
#' The `worldMatrix` class
#' This is an s4 class extension of `matrix` with 7 additional slots.
#' A `worldMatrix` object can be viewed as a grid composed of squared `patches`
#' (i.e., matrix cells). `Patches` have two spatial coordinates `pxcor` and
#' `pycor`, representing the location of their center. `pxcor` and
#' `pycor` are always integer and increment by 1. `pxcor` increases as
#' you move right and `pycor` increases as you move up.  `pxcor` and
#' `pycor` can be negative if there are `patches` to the left or below the `patch`
#' `[pxcor = 0, pycor = 0]`.
#' The first four slots of the `worldMatrix` are: `minPxcor`, `maxPxcor`,
#' `minPycor`, `maxPycor` which represent the minimum and maximum `patches`
#' coordinates in the `worldMatrix`.
#' The slot `extent` is similar to a `Raster*` extent. Because `pxcor`
#' and `pycor` represent the spatial location at the center of the `patches` and the
#' resolution of them is 1, the extent of the `worldMatrix` is equal to
#' `xmin = minPxcor - 0.5`, `xmax = maxPxcor + 0.5`, `ymin = minPycor - 0.5`,
#' and `ymax = maxPycor + 0.5`.
#' The number of `patches` in a `worldMatrix` is equal to
#' `((maxPxcor - minPxcor) + 1) * ((maxPycor - minPycor) + 1)`.
#' The slot `res` is equal to `1` as it is the spatial resolution of the `patches`.
#' The last slot `pCoords` is a `matrix` representing the `patches` coordinates
#' of all the matrix cells in the order of cells in a `Raster*` (i.e., by rows).
#' Careful: The methods `[]` and `[] <-` retrieve or assign values for
#' the `patches` in the given order of the `patches` coordinates provided.
#' When no `patches` coordinates are provided, the values retrieved or assigned
#' is done in the order of the cell numbers as defined in in `Raster*` objects
#' (i.e., by rows).
#' @references Wilensky, U. 1999. NetLogo. http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/.
#'             Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling,
#'             Northwestern University. Evanston, IL.
#' @aliases worldMatrix
#' @name worldMatrix-class
#' @rdname worldMatrix-class
#' @author Sarah Bauduin, Eliot McIntire, and Alex Chubaty
#' @exportClass worldMatrix
#' @seealso [worldArray()]
    .Data = "matrix",
    minPxcor = "numeric",
    maxPxcor = "numeric",
    minPycor = "numeric",
    maxPycor = "numeric",
    extent = "ANY",
    res = "numeric",
    pCoords = "matrix"
  validity = function(object) {
    # check for valid extents
    if (any(!inherits(object@extent, c("Extent", "SpatExtent")))) {
      stop("must supply an object name")

#' @export
#' @name [
#' @aliases [,worldMatrix,numeric,numeric,ANY-method
#' @rdname extract-methods
  signature("worldMatrix", "numeric", "numeric", "ANY"),
  definition = function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
    colMat <- i - x@minPxcor + 1
    rowMat <- x@maxPycor - j + 1
    cellValues <- x[cbind(rowMat, colMat)]


#' @export
#' @name [
#' @aliases [,worldMatrix,missing,missing,ANY-method
#' @rdname extract-methods
  signature("worldMatrix", "missing", "missing", "ANY"),
  definition = function(x, ..., drop) {

#' @export
#' @name [<-
#' @aliases [<-,worldMatrix,numeric,numeric,ANY-method
#' @rdname extract-methods
  signature("worldMatrix", "numeric", "numeric", "ANY"),
  definition = function(x, i, j, value) {
    colMat <- i - x@minPxcor + 1
    rowMat <- x@maxPycor - j + 1
    x@.Data[cbind(rowMat, colMat)] <- value


#' @export
#' @name [<-
#' @aliases [<-,worldMatrix,missing,missing,ANY-method
#' @rdname extract-methods
  signature("worldMatrix", "missing", "missing", "ANY"),
  definition = function(x, i, j, value) {
    nCell <- dim(x@.Data)[1] * dim(x@.Data)[2]
    if (length(value) != nCell) {
      value <- rep(value, nCell)
    x@.Data <- matrix(data = value, ncol = dim(x@.Data)[2], byrow = TRUE)

#' Create a `world`
#' Create a `world` of `patches` of class `worldMatrix`.
#' @inheritParams fargs
#' @param data Vector of length 1 or length
#'            `(maxPxcor - minPxcor + 1) * (maxPycor - minPycor + 1)`.
#'             Default is `NA`.
#' @return `WorldMatrix` object composed of
#'         `(maxPxcor - minPxcor + 1) * (maxPycor - minPycor + 1)`
#'         patches (i.e., matrix cells).
#' @details If `data` is provided, values are assigned by rows.
#'          If no parameters value are provided, default values are:
#'          `minPxcor = -16`,
#'          `maxPxcor = 16`, `minPycor = -16`, and `maxPycor = 16`.
#'          See `help("worldMatrix-class")` for more details on the `worldMatrix` class.
#' @references Wilensky, U. 1999. NetLogo. http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/.
#'             Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling,
#'             Northwestern University. Evanston, IL.
#' @examples
#' w1 <- createWorld(minPxcor = 0, maxPxcor = 4, minPycor = 0, maxPycor = 4, data = 1:25)
#' plot(w1)
#' @export
#' @rdname createWorld
#' @author Sarah Bauduin, Eliot McIntire, and Alex Chubaty
  function(minPxcor, maxPxcor, minPycor, maxPycor, data = NA) {

#' @export
#' @rdname createWorld
  signature = c(
    minPxcor = "numeric", maxPxcor = "numeric", minPycor = "numeric",
    maxPycor = "numeric"
  definition = function(minPxcor, maxPxcor, minPycor, maxPycor, data) {
    numX <- (maxPxcor - minPxcor + 1)
    numY <- (maxPycor - minPycor + 1)
    data <- matrix(
      ncol = numX,
      nrow = numY, data = data, byrow = TRUE
    # byrow = TRUE to be similar as a raster when assigning data

    world <- new("worldMatrix",
      .Data = data,
      minPxcor = minPxcor, maxPxcor = maxPxcor,
      minPycor = minPycor, maxPycor = maxPycor,
      extent = terra::ext(minPxcor - 0.5, maxPxcor + 0.5, minPycor - 0.5, maxPycor + 0.5),
      res = c(1, 1),
      pCoords = cbind(
        pxcor = rep_len(minPxcor:maxPxcor, length.out = numX * numY),
        pycor = rep(maxPycor:minPycor, each = numX)


#' @export
#' @rdname createWorld
  signature = c("missing", "missing", "missing", "missing", "missing"),
  definition = function() {
    createWorld(-16, 16, -16, 16, data = NA)

#' The `worldArray` class
#' This is an s4 class extension of `array`.
#' It is a collection of several `worldMatrix` objects with the same extent
#' (i.e., same values for all their slots) stacked together.
#' It is used to keep more than one value per `patch`.
#' @aliases worldArray
#' @name worldArray-class
#' @rdname worldArray-class
#' @author Sarah Bauduin, Eliot McIntire, and Alex Chubaty
#' @exportClass worldArray
#' @seealso [worldMatrix()]
    .Data = "array",
    minPxcor = "numeric",
    maxPxcor = "numeric",
    minPycor = "numeric",
    maxPycor = "numeric",
    extent = "ANY",
    res = "numeric",
    pCoords = "matrix"
  validity = function(object) {
    # check for valid extents
    if (any(!inherits(object@extent, c("Extent", "SpatExtent")))) {
      stop("must supply an object name")

#' @export
#' @name [
#' @aliases [,worldArray,numeric,numeric,ANY-method
#' @rdname extract-methods
  signature("worldArray", "numeric", "numeric", "ANY"),
  definition = function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
    colMat <- i - x@minPxcor + 1
    rowMat <- x@maxPycor - j + 1
    pCoords <- cbind(rowMat, colMat)
    cellValues <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(dim(x)[3]), function(z) {
      as.numeric(t(x@.Data[cbind(pCoords, z)]))
    dim(cellValues) <- c(NROW(pCoords), 2L)
    colnames(cellValues) <- dimnames(x@.Data)[[3]]

#' @export
#' @name [
#' @aliases [,worldArray,missing,missing,ANY-method
#' @rdname extract-methods
  signature("worldArray", "missing", "missing", "ANY"),
  definition = function(x, ..., drop) {
    cellValues <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(dim(x)[3]), function(z) as.numeric(t(x@.Data[, , z]))))
    dim(cellValues) <- c(dim(x)[1] * dim(x)[2], dim(x)[3])
    colnames(cellValues) <- dimnames(x@.Data)[[3]]

#' @export
#' @name [<-
#' @aliases [<-,worldArray,numeric,numeric,matrix-method
#' @rdname extract-methods
  signature("worldArray", "numeric", "numeric", "matrix"),
  definition = function(x, i, j, value) {
    colMat <- i - x@minPxcor + 1
    rowMat <- x@maxPycor - j + 1
    coords <- cbind(rowMat, colMat)
    for (k in seq_len(dim(x)[3])) {
      x@.Data[cbind(coords, k)] <- value[, k]

#' @export
#' @name [<-
#' @aliases [<-,worldArray,missing,missing,matrix-method
#' @rdname extract-methods
  signature("worldArray", "missing", "missing", "matrix"),
  definition = function(x, i, j, value) {
    nCell <- dim(x@.Data)[1] * dim(x@.Data)[2]
    if (NROW(value) != nCell) {
      # assuming value has one row
      value <- value[rep(1, nCell), ]
    for (k in seq_len(dim(x)[3])) {
      x@.Data[, , k] <- matrix(data = value[, k], ncol = dim(x@.Data)[2], byrow = TRUE)

#' Stack `worlds`
#' Stack multiple `worldMatrix` into a `worldArray`.
#' @param ... `worldMatrix` objects. If passed as unnamed objects, then the function
#'   will attempt to use their object names as layer names. Alternatively, to be more
#'   reliable, these can be passed as named arguments. See examples.
#' @return `worldArray` object.
#' @details The `worldMatrix` objects must all have the same extents.
#' @examples
#' w1 <- createWorld(minPxcor = 0, maxPxcor = 4, minPycor = 0, maxPycor = 4, data = 1:25)
#' w2 <- createWorld(minPxcor = 0, maxPxcor = 4, minPycor = 0, maxPycor = 4, data = 25:1)
#' w3 <- stackWorlds(w1, w2)
#' plot(w3)
#' # pass named arguments to specify a different name than the object name
#' w4 <- stackWorlds(layer1 = w1, layer2 = w2)
#' @export
#' @rdname stackWorlds
#' @author Sarah Bauduin
  signature = "...",
  function(...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname stackWorlds
  signature = "worldMatrix",
  definition = function(...) {
    NLwMs <- list(...)
    objNames <- names(NLwMs)
    if (is.null(objNames)) {
      objNames <- as.character(substitute(deparse(...))[-1])
    # similar dimensions can have different extent
    a <- lapply(NLwMs, FUN = function(x) x@extent)

    # Vectorized all.equal
    if (isTRUE(all(ae(a[-1], a[1]) %in% TRUE))) {
      out <- simplify2array(NLwMs) # abind::abind(NLwMs@.Data, along = 3)
    } else {
      stop("worldMatrix extents must all be equal")
    dimnames(out) <- list(NULL, NULL, objNames)

    world <- new("worldArray",
      .Data = out,
      minPxcor = NLwMs[[1]]@minPxcor, maxPxcor = NLwMs[[1]]@maxPxcor,
      minPycor = NLwMs[[1]]@minPycor, maxPycor = NLwMs[[1]]@maxPycor,
      extent = NLwMs[[1]]@extent,
      res = c(1, 1),
      pCoords = NLwMs[[1]]@pCoords


#' The `worldNLR` class
#' The `worldNLR` class is the union of the `worldMatrix` and `worldArray`
#' classes. Mostly used for building function purposes.
#' @aliases worldNLR
#' @author Sarah Bauduin, and Eliot McIntire
#' @exportClass worldNLR
#' @name worldNLR-class
#' @rdname worldNLR-class
  name = "worldNLR",
  members = c("worldMatrix", "worldArray")

#' Cells numbers from `patches` coordinates
#' Report the cells numbers as defined for a `Raster*` object given the `patches`
#' coordinates `pxcor` and `pycor`.
#' @inheritParams fargs
#' @return Numeric. Vector of cells number.
#' @examples
#' w1 <- createWorld(minPxcor = 0, maxPxcor = 9, minPycor = 0, maxPycor = 9)
#' cellFromPxcorPycor(world = w1, pxcor = 0, pycor = 9)
#' cellFromPxcorPycor(world = w1, pxcor = c(0, 1, 2), pycor = 0)
#' @export
#' @rdname cellFromPxcorPycor
#' @author Sarah Bauduin
  function(world, pxcor, pycor) {

#' @export
#' @rdname cellFromPxcorPycor
  signature = c("worldNLR", "numeric", "numeric"),
  definition = function(world, pxcor, pycor) {
    j <- pxcor - world@minPxcor + 1
    i <- world@maxPycor - pycor + 1
    (i - 1) * ncol(world) + j # Faster

#' `Patches` coordinates from cells numbers
#' Report the `patches` coordinates `pxcor` and `pycor` given the cells
#' numbers as defined for a `Raster*` object.
#' @inheritParams fargs
#' @return Matrix (`ncol` = 2) with the first column `pxcor` and the second
#'         column `pycor` in the order of the given `cellNum`.
#' @examples
#' w1 <- createWorld(minPxcor = 0, maxPxcor = 9, minPycor = 0, maxPycor = 9)
#' cellNum <- cellFromPxcorPycor(world = w1, pxcor = 0, pycor = 9)
#' PxcorPycorFromCell(world = w1, cellNum = cellNum)
#' cellNum <- cellFromPxcorPycor(world = w1, pxcor = c(0, 1, 2), pycor = 0)
#' PxcorPycorFromCell(world = w1, cellNum = cellNum)
#' @export
#' @rdname PxcorPycorFromCell
#' @author Sarah Bauduin
  function(world, cellNum) {

#' @export
#' @rdname PxcorPycorFromCell
  signature = c("worldNLR", "numeric"),
  definition = function(world, cellNum) {
    pCoords <- world@pCoords[cellNum, , drop = FALSE]

#' `WorldMatrix` indices from vector indices
#' Convert vector indices or `Raster*` cell numbers into `worldMatrix` indices.
#' @inheritParams fargs
#' @return Numeric. Vector of `worldMatrix` indices.
#' @export
#' @rdname NLworldIndex
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("raster", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   w1 <- createWorld(minPxcor = 0, maxPxcor = 9, minPycor = 0, maxPycor = 9, data = 1:100)
#'   w1Ras <- world2raster(w1)
#'   index <- 24
#'   pxpy <- PxcorPycorFromCell(world = w1, cellNum = index)
#'   rasValue <- as.integer(unname(w1Ras[index]))
#'   # Not correct index:
#'   identical(w1[index], rasValue)
#'   # Correct index
#'   identical(w1[NLworldIndex(w1, index)], rasValue)
#' }
  function(world, cellNum) {

#' @export
#' @rdname NLworldIndex
  signature = c("worldMatrix", "numeric"),
  definition = function(world, cellNum) {
    b <- dim(world)
    floor((cellNum - 1) / b[2]) + seq.int(
      from = 1, to = prod(b),
      by = b[1]
    )[(cellNum - 1) %% b[2] + 1]

# Subsetting for `worldArray` class
# These function similarly to `[[` for `RasterStack` or `SpatRaster` objects.
# @aliases [[,worldArray,ANY-method
# @export
# @importFrom methods .slotNames
# @name [[
# @rdname subsetting
# @exportMethod [[

#' Subsetting and replacing for `worldArray` class
#' @param x     A `worldArray` object.
#' @param i     Index number or layer name specifying a subset of layer(s)
#'              from the `worldArray`.
#' @rdname subsetting
#' @docType methods
#' @export
#' @exportMethod [[
#' @examples
#' w1 <- createWorld(minPxcor = 0, maxPxcor = 9, minPycor = 0, maxPycor = 9, data = runif(100))
#' w2 <- createWorld(0, 9, 0, 9, data = runif(100))
#' w3 <- createWorld(0, 9, 0, 9, data = runif(100) + 2) # add 2 so different range
#' a1 <- stackWorlds(w1, w2)
#' a1[[2]]
#' a1[[2]] <- w3
setMethod("[[", signature(x = "worldArray", i = "ANY", j = "missing"),
  definition = function(x, i) {
    if (length(i) > 1) {
      x@.Data <- x@.Data[, , i]
    } else {
      worldMat <- .emptyWorldMatrix()
      sns <- .slotNames(x)
      for (sn in sns[sns != ".Data"]) {
        slot(worldMat, sn, check = FALSE) <- slot(x, sn)
      worldMat@.Data <- x@.Data[, , i]

#' @param value A replacement `worldMatrix` layer for one of the current layers in the
#'              `worldArray`.
#' @return The replacement method returns the original object, but with updated elements.
#'   The accessor method extracts the entire layer.
#' @export
#' @rdname subsetting
setReplaceMethod("[[", signature(x = "worldArray", i = "ANY", j = "missing"),
  definition = function(x, i, value) {
    x@.Data[, , i] <- value

#' @export
#' @param name  Layer name, normally without back ticks, unless has symbols.
#' @name $
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases $,worldArray-method
#' @rdname subsetting
setMethod("$", signature(x = "worldArray"),
  definition = function(x, name) {

ae <- Vectorize(all.equal)
PredictiveEcology/NetLogoR documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 9:31 p.m.