
### =========================================================================
### SparseAssays objects
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @include SparseAssays-class.R

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### SparseAssays class

# NOTE: Lossless back and forth coercion from/to SimpleList are automatically
#       taken care of by automatic methods defined by the methods package.
#' SimpleListSparseAssays objects
#' @description A concrete subclass of the \link{SparseAssays} virtual class.
#' As such, all the methods documented in
#' \code{?}\link{SparseAssays} also work on a SimpleListSparseAssays object.
#' See \link{SparseAssays} for details.
#' @details The SimpleListSparseAssays class has a nested-list structure. This
#' hierarchy is illustrated below for an example with two sparse assays and
#' three samples:
#' \preformatted{
#' SimpleListSparseAssays
#' |-- sparse_assay_1
#' |   |-- sample_1
#' |   |   |-- key
#' |   |   |-- value
#' |   |-- sample_2
#' |   |   |-- key
#' |   |   |-- value
#' |   |-- sample_3
#' |   |   |-- key
#' |   |   |-- value
#' |-- sparse_assay_2
#' |   |-- sample_1
#' |   |   |-- key
#' |   |   |-- value
#' |   |-- sample_2
#' |   |   |-- key
#' |   |   |-- value
#' |   |-- sample_3
#' |   |   |-- key
#' |   |   |-- value
#' }
#' Each \sQuote{key} is an integer vector and all key elements must have
#' identical length. Each \sQuote{value} element is a matrix object. Each
#' value element may have a different number of rows but the maximum number of
#' rows must be less than or equal to the length of the key elements. A row of
#' the value element may be pointed to multiple times by the key element
#' within the same sample and asssay.
#' @author Peter Hickey, \email{peter.hickey@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \link{SparseAssays} objects for a description of the available
#'    methods.
#' }
#' @aliases SimpleListSparseAssays
#'          [,SimpleListSparseAssays,ANY-method
#' @examples
#' # TODO: Get old examples from docs?
#' # TODO: Use SparseAssays(matrix) in examples?
#' # TODO: Set names on 'key' elements so that can demonstrate combine().
#' ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' sl1 <- SimpleList(
#'   s1 = SimpleList(key = as.integer(c(NA, 1, NA, NA, 2, NA, 3, NA, 4, 5)),
#'                   value = matrix(1:10, ncol = 2)),
#'   s2 = SimpleList(key = as.integer(c(NA, NA, 1, 2, NA, NA, 3, 4, NA, NA)),
#'                   value = matrix(8:1, ncol = 2)))
#' sl2 <- SimpleList(
#'   s1 = SimpleList(key = as.integer(c(NA, 1, NA, 2, 2, NA, 1, NA, NA, 1)),
#'                   value = matrix(1:2, ncol = 1)),
#'   s2 = SimpleList(key = as.integer(c(1, 1, 1, 2, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)),
#'                   value = matrix(4:3, ncol = 1)))
#' sa <- SparseAssays(SimpleList(sa1 = sl1, sa2 = sl2))
#' sa
#' as(sa, "SimpleList")
#' length(sa)
#' sa[[2]]
#' dim(sa)
#' sa2 <- sa[-4, 2]
#' sa2
#' length(sa2)
#' sa2[[2]]
#' dim(sa2)
#' dimnames(sa2)
#' names(sa)
#' names(sa) <- c("sa1", "sa2")
#' names(sa)
#' sa[["sa2"]]
#' rbind(sa, sa)
#' \dontrun{
#'   # ERROR: cbind-ing requires unique sample names
#'   cbind(sa, sa)
#' }
#' # Works because unique sample names
#' cbind(sa[, 1], sa[, 2])
#' \dontrun{
#'   # ERROR: combine() requires named 'key' elements
#'   combine(sa[1:7, 1], sa[3:8, 1])
#'   # ERROR: combine() requires named 'key' elements
#'   combine(sa[1:7, 1], sa[3:8, 2])
#' }
#' # TODO: An example of combine() that works because keys are named.
#' @importFrom methods setClass
#' @export
         contains = c("SparseAssays", "SimpleList")

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### Validity

# Check that dimnames are compatible, i.e., check that the names() of 'key'
# elements and "sample names" are identical across sparse assays.
.valid.SimpleListSparseAssays.dimnames <- function(x) {
  rn <- rownames(x)
  rn_identical <- vapply(x, function(sparse_assay) {
    vapply(sparse_assay, function(sample, rn) {
      identical(names(sample[["key"]]), rn)
    }, logical(1L), rn = rn, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  }, logical(ncol(x)), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

  if (!all(rn_identical)) {
    return(paste0("rownames mismatch: all names() of 'key' elements of a '",
                  class(x), "' object must be identical."))
  cn <- colnames(x)
  cn_identical <- vapply(x, function(sparse_assay, cn) {
    identical(names(sparse_assay), cn)
  }, logical(1L), cn = cn, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  if (!all(cn_identical)) {
    return(paste0("colnames mismatch: all names() of elements of a '",
                  class(x), "' object must be identical."))

# TODO: Might be worth breaking this up into smaller functions
.valid.SimpleListSparseAssays <- function(x) {

  if (length(x) == 0L) {

  # NOTE: Checks the virtual class validity. .valid.SparseAssays() is normally
  #       called **after** .valid.SimpleListSparseAssays() is called (via
  #       validObject()), however, I also need it to be run up-front.
  val <- .valid.SparseAssays(x)
  if (!is.null(val)) {

  sparse_assays <- as(x, "SimpleList", strict = FALSE)

  # Check that sample level data has an element named 'key', an element named
  # 'value', and nothing else.
  element_names <- lapply(sparse_assays, function(sparse_assay) {
    lapply(sparse_assay, function(sample) {
  element_names <- unlist(element_names, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
  if (any(vapply(element_names, function(en) {
    !identical(en, c("key", "value")) && !identical(en, c("value", "key"))
  }, logical(1L)))) {
    return(paste0("All sample-level data within each sparse assay of a '",
                  class(x), "' object must have one element named 'key', one ",
                  "element named 'value', and nothing else."))

  # Check each sparse assay has the same number of samples.
  n_samples <- vapply(sparse_assays, length, integer(1L))
  if (any(n_samples != n_samples[1])) {
    return(paste0("All sparse assays of a '", class(x), "' object must have ",
                  "an identical number of samples."))

  # Check all key elements are integer vectors.
  is_integer_key <- vapply(sparse_assays, function(sparse_assay) {
    vapply(sparse_assay, function(sample) {
      is(sample[["key"]], "integer")
    }, logical(1L))
  }, logical(length(sparse_assays[[1L]])))
  if (!isTRUE(all(is_integer_key))) {
    return(paste0("All 'key' elements of a '", class(x), "' object must be ",
                  "integer vectors."))

  # Check all data elements are numeric matrix objects.
  # NOTE: This could probably be relaxed to allow non-numeric storage.mode but
  # will require changes to functions that call storage.mode() for where it is
  # implicitly assumed that the value is either 'integer' or 'double'.
  is_numeric_matrix_value <- vapply(sparse_assays, function(sparse_assay) {
    vapply(sparse_assay, function(sample) {
      # The check on nrow is because if the matrix has zero rows then it will
      # be coerced to a logical matrix even if it was originally numeric (e.g.,
      # following subsetting with the [-method).
      is(sample[["value"]], "matrix") &&
        (is.numeric(sample[["value"]]) || nrow(sample[["value"]]) == 0L)
    }, logical(1L))
  }, logical(length(sparse_assays[[1L]])))
  if (!isTRUE(all(is_numeric_matrix_value))) {
    return(paste0("All 'value' elements of a '", class(x), "' object must be ",
                  "numeric matrix objects."))

  # Check all key elements have the same length.
  key_length <- lapply(sparse_assays, function(sparse_assay) {
    lapply(sparse_assay, function(sample) {
  if (length(unique(unlist(key_length))) != 1L) {
    return(paste0("All 'key' elements of a '", class(x), "' object must have ",
                  "identical length."))

  # Check all value elements within each sparse assay have the same number of
  # columns.
  # NOTE: More generally, if data were an n-dimensional array rather than a
  # 2-dimensional matrix, would require that all dimensions except the number
  # of rows were identical within a sparse assay.
  value_ncol <- lapply(sparse_assays, function(sparse_assay) {
    lapply(sparse_assay, function(sample) {
  if (any(vapply(value_ncol, function(sparse_assay_ncol) {
    length(unique(unlist(sparse_assay_ncol))) != 1L
  }, logical(1L)))) {
    return(paste0("All 'data' elements within each sparse assay of a '",
                  class(x), "' object must have identical ncol."))

  # Check that the maximum value in each key element is less than or equal to
  # the number of rows in each corresponding value element.
  key_max <- lapply(sparse_assays, function(sparse_assay) {
    lapply(sparse_assay, function(sample) {
      # Suppress warning about taking max of an empty vector
      suppressWarnings(max(sample[["key"]], na.rm = TRUE))
  key_max <- unlist(key_max, use.names = FALSE)
  value_nrow <- lapply(sparse_assays, function(sparse_assay) {
    lapply(sparse_assay, function(sample) {
  value_nrow <- unlist(value_nrow, use.names = FALSE)
  if (any(key_max > value_nrow)) {
    return(paste0("Maximum value in each 'key' element must be less than or ",
                  "equal to the number of rows in each corresponding 'value' ",
                  "element of a '", class(x), "' object."))

  # Finally, check that dimnames are compatible.

#' @importFrom S4Vectors setValidity2
setValidity2("SimpleListSparseAssays", .valid.SimpleListSparseAssays)

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### Accessors
### NOTE: The following are defined via inheritance to the SparseAssays-method:
###       length, NROW, names, names<-, [[, [[<-
###       The following are specifically defined for SimpleListSparseAssays
###       objects: dim, dimnames, [, [<-, rbind, cbind, combine, densify

### dim

#' @param x A SimpleListSparseAssays object.
#' @rdname SimpleListSparseAssays-class
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export
setMethod("dim", "SimpleListSparseAssays",
          function(x) {
            if (length(x) == 0L) {
              return(c(0L, 0L))
            } else {

### dimnames

.dimnames.SimpleListSparseAssays <- function(x) {

  # NOTE: Uses rownames and colnames from first sparse assay-sample with no
  #       check that these are the same across other sparse assay-sample
  #       combinations.
  if (length(x) == 0L) {
    return(list(NULL, NULL))

#' @rdname SimpleListSparseAssays-class
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export
setMethod("dimnames", "SimpleListSparseAssays",

### [

# NOTE: Subsetting a SimpleListSparseAssays object requires mapping the i to a
# new coordinate specified by the key element.
#' @importFrom S4Vectors normalizeSingleBracketSubscript SimpleList
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importMethodsFrom S4Vectors endoapply
.extract_SimpleListSparseAssays_subset <- function(x, i, j) {

  if (!missing(i) && !missing(j)) {

    # normalize i
    if (is.character(i)) {
      if (any(!i %in% names(x[[1L]][[1L]][["key"]]))) {
        stop("subscript contains NAs or out-of-bounds indices")
    if (!is.character(i)) {
      i <- normalizeSingleBracketSubscript(i, x, as.NSBS = FALSE)

    fun <- function(sparse_assay) {
      endoapply(sparse_assay[j], function(sample) {
        # Map i using key
        ii <- na.omit(sample[["key"]][i])
        # Extract using mapped i
        data <- sample[["value"]][ii, , drop = FALSE]
        # Add rownames (temporary)
        rownames(data) <- names(ii)
        # Sparsify the data
        sparsified <- sparsify(data, "SimpleList")
        # Update the key
        # Should have length(key) == length(i)
        if (!is.null(attr(ii, "na.action"))) {
          key <- rep(NA_integer_, length(i))
          key[-attr(ii, "na.action")] <- sparsified[["key"]]
          names(key) <- names(sample[["key"]][i])
        } else {
          key <- sparsified[["key"]]
        stopifnot(length(key) == length(i))

        SimpleList(key = key,
                   value = sparsified[["value"]])
  } else if (!missing(i)) {

    # normalize i
    if (is.character(i)) {
      if (any(!i %in% names(x[[1L]][[1L]][["key"]]))) {
        stop("subscript contains NAs or out-of-bounds indices")
    if (!is.character(i)) {
      i <- normalizeSingleBracketSubscript(i, x, as.NSBS = FALSE)

    fun <- function(sparse_assay) {
      endoapply(sparse_assay, function(sample) {
        # Map i using key
        ii <- na.omit(sample[["key"]][i])
        # Extract using mapped i
        data <- sample[["value"]][ii, , drop = FALSE]
        # Add rownames (temporary)
        rownames(data) <- names(ii)
        # Sparsify the data
        sparsified <- sparsify(data, "SimpleList")
        # Update the key
        # Should have length(key) == length(i)
        if (!is.null(attr(ii, "na.action"))) {
          key <- rep(NA_integer_, length(i))
          key[-attr(ii, "na.action")] <- sparsified[["key"]]
          names(key) <- names(sample[["key"]][i])
        } else {
          key <- sparsified[["key"]]
        stopifnot(length(key) == length(i))

        SimpleList(key = key,
                   value = sparsified[["value"]])
  } else if (!missing(j)) {
    fun <- function(sparse_assay) {
  endoapply(x, fun)

#' @inheritParams dim,SimpleListSparseAssays-method
#' @param i,j Numeric or character vectors indicating which \emph{rows} of the
#'        sparse assays (\code{i}) and samples (\code{j}) to select.
#' @param drop Not used by \code{[,SimpleListSparseAssays,ANY-method}.
#' @rdname SimpleListSparseAssays-class
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export
setMethod("[", "SimpleListSparseAssays",
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {
            if (drop) {
              warning("'drop' ignored '[,", class(x), ",ANY,ANY-method'")
            .extract_SimpleListSparseAssays_subset(x, i, j)

### [<-

# IDEA (when !missing(i)):
# (1) Create new value element by
#     rbind(sample[["value"]], v_sample[["value"]])
# (2) Create new key element
#   (a) Add nrow(sample[["value"]]) to all elements of v_sample[["key"]]
#       to account for rbind() operation.
#   (b) sample[["key"]][i] <- v_sample[["key"]].
# (3) Subset value to only contain the required rows by
#     value[na.omit(unique(key)), , drop = FALSE]
# (4) Sparsify the value
# (5) Re-map the non-NA values of key by the "sparsified" key.
# NOTE: Steps 3-5 are "sparsifying" the value. The "expansion" of
# (key, value) at (2) and (5) should be identical, even though the
# individual elements may not be identical.
# IDEA (when missing(i)):
# (1) Simply replace the j-th sample(s) (key, value)-pair by that given in
#     value.
#' @param x A SimpleListSparseAssays object.
#' @param i A numeric or character index.
#' @param j A numeric or character index
#' @param rbind If FALSE (default), i must be an in bounds subscript of x. If
#'        TRUE, then i can be an out of bounds subscripts of x, in which case
#'        these values will be appended to the end of x.
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @importFrom S4Vectors SimpleList
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importMethodsFrom S4Vectors mendoapply
#'                              normalizeSingleBracketReplacementValue
.replace_SimpleListSparseAssays_subset <- function(x, i, j, value,
                                                   rbind = FALSE) {

  if (!missing(i) && !missing(j)) {

    fun <- function(sparse_assay, v_sparse_assay) {
      sparse_assay[j] <- mendoapply(function(sample, v_sample) {

        # (1)
        # NOTE: call this matrix 'tmp_value' so as not to cause confusion with
        #       'value' (which is a SimpleListSparseAssays object).
        tmp_value <- rbind(sample[["value"]], v_sample[["value"]])
        # (2)
        # NOTE: NAs are correctly propogated since NA + number = NA.
        vsm_updated <- v_sample[["key"]] + nrow(sample[["value"]])
        key <- sample[["key"]]
        key[i] <- vsm_updated
        # NOTE: Restore names; not necessary if 'i' is a character
        if (!is.character(i)) {
          names(key) <- names(sample[["key"]])
        # (3) and (4)
        sparsified <- sparsify(tmp_value[na.omit(unique(key)), , drop = FALSE],
        # (5)
        new_lvls <- sparsified[["key"]]
        old_lvls <- na.omit(unique(key))
        key[!is.na(key)] <- new_lvls[match(key[!is.na(key)], old_lvls)]
        SimpleList(key = key,
                   value = sparsified[["value"]])
      }, sample = sparse_assay[j],
      v_sample = v_sparse_assay) # No need to subset v_sparse_assay by j
  } else if (!missing(i)) {
    fun <- function(sparse_assay, v_sparse_assay) {
      sparse_assay <- mendoapply(function(sample, v_sample) {

        # (1)
        # NOTE: call this matrix 'tmp_value' so as not to cause confusion with
        #       'value' (which is a SimpleListSparseAssays object).
        tmp_value <- rbind(sample[["value"]], v_sample[["value"]])
        # (2)
        # NOTE: NAs are correctly propogated since NA + number = NA.
        vsm_updated <- v_sample[["key"]] + nrow(sample[["value"]])
        key <- sample[["key"]]
        key[i] <- vsm_updated
        # NOTE: Restore names; not necessary if 'i' is a character
        if (!is.character(i)) {
          names(key) <- names(sample[["key"]])
        # (3) and (4)
        sparsified <- sparsify(tmp_value[na.omit(unique(key)), , drop = FALSE],
        # (5)
        new_lvls <- sparsified[["key"]]
        old_lvls <- na.omit(unique(key))
        key[!is.na(key)] <- new_lvls[match(key[!is.na(key)], old_lvls)]
        SimpleList(key = key,
                   value = sparsified[["value"]])
      }, sample = sparse_assay, v_sample = v_sparse_assay)
  } else if (!missing(j)) {
    fun <- function(sparse_assay, v_sparse_assay) {
      sparse_assay[j] <- v_sparse_assay

  # Normalize i, j, and value
  if (!missing(i) && !rbind) {
    if (!is.character(i)) {
      if (any(i > nrow(x))) {
        stop("subscript out of bounds")
    } else {
      if (any(!(i %in% names(x[[1L]][[1L]][["key"]])))) {
        stop("subscript out of bounds")
  if (!missing(j)) {
    if (!is.character(j)) {
      if (any(j > ncol(x))) {
        stop("subscript out of bounds")
    } else {
      if (any(!(j %in% names(x[[1L]])))) {
        stop("subscript out of bounds")

  # Check dims are compatible
  value_dim <- dim(value)
  if (!missing(i) && !missing(j)) {
    x_dim <- c(length(i), length(j))
  } else if (!missing(i)) {
    x_dim <- c(length(i), ncol(x))
  } else if (!missing(j)) {
    x_dim <- c(nrow(x), length(j))
  } else {
    x_dim <- dim(x)
  if (!identical(x_dim, value_dim)) {
    stop("number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length")
  value <- normalizeSingleBracketReplacementValue(value, x, i)

  # Loop over each sparse assay and do replacement
  val <- mendoapply(fun, x, value)

  # NOTE: Sanity check (shouldn't be necessary and may kill performance, but
  # until I have good unit tests in place this stays).


#' @inheritParams dim,SimpleListSparseAssays-method
#' @param value An object of a class specified in the S4 method signature or as
#'        outlined in \sQuote{Details}.
#' @rdname SimpleListSparseAssays-class
#' @importFrom methods setReplaceMethod
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("[", "SimpleListSparseAssays",
                 function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
                   .replace_SimpleListSparseAssays_subset(x, i, j, value,
                                                          rbind = FALSE)

### rbind/cbind

#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom S4Vectors SimpleList
#' @importFrom stats setNames
.bind_SimpleListSparseAssays <- function(lst, bind) {

  # NOTE: This is copied from SummarizedExperiment:::.bind_Assays(). I'm not
  # sure how this could be passed a zero-length list, but I keep it here until
  # I know it's safe to remove.
  if (length(lst) == 0L) {

  # If the list has only a single element then just return that element.
  if (length(lst) == 1L) {

  lens <- sapply(lst, length)
  len1 <- lens[1L]
  if (any(lens != len1)) {
    # TODO: I'm not sure that this error message if very informative/accurate.
    stop("elements in sparse assays must have the same length")
  if (len1 == 0L) {

  # Check that samples names are unique for cbind and are identical for rbind
  sample_names <- lapply(lst, function(e) {
    unname(lapply(e, names))
  if (identical(bind, cbind)) {
    sample_names_unique <- vapply(sample_names[-1L], function(sn, sn1) {
      !anyDuplicated(c(unique(sn[[1L]]), unique(sn1[[1L]])))
    }, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L), sn1 = sample_names[[1L]])
    # NOTE: Error not called if all sample names are NULL.
    if (!all(sample_names_unique) && !all(is.null(unlist(sample_names)))) {
      stop("Sample names (if present) must be unique when calling 'cbind()' ",
           "on '", class(lst[[1L]]), "'.")
  } else {
    # NOTE: This allows all sample names to be NULL.
    # NOTE: Don't need check the first element against itself
    sample_names_identical <- vapply(sample_names[-1L], function(sn, sn1) {
      identical(sn, sn1)
    }, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L), sn1 = sample_names[[1L]])
    if (!all(sample_names_identical)) {
      stop("Sample names (if present) must be identical when calling ",
           "'rbind()' on '", class(lst[[1L]]), "'")
    # If all sample names are NULL and rbind()-ing, need to check that the
    # number of samples (ncol) in each SparseAssays object are identical.
    if (all(is.null(unlist(sample_names)))) {
      nc <- lapply(lst, ncol)
      nc_identical <- vapply(nc, function(nc, nc1) {
        identical(nc, nc1)
      }, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L), nc1 = nc[[1L]])
      if (!all(nc_identical)) {
        stop("Can only rbind '", class(lst[[1L]]), "' objects when each object ",
             "has the same number of samples (ncol).")

  # Check all elements of lst have the same sparse assay names
  sparse_assay_names <- lapply(lst, names)
  if (any(vapply(sparse_assay_names, function(san, san1) {
    !identical(san, san1)
  }, logical(1L), san1 = sparse_assay_names[[1L]]))) {
    stop("All '", class(lst[[1L]]), "' objects must have the same sparse ",
         "assay names.")
  sparse_assay_names <- sparse_assay_names[[1L]]
  # NOTE: If sparse assay names don't exist, then match by position.
  if (all(is.null(sparse_assay_names))) {
    sparse_assay_names <- seq_along(lst[[1L]])
    unname <- TRUE
  } else {
    unname <- FALSE

  if (identical(bind, rbind)) {
    # If rbind-ing, need to check that all data elements within each sparse
    # assay have the same number of columns.
    same_ncol <- lapply(sparse_assay_names, function(san) {
      l_sparse_assay <- lapply(lst, "[[", san)
      ncol <- lapply(l_sparse_assay, function(sparse_assay) {
        lapply(sparse_assay, function(sample) {
      ncol <- unlist(ncol, use.names = FALSE)
      all(ncol == ncol[1L])
    same_ncol <- unlist(same_ncol, use.names = FALSE)
    if (!isTRUE(any(same_ncol))) {
      stop("Can only rbind '", class(lst[[1L]]), "' objects where the 'value' ",
           "elements within each sparse assay have the same number of columns.")

    # NOTE: rbind,SimpleListSparseAssays-method uses the
    #       SparseAssays,`[<-`-method to recursively add the next
    #       SimpleListSparseAssays object to the end of the already rbind-ed
    #       SimpleListSparseAssays objects. It's not the most efficient method,
    #       but it works and avoids repeating much of the code used by
    #       SparseAssays,`[<-`-method.
    # This assumes that length(lst) > 1, which it should be given above checks
    # on length(lst).
    val <- lst[[1L]]
    for (idx in seq.int(from = 2L, to = length(lst), by = 1L)) {
      val_nrow <- nrow(val)
      i <- seq.int(from = val_nrow + 1,
                   to = val_nrow + nrow(lst[[idx]]),
                   by = 1L)
      # NOTE: names taken from first elment only
      names(i) <- names(lst[[idx]][[1L]][[1L]][["key"]])
      .replace_SimpleListSparseAssays_subset(val, i, value = lst[[idx]],
                                             rbind = TRUE)
      # val[i, ] <- lst[[idx]]
  } else {
    # If cbind()-ing, need to check that all key elements have the same length.
    same_length <- lapply(sparse_assay_names, function(san) {
      l_sparse_assay <- lapply(lst, "[[", san)
      length <- lapply(l_sparse_assay, function(sparse_assay) {
        lapply(sparse_assay, function(sample) {
      length <- unlist(length, use.names = FALSE)
      all(length == length[1])
    same_length <- unlist(same_length, use.names = FALSE)
    length <- unlist(length, use.names = FALSE)
    if (any(!same_length)) {
      stop("Can only cbind '", class(lst[[1L]]), "' objects where the 'key' ",
           "elements within each sparse assay have the same length.")
    val <- lapply(sparse_assay_names, function(san) {
      l_sparse_assay <- lapply(lst, "[[", san)
      do.call("c", l_sparse_assay)
    val <- as(setNames(SimpleList(val), sparse_assay_names), class(lst[[1L]]))

  if (unname) {
    val <- unname(val)


# NOTE: Can't defer to rbind,SimpleList-method because it in turn defers to
# rbind,ANY-method, which fails because a SimpleListSparseAssays object cannot
# be coerced to a vector (and even if it could, the resulting operation
# probably wouldn't make sense).
#' @param ... For \code{cbind()}, \code{rbind()}, and \code{combine()} one or
#'        more SimpleListSparseAssay objects. Otherwise, additional arguments,
#'        for use in specific methods.
#' @param deparse.level See \code{?base::\link[base]{cbind}} for a description
#'        of this argument.
#' @rdname SimpleListSparseAssays-class
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export
setMethod("rbind", "SimpleListSparseAssays",
          function(..., deparse.level = 1) {
            .bind_SimpleListSparseAssays(unname(list(...)), rbind)

# NOTE: Can't defer to cbind,SimpleList-method because it in turn defers to
# cbind,ANY-method, which returns a matrix with elements being list objects
# (and doesn't make much sense for SimpleListSparseAssays objects).
# WARNING: Not really a cbind. It adds new elements to the 'sparse_assay'-level
#          SimpleList.
#' @inheritParams rbind,SimpleListSparseAssays-method
#' @rdname SimpleListSparseAssays-class
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export
setMethod("cbind", "SimpleListSparseAssays",
          function(..., deparse.level = 1) {
            .bind_SimpleListSparseAssays(unname(list(...)), cbind)

### combine

# Combine sample-level key and value elements
# TODO (longterm): Combine without an expand-then-sparsify operation.
#' @importFrom S4Vectors SimpleList
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
.combine_sample_level.SimpleListSparseAssays <- function(x, y) {

  # NOTE: NULL_cn is a flag for whether the input colnames are NULL
  NULL_cn <- FALSE
  xe <- .densify.SimpleListSparseAssays.sample(x)
  if (is.null(colnames(xe))) {
    colnames(xe) <- paste0("V", seq_len(ncol(xe)))
    NULL_cn <- TRUE
  ye <- .densify.SimpleListSparseAssays.sample(y)
  if (is.null(colnames(ye))) {
    colnames(ye) <- paste0("V", seq_len(ncol(ye)))
  # NOTE: If the key is all NAs then the 'expanded' data are logical NA,
  #       which will cause problems when we try to combine this with a
  #       non-logical matrix.
  if (storage.mode(xe) == "logical") {
    storage.mode(xe) <- storage.mode(ye)
  if (storage.mode(ye) == "logical") {
    storage.mode(ye) <- storage.mode(xe)

  z <- combine(xe, ye)
  sparsified <- sparsify(z, "SimpleList")

  key <- sparsified[["key"]]
  names(key) <- rownames(z)
  value <- sparsified[["value"]]
  if (NULL_cn) {
    dimnames(value) <- NULL
  } else {
    colnames(value) <- colnames(z)
  NA_idx <- which(rowSums(is.na(value)) == ncol(value))
  if (length(NA_idx)) {
    # Take care of NA rows
    stopifnot(length(NA_idx) == 1L)
    # Update value element by dropping NA row
    value <- value[-NA_idx, , drop = FALSE]
    # Update key element to replace index by NA for NA rows
    # TODO (longterm): Probably more efficient ways to do this
    names(key)[key == NA_idx] <- NA
    key[key == NA_idx] <- NA
    key[!is.na(key) & key > NA_idx] <- key[!is.na(key) & key > NA_idx] - 1L

  SimpleList(key = key, value = value)

# NOTE: Can't defer to combine,SimpleList,SimpleList-method because
#       SparseAssays objects may have a different number of elements at the
#       second level (corresponding to different samples).
# NOTE: Requires that both x and y have the identical number of sparse assays
#       with identical names.
#' @inheritParams dim
#' @param y A SimpleListSparseAssays object.
#' @rdname SimpleListSparseAssays-class
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @importFrom S4Vectors SimpleList
#' @importMethodsFrom S4Vectors endoapply mendoapply
#' @export
setMethod("combine", c("SimpleListSparseAssays", "SimpleListSparseAssays"),
          function(x, y, ...) {

            if (length(y) == 0L) {
            } else if (length(x) == 0L) {

            # Check that key element is named, otherwise densified data is
            # unnamed and unnamed matrices cannot be combined.
            x_unnamed <- lapply(x, function(sparse_assay) {
              lapply(sparse_assay, function(sample) {
            if (any(unlist(x_unnamed))) {
              stop("Cannot combine '", class(x), "' objects with unnamed ",
                   "'key' elements")
            y_unnamed <- lapply(y, function(sparse_assay) {
              lapply(sparse_assay, function(sample) {
            if (any(unlist(y_unnamed))) {
              stop("Cannot combine '", class(y), "' objects with unnamed ",
                   "'key' elements")

            mendoapply(function(x_sa, y_sa) {

              if (is.null(names(x_sa)) || is.null(names(y_sa))) {
                stop("sample names must be non-NULL when combining '", class(x),
                     "' objects")

              # Identify shared samples
              shared_samples <- intersect(names(x_sa), names(y_sa))
              rownames <- unique(unlist(c(lapply(x_sa, function(sample) {
                lapply(y_sa, function(sample) {
              ), use.names = FALSE))

              # Update shared samples
              val <- mendoapply(
              # Create ordered key
              if (length(shared_samples)) {
                ordered_key <- names(val[[1]][["key"]])
              } else {
                ordered_key <- NULL
              x_sa[shared_samples] <- val

              # Update samples unique to x
              x_u <- setdiff(names(x_sa), shared_samples)
              fake <- endoapply(x_sa[x_u], function(e) {
                missing_rownames <- setdiff(rownames, names(e[["key"]]))
                key <- rep(NA_integer_, length(missing_rownames))
                names(key) <- missing_rownames
                value <- matrix(ncol = ncol(e[["value"]]),
                                dimnames = list(NULL, colnames(e[["value"]])))
                storage.mode(value) <- storage.mode(e[["value"]])
                SimpleList(key = key, value = value)
              val <- mendoapply(.combine_sample_level.SimpleListSparseAssays,
                                x_sa[x_u], fake)
              # Update key by ordered key (or create ordered key if it doesn't
              # yet exist)
              if (!is.null(ordered_key)) {
                val <- endoapply(val, function(v, ordered_key) {
                  key_idx <- match(ordered_key, names(v[["key"]]))
                  v[["key"]] <- v[["key"]][key_idx]
                }, ordered_key = ordered_key)
              } else {
                ordered_key <- names(val[[1L]][["key"]])
              x_sa[x_u] <- val

              # Update samples unique to y
              y_u <- setdiff(names(y_sa), shared_samples)
              fake <- endoapply(y_sa[y_u], function(e) {
                missing_rownames <- setdiff(rownames, names(e[["key"]]))
                key <- rep(NA_integer_, length(missing_rownames))
                names(key) <- missing_rownames
                value <- matrix(ncol = ncol(e[["value"]]),
                                dimnames = list(NULL, colnames(e[["value"]])))
                storage.mode(value) <- storage.mode(e[["value"]])
                SimpleList(key = key, value = value)
              val <- mendoapply(.combine_sample_level.SimpleListSparseAssays,
                                y_sa[y_u], fake)
              # Update key by ordered key
              val <- endoapply(val, function(v, ordered_key) {
                key_idx <- match(ordered_key, names(v[["key"]]))
                v[["key"]] <- v[["key"]][key_idx]
              }, ordered_key = ordered_key)
              # Append to x_sa
              x_sa <- c(x_sa, val)

            }, x, y)

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Coercion

# NOTE: Useful if wanting to densify/expand one sample's worth of data at a
#       time. dimnames are taken from sample.
.densify.SimpleListSparseAssays.sample <- function(sample, withRownames = TRUE) {
  val <- sample[["value"]][sample[["key"]], , drop = FALSE]
  if (withRownames) {
    row.names(val) <- names(sample[["key"]])

#' @param x A SimpleListSparseAssays or SimpleList object.
.densify.SimpleListSparseAssays <- function(x, withRownames = TRUE,
                                            ShallowSimpleListAssays = FALSE) {

  nr <- nrow(x)
  nc <- ncol(x)
  if (is(x, "SimpleListSparseAssays")) {
    # NOTE: Use strict = TRUE to ensure lapply() works as expected.
    x <- as(x, "SimpleList", strict = TRUE)

  if (ShallowSimpleListAssays) {
    # NOTE: Want to be able to copy dimnames but drop when doing SSE -> SE
    l <- lapply(x, function(sparse_assay) {
      # A kludge to guess whether the data are integer or numeric. If multiple
      # data storage modes are found then assume numeric.
      data_storage_mode <- lapply(sparse_assay, function(sample) {
      data_storage_mode <- unlist(data_storage_mode)
      if (all(data_storage_mode == "integer")) {
        val <- array(NA_integer_,
                     dim = c(nr, nc, ncol(sparse_assay[[1L]][["value"]])),
                     dimnames = list(NULL, names(sparse_assay), NULL))
      } else {
        val <- array(NA_real_,
                     dim = c(nr, nc, ncol(sparse_assay[[1L]][["value"]])),
                     dimnames = list(NULL, names(sparse_assay), NULL))

      # TODO (longterm): Investigate a Rcpp version
      # Fill val with the "expanded" data
      for (sample in seq_along(sparse_assay)) {
        val[ , sample, ] <- sparse_assay[[sample]][["value"]][
          sparse_assay[[sample]][["key"]], , drop = FALSE]
      # NOTE: colnames of sparse assay should alway be copied, but note that
      #       these are not colnames of val.
      dimnames(val)[[3L]] <- colnames(sparse_assay[[1L]][["value"]])

      if (withRownames) {
        rn <- names(sparse_assay[[1L]][["key"]])
        if (!is.null(rn)) {
          dimnames(val)[[1L]] <- rn

  } else {
    l <- lapply(x, function(sparse_assay) {
      lapply(sparse_assay, .densify.SimpleListSparseAssays.sample,
             withRownames = withRownames)

#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export
setMethod("densify", c("SimpleListSparseAssays", "missing", "missing"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., withRownames = TRUE) {
            stop("It is strongly recommended that you specify at least one of ",
                 "'i' or 'j'; see ?densify for reasons why. If you still ",
                 "really want to densify all sparse assays and samples, then ",
                 "use 'densify(x, seq_along(x), seq_len(ncol(x)), ...)'")

#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export
setMethod("densify", c("SimpleListSparseAssays", "numeric", "missing"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., withRownames = TRUE) {

              # NOTE: Need strict = TRUE otherwise
              # [,SimpleListSparseAssays-method is called instead of
              # [,SimpleList-method
              sparse_assays <- as(x, "SimpleList", strict = TRUE)[i]
            }, error = function(err) {
              stop("'densify(<", class(x), ">, i=\"numeric\", j=\"missing\",  ",
                   "...)' invalid subscript 'i'\n", conditionMessage(err))
            .densify.SimpleListSparseAssays(sparse_assays, withRownames)

#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export
setMethod("densify", c("SimpleListSparseAssays", "character", "missing"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., withRownames = TRUE) {

            msg <- paste0("'densify(<", class(x), ">, i=\"character\", ",
                          "j=\"missing\", ...)' invalid subscript 'i'")
              # NOTE: Need strict = TRUE otherwise
              # [,SimpleListSparseAssays-method is called instead of
              # [,SimpleList-method
              sparse_assays <- as(x, "SimpleList", strict = TRUE)[i]
            }, error = function(err) {
              stop(msg, "\n", conditionMessage(err))

            .densify.SimpleListSparseAssays(sparse_assays, withRownames)

#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export
setMethod("densify", c("SimpleListSparseAssays", "missing", "numeric"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., withRownames = TRUE) {

              sparse_assays <- x[, j]
            }, error = function(err) {
              stop("'densify(<", class(x), ">, i=\"missing\", j=\"numeric\",  ",
                   "...)' invalid subscript 'j'\n", conditionMessage(err))
            .densify.SimpleListSparseAssays(sparse_assays, withRownames)

#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export
setMethod("densify", c("SimpleListSparseAssays", "missing", "character"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., withRownames = TRUE) {

            msg <- paste0("'densify(<", class(x), ">, i=\"missing\", ",
                          "j=\"character\", ...)' invalid subscript 'j'")
              sparse_assays <- x[, j]
            }, error = function(err) {
              stop(msg, "\n", conditionMessage(err))

            .densify.SimpleListSparseAssays(sparse_assays, withRownames)

#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export
setMethod("densify", c("SimpleListSparseAssays", "numeric", "numeric"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., withRownames = TRUE) {

              x <- x[, j]
            }, error = function(err) {
              stop("'densify(<", class(x), ">, i=\"numeric\", j=\"numeric\",  ",
                   "...)' invalid subscript 'j'\n", conditionMessage(err))
              # NOTE: Need strict = TRUE otherwise
              # [,SimpleListSparseAssays-method is called instead of
              # [,SimpleList-method
              sparse_assays <- as(x, "SimpleList", strict = TRUE)[i]
            }, error = function(err) {
              stop("'densify(<", class(x), ">, i=\"numeric\", j=\"numeric\",  ",
                   "...)' invalid subscript 'i'\n",
            .densify.SimpleListSparseAssays(sparse_assays, withRownames)

#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export
setMethod("densify", c("SimpleListSparseAssays", "numeric", "character"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., withRownames = TRUE) {

            msg <- paste0("'densify(<", class(x), ">, i=\"numeric\", ",
                          "j=\"character\", ...)' invalid subscript 'j'")
              x <- x[, j]
            }, error = function(err) {
              stop(msg, "\n", conditionMessage(err))
              # NOTE: Need strict = TRUE otherwise
              # [,SimpleListSparseAssays-method is called instead of
              # [,SimpleList-method
              sparse_assays <- as(x, "SimpleList", strict = TRUE)[i]
            }, error = function(err) {
              stop("'densify(<", class(x), ">, i=\"numeric\", ",
                   "j=\"character\", ...)' invalid subscript 'i'\n",
            .densify.SimpleListSparseAssays(sparse_assays, withRownames)

#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export
setMethod("densify", c("SimpleListSparseAssays", "character", "numeric"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., withRownames = TRUE) {

              x <- x[, j]
            }, error = function(err) {
              stop("'densify(<", class(x), ">, i=\"character\", ",
                   "j=\"numeric\", ...)' invalid subscript 'j'\n",
            msg <- paste0("'densify(<", class(x), ">, i=\"character\", ",
                          "j=\"numeric\", ...)' invalid subscript 'i'")
              # NOTE: Need strict = TRUE otherwise
              # [,SimpleListSparseAssays-method is called instead of
              # [,SimpleList-method
              sparse_assays <- as(x, "SimpleList", strict = TRUE)[i]
            }, error = function(err) {
              stop(msg, "\n", conditionMessage(err))
            .densify.SimpleListSparseAssays(sparse_assays, withRownames)

#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export
setMethod("densify", c("SimpleListSparseAssays", "character", "character"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., withRownames = TRUE) {

            msg <- paste0("'densify(<", class(x), ">, i=\"character\", ",
                          "j=\"character\", ...)' invalid subscript 'j'")
              x <- x[, j]
            }, error = function(err) {
              stop(msg, "\n", conditionMessage(err))
            msg <- paste0("'densify(<", class(x), ">, i=\"character\", ",
                          "j=\"character\", ...)' invalid subscript 'i'")
              # NOTE: Need strict = TRUE otherwise
              # [,SimpleListSparseAssays-method is called instead of
              # [,SimpleList-method
              sparse_assays <- as(x, "SimpleList", strict = TRUE)[i]
            }, error = function(err) {
              stop(msg, "\n", conditionMessage(err))
            .densify.SimpleListSparseAssays(sparse_assays, withRownames)

#' @importFrom methods setAs
setAs("SimpleListSparseAssays", "ShallowSimpleListAssays",
      function(from) {
        # TODO: Check whether dimanmes are subsequently stripped from assays
        #       slot if this is called from within makeSEFromSSE
        .densify.SimpleListSparseAssays(from, withRownames = TRUE,
                                        ShallowSimpleListAssays = TRUE)

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### TODOs

# TODO: show,SimpleListSparseAssays prints truncated class name.

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Miscellaneous NOTEs

# NOTE: rev,Assays-method doesn't work! Nor does rev,SparseAssays-method.
# NOTE: x[] errors if x is an Assays object. Should be a no-op (I think). Also
# errors if x is a SparseAssays object.
PeteHaitch/SparseSummarizedExperiment documentation built on May 8, 2019, 1:31 a.m.