
#' @include hits.R S4classes.R

#' Get corpus positions for a query or queries.
#' Get matches for a query in a CQP corpus (subcorpus, partition etc.),
#' optionally using the CQP syntax of the Corpus Workbench (CWB).
#' The `cpos()`-method returns a two-column `matrix` with the ranges (start end
#' end corpus positions of the matches) matched by a query. CQP syntax can be
#' used. The encoding of the query is adjusted to conform to the encoding of the
#' CWB corpus. If there are not matches, `NULL` is returned.
#' Previous polmineR versions defined the `cpos()`-method for `matrix` and
#' `hits` objects to obtain an integer vector with unfolded individual corpus
#' positions. This usage is deprecated starting with polmineR v0.8.8
#' @param .Object A length-one `character` vector indicating a CWB corpus, or a
#'   `corpus`, or `partition` object.
#' @param query A `character` vector providing one or multiple queries (token to
#'   look up, regular expression or CQP query). Token ids (i.e. `integer`
#'   values) are also accepted. If `query` is neither a regular expression nor a
#'   CQP query, a sanity check removes accidental leading/trailing whitespace,
#'   issuing a respective warning.
#' @param cqp Either logical (`TRUE` if query is a CQP query), or a function to
#'   check whether query is a CQP query or not (defaults to `is.cqp` auxiliary
#'   function).
#' @param regex Interpret `query` as a regular expression. 
#' @param check A `logical` value, whether to check validity of CQP query
#'   using `check_cqp_query`.
#' @param p_attribute The p-attribute to search. Needs to be stated only if query
#'   is not a CQP query. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param verbose A `logical` value, whether to show messages.
#' @param ... Used for reasons of backwards compatibility to
#'   process arguments that have been renamed (e.g. `pAttribute`).
#' @return A `matrix` with two columns.  The first column reports the
#'   left/starting corpus positions (cpos) of the hits obtained. The second
#'   column reports the right/ending corpus positions of the respective hit. The
#'   number of rows is the number of hits. If there are no hits, `NULL` is
#'   returned.
#' @exportMethod cpos
#' @rdname cpos-method
#' @name cpos
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @examples
#' use(pkg = "RcppCWB", corpus = "REUTERS")
#' # look up single tokens
#' cpos("REUTERS", query = "oil")
#' corpus("REUTERS") %>% cpos(query = "oil")
#' corpus("REUTERS") %>%
#'   subset(grepl("saudi-arabia", places)) %>%
#'   cpos(query = "oil")
#' partition("REUTERS", places = "saudi-arabia", regex = TRUE) %>%
#'   cpos(query = "oil")
#' # use CQP query syntax
#' cpos("REUTERS", query = '"Saudi" "Arabia"')
#' corpus("REUTERS") %>% cpos(query = '"Saudi" "Arabia"')
#' corpus("REUTERS") %>%
#'   subset(grepl("saudi-arabia", places)) %>%
#'   cpos(query = '"Saudi" "Arabia"', cqp = TRUE)
#' partition("REUTERS", places = "saudi-arabia", regex = TRUE) %>%
#'   cpos(query = '"Saudi" "Arabia"', cqp = TRUE)
setGeneric("cpos", function(.Object, ... ) standardGeneric("cpos"))

#' @rdname cpos-method
setMethod("cpos", "corpus", function(.Object, query, p_attribute = getOption("polmineR.p_attribute"), cqp = is.cqp, regex = FALSE, check = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ...){
  dots <- list(...)
  if (length(dots) == 1L){
    if (names(dots) == "pAttribute"){
      p_attribute <- dots[["pAttribute"]]
    } else {
      warning("An argument has been passed into the cpos()-method via three dots (...) that is unknown.")
  } else if (length(dots) > 1L){
    warning("An argument has been passed into the cpos()-method via three dots (...) that is unknown.")

  query <- as.corpusEnc(query, corpusEnc = .Object@encoding)
  if (is.function(cqp)) cqp <- cqp(query)
  if (length(cqp) > 1L) stop("length of cqp is more than 1, but needs to be exactly 1")
  if (!cqp) {
    .fn <- function(id){
      regions <- cl_id2cpos(
        corpus = .Object@corpus, registry = .Object@registry_dir,
        p_attribute = p_attribute, id = id
      matrix(c(regions, regions), ncol = 2L)

    hit_list <- lapply(
        if (is.character(q) && !regex){
          if (grepl("^\\s+", q) || grepl("\\s+$", q)){
                "Query '%s' includes leading and/or trailing whitespace. ",
              "Surplus whitespace is considered to be accidental and will be removedv for token lookup."
            q <- gsub("^\\s*(.*?)\\s*$", "\\1", q)
        regions <- try({
          if (is.character(q)){
            if (!regex){
              ids <- cl_str2id(
                corpus = .Object@corpus, registry = .Object@registry_dir,
                p_attribute = p_attribute, str = q
            } else {
              ids <- cl_regex2id(
                corpus = .Object@corpus, registry = .Object@registry_dir,
                p_attribute = p_attribute, regex = q
          } else if (is.integer(q)){
            ids <- q
          } else {
            warning("Argument 'query' needs to be an integer value or a character vector.")
          if (length(ids) == 1L){
            if (ids < 0L){ # CQP will return -1 or another negative value if there are no matches
              .message("no hits for query: ", q, verbose = verbose)
              return( NULL )
            } else {
          } else {
            return( do.call(rbind, lapply(ids, .fn)) )
  } else if (cqp) {
    hit_list <- lapply(
        if (check) if (!check_cqp_query(q)) stop("Aborting - CQP query does not pass check and may cause a crash.")
        if (!RcppCWB::cqp_is_initialized()) cqp_initialize()
        cqp_query(corpus = .Object@corpus, query = q)
        regions <- try(cqp_dump_subcorpus(corpus = .Object@corpus), silent = TRUE)
        if (is(regions)[1] == "try-error"){
          .message("no hits for query: ", q, verbose = verbose)
          return( NULL )
        } else if (!is.null(regions)) {
          return( matrix(regions[,c(1L,2L)], ncol = 2L) )
        } else {
          .message("no hits for query: ", q, verbose = verbose)
          return( NULL )
  hits <- do.call(rbind, hit_list)
  if (is.null(hits)) return( hits )
  if (nrow(hits) == 0L) invisible( NULL ) else hits

#' @rdname cpos-method
setMethod("cpos", "character", function(.Object, query, p_attribute = getOption("polmineR.p_attribute"), cqp = is.cqp, check = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ...){
  cpos(.Object = corpus(.Object), query = query, p_attribute = p_attribute, cqp = cqp, check = check, verbose = verbose, ...)

#' @rdname cpos-method
setMethod("cpos", "slice", function(.Object, query, cqp = is.cqp, check = TRUE, p_attribute = getOption("polmineR.p_attribute"), verbose = TRUE, ...){
  hits <- cpos(
    as(.Object, "corpus"),
    query = query, cqp = cqp, check = check,
    p_attribute = p_attribute,
    verbose = verbose, ...
  if (!is.null(hits)){
    if (length(.Object@s_attribute_strucs) > 0L){
      # The incoming .Object may be a partition/subcorpus object that has been generated
      # from a corpus object. In this case, the slot s_attribute_strucs is an empty character
      # vector, and no filtering will be performed. This is used by the coocurrences-method
      # that is implemented for the partition class, but not for the corpus class.
      struc_hits <- cl_cpos2struc(
        corpus = .Object@corpus,  registry = .Object@registry_dir,
        s_attribute = .Object@s_attribute_strucs, cpos = hits[,1]
      hits <- hits[which(struc_hits %in% .Object@strucs),]
      if (is(hits)[1] == "integer") hits <- matrix(data = hits, ncol = 2L)
      if (nrow(hits) == 0L) hits <- NULL
  if (is(hits)[1] == "integer") hits <- matrix(hits, ncol = 2L)

#' @rdname cpos-method
setMethod("cpos", "partition", function(.Object, query, cqp = is.cqp, check = TRUE, p_attribute = getOption("polmineR.p_attribute"), verbose = TRUE, ...){
  callNextMethod(.Object = .Object, query = query, cqp = cqp, check = check, p_attribute = p_attribute, verbose = verbose, ...)

#' @rdname cpos-method
setMethod("cpos", "subcorpus", function(.Object, query, cqp = is.cqp, check = TRUE, p_attribute = getOption("polmineR.p_attribute"), verbose = TRUE, ...){
  callNextMethod(.Object = .Object, query = query, cqp = cqp, check = check, p_attribute = p_attribute, verbose = verbose, ...)

#' @rdname cpos-method
#' @importFrom RcppCWB ranges_to_cpos
setMethod("cpos", "matrix", function(.Object){

    when = "0.8.8", 
    what = "cpos()",
    details = paste0(
      "This warning applies for the `cpos()` method for matrix objects only. ", 
      "Please use `RcppCWB::ranges_to_cpos()` for turning a matrix of ranges ",
      "into a vector of individual corpus positions."

#' @rdname cpos-method
setMethod("cpos", "hits", function(.Object){
    when = "0.8.8", 
    what = "cpos()",
    details = paste0(
      "This warning applies for the `cpos()` method for `hits` objects. ", 
      "Please use `RcppCWB::ranges_to_cpos()` for turning a matrix of ranges ",
      "into a vector of individual corpus positions."
  cpos(as.matrix(.Object@stat[, c("cpos_left", "cpos_right")]))

#' @rdname cpos-method
setMethod("cpos", "NULL", function(.Object){
    when = "0.8.8", 
    what = "cpos()",
    details = paste0(
      "This warning applies for the `cpos()` method for `NULL` objects. ", 
      "Please use `RcppCWB::ranges_to_cpos()` for turning a matrix of ranges ",
      "into a vector of individual corpus positions."
PolMine/polmineR documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 8:07 a.m.