
#' Input conditional views
#' statement: View(k).Who (e.g. [1 3])= View(k).Equal (e.g. {[2 3] [1 3 5]})
#' optional conditional statement: View(k).Cond_Who (e.g. [2])= View(k).Cond_Equal (e.g. {[1]})
#' amount of stress is quantified as Prob(statement) <= View(k).v if View(k).sgn = 1;
#'                                   Prob(statement) >= View(k).v if View(k).sgn = -1;
#' confidence in stress is quantified in View(k).c in (0,1)
#' @param View              TBD
#' @param X                 TBD
#' @return A                TBD
#' @return b                TBD
#' @return g                TBD
#' @author Ram Ahluwalia \email{ram@@wingedfootcapital.com}
#' @export
CondProbViews = function( View , X ) 
  # initialize parameters    
  A = matrix( , nrow = 0 , ncol = nrow( X ) )
  b = g = matrix( , nrow = 0 , ncol = 1 )    
  # for each view...    
  for ( k in 1:length( View ) ) {  
    I_mrg = ( X[ , 1] < Inf ) 
    for ( s in 1:length( View[[k]]$Who ) ) 
      Who = View[[k]]$Who[s]
      Or_Targets = View[[k]]$Equal[[s]]
      I_mrg_or = ( X[ , Who] > Inf )
      for ( i in 1:length( Or_Targets ) ) { I_mrg_or = I_mrg_or | ( X[ , Who ] == Or_Targets[i] ) } # element-wise logical OR
      I_mrg = I_mrg & I_mrg_or # element-wise logical AND
    I_cnd = ( X[ , 1 ] < Inf )        
    if ( length( View[[k]]$Cond_Who ) != 0) # If length of Cond_Who is zero, skip
      for ( s in 1:length( View[[k]]$Cond_Who ) ) 
        Who = View[[k]]$Cond_Who[s]
        Or_Targets = View[[k]]$Cond_Equal[[s]]
        I_cnd_or = ( X[ , Who ] > Inf )
        for ( i in 1:length( Or_Targets ) ) { I_cnd_or = I_cnd_or | X[ ,Who ] == Or_Targets[i] }
        I_cnd = I_cnd & I_cnd_or
    I_jnt=I_mrg & I_cnd
    if ( !isempty( View[[k]]$Cond_Who ) ) 
      New_A = View[[k]]$sgn %*% t( (I_jnt - View[[k]]$v * I_cnd) )
      New_b = 0
      New_A = View[[k]]$sgn %*% t( I_mrg ) 
      New_b = View[[k]]$sgn %*% View[[k]]$v
    A = rbind( A , New_A ) # constraint for the conditional expectations...
    b = rbind( b , New_b ) 
    g = rbind( g , -log( 1 - View[[k]]$c ) )        
  return( list( A = A , b = b , g = g ) )

#' tweak a matrix
#' @param   A     matrix A consisting of inequality constraints ( Ax <= b )
#' @param   b     matrix b consisting of inequality constraint vector b ( Ax <= b )
#' @param   g     TODO: TBD
#' @return db
#' @export
#' @author Ram Ahluwalia \email{ram@@wingedfootcapital.com}
Tweak = function( A , b , g )
  library( matlab )
  library( limSolve )
  K = nrow( A )
  J = ncol( A )
  g_ = rbind( g , zeros( J , 1 ) )
  Aeq_ = cbind( zeros( 1 , K ) , ones( 1 , J ) )
  beq_ = 1
  lb_ = rbind( zeros( K , 1 ) , zeros( J , 1 ) )
  ub_ = rbind( Inf * ones( K , 1 ) , ones( J , 1 ) )
  A_ = cbind( -eye( K ) , A )
  b_ = b
  # add lower-bound and upper-bound constraints
  A_ = rbind( A_ , -eye(ncol(A_)) )
  b_ = rbind( b_ , zeros( ncol(A_), 1) ) 
  x0 = rep( 1/ncol( Aeq_ ) , ncol( Aeq_ ) )
  # db_ = linprog( g_ , A_ , b_ , Aeq_ ,beq_ , lb_ , ub_ ) # MATLAB version
  # optimResult = linp( E = Aeq_ ,     # matrix containing coefficients of equality constraints Ex=F
  #        F = beq_ ,     # vector containing the right-hand side of equality constraints
  #        G = -1*A_ ,    # matrix containint coefficients of the inequality constraints GX >= H
  #        H = -1*b_ ,    # vector containing the right-hand side of the inequality constraints
  #        Cost = -1*g_ , # vector containing the coefficients of the cost function
  #        ispos = FALSE )
  costFunction = function( x ) { matrix( x , nrow = 1 ) %*% matrix( -1*g_ , ncol = 1) }
  gradient = function( x ) { -1*g_ }
  optimResult = optim( par = x0 ,
            fn = costFunction , # CHECK
            gr = gradient ,
            method = "L-BFGS-B",
            lower = lb_ ,
            upper = ub_ ,
            hessian = FALSE )
  # library( linprog )
  # optimResult2 = solveLP( E = Aeq_ ,   # numeric matrix containing coefficients of equality constraints Ex=F
  #       F = beq_ ,   # numeric vector containing the right-hand side of equality constraints
  #       G = -1*A_ ,  # numeric matrix containint coefficients of the inequality constraints GX >= H
  #       H = -1*b_ ,  # numeric vector containing the right-hand side of the inequality constraints
  #       Cost = -g_ , # numeric vector containing the coefficients of the cost function
  #       ispos = FALSE )
  db_ = optimResult$X
  db = db_[ 1:K ]
  return( db )

#' Takes a matrix of joint-scenario probability distributions and generates expectations, standard devation, and correlation matrix for the assets
#' Takes a matrix of joint-scenario probability distributions and generates expectations, standard devation, and correlation matrix for the assets
#' @param X     a matrix of joint-probability scenarios (rows are scenarios, columns are assets)
#' @param p     a numeric vector containing the probabilities for each of the scenarios in the matrix X
#' @return means                 a numeric vector of the expectations (probability weighted) for each asset
#' @return sd                    a numeric vector of standard deviations corresponding to the assets in the covariance matrix
#' @return correlationMatrix     the correlation matrix resulting from converting the covariance matrix to a correlation matrix
#' @author Ram Ahluwalia \email{ram@@wingedfootcapital.com}
#' @export
ComputeMoments = function( X , p )
  library( matlab )
  J = nrow( X ) ; N = ncol( X )
  m = t(X) %*% p
  Sm = t(X) %*% (X * repmat( p , 1 , N ) ) # repmat : repeats/tiles a matrix
  S = Sm - m %*% t(m)
  C = cov2cor( S ) # the correlation matrix
  s = sqrt( diag( S ) ) # the vector of standard deviations    
  return( list( means = m , sd = s , correlationMatrix = C ) )
R-Finance/Meucci documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:52 a.m.