#' Descarga bases de datos electorales
#' (\emph{Download electoral data})
#' @description
#' Función que descarga datos electorales de escrutinios provisorios nacionales desde 2003
#' (\emph{Function that downloads national electoral data since 2003 from provisional count})
#' @param district un character con código para Argentina y las 24 provincias
#' (\emph{a named character with code for Argentina and the 24 provinces}).
#' @param category un character para la categoría electoral: diputado \code{dip}, senador \code{sen} o presidente \code{presi}
#' (\emph{a character with a name for the electoral category: deputy \code{dip}, senator \code{sen} or president \code{presi}}).
#' @param year un integer para el año de eleccion (\emph{an integer for the year of choice}).
#' @param round un character para tipo de elección: primaria \code{paso} o general \code{gral}
#' (\emph{a character with a name for the election round: primary \code{paso} or general \code{gral}}).
#' @param level un character para seleccionar level de agregación de los resultados: \code{provincia}, \code{departamento} o \code{circuito}
#' (\emph{a character to select the level of aggregation of the results: province \code{provincia}, department -\code{departamento} or
#' electoral precints \code{circuito}}).
#' @param long un boleano para estructura de los datos. Por default \code{long = FALSE}
#' (\emph{a boolean for data structure. By default} \code{long = FALSE}).
#' @param raw un boleano \code{TRUE/FALSE} que define si descargar base de datos desagregada a nivel MESA o no
#' (\emph{a \code{TRUE/FALSE} boolean to define whether to download disaggregated data at BALLOT level or not})
#' @return devuelve un tibble con \code{class "grouped_df", "tbl_df","tbl", "data.frame"} con los resultados de una eleccion determinada
#' (\emph{returns a tibble with electoral results of interest with \code{class "grouped_df", "tbl_df","tbl", "data.frame"}}).
#' @examples
#' get_election_data(district = "caba",
#' category = "dip",
#' round = "paso",
#' year = 2011,
#' level = "provincia",
#' long = TRUE, raw = FALSE)
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_multiple_elections}}
#' @export
get_election_data <- function(district = NULL ,
category = NULL,
round = NULL ,
year = NULL,
level = "provincia",
long = TRUE,
raw = FALSE){
## Check for internet conection
attempt::stop_if_not(.x = curl::has_internet(),
msg = "Internet access was not detected. Please check your connection //
No se detecto acceso a internet. Por favor chequear la conexion.")
## Check params
# year check
msg = "You must provide valid character parameters for 'district', 'category' and 'round', and an integer parameter for 'year'. Check them with 'show_available_elections(source = 'data')' //
Debe proporcionar parametros character validos para 'district', 'category' y 'round', y un parametro entero para 'year'. Compruebelos con 'show_available_elections(source = 'data')'")
msg = "'year' must be an integer. Please select a correct option. Check them with 'show_available_elections(source = 'data')' //
'year' debe ser un integer. Por favor seleccione una opcipn correcta. Verifiquelos con 'show_available_elections(source = 'data')'")
# category check
msg = "You must provide valid character parameters for 'district', 'category' and 'round', and an integer parameter for 'year'. Check them with show 'show_available_elections(source = 'data')' //
Debe proporcionar parametros character validos para 'district', 'category' y 'round', y un parametro entero para 'year'. Compruebelos con 'show show_available_elections(source = 'data')'")
msg = "'category' must be an character string Please select a correct option. Check them with 'show_available_elections(source = 'data')' //
'category' debe ser un character string Por favor seleccione una opcipn correcta. Verifiquelas con 'show_available_elections(source = 'data')'")
assertthat::assert_that(category %in% c("dip", "sen", "presi"),
msg = "Please select a correct 'category'. Check them with 'show_available_elections(source = 'data')' //
Por favor seleccione una 'catgeory' correcta. Compruebelas con 'show_available_elections(source = 'data')'")
# level check
msg = "'level' must be a character string. Options = c('provicina', 'departamento', 'circuito') //
'level' tiene que ser un character string. Opciones = c('provincia', 'departamento', 'circuito')")
assertthat::assert_that(level %in% c('provincia', 'departamento', 'circuito'),
msg = "Please select a correct 'level'. Check them with 'show_available_elections'(source = 'data') //
Por favor seleccione un 'level' correcto. Compruebelos con 'show_available_elections(source = 'data')'")
# district check
msg = "You must provide valid character parameters for 'district', 'category' and 'round', and an integer parameter for 'year'. Check them with 'show_available_elections()' //
Debe proporcionar parametros character validos para 'district', 'category' y 'round', y un parametro integer para 'year'. Compruebelos con 'show_available_elections()'")
msg = "'district' must be a character string. Check options with 'show_available_elections(source = 'data')' //
Por favor seleccione un 'district' correcto. Compruebelos con 'show_available_elections(source = 'data')')")
assertthat::assert_that(district %in% c("arg",
msg = "Please select a correct 'district.' Check them with 'show_available_elections(source = 'data')' //
Por favor seleccione un 'district' correcto. Compruebelos con 'show_available_elections(source = 'data')")
# round check
msg = "You must provide valid character parameters for 'district', 'category' and 'round', and an integer parameter for 'year'. Check them with 'show_available_elections()' //
Debe proporcionar parametros character validos para 'district', 'category' y 'round', y un parametro integer para 'year'. Compruebelos con 'show_available_elections()'")
msg = "'round' must be a character string. Options = c('paso', 'gral', 'balota') //
'round' debe ser un character string. Opciones = c('paso', 'gral', 'balota')")
assertthat::assert_that(round %in% c("paso", "gral", "balota"),
msg = "Please select a correct 'round' Check them with 'show_available_elections(source = 'data')' //
Por favor seleccione una 'round' correcta. Compruebelas con 'show_available_elections(source = 'data')'")
# raw check
msg = "'raw' must be logical. Options = c(TRUE, FALSE) //
'raw' debe ser un boleano. Opciones = c(TRUE, FALSE)" )
# Check available elections
check_elections <- electorAr::show_available_elections(source = "data") %>%
dplyr::mutate(elections =paste0(district, category, round, year))
assertthat::assert_that(glue::glue({district}, {category}, {round}, {year}) %in% check_elections$elections,
msg = "Please choose a valid election. Check them with 'show_available_elections(source = 'data')' //
Por favor seleccione una eleccipn valida. Consultelas con 'show_available_elections(source = 'data')'")
### Provincial Electoral codes
codProv <- tibble::tibble(name_prov =
codprov =
# Temp function: level selection
levels <- function(level = ""){
# Replace if_elses with case_when
level == "provincia" ~ c("codprov"),
level == "departamento" ~ c("codprov, depto, coddepto"),
level == "circuito" ~ c("codprov, depto, coddepto, circuito"),
T ~c("codprov")
levels <- stringr::str_split(string = levels(level = level), pattern = "\\,")
levels <- stringr::str_squish(levels[[1]])
url <- paste0("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PoliticaArgentina/data_warehouse/master/electorAr/data/escrutinios_provisorios/",
district, "_",
category, "_",
year, ".csv")
# Set default value for try()
default <- NULL
df <- base::suppressWarnings(base::try(default <- vroom::vroom(file = url,
col_types = vroom::cols(),
progress = FALSE),
silent = TRUE))
df <- base::message("Fail to download data. Source is not available // La fuente de datos no esta disponible")
} else {
df <- df
# import data RAW or with LEVLES of aggregation
if(raw == FALSE) {
df <- df %>%
dplyr::group_by_at(levels) %>%
dplyr::mutate(mesa = as.character(mesa)) %>% ### fix bug (Salta elections detecting mesa as integer)
dplyr::summarise_if(is.numeric, .funs = sum) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::mutate(codprov = as.character(codprov)) %>%
dplyr::left_join(codProv, by = "codprov") %>%
dplyr::mutate(category = category,
round = round,
year = year) %>%
} else {
df <- df %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::mutate(codprov = as.character(codprov)) %>%
dplyr::left_join(codProv, by = "codprov")%>%
dplyr::mutate(category = category,
round = round,
year = year)
# LONG or WIDE options
if(long == TRUE){
df %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::mutate(codprov = as.character(codprov)) %>%
electorAr::make_long() %>%
dplyr::select(category, round, year, codprov, name_prov, dplyr::everything()) %>%
df %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::mutate(codprov = as.character(codprov)) %>%
dplyr::select(category, round, year, codprov, name_prov, dplyr::everything()) %>%
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