
#' Simulate returns using factor model Monte Carlo method.
#' Simulate returns using factor model Monte Carlo method. Parametric method
#' like normal distribution, Cornish-Fisher and skew-t distribution for
#' residuals can be selected. Resampling method such as non-parametric bootstrap
#' or stationary bootstrap can be selected.
#' The factor model Monte Carlo method is described in Jiang (2009).
#' @param n.boot Integer number of bootstrap samples.
#' @param factorData \code{n.months x n.funds} matrix or data.frame of factor
#' returns.
#' @param Beta.mat \code{n.funds x n.factors} matrix of factor betas.
#' @param Alpha.mat \code{n.funds x 1} matrix of factor alphas (intercepts). If
#' \code{NULL} then assume that all alphas are zero.
#' @param residualData \code{n.funds x n.parms} matrix of residual distribution
#' parameters. The columns of \code{residualData} depend on the value of
#' \code{residual.dist}. If \code{residual.dist = "normal"}, then
#' \code{residualData} has one column containing variance values; if
#' \code{residual.dist = "Cornish-Fisher"}, then \code{residualData} has three
#' columns containing variance, skewness and excess kurtosis values; if
#' \code{residual.dist="skew-t"}, then \code{residualData} has four columns
#' containing location, scale, shape, and df values.
#' @param residual.dist character vector specifying the residual distribution.
#' Choices are "normal" for the normal distribution; "Cornish-Fisher" for the
#' Cornish-Fisher distribution based on the Cornish-Fisher expansion of the
#' normal distribution quantile; "skew-t" for the skewed Student's t
#' distribution of Azzalini and Captiano.
#' @param boot.method character vector specifying the resampling method.
#' Choices are "random" for random sampling with replacement (non-parametric
#' bootstrap); "block" for stationary block bootstrapping.
#' @param seed integer random number seed used for resampling the factor
#' returns.
#' @param return.factors logical; if \code{TRUE} then return resampled factors
#' in output list object.
#' @param return.residuals logical; if \code{TRUE} then return simulated
#' residuals in output list object.
#' @return A list with the following components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{returns} \code{n.boot x n.funds} matrix of simulated fund
#' returns.
#' \item{factors} \code{n.boot x n.factors} matrix of resampled factor
#' returns. Returned only if \code{return.factors = TRUE}.
#' \item{residuals} \code{n.boot x n.funds} matrix of simulated fund
#' residuals. Returned only if \code{return.residuals = TRUE}.
#' }
#' @author Eric Zivot and Yi-An Chen.
#' @references Jiang, Y. (2009). UW PhD Thesis.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # load data from the database
#' data(managers.df)
#' fit <- fitTimeSeriesFactorModel(assets.names=colnames(managers.df[,(1:6)]),
#'                                 factors.names=c("EDHEC.LS.EQ","SP500.TR"),
#'                                 data=managers.df,fit.method="OLS")
#' factorData= managers.df[,c("EDHEC.LS.EQ","SP500.TR")]  
#' Beta.mat=fit$beta
#' residualData=as.matrix(fit$resid.variance,1,6) 
#' n.boot=1000
#' # bootstrap returns data from factor model with residuals sample from normal distribution
#' bootData <- factorModelMonteCarlo(n.boot, factorData,Beta.mat, residual.dist="normal",
#'                                   residualData, Alpha.mat=NULL, boot.method="random",
#'                                   seed = 123, return.factors = "TRUE", return.residuals = 
#'                                   "TRUE")
#' # Cornish-Fisher distribution
#' # build different residualData matrix
#' residualData <- cbind(c(1,2,1,3,0.1,0.5),rnorm(6),c(2,3,1,2,1,0))
#' colnames(residualData) <- c("var","skew","ekurt")
#' rownames(residualData) <- colnames(managers.df[,(1:6)])
#' bootData <- factorModelMonteCarlo(n.boot, factorData,Beta.mat, residual.dist="Cornish-Fisher",
#'                                   residualData, Alpha.mat=NULL, boot.method="random",
#'                                   seed = 123, return.factors = "TRUE", return.residuals =
#'                                   "TRUE")
#' # skew-t distribution
#' # build residualData matrix
#' residualData <- cbind(rnorm(6),c(1,2,1,3,0.1,0.5),rnorm(6),c(2,3,1,6,10,100))
#' colnames(residualData) <- c("xi","omega","alpha","nu")
#' rownames(residualData) <- colnames(managers.df[,(1:6)])
#' bootData <- factorModelMonteCarlo(n.boot, factorData,Beta.mat, residual.dist="skew-t",
#'                                   residualData, Alpha.mat=NULL, boot.method="random",
#'                                   seed = 123, return.factors = "TRUE", return.residuals =
#'                                   "TRUE")
factorModelMonteCarlo <-
  function (n.boot = 1000, factorData, Beta.mat, Alpha.mat = NULL, 
            residualData, residual.dist = c("normal", "Cornish-Fisher", 
                                            "skew-t"), boot.method = c("random", "block"), seed = 123, 
            return.factors = FALSE, return.residuals = FALSE) 
    boot.method = boot.method[1]
    residual.dist = residual.dist[1]
    if (nrow(Beta.mat) != nrow(residualData)) {
      stop("Beta.mat and residualData have different number of rows")
    factorData = as.matrix(factorData)
    n.funds = nrow(Beta.mat)
    fund.names = rownames(Beta.mat)
    if (is.null(Alpha.mat)) {
      Alpha.mat = matrix(0, nrow(Beta.mat))
      rownames(Alpha.mat) = fund.names
    if (boot.method == "random") {
      bootIdx = sample(nrow(factorData), n.boot, replace = TRUE)
    else {
      n.samples = round(n.boot/nrow(factorData))
      n.adj = n.boot - n.samples * nrow(factorData)
      bootIdx = as.vector(tsbootstrap(1:nrow(factorData), nb = n.samples))
      if (n.adj > 0) {
        bootIdx = c(bootIdx, bootIdx[1:n.adj])
    factorDataBoot = factorData[bootIdx, ]
    fundReturnsBoot = matrix(0, n.boot, n.funds)
    residualsSim = matrix(0, n.boot, n.funds)
    colnames(fundReturnsBoot) = colnames(residualsSim) = fund.names
    for (i in fund.names) {
      set.seed(which(fund.names == i))
      if (residual.dist == "normal") {
        residualsSim[, i] = rnorm(n.boot, sd = sqrt(residualData[i, 
      else if (residual.dist == "Cornish-Fisher") {
        residualsSim[, i] = rCornishFisher(n.boot, sigma = sqrt(residualData[i, 
                                                                             "var"]), skew = residualData[i, "skew"], ekurt = residualData[i, 
      else if (residual.dist == "skew-t") {
        residualsSim[, i] = rst(n.boot, xi = residualData[i, 
                                                                "xi"], omega = residualData[i, "omega"], 
                                alpha = residualData[i, "alpha"], nu = residualData[i, 
      else {
        stop("Invalid residual distribution")
      fundReturnsBoot[, i] = Alpha.mat[i, 1] + factorDataBoot[, 
                                                              colnames(Beta.mat)] %*% t(Beta.mat[i, , drop = FALSE]) + 
        residualsSim[, i]
    ans = list(returns = fundReturnsBoot)
    if (return.factors) {
      ans$factors = factorDataBoot
    if (return.residuals) {
      ans$residuals = residualsSim
R-Finance/FactorAnalytics documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:51 a.m.