
Defines functions rastersOverTimeUI rastersOverTime sampleAndCropRaster .sampleRasterToRAM

Documented in rastersOverTime rastersOverTimeUI

#' Rasters-over-time shiny module
#' A shiny module showing the values from a raster in time on a predefined map.
#' Allows changing polygons and rasters via slider.
#' Additionally, a histogram summary for each raster choice is shown.
#' @template id
#' @return None. Invoked for the side-effect of creating a shiny UI.
#' @author Damian Rodziewicz
#' @author Alex Chubaty
#' @export
#' @importFrom leaflet leafletOutput
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom shiny fluidRow br htmlOutput NS uiOutput
#' @importFrom shinycssloaders withSpinner
#' @importFrom shinydashboard box
#' @rdname rasterOverTime
rastersOverTimeUI <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)

    box(width = 8, solidHeader = TRUE, collapsible = TRUE,
        leaflet::leafletOutput(ns("map"), height = 600) %>% withSpinner(),

#' @template input
#' @template output
#' @template session
#' @param rctRasterList   A reactive that gives a list of rasters to be displayed.
#' @param rctUrlTemplate  The reactive url template for leaflet map tiles
#' @param rctPolygonList  Reactive list with sets of polygons to be displayed on a leaflet map.
#'                        # TODO: describe the format of the list!
#' @param rctChosenPolyName Reactive containing the name of the selected polygon (character).
#' @param defaultPolyName The name of the default selected polygon.
#' @param map             Leaflet map to show raster and polygons on.
#' @param mapTilesDir     Directory where pre-generated map tiles are stored
#'                        (default \code{"www/"}; note the trailing slash).
#'                        Be sure to add this dir as 'tiles' using \code{shiny::addResourcePath}
#'                        in your \file{global.R}.
#'                        E.g., \code{shiny::addResourcePath("tiles", "www/All/FULL/map-tiles")}
#'                        (note we don't need the trailing slash here).
#' @param colorPalette    Colour palette to use.
#' @param histTitle       Title to be shown above the histogram.
#' @param mapTitle        Title to be shown above the map.
#' @param sliderTitle     Title to be shown above the slider.
#' @param nPolygons       The number of available polygons.
#' @param nRasters        The number of available rasters.
#' @param rasterStepSize  Size of step in the raster slider.
#' @return Reactive polygon selected by the user with the \code{polygonChooser} module.
#'         Invoked for the side-effect of creating shiny server and UI components.
#' @export
#' @importFrom future future
#' @importFrom leaflet JS layersControlOptions leaflet leafletOptions leafletOutput leafletProxy
#' @importFrom leaflet providerTileOptions renderLeaflet setView tileOptions
#' @importFrom raster cellFromXY crop crs extent extract filename hist maxValue ncell
#' @importFrom raster sampleRegular res rowColFromCell xmax xmin ymax ymin
#' @importFrom reproducible asPath Cache
#' @importFrom shiny animationOptions callModule h4 reactive
#' @importFrom sp bbox CRS SpatialPoints spTransform
#' @importFrom SpaDES.core cachePath outputPath paddedFloatToChar
#' @rdname rasterOverTime
rastersOverTime <- function(input, output, session, rctRasterList, rctUrlTemplate,
                            rctPolygonList, rctChosenPolyName,
                            defaultPolyName = NULL,
                            map = leaflet(), mapTilesDir = "www/",
                            histTitle = "",
                            sliderTitle = "",
                            mapTitle = "",
                            nPolygons, nRasters, rasterStepSize = 10) {

  output$map <- renderLeaflet(map)
  mapProxy <- leafletProxy("map")

  rctPoly4Map <- reactive({
    polyList <- rctPolygonList()

  rctRasterIndexValue <- callModule(slider, "rastersSlider", label = sliderTitle,
                                    min = 0, max = (nRasters - 1) * rasterStepSize,
                                    value = 0, step = rasterStepSize,
                                    animate = animationOptions(interval = 2500, loop = FALSE))

  rasts <- reactive({
    rasterIndex <- rasterIndex <- if (is.null(rctRasterIndexValue())) {
    } else {
      rctRasterIndexValue() / rasterStepSize + 1

    rst <- lapply(rctRasterList(), function(x) x[[rasterIndex]]) # get both crs


  sampledRasterVals <- reactive({
    mb <- input$map_bounds

    rast1 <- rasts()$crsSR

      Cache(sampleAndCropRaster, mb, rast1)

  xAxisBreaks <- reactive({
    c(0, seq.int(ceiling(maxValue(rasts()$crsSR) / 10))  * 10)

  addAxisParams <- reactive({
    return(list(side = 1, at = xAxisBreaks() / 10, labels = xAxisBreaks()))

  rasterScale <- reactive({
    prod(raster::res(rasts()$crsSR)) / 1e4 / 1e3 # 1000s of hectares

  addTilesParameters <- list(
    options = tileOptions(useCache = TRUE, crossOrigin = TRUE, tms = TRUE,
                          minZoom = 1, maxZoom = 10, opacity = 1)

  tilesGroup <- "Time since fire" # session$ns("tiles")

  addLayersControlParameters <- list(
    overlayGroups = c(tilesGroup, "Selected Polygon"),
    options = layersControlOptions(autoZIndex = TRUE, collapsed = FALSE)

  tilesGroup <- "Time since fire" # session$ns("tiles")

  addLayersControlParameters <- list(
    overlayGroups = c(tilesGroup, "Selected Polygon"),
    options = layersControlOptions(autoZIndex = TRUE, collapsed = FALSE)

  click <- reactive(input$map_shape_click)

  rctUrlTemplateSingleFile <- reactive({
    rasterFilename <- strsplit(basename(filename(rasts()$crsLFLT)), "\\.")[[1]][[1]]
    #grep(rasterFilename, gsub("www/", "", rctUrlTemplate()), value = TRUE)
    grep(rasterFilename, gsub(mapTilesDir, "tiles/", rctUrlTemplate()), value = TRUE)

  callModule(tilesUpdater, "tilesUpdater", mapProxy, rctUrlTemplateSingleFile,
             tilesGroup, ## don't change ns
             addTilesParameters = addTilesParameters,
             addLayersControlParameters = addLayersControlParameters)

  callModule(summaryPopups, "popups", mapProxy, click, reactive(rasts()$crsLFLT), rctPoly4Map)

  callModule(polygonsUpdater, "polygonsUpdater", mapProxy, rctPoly4Map,
             fillOpacity = 0.0, weight = 3, group = "Selected Polygon")

  callModule(histogramForRaster, "histogram", sampledRasterVals,
             rctHistogramBreaks = xAxisBreaks,
             scale = rasterScale(), addAxisParams = addAxisParams,
             col = colorPalette, width = 1, space = 0,
             main = "Approximate area in each age class",
             xlab = "Time since fire, years",
             ylab = "Area in visible window (1000s hectares)",
             cex.names = 2, cex.lab = 1.3, cex.main = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5)

  output$title <- renderUI(h4(mapTitle))

  output$histUI <- renderUI({
    ns <- session$ns

    histogramForRasterUI(ns("histogram"), title = h4(histTitle),
                         plotParameters = list(height = 600), solidHeader = TRUE,
                         collapsible = TRUE, width = 4)

#' @importFrom raster crop crs crs<- extent
#' @importFrom sp spTransform
sampleAndCropRaster <- function(mb, rast) {
  ras <- if (is.null(mb)) {
  } else {
    mapBoundsAsExtent <- raster::extent(x = mb$west, xmax = mb$east,
                                        ymin = mb$south, ymax = mb$north)
    #sp1 <- SpatialPoints(t(bbox(mapBoundsAsExtent)), proj4string = CRS(proj4stringLFLT))
    #sp2 <- spTransform(sp1, crs(rast))
    #tryCatch(crop(rast, sp2), error = function(x) NULL) ## TODO: why error? why NULL?
    sp1a <- as(mapBoundsAsExtent, "SpatialPoints")
    crs(sp1a) <- crs(proj4stringLFLT)
    sp2a <- spTransform(sp1a, crs(rast))
    tryCatch(crop(rast, sp2a), error = function(x) NULL)

  ret <- if (is.null(ras)) {
  } else {
    # Cache(.sampleRasterToRAM, ras)

.sampleRasterToRAM <- function(ras) {
  if (ncell(ras) > 1e7) {
    sampledRasterVals <- raster::sampleRegular(ras, size = 5e5, asRaster = FALSE)
  } else {
    sampledRasterVals <- ras[]
  sampledRasterVals[sampledRasterVals == 0] <- NA_real_
PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.shiny documentation built on Nov. 11, 2019, 7:12 p.m.