
Defines functions getSubtable slicerUI slicer .getID

Documented in getSubtable slicer slicerUI

#' Get subtable from a \code{data.table}
#' \code{getSubtableMem} provides a memoised version of \code{getSubtable}.
#' @param datatable         A \code{data.table} object.
#' @param chosenCategories  ...
#' @param chosenValues      ...
#' @return A \code{data.table} object.
#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom data.table is.data.table setkeyv
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @rdname getSubtable
getSubtable <- function(datatable, chosenCategories, chosenValues) {
  # assert_that(is.data.table(datatable),
  #             all(vapply(chosenCategories, function(x) is.character(datatable[[x]]), logical(1))))

  if (NROW(chosenValues) == 0) {
  } else {
    len <- length(chosenCategories)
      # setkeyv(datatable, chosenCategories[[len]])
      # if (NROW(datatable) <= 1)
      #   subtable <- na.omit(datatable[chosenValues[[len]]])
    subtable <- datatable[datatable[[chosenCategories[[len]]]] == chosenValues[[len]]]
    if (NROW(subtable) == 1)
      subtable <- na.omit(subtable)

    getSubtable(subtable, chosenCategories[-1], chosenValues[-1])

#' @export
#' @importFrom memoise memoise
#' @rdname getSubtable
getSubtableMem <- memoise::memoise(getSubtable)

#' Slicer shiny module
#' One can imagine behaviour of this module in the following way:
#' A tree of height \code{m} is created.
#' We begin at the top of the tree with the entire \code{data.table}.
#' A category (column) from a \code{data.table} is chosen via \code{uiSequence}.
#' Each value of this fixed category determines a subtable of the \code{data.table}.
#' For each value choice a child node is created and receives the value choice.
#' Therefore, every child node implicitly receives a subtable corresponding to the
#' received value choice.
#' Child node also receives an information from user which category should be fixed next.
#' It then performs the same calculations as the top node, but based on the implicitly
#' received subtable.
#' Simultaneously, for each node desired UI (e.g., tabs) is created.
#' If no information about next category to fix is provided for a node, it assumes it is a leaf.
#' At the end, at each leaf, a summary function is applied.
#' Note that each leaf (and each node) receives the entire \code{data.table} and
#' the information about chosen values leading to this leaf (node).
#' Hence, summary can be based on implicitly determined subtable, but also based
#' on entire \code{data.table} or some subtable determined by a subset of chosen values.
#' @template id
#' @return Shiny module UI.
#' @author Mateusz Wyszynski
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom shiny NS uiOutput
#' @importFrom shinycssloaders withSpinner
#' @rdname slicer
slicerUI <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)

  uiOutput(ns("slicedUI")) %>% withSpinner()

#' @template input
#' @template output
#' @template session
#' @param datatable      A reactive \code{data.table}.
#' @param uiSequence     A \code{data.table} with columns \code{category}, \code{uiType},
#'                       and (optionally) \code{possibleValues}.
#'                       Both lists should contain elements of type character.
#'                       The \code{category} column should contain names of the categories
#'                       which will be subsequently fixed.
#'                       The \code{uiType} column should contain corresponding UI
#'                       which should be applied for each category choice.
#'                       The \code{possibleValues} column should contain a list of
#'                       the possible values for \code{category}.
#'                       If not supplied, possible values for each level of the list
#'                       will be determined based on the data.
#'                       Currently there are two possible UI types to perform: "tab" and "box",
#'                       which both make use of \pkg{shinydashboard}.
#' @param serverFunction A summary module server function.
#'                       This function should take, at minimum, the following arguments:
#'                       \code{datatable} and \code{id}.
#'                       Additional named arguments are passed via \code{...}.
#'                       Users have access to the full data.table if they need it
#'                       (e.g., to calculate histogram breaks) via \code{.dtFull},
#'                       as well as a list of the currently selected category values
#'                       via \code{.current}.
#'                       Inside the function there should be a call to a shiny
#'                       module server function using the \code{id}.
#'                       See example section and compare with \code{link[shiny]{callModule}}).
#' @param uiFunction     A summary module function UI taking one argument: \code{id}.
#'                       Note: the \code{id} value is generated internally.
#'                       Inside the function there should be a call to shiny module UI function.
#'                       See example section.
#' @param ...            Additional arguments passed to \code{serverFunction}.
#' @return Shiny module server function.
#' @author Mateusz Wyszynski
#' @author Alex Chubaty
#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom data.table data.table is.data.table set
#' @importFrom future future
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom shiny callModule fluidRow is.reactive mainPanel NS observeEvent renderUI tabPanel
#' @importFrom shinydashboard box tabBox
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @rdname slicer
slicer <- function(input, output, session, datatable, uiSequence,
                   serverFunction, uiFunction, ...) {

  observeEvent(datatable(), {
    categories <- uiSequence$category
    possibleValues <- uiSequence$possibleValues

    dtFull <- datatable()
    hasColNames <- categories %in% colnames(dtFull)
    if (!all(hasColNames)) {
      for (colName in categories[!hasColNames])
        set(dtFull, NULL, colName, NA)
    dtList <- split(dtFull, by = categories, flatten = FALSE) ## nested list
    dtListShort <- split(dtFull, by = categories[-length(categories)], flatten = FALSE)

    ## TODO:
    ## this is currently fixed at 3 levels but needs to be made general WITHOUT using recursion!!!
    ## because of this, the examples currently do not work because they have 2 levels

    ## UI elements
    output$slicedUI <- renderUI({
      ns <- session$ns

      level1names <- if (is.null(possibleValues[[1]])) {
      } else {
      } %>% unique()
      outerTabPanels <- lapply(level1names, function(x) {
        level2names <- if (is.null(possibleValues[[2]])) {
        } else {
        } %>% unique()
        innerTabPanels <- lapply(level2names, function(y) {
          level3names <- if (is.null(possibleValues[[3]])) {
          } else {
          } %>% unique()

            title = y,
              lapply(level3names, function(z) {
                  width = 4, solidHeader = TRUE, collapsible = TRUE,
                  title = z, uiFunction(session$ns(.getID(x, y, z)))

          title = x,
          fluidRow(width = 12, do.call(tabBox, append(innerTabPanels, list(width = 12))))
      fluidRow(width = 12, do.call(tabBox, append(outerTabPanels, list(width = 12))))

    ## server elements
    #Cache(.slicer, dtFull, categories, possibleValues, serverFunction, uiSequence, ...)
      .slicer(dtFull, categories, possibleValues, serverFunction, uiSequence, ...)

.getID <- function(x, y, z) {
  paste("slicedUI", x, y, z, sep = "-") %>%
    gsub(" ", "_", .) %>%
    gsub("\\(|\\)|[.]", "", .) ## get rid of characters that cause javascript syntax errors

.slicer <- function(dtFull, categories, possibleValues, serverFunction, uiSequence, ...) {

  dtList <- split(dtFull, by = categories, flatten = FALSE)
  dtListShort <- split(dtFull, by = categories[-length(categories)], flatten = FALSE)

  level1names <- if (is.null(possibleValues[[1]])) {
  } else {
  } %>%
  purrr::map(level1names, function(x) {
    level2names <- if (is.null(possibleValues[[2]])) {
    } else {
    } %>%
    purrr::map(level2names, function(y) {
      level3names <- if (is.null(possibleValues[[3]])) {
      } else {
      } %>%
      dtInner <- dtListShort[[x]][[y]] # this should be in order it is received

      purrr::map(level3names, function(z) {
        currentValues <- list(x, y, z) %>% setNames(categories)
        ### `get` doesn't work correctly in shiny modules
        # subdt <- dt[get(categories[1]) == x &
        #               get(categories[2]) == y &
        #               get(categories[3]) == z]
        subdt <- dtList[[x]][[y]][[z]]
        if (is.null(subdt)) subdt <- na.omit(dtFull[NA])
        serverFunction(datatable = subdt,
                       id = .getID(x, y, z),
                       uiSequence = uiSequence,
                       .current = currentValues,
                       .dtFull = dtFull,
                       .dtInner = dtInner)


#' \code{slicer2} shiny module
#' A 2-D version of \code{slicer}.
#' @export
#' @inheritParams slicer
#' @rdname slicer2
slicer2UI <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)

  uiOutput(ns("sliced2UI")) %>% withSpinner()

#' @export
#' @rdname slicer2
slicer2 <- function(input, output, session, datatable, uiSequence,
                    serverFunction, uiFunction, ...) {

  observeEvent(datatable(), {
    categories <- uiSequence$category
    possibleValues <- uiSequence$possibleValues

    dtFull <- datatable()
    hasColNames <- categories %in% colnames(dtFull)
    if (!all(hasColNames)) {
      for (colName in categories[!hasColNames])
        set(dtFull, NULL, colName, NA)
    dtList <- split(dtFull, by = categories, flatten = FALSE) ## nested list
    dtListShort <- split(dtFull, by = categories[-length(categories)], flatten = FALSE)

    ## TODO:
    ## this is currently fixed at 2 levels but needs to be made general WITHOUT using recursion!!!
    ## the examples currently only work with this one because they have 2 levels

    ## server elements
    #Cache(.slicer2, dtFull, categories, possibleValues, serverFunction, uiSequence, ...)
    .slicer2(dtFull, categories, possibleValues, serverFunction, uiSequence, ...)

    ## UI elements
    output$sliced2UI <- renderUI({
      ns <- session$ns

      level1names <- if (is.null(possibleValues[[1]])) {
      } else {
      } %>% unique()
      outerTabPanels <- lapply(level1names, function(x) {
        level2names <- if (is.null(possibleValues[[2]])) {
        } else {
        } %>% unique()

          title = x,
            lapply(level2names, function(y) {
                width = 6, solidHeader = TRUE, collapsible = TRUE,
                title = y, uiFunction(session$ns(.getID2(x, y)))
      fluidRow(width = 12, do.call(tabBox, append(outerTabPanels, list(width = 12))))

.getID2 <- function(x, y) {
  paste("slicedUI2", x, y, sep = "-") %>%
    gsub(" ", "_", .) %>%
    gsub("\\(|\\)|[.]", "", .) ## get rid of characters that cause javascript syntax errors

.slicer2 <- function(dtFull, categories, possibleValues, serverFunction, uiSequence, ...) {

  dtList <- split(dtFull, by = categories, flatten = FALSE)
  dtListShort <- split(dtFull, by = categories[-length(categories)], flatten = FALSE)

  level1names <- if (is.null(possibleValues[[1]])) {
  } else {
  } %>%
  lapply(level1names, function(x) {
    level2names <- if (is.null(possibleValues[[2]])) {
    } else {
    } %>%
    lapply(level2names, function(y) {
      dtInner <- dtListShort[[x]][[y]] # this should be in order it is received
      currentValues <- list(x, y) %>% setNames(categories)
      ### `get` doesn't work correctly in shiny modules
      # subdt <- dt[get(categories[1]) == x &
      #               get(categories[2]) == y &
      #               get(categories[3]) == z]
      subdt <- dtList[[x]][[y]]
      if (is.null(subdt)) subdt <- na.omit(dtFull[NA])
      serverFunction(datatable = subdt,
                     id = .getID2(x, y),
                     uiSequence = uiSequence,
                     .current = currentValues,
                     .dtFull = dtFull,
                     .dtInner = dtInner)
PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.shiny documentation built on Nov. 11, 2019, 7:12 p.m.