statistics on the entire data base (i.e. not involving the network)

# 1) Summary statistics entire database
# A - Total number of admissions
# B - Total number of overnight stays
# C - Total number of unique subjects
# D - Number of facilities
# E - Distribution of lenght of stay
# F - Distribution of time between admissions
# 2) Per facility summary statistics 1A,1B, and 1C

#' Summary statistics on entire database
#' Function that extracts summary statistics from entire database
#' @param base (data.table).
#'     A subject discharge database, in the form of a data.table. The data.table should have at least the following columns:
#'         sID: subjectID (character)
#'         fID: facilityID (character)
#'         Adate: admission date (date)
#'         Ddate: discharge date (date)
#' @param verbose (boolean) print diagnostic messages. Default is TRUE.
#' @param ... other parameters passed on to internal functions
#' @return a list of summary statistics:
#'         -   meanLOS: The mean length of stay, in days
#'         -   meanTBA: The mean time between admissions, in days
#'         -   totalAdmissions: Total number of admissions (i.e. number of records in the database)
#'         -   numSubjects: Number of unique subjects
#'         -   numFacilities: Number of unique facilities
#'         -   LOSdistribution: Distribution of length of stay
#'         -   TBAdistribution: Distribution of time between admissions
#' @examples
#' mydb <- create_fake_subjectDB(n_subjects = 100, n_facilities = 10)
#' myBase <- checkBase(mydb)
#' all_admissions_summary(myBase)
#' @export
all_admissions_summary <- function(base,
                                   verbose = FALSE,
                                   ...) {
  if (!inherits(base, "hospinet.base")) {
    stop("Cannot compute admission summary: the database must first be checked with the
             function 'checkBase()'. See the vignettes for more details on the
             workflow of the package.")

  sumStats <- list()

  LOS <- difftime(base[, Ddate], base[, Adate], units = "days")

  N <- base[, .N]
  C1 <- base[, sID][-N] == base[, sID][-1]
  TBA <- difftime(base[, Adate][-1], base[, Ddate][-N], units = "days")[C1]

  sumStats$meanLOS <- mean(LOS)
  sumStats$meanTBA <- mean(TBA)
  sumStats$totalAdmissions <- nrow(base)
  sumStats$numSubjects <- length(base[, unique(sID)])
  sumStats$numFacilities <- length(base[, unique(fID)])
  sumStats$LOSdistribution <- table(LOS)
  sumStats$TBAdistribution <- table(TBA)

  if (verbose) print(paste("Average LOS, overnight stays ", mean(LOS)))
  if (verbose) print(paste("Average TBA ", mean(TBA)))


#' Function that extracts summary statistics from entire database
#' @param base (data.table).
#'     A subject discharge database, in the form of a data.table. The data.table should have at least the following columns:
#'         sID: subjectID (character)
#'         fID: facilityID (character)
#'         Adate: admission date (date)
#'         Ddate: discharge date (date)
#' @param verbose (boolean) print diagnostic messages. Default is TRUE.
#' @param ... other parameters passed on to internal functions
#' @return a data table with one row per facility, showing mean LOS, number of subjects, and number of admissions
#' @examples
#' mydb <- create_fake_subjectDB(n_subjects = 100, n_facilities = 10)
#' myBase <- checkBase(mydb)
#' per_facility_summary(myBase)
#' @export

per_facility_summary <- function(base,
                                 verbose = FALSE,
                                 ...) {
  if (!inherits(base, "hospinet.base")) {
    stop("Cannot compute facility summary: the database must first be checked with the
             function 'checkBase()'. See the vignettes for more details on the
             workflow of the package.")

  losPerHosp <- (base[, .(mean(difftime(Ddate, Adate, units = "days"))), by = fID])
  # losPerHosp<-as.numeric(losPerHosp,units="days")

  setnames(losPerHosp, c("node", "LOS"))
  data.table::setkey(losPerHosp, node)

  subjectsPerHosp <- base[, uniqueN(.SD), .SDcols = "sID", by = fID]
  setnames(subjectsPerHosp, c("node", "subjects"))
  data.table::setkey(subjectsPerHosp, node)

  admissionsPerHosp <- (base[, .N, by = fID])
  setnames(admissionsPerHosp, c("node", "admissions"))
  data.table::setkey(admissionsPerHosp, node)

  sumStats <- Reduce(
    function(x, y) merge(x = x, y = y, all = TRUE),

PascalCrepey/HospitalNetwork documentation built on March 7, 2023, 5:41 a.m.