score_sbpni: Score the 12-item Super-Brief Pathological Narcissism...

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score_sbpniR Documentation

Score the 12-item Super-Brief Pathological Narcissism Inventory (SB-PNI)


Score the 12-item Super-Brief Pathological Narcissism Inventory (SB-PNI)


  item_prefix = "SBPNI",
  max_impute = 0.2,
  drop_items = FALSE,
  min_value = 1,
  max_value = 100



a data.frame containing the 12-item SBPNI items to be scored


a character prefix of the items names in df to be scored. Default: "SBPNI"


the proportion of missingness [0..1) or number [1..n] of missing values per scale. Below this threshold, the person subscale mean will be imputed for missing items.


whether to remove the item-level data from the df. Default: FALSE


the minimum value for the item anchors, used in reverse scoring. Default: 1


the highest value for the item anchors, used in reverse scoring. Default: 7


Adds two columns, SBPNI_Grandiosity and SBPNI_Vulnerability, to df containing the grandiosity and vulnerability scales, respectively.

Note: the default SBPNI scoring uses the mean of the items for the scales.

Scale content: —- SBPNI01: (22G) Right now, I am feeling important because others are relying on me. SBPNI02: (8V) Right now, I feel bad about myself because others are not noticing me. SBPNI03: (26G) Right now, I am fantasizing about accomplishing things that are probably beyond my means. SBPNI04: (17V) Right now, I am avoiding people because I am concerned that they will disappoint me. SBPNI05: (31G) Right now, I am fantasizing about being rewarded for my efforts. SBPNI06: (30V) Right now, it is hard to feel good about myself because I do not know if other people are admiring me. SBPNI07: (33G) Right now, I like to have friends who rely on me because it makes me feel important. SBPNI08: (32V) Right now, I am preoccupied with thoughts and concerns that most people are not interested in me. SBPNI09: (42G) Right now, I am fantasizing about performing heroic deeds. SBPNI10: (36V) Right now, it's hard for me to feel good about myself because I do not know if other people like me. SBPNI11: (45G) Right now, I am fantasizing about being recognized for my accomplishments. SBPNI12: (50V) Right now, I feel anxious and ashamed because others got a glimpse of my needs.


Michael Hallquist

PennStateDEPENdLab/dependlab documentation built on Dec. 14, 2024, 7:12 a.m.