
SimLongiMMM <- function(data, response, group, time, id, covariates=NULL,
                         contrasts=NULL, type="Dunnett", base=1,
                         alternative="two.sided", level=0.95, refdist="normal"){
  refdist <- match.arg(refdist, c("normal", "t"))
    typeset <- c("Dunnett", "Tukey", "Sequen", "AVE", "Changepoint", "Williams",
                 "Marcus", "McDermott", "UmbrellaWilliams", "GrandMean")
    type <- match.arg(type, typeset)
    if(dim(contrasts)[2]!=nlevels(as.factor(data[, group])) * nlevels(as.factor(data[, time]))){
      stop("The number of columns in your contrast matrix must equal the
           number of groups multiplied by the number of time points!")
      stop("The sum of elements in each row of your contrast matrix must be zero!")
  alternative <- match.arg(alternative, c("two.sided", "greater", "less"))
  dat <- data.frame(response=data[, response], group=as.factor(data[, group]),
                    time=as.factor(data[, time]), id=as.factor(data[, id]))
  dat$tg <- dat[, "time"]:dat[, "group"]
  dat$gt <- dat[, "group"]:dat[, "time"]
  groups <- nlevels(dat[, "group"])
  times <- nlevels(dat[, "time"])
  ids <- nlevels(dat[, "id"])
  tgs <- nlevels(dat[, "tg"])
  ngroup <- summary(dat[, "group"])
  ntime <- summary(dat[, "time"])
  nid <- summary(dat[, "id"])
  ntg <- summary(dat[, "tg"])
  ########## Marginal Models ##########
  dat$time <- as.factor(dat$time)
  datlist <- split(dat, dat$time)
  modlist <- list()
  for(z in 1:length(datlist)){
    modlist[[z]] <- lm(response ~ group, datlist[[z]], na.action="na.exclude")
  names(modlist) <- levels(dat$time)
  ########## Contrast Matrices ##########
    cmat <- contrMat(ngroup, type, base=base)
    cmat <- contrasts
  ########## Degrees of Freedom ##########
    def <- 0
    def <- max(modlist[[1]]$df, 2)
  ################################# wie kombinieren bei verschiedenen Fallzahlen???
  ########## Tests and SCIs ##########
  # geht leider nicht:
  # test <- glht(mmm(modlist), mlf(mcp(group="Dunnett")))
  ### deshalb ganz primitiv:
    test <- glht(mmm(T1=modlist[[1]], T2=modlist[[2]]), mlf(mcp(group=cmat)),
                 alternative=alternative, df=def)
    test <- glht(mmm(T1=modlist[[1]], T2=modlist[[2]], T3=modlist[[3]]), mlf(mcp(group=cmat)),
                 alternative=alternative, df=def)
    test <- glht(mmm(T1=modlist[[1]], T2=modlist[[2]], T3=modlist[[3]], T4=modlist[[4]]), mlf(mcp(group=cmat)),
                 alternative=alternative, df=def)
    test <- glht(mmm(T1=modlist[[1]], T2=modlist[[2]], T3=modlist[[3]], T4=modlist[[4]],
                     T5=modlist[[5]]), mlf(mcp(group=cmat)), alternative=alternative, df=def)
    test <- glht(mmm(T1=modlist[[1]], T2=modlist[[2]], T3=modlist[[3]], T4=modlist[[4]],
                     T5=modlist[[5]], T6=modlist[[6]]), mlf(mcp(group=cmat)), alternative=alternative, df=def)
    test <- glht(mmm(T1=modlist[[1]], T2=modlist[[2]], T3=modlist[[3]], T4=modlist[[4]],
                     T5=modlist[[5]], T6=modlist[[6]], T7=modlist[[7]]), mlf(mcp(group=cmat)),
                 alternative=alternative, df=def)
    test <- glht(mmm(T1=modlist[[1]], T2=modlist[[2]], T3=modlist[[3]], T4=modlist[[4]],
                     T5=modlist[[5]], T6=modlist[[6]], T7=modlist[[7]], T8=modlist[[8]]),
                 mlf(mcp(group=cmat)), alternative=alternative, df=def)
  tests <- summary(test)
  testci <- confint(test, level=level)
  est <- coef(test)
  covm <- vcov(test)
  corm <- cov2cor(vcov(test))
  se <- tests$test$sigma[1:dim(covm)[1]]
  stat <- tests$test$tstat[1:dim(covm)[1]]
  padj <- tests$test$pvalues[1:dim(covm)[1]]
  low <- testci$confint[, "lwr"]
  up <- testci$confint[, "upr"]
  crit <- attr(testci$confint, "calpha")
  tab <- data.frame(Estimate=est, SE=se, Lower=low, Upper=up, Statistic=stat, P=padj)
  tab <- round(tab, 4)
  comprownames <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(rownames(tab), ": ")), byrow=T, ncol=2)[, 2]
  rownames(tab) <- paste(rep(levels(dat$time), each=nrow(cmat)), ":", comprownames, sep="")
  ########## Output ##########
  out <- list()
  out[["Results"]] <- tab
  out[["CovStat"]] <- covm
  out[["CritValue"]] <- crit
  out[["Alternative"]] <- alternative
  out[["ConfLevel"]] <- level
  out[["RefDist"]] <- refdist
  out[["DF"]] <- def
  out[["Corr"]] <- corm
  out[["ContMat"]] <- cmat
  class(out) <- "silo"
PhilipPallmann/SimLongi documentation built on May 8, 2019, 1:34 a.m.