
SimLongiMix <- function(data, response, group, time, id, covariates=NULL,
                        rand=list("1|id", "time|id", "group|id", "timegroup|id"),
                        contrasts=NULL, type="Dunnett", base=1, direction="gpt",
                        alternative="two.sided", level=0.95, df="kr"){
  if(min(rand %in% list("1|id", "time|id", "group|id", "timegroup|id"))==0){
    stop("Your random effects patterns must be among the following:
         '1|id', 'time|id', 'group|id', 'timegroup|id'.")
  df <- match.arg(df, c("kr", "pb", "ess", "adj", "naive", "res", "normal"))
    direction <- match.arg(direction, c("gpt", "tpg", "both"))
    if(direction=="both" & length(type)==1){
      type <- rep(type, 2)
    if(direction=="both" & length(base)==1){
      base <- rep(base, 2)
    typeset <- c("Dunnett", "Tukey", "Sequen", "AVE", "Changepoint", "Williams",
                 "Marcus", "McDermott", "UmbrellaWilliams", "GrandMean")
      type <- match.arg(type, typeset)
      type1 <- type[1]
      type2 <- type[2]
      type1 <- match.arg(type1, typeset)
      type2 <- match.arg(type2, typeset)
    if(dim(contrasts)[2]!=nlevels(as.factor(data[, group])) * nlevels(as.factor(data[, time]))){
      stop("The number of columns in your contrast matrix must equal the
           number of groups multiplied by the number of time points!")
      stop("The sum of elements in each row of your contrast matrix must be zero!")
  alternative <- match.arg(alternative, c("two.sided", "greater", "less"))
  dat <- data.frame(response=data[, response], group=as.factor(data[, group]),
                    time=as.factor(data[, time]), id=as.factor(data[, id]))
  dat$tg <- dat[, "time"]:dat[, "group"]
  dat$gt <- dat[, "group"]:dat[, "time"]
  groups <- nlevels(dat[, "group"])
  times <- nlevels(dat[, "time"])
  ids <- nlevels(dat[, "id"])
  tgs <- nlevels(dat[, "tg"])
  ngroup <- summary(dat[, "group"])
  ntime <- summary(dat[, "time"])
  nid <- summary(dat[, "id"])
  ntg <- summary(dat[, "tg"])
  ########## Contrast Matrices ##########
      mat1 <- contrMat(ngroup, type[1], base=base)
      cmat <- diag(times) %x% mat1
      rownames(cmat) <- paste(rep(levels(dat[, "time"]), each=dim(mat1)[1]), rownames(mat1), sep=":")
      mat2 <- contrMat(ntime, type[1], base=base)
      cmat <- mat2 %x% diag(groups)
      rownames(cmat) <- paste(rep(levels(dat[, "group"]), dim(mat2)[1]), rep(rownames(mat2), each=nlevels(dat[, "group"])), sep=":")
      mat1 <- contrMat(ngroup, type[1], base=base[1])
      cmat1 <- diag(times) %x% mat1
      rownames(cmat1) <- paste(rep(levels(dat[, "time"]), each=dim(mat1)[1]), rownames(mat1), sep=":")
      mat2 <- contrMat(ntime, type[2], base=base[2])
      cmat2 <- mat2 %x% diag(groups)
      rownames(cmat2) <- paste(rep(levels(dat[, "group"]), dim(mat2)[1]), rep(rownames(mat2), each=nlevels(dat[, "group"])), sep=":")
      cmat <- rbind(cmat1, cmat2)
    cmat <- contrasts
  ########## Covariance Model Selection ##########
  mlist <- list()
  count <- 1
  if("1|id" %in% rand){
    mlist[[count]] <- lmer(response ~ tg - 1 + (1|id), dat)
    count <- count + 1
  if("time|id" %in% rand){
    mlist[[count]] <- lmer(response ~ tg - 1 + (time|id), dat,
                           control=lmerControl(check.nobs.vs.rankZ="ignore", check.nobs.vs.nRE="ignore", check.conv.hess="ignore"))
    count <- count + 1
  if("group|id" %in% rand){
    mlist[[count]] <- lmer(response ~ tg - 1 + (group|id), dat,
                           control=lmerControl(check.nobs.vs.rankZ="ignore", check.nobs.vs.nRE="ignore", check.conv.hess="ignore"))
    count <- count + 1
  if("timegroup|id" %in% rand){
    mlist[[count]] <- lmer(response ~ tg - 1 + (tg|id), dat,
                           control=lmerControl(check.nobs.vs.rankZ="ignore", check.nobs.vs.nRE="ignore", check.conv.hess="ignore"))
    count <- count + 1
  mstab <- model.sel(mlist)
  bestweight <- mstab[1, "weight"]
  best <- as.numeric(attr(mstab, "order")[1])
  ########## Degrees of Freedom ##########
      stop("Kenward-Roger not yet implemented for direction=='both'.")
      def <- floor(get_ddf_Lb(mlist[[best]], cmat[1, ]))
    def <- dim(dat)[1] - ids - tgs + 1
    #LMM <- lme(response ~ tg - 1, random=~1|id, dat, na.action="na.exclude")
    #def <- as.numeric(LMM$fixDF$terms)
    essmod <- gls(response ~ gt - 1, dat, correlation=corAR1(form=~1|id), na.action="na.exclude")
    phi <- cov2cor(vcov(essmod))[1, 2]
    def <- floor(ids * ((times - (times - 2) * phi) / (1 + phi)) - times * groups)
    def <- floor(ids + (times^2 * groups^2) / ids - tgs)
    def <- ids - (groups * times)
    def <- dim(dat)[1] - (groups * times)
    def <- 0
    def <- max(def, 2)
  ########## Tests and SCIs ##########
  test <- glht(mlist[[best]], cmat, alternative=alternative, df=def)
  tests <- summary(test)
  testci <- confint(test, level=level)
  est <- coef(test)
  covm <- vcov(test)
  corm <- cov2cor(vcov(test))
  se <- tests$test$sigma[1:dim(covm)[1]]
  stat <- tests$test$tstat[1:dim(covm)[1]]
  padj <- tests$test$pvalues[1:dim(covm)[1]]
  low <- testci$confint[, "lwr"]
  up <- testci$confint[, "upr"]
  crit <- attr(testci$confint, "calpha")
  tab <- data.frame(Estimate=est, SE=se, Lower=low, Upper=up, Statistic=stat, P=padj)
  tab <- round(tab, 4)
  ########## Output ##########
  out <- list()
  out[["Results"]] <- tab
  out[["CovStat"]] <- covm
  out[["CritValue"]] <- crit
  out[["Alternative"]] <- alternative
  out[["ConfLevel"]] <- level
  out[["DFMethod"]] <- df
  out[["DF"]] <- def
  out[["ContMat"]] <- cmat
  out[["BestMod"]] <- mlist[[best]]@call
  out[["ModSelTab"]] <- mstab
  out[["AWBest"]] <- bestweight
  out[["CovBest"]] <- vcov(mlist[[best]])
  out[["Model"]] <- mlist[[best]]
  class(out) <- "silo"
PhilipPallmann/SimLongi documentation built on May 8, 2019, 1:34 a.m.