
Defines functions read_ufs

Documented in read_ufs

#' Read UFS function
#' This function allows you to read UFS assignment data into R.
#' @param file The file to read.
#' @param load_geometry it uses satdb to load the geometry and converts the object into a sf
#' @param selection_mode Define how to query the ufs with the options 'all_links'(default), 'simulation_links'
#'  'simulation_turns' or 'centroid_connectors'.
#' @param step how many records to read by iteration, max is 9, use 1 for stability.
#' @param clean_up when TRUE removes the VDU, KEY and LPX files
#' @keywords read, ufm
#' @export
read_ufs <- function(file ,
                     clean_up = TRUE, load_geometry = FALSE,
                     selection_mode = "all_links",
                     step = 9){

  P1X <- file.path(get_xexes(),"$P1X.exe")
  export <- list()
  names <- list()
  # Dictionary for p1xdump link selection
  selection_dic <- c(simulation_links = "$SL",
                     all_links = "$L",
                     simulation_turns = "$ST",
                     centroid_connectors = "$CC")
  selection_mode <- selection_dic[selection_mode]
  iterations <- ceiling(nrow(p1xcodes)/step)
  empty <- NULL # to remove empty variables
  for (i in 1:iterations) {
    n = step*(i-1)
    batch <- p1xcodes$code[seq(n+1,min(n+step,110))] # the codes to read (max  = 9)
    command <- paste(dQuote(P1X),
                     paste(batch, collapse = " "),# Added commas for paths with spaces
    system(command) # Execute command

    # save in a list and add appropiate names
    # if any of the codes is missing we revert to xi names.
    # If export does not exist skip to next

    if (length(readLines("export.csv", n = 1)) > 0) { # File is always created but it's empty :(
      names[[i]] <-
        p1xcodes$description[seq(n + 1, min(n + step, nrow(p1xcodes)))]
      export[[i]] <- data.table::fread("export.csv")
    } else {
      names[[i]] <-
        p1xcodes$description[seq(n + 1, min(n + step, nrow(p1xcodes)))]
      export[[i]] <- data.table::data.table() # we add it a a null data.table
    if (length(export[[i]]) == 0) next # skip null datatables warning probably redundant
    # If step > 1 and we have an unexpected number of columns we rename
    # using X names
    if ((length(names[[i]])+3) != ncol(export[[i]])){
      missed <- paste(names[[i]], collapse = ", ")
      warning("Missing one of the following: \n", missed,
              "\nUsing generic (x1..xn) names")
      names[[i]] <- paste0("x",seq(n+1,(n+(ncol(export[[i]])-3))))

  empty <- sapply(export, function(x) ncol(x) == 0) # detect null
  export <- export[!empty]
  names <- names[!empty]

  # We add the 3 first to the names and the ones we already have
  names <- lapply(names, function(x) c("nodeA","nodeB","nodeC",x))

  # We go thourgh the list of data and add the names
  # change to map2 because errors with mapply
  export <- purrr::map2(export, names, function(x, y) {
    names(x) <- y
  # Remove short columns (sometimes p1x dump gives only 5 or 6 elements)
  nrows_export <- sapply(export, nrow)
  nrows_export <- nrows_export == max(nrows_export) # index only the complete columns
  export <- export[nrows_export] # remove list object with incomplete nrows
  # We remove the node a ,b, c from all but the first element of the list
  export[2:length(export)] <- lapply(export[2:length(export)], function(x) x[,4:ncol(x), drop = FALSE])
  # We convert the list to a dataframe as the output
  export <- do.call("cbind", export)

  if (load_geometry){
  ufs_geom <- ufs_as_sf(file)
  export <- merge(ufs_geom, export, by = c("nodeA", "nodeB"), all.y=TRUE)

  if (clean_up) {
    file.remove(list.files(pattern = "*.VDU"))

R-AECOM/saturnR documentation built on Nov. 24, 2022, 1:30 p.m.