Package name

Consider alternative names for package and GitHub repo, e.g., bsbs, bssim. Should package name be CamelCase, lowercase, etc., e.g.:

Partioning a methylome

The steps to partitioning a single methylome are:

  1. Read in the CpG 1-tuples data and create a GenomicRanges::GRanges object with mcols named T and M storing the total number of reads and number of methylated reads, respectively. This object must also contain the seqlengths, which are most easily stored as a complete Seqinfo object in the seqinfo slot.
  2. Remove CpGs overlapping known SNPs.
  3. Identify PMRs
    • Compute the $\alpha$ distribution for a single chromosome. If the $\alpha$ distribution is "bimodal or long-tailed with a significant fraction of $\alpha$ values larger or equal to 1", the MethylSeekR authors take this as evidence of PMRs and recommend that these by masked.
    • If required, mask the PMRs.
  4. Identify UMRs and LMRs
    • Selection of parameters to control FDR. Requires CGIs.
    • Identification of UMRs and LMRs
  5. Post-processing
    • Identify MMRs, really the 'rest of the methylome'.
    • Ensure this is a true partition, i.e., no overlapping regions.

Steps 1-4 are basically the job of MethylSeekR. Step 5, however, is specific to methsim.


Option 1: The MethlySeekR way

Just follow the MethylSeekR vignette to achieve Steps 1-4. Step 5 is specific to methsim.

Option 2: The MethylationTuples way

Use the convenience functions provided by methsim to work with existing MethylationTuples::MethtPat objects to achieve Steps 1-4. Step 5 is specific to methsim.

  1. Steps 1-4
    • Option A: Just use MethylSeekR from 1-4.
    • Option B: Provide some convenience functions to work with MethPat objects.
    • Step 1 and 2: Use MethylationTuples::readMethtuple -> MethylationTuples::filterOutVariants -> as(MethPat, "MethylSeekRGR") or MethylationTuples::readMethtuple -> as(MethPat, "MethylSeekRGR") -> lapply(list_of_msrgr, MethylSeekR::removeSNPs).
    • Step 3: Use MethylSeekR::plotAlphaDistributionOneChr and MethylSeekR::segmentPMDs.
    • Step 4: Use MethylSeekR::calculateFDRs and MethylSeekR::segmentUMRsLMRs.
  2. Step 5
    • Use methsim::partitionMethylome

TODO: Run a MethylSeekRGR object through the MethylSeekR pipeline and get to writing the "Step 5" functionality, i.e., partitionMethylome.


It would be nice to have a function that creates a SimulateMethylomeParam object. Input would be two MethPat objects containing 1-tuples and 2-tuples, respectively. See processOneTuples() and processTwoTuples() below:

processOneTuples <- function(dataset, seqlevels, min_cov) {

  if (missing(seqlevels)) {
    stop("Must supply 'seqlevels'.")

  # Read in data
  methpat <- readRDS(paste0("../processed_data/", dataset, "/", dataset,
  l_pm <- readRDS(paste0("rds/", dataset, "/PartitionedMethylome/", dataset, 

  # Compute beta-values and annotate by region type
  beta <- bplapply(names(l_pm), function(sn, methpat, l_pm, min_cov, 
                                         seqlevels) {
    pm <- l_pm[[sn]]
    # Only want data on sample 'sn'.
    methpat <- methpat[, sn]
    # Retain only the relevant seqlevels.
    methpat <- keepSeqlevels(methpat, seqlevels)
    # Apply MethylationTuples::methLevel()
    val <- funByPM(FUN = MethylationTuples::methLevel, pm = pm, 
                   methpat = methpat, min_cov = min_cov)
    # Add information not returned by methLevel()
    val[, sample := sn]
    setnames(val, c("beta", "type", "sample"))
    setkeyv(val, c("sample", "type", "beta"))
    }, methpat = methpat, l_pm = l_pm, min_cov = min_cov, seqlevels = seqlevels)
  beta <- rbindlist(beta)
  # Tabulate frequency of each beta-value by sample and type.
  beta[, .N, by = list(sample, type, beta)]

processTwoTuples <- function(dataset, seqlevels, min_cov) {

  if (missing(seqlevels)) {
    stop("Must supply 'seqlevels'.")

  # Read in data
  methpat <- readRDS(paste0("../processed_data/", dataset, "/", dataset,
  l_pm <- readRDS(paste0("rds/", dataset, "/PartitionedMethylome/", dataset, 

  # Compute beta-values and annotate by region type
  lor <- bplapply(names(l_pm), function(sn, methpat, l_pm, min_cov, seqlevels,  
                                        method, offset) {
    pm <- l_pm[[sn]]
    # Only want data on sample 'sn'.
    methpat <- methpat[, sn]
    # Retain only the relevant seqlevels.
    methpat <- keepSeqlevels(methpat, seqlevels)
    # Apply MethylationTuples::cometh()
    funByPM(MethylationTuples::cometh, pm = pm, methpat = methpat, 
            min_cov = min_cov, method = method, offset = offset)
    }, methpat = methpat, l_pm = l_pm, min_cov = min_cov, seqlevels = seqlevels, 
    method = "lor", offset = 0.5)
  lor <- rbindlist(lor)
  # NOTE: This ignores strand.
  lor_reduced <- lor[, IPD := pos2 - pos1][
    , list(IPD, sample, type, statistic)][
      , .N, by = list(sample, IPD, type, statistic)]
  setorder(lor_reduced, sample, IPD, type, -N)

Source of variability

Each sample needs an underlying "true" methylome ("truth") from which the reads are simulated.

In order of increasing biological variability in the truth:

  1. Same truth.
  2. Same partition and same region-specific parameters but an independent realisation of the process.
  3. Same partition but different region-specific parameters.
  4. Different partition with different parameters.

Technical replicates correspond to 1. Biological replicates fall somewhere between 2-3. I suspect that 4 doesn't allow for sufficient control over the process to be generally useful.


To add DMRs requires introducing (known) biological differences between experimental conditions. I think this is best done by altering the region-specific parameters of one experimental condition.

Questions to explore

These are questions to explore once I am able to simulate a single sample's worth of data (in order of simplicity):

  1. Simulate multiple samples' worth of reads from a single truth to see the effect of sequencing variability.
  2. Simulate multiple samples' worth of reads from a truths with the same partition but with different region-specific parameters.

PeteHaitch/methsim documentation built on May 8, 2019, 1:32 a.m.