
Defines functions samp_ssm sim_ssm fit_ssm

Documented in fit_ssm samp_ssm sim_ssm

#' Function for fitting state-space movement model
#' @param track  data.frame of an individual track containing time, UTM coordinates, time differences
#'               and estimates of observation error. UTM coordinate columns should be labeled
#'               lon and lat and units should equal km. time difference should be a ratio of
#'               the minimum sampling interval and named delta_t. Observation error should be labeled
#'               1) sd_lon and sd_lat for the normal distribution; 2) tau_lon, tau_lat, nu_lon,
#'               and nu_lat for the parameters for the t-distribution; and, 3) scale_lon and
#'               scale_lat for the cauchy distribution.
#' @param formula Formula describing relationship between gamma (parameter controlling autocorrelation
#'                in the movement process) and covariates. Covariates are not used if set to NULL
#' @param gamma_model Should the gamma parameter (autocorrelation for movement) be "fixed", modeled
#'                    as a random walk ("RW") or an "AR1" process?
#' @param gamma_threshold  A threshold for defining directed or area-restricted phases of movement
#' @param gamma_prop       Probability of being considered above or below gamma_threshold value
#'                         (i.e. "directed" or "area-restricted")
#' @param dist   Distribution to use for observation error ("null", "normal", "t", "cauchy", "robust").
#'               The "robust" option is a mixture of the normal and t distributions.
#'               If NULL, locations are to be "true".
#' @param silent Disable tracing information?
#' @param gr_threshold Stop if maximum gradient exceeds this value (large values indicate convergence issues)
#' @param start_par List of start parameters from a simpler fit from this model (par_est in the list).
#'                  It may be helpful to fit a simpler version of this model, then supply starting parameters
#'                  that are closer to where they should be.
#' @param scale  Method for scaling x values to improve parameter scaling and aid convergence, where
#'               "sd" scales using sd, "max" scales to max deviation, or provide a value.
#' @export

fit_ssm <- function(track, formula = NULL , gamma_model = "RW", gamma_threshold = 0.8,
                    gamma_prob = 0.95, dist = "t", silent = FALSE, gr_threshold = 10,
                    start_par = NULL, scale = "sd") {

    if (is.null(dist)) dist <- "null"
    if (is.null(formula)) {
        model_mat <- matrix(rep(0, nrow(track)), ncol = 1)
    } else {
        model_mat <- model.matrix(formula, data = track)

    ## Center lon and lat values and scale using max deviation (or sd)
    ## this should aid convergence by scaling the x parameters
    center_lon <- mean(track$lon)
    center_lat <- mean(track$lat)
    if (is.character(scale)) {
        if (scale == "sd") {
            scale <- sd(c(track$lon - center_lon, track$lat - center_lat))
        if (scale == "max") {
            scale <- max(abs(c(track$lon - center_lon, track$lat - center_lat)))

    ## Set-up TMB data
    ## Note: centered the coordinates aid convergance
    tmb_data <- list(y_lon = track$lon - center_lon,
                     y_lat = track$lat - center_lat,
                     covariates = model_mat,
                     scale = scale,
                     obs_sd_lon = track$sd_lon,
                     obs_sd_lat = track$sd_lat,
                     tau_lon = track$tau_lon,
                     tau_lat = track$tau_lat,
                     nu_lon = track$nu_lon,
                     nu_lat = track$nu_lat,
                     scale_lon = track$scale_lon,
                     scale_lat = track$scale_lat,
                     drobust_sd_lon = track$robust_sd_lon,
                     drobust_sd_lat = track$robust_sd_lat,
                     drobust_p = tracks$p,
                     drobust_df = tracks$df,
                     delta_t = track$delta_t,
                     n = nrow(track),
                     dist = as.numeric(factor(dist, levels = c("null", "normal", "t", "cauchy", "robust"))) - 1,
                     fix_gamma = as.numeric(gamma_model == "fixed"),
                     logit_gamma_threshold = log(gamma_threshold / (1 - gamma_threshold)))

    ## Set-up initial par values for TMB
    ## Note: supplied y values for x values - key thing is that the starting locations are supplied
    if (is.null(start_par)) {
        tmb_pars <- list(epislon_gamma = rep(0, length(tmb_data$y_lon)),
                         log_sd_gamma = 0,
                         logit_phi_gamma = 0,
                         beta_gamma = rep(0, ncol(tmb_data$covariates)),
                         log_sd_lon = 0,
                         log_sd_lat = 0,
                         log_alpha_lon = 0,
                         log_alpha_lat = 0,
                         x_slon = tmb_data$y_lon / scale,
                         x_slat = tmb_data$y_lat / scale)
    } else {
        tmb_pars <- start_par
    tmb_map <- list()

    ## Conditional mapping
    if (dist == "null") {
        tmb_random <- NULL
        tmb_map$log_alpha_lon <- factor(NA)
        tmb_map$log_alpha_lat <- factor(NA)
        tmb_map$x_slon <- rep(factor(NA), tmb_data$n)
        tmb_map$x_slat <- rep(factor(NA), tmb_data$n)
    } else {
        tmb_random <- c("x_slon", "x_slat")
    if (gamma_model == "fixed") {
        tmb_map$epislon_gamma <- rep(factor(1), length(tmb_data$y_lon))
        tmb_map$log_sd_gamma <- factor(NA)
        tmb_map$logit_phi_gamma <- factor(NA)
    if (gamma_model == "RW") {
        tmb_map$logit_phi_gamma <- factor(NA)
        tmb_pars$logit_phi_gamma <- Inf
        tmb_random <- c("epislon_gamma", tmb_random)
    if (gamma_model == "AR1") {
        tmb_random <- c("epislon_gamma", tmb_random)
    if (is.null(formula)) {
        tmb_map$beta_gamma <- factor(NA)

    ## Generate objective function, minimize and get parameters
    obj <- MakeADFun(tmb_data, tmb_pars, random = tmb_random, map = tmb_map,
                     DLL = "motus", silent = silent)
    control <- list(eval.max = 10000, iter.max = 10000)
    opt <- nlminb(obj$par, obj$fn, obj$gr, control = control)
    sd_rep <- sdreport(obj)
    sd_res <- summary(sd_rep)

    ## Maximum gradient
    max_gr <- max(abs(sd_rep$gradient.fixed))
    stopifnot(max_gr <= gr_threshold)

    ## Calculate AIC
    nll <- opt$objective
    k <- length(opt[["par"]])
    AIC <- 2 * k + 2 * nll + 2 * k * (k + 1) / (k - 1)

    ## Extract state estimates
    xrep_lon <- sd_res[rownames(sd_res) %in% "x_lon", ]
    xrep_lat <- sd_res[rownames(sd_res) %in% "x_lat", ]
    xrep_gamma <- sd_res[rownames(sd_res) %in% "logit_gamma", ]

    ## Save states to the data
    track$lon_est <- (xrep_lon[, 1] + mean(track$lon))
    track$lat_est <- (xrep_lat[, 1] + mean(track$lat))
    track$lon_lwr <- (xrep_lon[, 1] - qnorm(0.975) * xrep_lon[, 2]) + mean(track$lon)
    track$lon_upr <- (xrep_lon[, 1] + qnorm(0.975) * xrep_lon[, 2]) + mean(track$lon)
    track$lat_lwr <- (xrep_lat[, 1] - qnorm(0.975) * xrep_lat[, 2]) + mean(track$lat)
    track$lat_upr <- (xrep_lat[, 1] + qnorm(0.975) * xrep_lat[, 2]) + mean(track$lat)
    track$logit_gamma_est <- xrep_gamma[, 1]
    track$logit_gamma_lwr <- xrep_gamma[, 1] - qnorm(0.975) * xrep_gamma[, 2]
    track$logit_gamma_upr <- xrep_gamma[, 1] + qnorm(0.975) * xrep_gamma[, 2]
    track$gamma_est <- plogis(track$logit_gamma_est)
    track$gamma_lwr <- plogis(track$logit_gamma_lwr)
    track$gamma_upr <- plogis(track$logit_gamma_upr)

    ## Label phases
    ind <- names(sd_rep$value) == "delta_gamma"
    delta_gamma_est <- sd_rep$value[ind]
    delta_gamma_sd <- sd_rep$sd[ind]
    delta_gamma_prob <- pnorm(0, mean = delta_gamma_est, sd = delta_gamma_sd)
    track$state <- "uncertain"
    track$state[delta_gamma_prob > gamma_prob] <- "directed"
    track$state[1 - delta_gamma_prob > gamma_prob] <- "area-restricted"

    ## Parameter estimates and sd
    par_est <- as.list(sd_rep, "Est")
    par_sd <- as.list(sd_rep, "Std")

    ## Return results
    list(call = match.call(), tmb_data = tmb_data, tmb_pars = tmb_pars, opt = opt, obj = obj,
         rep = rep, max_gr = max_gr, sd_rep = sd_rep, sd_res = sd_res, AIC = AIC, track = track,
         par_est = par_est, par_sd = par_sd)


#' Simulate a track using parameters estimated by state-space model
#' @param model Object produced by \code{\link{fit_ssm}}
#' @details Essentially a wrapper for \code{model$obj$simulate()}
#' @export

sim_ssm <- function(model) {
    if (model$call$dist == "cauchy") stop("Simulation not yet implemented for the cauchy option")
    sim <- model$obj$simulate()
    data.frame(DATETIME = model$track$DATETIME,
               obs_lon = sim$y_lon, obs_lat = sim$y_lat,
               true_lon = sim$x_lon, true_lat = sim$x_lat,
               epislon_gamma = sim$epislon_gamma)

#' Draw MCMC samples from state-space model
#' @param model Object produced by \code{\link{fit_ssm}}
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to \code{\link{tmbstan::tmbstan}}
#' @details Simple wrapper for \code{\link{tmbstan::tmbstan}}
#' @export
#' @import tmbstan

samp_ssm <- function(model, ...) {
    tmbstan::tmbstan(model$obj, ...)
PaulRegular/motus documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 6:11 p.m.