
test_that("downloadData downloads and unzips module data", {

  opts <- list(reproducible.inputPaths = NULL)
  if (isWindows()) {
    opts <- append(opts, list(download.file.method = "auto"))
  } else {
    opts <- append(opts, list(download.file.method = "curl", download.file.extra = "-L"))

  testInit(c("googledrive", "terra"), opts = opts)

  m <- "test"
  datadir <- file.path(tmpdir, m, "data") %>% checkPath(create = TRUE)

  filenames <- c("DEM.tif", "habitatQuality.tif")
  Rversion <- getRversion()
  if (Rversion > "3.4.2") {
    # write checksums
    chksums <- structure(
        file = structure(1:2, .Label = c("DEM.tif", "habitatQuality.tif"), class = "factor"),
        checksum = structure(1:2, .Label = c("77c56d42fecac5b1", "f21251dcdf23dde0"), class = "factor")
      .Names = c("file", "checksum"),
      class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -2L)
    write.table(chksums[order(chksums$file),], file = file.path(datadir, "CHECKSUMS.txt"))

    expectsInputs <- data.frame(
      objectName = c("DEM", "habitatQuality"),
      objectClass = "RasterLayer",
      sourceURL = c(
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    a <- capture.output({
      t1 <- system.time(downloadData(m, tmpdir, quiet = FALSE, urls = expectsInputs$sourceURL,
                                     files = c("DEM.tif", "habitatQuality.tif")))
    result <- checksums(m, tmpdir)$result
    expect_true(all(file.exists(file.path(datadir, filenames))))
    expect_true(all(result == "OK"))

    # shouldn't need a redownload because file exists
    a <- capture.output({
      t2 <- system.time(downloadData(m, tmpdir, quiet = TRUE, urls = expectsInputs$sourceURL,
                                     files = c("DEM.tif", "habitatQuality.tif")))
    expect_true(t1[3] > t2[3]) # compare elapsed times

    # if one file is missing, will fill in correctly
    unlink(file.path(datadir, filenames)[1])
    a <- capture.output(downloadData(m, tmpdir, quiet = TRUE, urls = expectsInputs$sourceURL))
    expect_true(all(file.exists(file.path(datadir, filenames))))

    # if files are there, but one is incorrectly named
    file.rename(from = file.path(datadir, filenames[1]),
                to = file.path(datadir, "test.tif"))
    a <- capture.output(downloadData(m, tmpdir, quiet = TRUE, urls = expectsInputs$sourceURL)) # renames the file back to expected
    expect_true(all(file.exists(file.path(datadir, filenames))))

    # if files are there with correct names, but wrong content
    library(raster); on.exit(detach("package:raster"), add = TRUE)
    ras <- raster(file.path(datadir, filenames[2]))
    ras[5] <- maxValue(ras) + 1
      ## TODO: remove suppressWarnings after raster package fixes/updates
      writeRaster(ras, filename = file.path(datadir, filenames[2]), overwrite = TRUE)
    a <- capture.output({
      dwnload <- downloadData(m, tmpdir, quiet = TRUE, urls = expectsInputs$sourceURL, overwrite = TRUE, purge = 7)
    expect_true(all(dwnload$result %in% "OK"))
    expect_true(all(file.exists(file.path(datadir, filenames))))

PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.core documentation built on April 27, 2024, 1:15 p.m.