
## ----setup, include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------
SuggestedPkgsNeeded <- c("NLMR", "", "knitr")
hasSuggests <- all(sapply(SuggestedPkgsNeeded, require, character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE))
useSuggests <- !(tolower(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_DEPENDS_ONLY_")) == "true")

knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = hasSuggests && useSuggests)

options("spades.moduleCodeChecks" = FALSE,
        "spades.useRequire" = FALSE,
        "spades.loadReqdPkgs" = FALSE)

## ----examples, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE---------------------------------------
#  library(terra)
#  library(reproducible)
#  library(SpaDES.core)
#  mySim <- simInit(
#    times = list(start = 0.0, end = 3.0),
#    params = list(
#      .globals = list(stackName = "landscape", burnStats = "testStats"),
#      randomLandscapes = list(.plotInitialTime = NA),
#      fireSpread = list(.plotInitialTime = NA)
#    ),
#    modules = list("randomLandscapes", "fireSpread"),
#    paths = list(modulePath = getSampleModules(tempdir()))
#  )

## ----spades-------------------------------------------------------------------
#  # compare caching ... run once to create cache
#  system.time({
#    outSim <- spades(Copy(mySim), cache = TRUE, notOlderThan = Sys.time())
#  })

## ----spades-cached------------------------------------------------------------
#  # faster 2nd time
#  system.time({
#    outSimCached <- spades(Copy(mySim), cache = TRUE)
#  })
#  all.equal(outSim, outSimCached)

## ----module-level, echo=TRUE--------------------------------------------------
#  # Module-level
#  params(mySim)$randomLandscapes$.useCache <- TRUE
#  system.time({
#    randomSim <- spades(Copy(mySim), .plotInitialTime = NA,
#                        notOlderThan = Sys.time(), debug = TRUE)
#  })
#  # faster the second time
#  system.time({
#    randomSimCached <- spades(Copy(mySim), .plotInitialTime = NA, debug = TRUE)
#  })

## ----test-module-level--------------------------------------------------------
#  layers <- list("DEM", "forestAge", "habitatQuality", "percentPine", "Fires")
#  same <- lapply(layers, function(l)
#    identical(randomSim$landscape[[l]], randomSimCached$landscape[[l]]))
#  names(same) <- layers
#  print(same) # Fires is not same because all non-init events in fireSpread are not cached

## ----event-level, echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------
#  params(mySim)$fireSpread$.useCache <- "init"
#  system.time({
#    randomSim <- spades(Copy(mySim), .plotInitialTime = NA,
#                        notOlderThan = Sys.time(), debug = TRUE)
#  })
#  # faster the second time
#  system.time({
#    randomSimCached <- spades(Copy(mySim), .plotInitialTime = NA, debug = TRUE)
#  })

## ----function-level, echo=TRUE------------------------------------------------
#  ras <- terra::rast(terra::ext(0, 1e3, 0, 1e3), res = 1, vals = 1)
#  system.time({
#    map <- Cache(,
#                 cachePath = cachePath(mySim),
#                 userTags = "neutralLandscapeMap",
#                 notOlderThan = Sys.time())
#  })
#  # faster the second time
#  system.time({
#    mapCached <- Cache(,
#                       cachePath = cachePath(mySim),
#                       userTags = "neutralLandscapeMap")
#  })
#  all.equal(map[], mapCached[]) # note --> can't use all.equal on SpatRaster -- they are pointers

## ----manual-cache-------------------------------------------------------------
#  cacheDB <- showCache(mySim, userTags = "neutralLandscapeMap")
#  ## get the RasterLayer that was produced with neutralLandscapeMap()
#  map <- loadFromCache(cacheId = cacheDB$cacheId, cachePath = cachePath(mySim))
#  clearPlot()
#  Plot(map)

## ---- eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------
#  simInit() --> many .inputObjects calls
#  spades() call --> many module calls --> many event calls --> many function calls

## ---- eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------
#  parameters = list(
#    FireModule = list(.useCache = TRUE)
#  )
#  mySim <- simInit(..., params = parameters)
#  mySimOut <- spades(mySim)
PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.core documentation built on April 27, 2024, 1:15 p.m.