#' Response sensitivity to IMFs
#' This function computes the sensitivity to each IMF, which is basically a
#' regression coefficient scaled by the IMF mean amplitude.
#' @param amplitudes A matrix of mean amplitudes as computed by
#' \code{\link{mean_amplitude}}. One column corresponds to a variable and
#' one line to an IMF.
#' @param model The result from a regression function. Must have a
#' \code{\link[stats]{coef}} method. If not, use the argument \code{coefs}
#' instead.
#' @param coefs User provided coefficient matrix. Must have the same dimensions
#' as \code{amplitudes}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the \code{\link[stats]{coef}} method
#' used by \code{model}.
#' @details The sensitivy term hereby designates regression coefficients
#' scaled according to the corresponding IMF's mean amplitude. It estimates
#' the amplitude of response's variations explained by the IMF.
#' The function uses the results from a regression model to compute
#' the sensitivity.
#' If the resulting object contains a \code{\link[stats]{coef}} method
#' it is used to extract the necessary coefficients. If this is not the
#' case, the \code{coefs} argument must be used instead.
#' @return A matrix of sensitivities, with the same dimensions as
#' \code{amplitudes}.
#' @seealso \code{link{coef.emdr2}} to extract coefficients from an \code{emdr2}
#' object.
#' @references
#' Masselot, P., Chebana, F., Bélanger, D., St-Hilaire, A., Abdous, B.,
#' Gosselin, P., Ouarda, T.B.M.J., 2018. EMD-regression for modelling
#' multi-scale relationships, and application to weather-related
#' cardiovascular mortality. \emph{Science of The Total Environment}
#' 612, 1018–1029.
#' @examples
#' ## EMD-R1
#' library(dlnm)
#' library(glmnet)
#' # Predictor decomposition
#' X <- chicagoNMMAPS[,c("temp", "rhum")]
#' set.seed(123)
#' mimfs <- memd(X, l = 2) # Takes a couple of minutes
#' cmimfs <- combine.mimf(mimfs, list(10:11, 12:13),
#' new.names = c("C10", "C11"))
#' # Response variable
#' Y <- chicagoNMMAPS$resp[attr(cmimfs, "tt")]
#' # Data preparation: includes the day-of-week variable as potential
#' # confounder
#' dataR1 <- pimf(cmimfs, Y, covariates = list(dow =
#' chicagoNMMAPS$dow[attr(cmimfs, "tt")]))
#' # Apply the Lasso
#' library(glmnet)
#' lasso.res <- cv.glmnet(data.matrix(dataR1[,-1]), dataR1[,1],
#' family = "poisson")
#' # Compute sensitivity and plot results
#' amps <- mean_amplitude(dataR1[,-1])
#' betas <- coef(lasso.res)
#' s <- sensitivity(amps, coefs = betas[-1])
#' ## EMD-R2
#' dat <- chicagoNMMAPS[,c("death", "temp", "rhum")]
#' mimfs <- memd(dat)
#' cmimfs <- combine.mimf(mimfs, list(12:13, 14:17, 18:19),
#' new.names = c("C12", "C13", "r"))
#' # EMD-R2 with glm
#' lm.R2 <- emdr2(death ~ temp + rhum, mimf = cmimfs)
#' betas.R2 <- coef(lm.R2)
#' amps <- mean_amplitude(cmimfs)
#' sensitivity.R2 <- sensitivity(amps[,-1], coefs = betas.R2[,-1])
#' @export
sensitivity <- function(amplitudes, model = NULL, coefs = NULL, ...)
if (is.null(coefs)){
if (is.null(model)) stop("At least 'model' or 'coef' must be provided")
coefs <- tryCatch(stats::coef(model, ...), error = function(w) "error")
if (identical(coefs, "error")) stop("Method coef() must exist for the class of object 'model'. If not extract them manually and use the argument 'coef'")
if (length(dim(coefs)) == 2){
inds <- pmatch(colnames(amplitudes), colnames(coefs))
coefs <- coefs[,inds]
} else {
inds <- pmatch(names(amplitudes), names(coefs))
coefs <- coefs[inds]
if (any(is.na(coefs))) warning("Some names of 'amplitudes' have not been found in the coefficients of 'model'")
} else {
if (length(amplitudes) != length(coefs)) stop("Inconsistent lengths between 'coefs' and 'amplitudes'")
return(amplitudes * coefs)
#' Plot coefficients of EMD-regression
#' Plot the coefficients resulting from an EMD-regression acording to the
#' mean period of the corresponding IMFs.
#' @param x The coefficient matrix to plot. Can also contain sensitivities
#' (see \code{\link{sensitivity}}).
#' @param periods Matrix containting the mean period of IMFs correspondind to
#' the coefficients in \code{x}. See \code{\link{period}}. If NULL,
#' the period are taken as the two to the power of the IMF's order.
#' @param lower,upper Matrices containing lower and upper confidence limits.
#' @param ci.args A list of arguments to be passed to the function
#' \code{\link[graphics]{arrows}} for drawing confidence intervals.
#' @param period.log2 Logical. If TRUE, a log2 transformation is applied to the
#' x axis.
#' @param trend.label The label to be displayed for the trend
#' component's coefficient.
#' @param show.coef Character giving restrictions for the coefficients to draw.
#' \code{show.coef = "all"} (the default) draws all coefficients,
#' \code{show.coef = "nonzero"} plots only nonzero coefficients,
#' \code{show.coef = "significant"} draws only coefficients for which the
#' confidence interval given in \code{lower} and \code{lower} excludes
#' the zero value.
#' @param col,pch color and point type for drawn coefficients. If matrices one
#' value corresponds to one coefficient and if vectors a value per variable
#' is used.
#' @param line.pars List of parameters for the line separating the trend
#' coefficients from the other. See \code{\link[graphics]{abline}}.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed to the plot. See
#' \code{\link[graphics]{par}}.
#' @examples
#' ## EMD-R1
#' library(dlnm)
#' library(glmnet)
#' # Predictor decomposition
#' X <- chicagoNMMAPS[,c("temp", "rhum")]
#' set.seed(123)
#' mimfs <- memd(X, l = 2) # Takes a couple of minutes
#' cmimfs <- combine.mimf(mimfs, list(10:11, 12:13),
#' new.names = c("C10", "C11"))
#' # Response variable
#' Y <- chicagoNMMAPS$resp[attr(cmimfs, "tt")]
#' # Data preparation: includes the day-of-week variable as potential
#' # confounder
#' dataR1 <- pimf(cmimfs, Y, covariates = list(dow =
#' chicagoNMMAPS$dow[attr(cmimfs, "tt")]))
#' # Apply the Lasso
#' library(glmnet)
#' lasso.res <- cv.glmnet(data.matrix(dataR1[,-1]), dataR1[,1],
#' family = "poisson")
#' # Compute sensitivity and plot results
#' amps <- mean_amplitude(dataR1[,2:25])
#' betas <- coef(lasso.res)
#' s <- sensitivity(amps, coefs = betas[2:25])
#' plot_emdr(matrix(s, ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE), periods = period(cmimfs),
#' show.coef = "nonzero", col = c("red", "blue"), pch = 16:17)
#' abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
#' ## EMD-R2
#' dat <- chicagoNMMAPS[,c("death", "temp", "rhum")]
#' mimfs <- memd(dat)
#' cmimfs <- combine.mimf(mimfs, list(12:13, 14:17, 18:19),
#' new.names = c("C12", "C13", "r"))
#' # EMD-R2 with glm
#' lm.R2 <- emdr2(death ~ temp + rhum, mimf = cmimfs)
#' betas.R2 <- coef(lm.R2)
#' amps <- mean_amplitude(cmimfs)
#' sensitivity.R2 <- sensitivity(amps[,-1], coefs = betas.R2[,-1])
#' plot_emdr(sensitivity.R2, periods = period(cmimfs)[,-1],
#' col = c("red", "blue"), pch = 16:17)
#' abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
#' @export
plot_emdr <- function(x, periods = NULL, lower = NULL, upper = NULL, ci.args = list(), period.log2 = TRUE, trend.label = "Trend", show.coef = c("all","nonzero","significant"), col = NULL, pch = NULL, line.pars = list(), ...)
dots <- list(...)
if (is.null(dim(x))){
K <- length(x)
P <- 1
} else {
K <- dim(x)[1]
P <- dim(x)[2]
betas <- as.vector(x)
if (is.null(periods)) periods <- rep(2^(1:K),P) else periods <- as.vector(periods)
lower <- as.vector(lower)
upper <- as.vector(upper)
show.coef <- match.arg(show.coef)
if (show.coef == "significant" && (is.null(lower) || is.null(upper))) show.coef <- "nonzero"
nb <- length(betas)
if (length(as.vector(periods)) != nb){
periods <- rep_len(periods,nb)
warning("periods length is different than number of coefficients.")
trends <- is.na(periods) | is.infinite(periods)
periods[trends] <- 2*max(periods,na.rm=T)
if (period.log2) periods <- log2(periods)
plot.pars <- dots[names(dots) %in% c(names(formals(graphics::plot.default)), names(graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)))]
plot.pars$x <- 0
plot.pars$y <- 0
plot.pars$col <- "white"
plot.pars$xaxt <- "n"
plot.def <- list(ylim = range(c(betas,lower,upper)), xlim = range(periods), xlab = "Period", ylab = "Coefficient")
plot.pars <- c(plot.pars, plot.def[!names(plot.def) %in% names(plot.pars)])
treat.args <- function(arg){
if (is.null(arg)){
arg <- rep(1:P,each=K)
} else {
if (is.matrix(arg)){
arg <- as.vector(arg)
} else {
arg <- rep(rep_len(arg,P), each = K)
tokeep <- switch(show.coef,
all = rep(TRUE,nb),
nonzero = betas!=0,
significant = sign(lower)==sign(upper)
if (!is.null(lower) && !is.null(upper)){
arrows.def <- list(angle = 90, length = 0.05, code = 3)
ci.args <- c(ci.args, arrows.def[!names(arrows.def) %in% names(ci.args)])
ci.args[names(ci.args) %in% c("col","lty","lwd")] <- lapply(ci.args[names(ci.args) %in% c("col","lty","lwd")], treat.args)
ci.args$x0 <- ci.args$x1 <- periods
ci.args$y0 <- lower
ci.args$y1 <- upper
ci.args[names(ci.args) %in% c("col","lty","lwd","x0","x1","y0","y1")] <- lapply(ci.args[names(ci.args) %in% c("col","lty","lwd","x0","x1","y0","y1")],"[",tokeep)
pars.list <- list(x = periods ,y = betas, col = treat.args(col), pch = treat.args(pch))
pars.list <- lapply(pars.list,"[",tokeep)
axis.pars <- plot.pars[grep("axis",names(plot.pars))]
axis.pars$side <- 1
axis.pars$at <- axis.pars$labels <- graphics::axTicks(1)
if (period.log2) axis.pars$labels <- 2^axis.pars$labels
if (any(trends[tokeep])){
sortper <- sort(unique(periods))
sep <- mean(sortper[length(sortper) + (-1:0)])
line.pars$v <- sep
axis.pars$at <- c(axis.pars$at[axis.pars$at < sep],
axis.pars$labels <- c(axis.pars$labels[axis.pars$at < sep],
pars.list$x[trends[tokeep]] <- seq(sep,graphics::par("usr")[2],length.out=sum(trends[tokeep])+2)[-c(1,sum(trends[tokeep])+2)]
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