
#' mapping function to transform or penalize weights that violate constraints
#' The purpose of the mapping function is to transform a weights vector
#' that does not meet all the constraints into a weights vector that
#' does meet the constraints, if one exists, hopefully with a minimum
#' of transformation.
#' The first step is to test for violation of the constraint. If the constraint
#' is violated, we will apply a transformation such that the weights vector
#' satisfies the constraints. The following constraint types are tested in
#' the mapping function: leverage, box, group, and position limit. The 
#' transformation logic is based on code from the random portfolio sample method.
#' If relax=TRUE, we will attempt to relax the constraints if a feasible 
#' portfolio could not be formed with an initial call to \code{rp_transform}. 
#' We will attempt to relax the constraints up to 5 times. If we do not have a 
#' feasible portfolio after attempting to relax the constraints, then we will 
#' default to returning the weights vector that violates the constraints.
#' @param weights vector of weights
#' @param portfolio object of class \code{portfolio}
#' @param relax TRUE/FALSE, default FALSE. Enable constraints to be relaxed.
#' @param \dots any other passthru parameters
#' @return 
#' \itemize{
#' \item{weights: }{vector of transformed weights meeting constraints.}
#' \item{min: }{vector of min box constraints that may have been modified if relax=TRUE.}
#' \item{max: }{vector of max box constraints that may have been modified if relax=TRUE.}
#' \item{cLO: }{vector of lower bound group constraints that may have been modified if relax=TRUE.}
#' \item{cUP: }{vector of upper bound group constraints that may have been modified if relax=TRUE.}
#' }
#' @author Ross Bennett
#' @export
fn_map <- function(weights, portfolio, relax=FALSE, ...){
  if(!is.portfolio(portfolio)) stop("portfolio passed in is not of class 'portfolio'")
  nassets <- length(portfolio$assets)
  # step 1: Get the constraints out of the portfolio object
  constraints <- get_constraints(portfolio)
  min_sum <- constraints$min_sum
  max_sum <- constraints$max_sum
  # rp_transform will rarely find a feasible portfolio if there is not some 
  # 'wiggle room' between min_sum and max_sum
  if((max_sum - min_sum) < 0.02){
    min_sum <- min_sum - 0.01
    max_sum <- max_sum + 0.01
  min <- constraints$min
  max <- constraints$max
  groups <- constraints$groups
  cLO <- constraints$cLO
  cUP <- constraints$cUP
  group_pos <- constraints$group_pos
  div_target <- constraints$div_target
  turnover_target <- constraints$turnover_target
  max_pos <- constraints$max_pos
  max_pos_long <- constraints$max_pos_long
  max_pos_short <- constraints$max_pos_short
  tolerance <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5
  # We will modify the weights vector so create a temporary copy
  # modified for transformation or to relax constraints
  tmp_weights <- weights
  tmp_min <- min
  tmp_max <- max
  tmp_cLO <- cLO
  tmp_cUP <- cUP
  tmp_max_pos <- max_pos
  tmp_max_pos_long <- max_pos_long
  tmp_max_pos_short <- max_pos_short
  # step 2: check that the vector of weights satisfies the constraints, 
  # transform weights if constraint is violated
  # TRUE if the weights vector is in compliance with the constraints
  # FALSE if the weights vector violates the constraint
  # check leverage constraints
  if(!is.null(min_sum) & !is.null(max_sum)){
    if(!(sum(tmp_weights) >= min_sum & sum(tmp_weights) <= max_sum)){
      # Try to transform only considering leverage and box constraints
      tmp_weights <- try(rp_transform(w=tmp_weights, 
                                      min_sum=min_sum, max_sum=max_sum, 
                                      min=tmp_min, max=tmp_max, 
                                      groups=NULL, cLO=NULL, cUP=NULL, 
                                      max_pos=NULL, group_pos=NULL, 
                                      max_pos_long=NULL, max_pos_short=NULL, 
                                      max_permutations=500), silent=TRUE) # FALSE for testing
      if(inherits(tmp_weights, "try-error")){
        # Default to initial weights
        tmp_weights <- weights
      } # end try-error recovery
    } # end check for leverage constraint violation
  } # end check for NULL arguments
  # check box constraints
  if(!is.null(tmp_min) & !is.null(tmp_max)){
    if(!(all(tmp_weights >= tmp_min) & all(tmp_weights <= tmp_max))){
      # Try to transform only considering leverage and box constraints
      tmp_weights <- try(rp_transform(w=tmp_weights, 
                                      min_sum=min_sum, max_sum=max_sum, 
                                      min=tmp_min, max=tmp_max, 
                                      groups=NULL, cLO=NULL, cUP=NULL, 
                                      max_pos=NULL, group_pos=NULL, 
                                      max_pos_long=NULL, max_pos_short=NULL, 
                                      max_permutations=500), silent=TRUE) # FALSE for testing
      if(inherits(tmp_weights, "try-error")){
        # Default to initial weights
        tmp_weights <- weights
        # Try to relax constraints if relax=TRUE
          i <- 1
          # loop while constraints are violated and relax constraints
          # try to relax constraints up to 5 times
          while((sum(tmp_weights) < min_sum | sum(tmp_weights) > max_sum | any(tmp_weights < tmp_min) | any(tmp_weights > tmp_max)) & i <= 5){
            # check if min is violated
            if(any(tmp_weights < tmp_min)){
              # Find which elements of min are violated and decrease by a random amount
              tmp_min[which(tmp_weights < tmp_min)] <- tmp_min[which(tmp_weights < tmp_min)] - runif(1, 0.01, 0.05)
            # check if max is violated
            if(any(tmp_weights > tmp_max)){
              # Find which elements of min are violated and increase by a random amount
              tmp_max[which(tmp_weights < tmp_max)] <- tmp_max[which(tmp_weights < tmp_max)] + runif(1, 0.01, 0.05)
            # Now try the transformation again
            tmp_weights <- try(rp_transform(w=tmp_weights, 
                                            min_sum=min_sum, max_sum=max_sum, 
                                            min=tmp_min, max=tmp_max, 
                                            groups=NULL, cLO=NULL, cUP=NULL, 
                                            max_pos=NULL, group_pos=NULL, 
                                            max_pos_long=NULL, max_pos_short=NULL, 
                                            max_permutations=500), silent=TRUE) # FALSE for testing
            # Default to original weights if this fails again
            if(inherits(tmp_weights, "try-error")) tmp_weights <- weights
            i <- i + 1
          # We have a feasible portfolio in terms of min_sum and max_sum, 
          # but were unable to produce a portfolio that satisfies box constraints
          if(isTRUE(all.equal(tmp_weights, weights))){
            # reset min and max to their original values and penalize later
            tmp_min <- min
            tmp_max <- max
        } # end if(relax) statement
      } # end try-error recovery
    } # end check for box constraint violation
  } # end check for NULL arguments
  # check group constraints
  if(!is.null(groups) & !is.null(tmp_cLO) & !is.null(tmp_cUP)){
    if(any(group_fail(tmp_weights, groups, tmp_cLO, tmp_cUP, group_pos))){
      # Try to transform only considering leverage, box, and group constraints
      tmp_weights <- try(rp_transform(w=tmp_weights, 
                                      min_sum=min_sum, max_sum=max_sum, 
                                      min=tmp_min, max=tmp_max, 
                                      groups=groups, cLO=tmp_cLO, cUP=tmp_cUP, 
                                      max_pos=NULL, group_pos=group_pos, 
                                      max_pos_long=NULL, max_pos_short=NULL, 
                                      max_permutations=500), silent=TRUE) # FALSE for testing
      if(inherits(tmp_weights, "try-error")){
        # Default to initial weights
        tmp_weights <- weights
        # Try to relax constraints if relax=TRUE
          i <- 1
          # loop while constraints are violated and relax constraints
          # Try to relax constraints up to 5 times
          while(((sum(tmp_weights) < min_sum | sum(tmp_weights) > max_sum) | (any(tmp_weights < tmp_min) | any(tmp_weights > tmp_max)) | any(group_fail(tmp_weights, groups, tmp_cLO, tmp_cUP, group_pos))) & i <= 5){
            if(any(group_fail(tmp_weights, groups, tmp_cLO, tmp_cUP, group_pos))){
              # I know which group failed, but not if it was cUP or cLO that was violated
              # Maybe I can modify group_fail to report back what was violated and only relax cLO or cUP, not both
              # This relaxes both cLO and cUP
              tmp_cLO[group_fail(tmp_weights, groups, tmp_cLO, tmp_cUP)] <- tmp_cLO[group_fail(tmp_weights, groups, tmp_cLO, tmp_cUP)] - runif(1, 0.01, 0.05)
              tmp_cUP[group_fail(tmp_weights, groups, tmp_cLO, tmp_cUP)] <- tmp_cUP[group_fail(tmp_weights, groups, tmp_cLO, tmp_cUP)] + runif(1, 0.01, 0.05)
            # Now try the transformation again
            tmp_weights <- try(rp_transform(w=tmp_weights, 
                                            min_sum=min_sum, max_sum=max_sum, 
                                            min=tmp_min, max=tmp_max, 
                                            groups=groups, cLO=tmp_cLO, cUP=tmp_cUP, 
                                            max_pos=NULL, group_pos=group_pos, 
                                            max_pos_long=NULL, max_pos_short=NULL, 
                                            max_permutations=500), silent=TRUE) # FALSE for testing
            if(inherits(tmp_weights, "try-error")) tmp_weights <- weights
            i <- i + 1
          # We have a feasible portfolio in terms of min_sum and max_sum, 
          # but were unable to produce a portfolio that satisfies group constraints
          if(isTRUE(all.equal(tmp_weights, weights))){
            # reset min and max to their original values and penalize later
            tmp_cLO <- cLO
            tmp_cUP <- cUP
        } # end if(relax) statement
      } # end try-error recovery
    } # end check for group constraint violation
  } # end check for NULL arguments
  # check position_limit constraints
  if(!is.null(tmp_max_pos) | !is.null(tmp_max_pos_long) | !is.null(tmp_max_pos_short)){
    if(pos_limit_fail(tmp_weights, tmp_max_pos, tmp_max_pos_long, tmp_max_pos_short)){
      # Try to transform only considering leverage, box, group, and position_limit constraints
      tmp_weights <- try(rp_transform(w=tmp_weights, 
                                      min_sum=min_sum, max_sum=max_sum, 
                                      min=tmp_min, max=tmp_max, 
                                      groups=groups, cLO=tmp_cLO, cUP=tmp_cUP, 
                                      max_pos=tmp_max_pos, group_pos=group_pos, 
                                      max_pos_long=tmp_max_pos_long, max_pos_short=tmp_max_pos_short, 
                                      max_permutations=500), silent=TRUE) # FALSE for testing
      if(inherits(tmp_weights, "try-error")){
        # Default to initial weights
        tmp_weights <- weights
          i <- 1
          while(pos_limit_fail(tmp_weights, tmp_max_pos, tmp_max_pos_long, tmp_max_pos_short) & (i <= 5)){
            # increment tmp_max_pos by 1
            if(!is.null(tmp_max_pos)) tmp_max_pos <- min(nassets, tmp_max_pos + 1)
            if(!is.null(tmp_max_pos_long)) tmp_max_pos_long <- min(nassets, tmp_max_pos_long + 1)
            if(!is.null(tmp_max_pos_short)) tmp_max_pos_short <- min(nassets, tmp_max_pos_short + 1)
            # Now try the transformation again
            tmp_weights <- try(rp_transform(w=tmp_weights, 
                                            min_sum=min_sum, max_sum=max_sum, 
                                            min=tmp_min, max=tmp_max, 
                                            groups=groups, cLO=tmp_cLO, cUP=tmp_cUP, 
                                            max_pos=tmp_max_pos, group_pos=group_pos, 
                                            max_pos_long=tmp_max_pos_long, max_pos_short=tmp_max_pos_short, 
                                            max_permutations=500), silent=TRUE) # FALSE for testing
            if(inherits(tmp_weights, "try-error")) tmp_weights <- weights
            i <- i + 1
        } # end if(relax) statement
      } # end try-error recovery
    } # end check for position limit constraint violation
  } # end check for NULL arguments

  names(tmp_weights) <- names(weights)

#' Transform a weights vector to satisfy leverage, box, group, and position_limit constraints using logic from \code{randomize_portfolio}
#' This function uses a block of code from \code{\link{randomize_portfolio}} 
#' to transform the weight vector if either the weight_sum (leverage) 
#' constraints, box constraints, group constraints, or position_limit constraints are violated.
#' The resulting weights vector might be quite different from the original weights vector.
#' @param w weights vector to be transformed
#' @param min_sum minimum sum of all asset weights, default 0.99
#' @param max_sum maximum sum of all asset weights, default 1.01
#' @param min numeric or named vector specifying minimum weight box constraints
#' @param max numeric or named vector specifying maximum weight box constraints
#' @param groups vector specifying the groups of the assets
#' @param cLO numeric or vector specifying minimum weight group constraints
#' @param cUP numeric or vector specifying minimum weight group constraints
#' @param max_pos maximum assets with non-zero weights
#' @param group_pos vector specifying maximum number assets with non-zero weights per group
#' @param max_pos_long maximum number of assets with long (i.e. buy) positions
#' @param max_pos_short maximum number of assets with short (i.e. sell) positions
#' @param max_permutations integer: maximum number of iterations to try for a valid portfolio, default 200
#' @return named weighting vector
#' @author Peter Carl, Brian G. Peterson, Ross Bennett (based on an idea by Pat Burns)
#' @export
rp_transform <- function(w, min_sum=0.99, max_sum=1.01, min, max, groups, cLO, cUP, max_pos=NULL, group_pos=NULL, max_pos_long=NULL, max_pos_short=NULL, max_permutations=200){
  # Uses logic from randomize_portfolio to "normalize" a weights vector to 
  # satisfy min_sum and max_sum while accounting for box and group constraints
  # Modified from randomize_portfolio to trigger the while loops if any weights 
  # violate min or max box constraints. A weights vector would not be transformed
  # in randomize_portfolio if min_sum and max_sum were satisfied, but the
  # min/max constraints were violated.
  # Set the tolerance to determine non-zero weights
  # Set value for max_pos if it is not specified
  if(is.null(max_pos)) max_pos <- length(w)
  # Determine maximum number of non-zero weights
  if(!is.null(group_pos)) {
    max_group_pos <- sum(group_pos)
  } else {
    max_group_pos <- length(w)
  # Set maximum number of assets based on max_pos and group_pos
  max_assets <- min(max_pos, max_group_pos)
  # Create a temporary min vector that will be modified, because a feasible
  # portfolio is rarely created if all(min > 0). This is due to the while
  # loop that checks any(tmp_w < min).
  tmp_min <- min
  # If weight_i = 0 and min_i > 0, then this will violate box constraints
  # even though weight_i = 0 to satisfy position_limit constraints. Modify
  # the tmp_min vector and set tmp_min_i equal to zero where weights_i = 0.
  # If w is less than or equal to tolerance then it is essentially 0
  if(any(abs(w) <= tolerance)){
    if(any(tmp_min[which(abs(w) <= tolerance)] > 0)){
      tmp_min[which(abs(w) <= tolerance)] <- -tolerance
  # return w if all constraints are satisfied
  if((sum(w) >= min_sum & sum(w) <= max_sum) & 
       (all(w >= tmp_min) & all(w <= max)) & 
       (all(!group_fail(w, groups, cLO, cUP, group_pos))) &
       !pos_limit_fail(w, max_pos, max_pos_long, max_pos_short)){
  # generate a sequence of weights based on min/max box constraints
  weight_seq <- generatesequence(min=min(min), max=max(max), by=0.002)
  # make sure there is a 0 in weight_seq
  if((!is.null(max_pos) | !is.null(group_pos) | !is.null(max_pos_long) | !is.null(max_pos_short)) & !is.element(0, weight_seq)) weight_seq <- c(0, weight_seq)
  # start the permutations counter
  permutations <- 1
  # create a temporary weights vector that will be modified in the while loops
  tmp_w <- w
  # while portfolio is outside min_sum/max_sum or tmp_min/max or group or postion_limit constraints and we have not reached max_permutations
  while ((sum(tmp_w) < min_sum | sum(tmp_w) > max_sum | any(tmp_w < tmp_min) | any(tmp_w > max) | any(group_fail(tmp_w, groups, cLO, cUP, group_pos)) | (pos_limit_fail(tmp_w, max_pos, max_pos_long, max_pos_short))) & permutations <= max_permutations) {
    permutations = permutations + 1
    # check our box constraints on total portfolio weight
    # reduce(increase) total portfolio size till you get a match
    # 1> check to see which bound you've failed on, probably set this as a pair of while loops
    # 2> randomly select a column and move only in the direction *towards the bound*, maybe call a function inside a function
    # 3> check and repeat
    # reset tmp_w and tmp_min to their original values
    tmp_w <- w
    tmp_min <- min
    random_index <- sample(1:length(tmp_w), max_assets)
    # Get the index values that are not in random_index and set them equal to 0
    full_index <- 1:length(tmp_w)
    not_index <- setdiff(full_index, random_index)
    tmp_w[not_index] <- 0
    # set some tmp_min values equal to zero so the while loops do not see a
    # violation of any(tmp_w < tmp_min). This tends to force weights to 0 and
    # works well for long only, but we may want to allow negative weights.
    # tmp_min[not_index] <- 0
    # Only set values of tmp_min that are greater than 0 to 0
    tmp_min[not_index[which(tmp_min[not_index] > 0)]] <- 0
    # Transform weights to satisfy max_pos_long and max_pos_short before being
    # passed into the main loops
    # Both max_pos_long and max_pos_short should be specified
      pos_idx <- which(tmp_w > 0)
      neg_idx <- which(tmp_w < 0)
      # Check if number of positive weights exceeds max_pos_long
      if(length(pos_idx) > max_pos_long){
        # Randomly sample positive weights that cause violation of max_pos_long
        # and replace with randomly sampled negative weights from weight_seq
        make_neg_idx <- sample(pos_idx, length(pos_idx) - max_pos_long)
        for(i in make_neg_idx){
          tmp_idx <- weight_seq[weight_seq < 0 & weight_seq >= min[i]]
          if(length(tmp_idx) > 0){
            tmp_w[i] <- sample(tmp_idx, 1)
          } else {
            # This should never happen if the correct weight_seq and min is specified
            tmp_w[i] <- -tmp_w[i]
      # Check if number of negative weights exceeds max_pos_short
      if(length(neg_idx) > max_pos_short){
        # Randomly sample negative weights that cause violation of max_pos_short
        # and replace with randomly sampled positive weights from weight_seq
        make_pos_idx <- sample(neg_idx, length(neg_idx) - max_pos_short)
        for(i in make_pos_idx){
          tmp_seq <- weight_seq[weight_seq > 0 & weight_seq <= max[i]]
          if(length(tmp_seq) > 0){
            tmp_w[i] <- sample(tmp_seq, 1)
          } else {
            # This should never happen if the correct weight_seq and max is specified
            tmp_w[i] <- -tmp_w[i]
    i = 1
    # while sum of weights is less than min_sum or tmp_min/max box or group constraint is violated
    while ((sum(tmp_w) < min_sum | any(tmp_w < tmp_min) | any(tmp_w > max) | any(group_fail(tmp_w, groups, cLO, cUP, group_pos)) | (pos_limit_fail(tmp_w, max_pos, max_pos_long, max_pos_short))) & i <= length(tmp_w)) {
      # randomly permute and increase a random portfolio element
      cur_index <- random_index[i]
      cur_val <- tmp_w[cur_index]
      tmp_seq <- weight_seq[(weight_seq >= cur_val) & (weight_seq <= max[cur_index])]
      n_tmp_seq <- length(tmp_seq)
      if (n_tmp_seq > 1) {
        # randomly sample an element from weight_seq that is greater than cur_val and less than max
        # tmp_w[cur_index] <- sample(weight_seq[(weight_seq >= cur_val) & (weight_seq <= max[cur_index])], 1)
        tmp_w[cur_index] <- tmp_seq[sample.int(n=n_tmp_seq, size=1L, replace=FALSE, prob=NULL)]
        # print(paste("new val:",tmp_w[cur_index]))
      } else {
        if (n_tmp_seq == 1) {
          # tmp_w[cur_index] <- weight_seq[(weight_seq >= cur_val) & (weight_seq <= max[cur_index])]
          tmp_w[cur_index] <- tmp_seq
      i=i+1 # increment our counter
    } # end increase loop
    # need to reset i here otherwise the decreasing loop will be ignored
    # group_fail does not test for direction of violation, just that group constraints were violated
    i = 1 
    # while sum of weights is greater than max_sum or tmp_min/max box or group constraint is violated
    while ((sum(tmp_w) > max_sum | any(tmp_w < tmp_min) | any(tmp_w > max) | any(group_fail(tmp_w, groups, cLO, cUP, group_pos)) | (pos_limit_fail(tmp_w, max_pos, max_pos_long, max_pos_short))) & i <= length(tmp_w)) {
      # randomly permute and decrease a random portfolio element
      cur_index <- random_index[i]
      cur_val <- tmp_w[cur_index]
      tmp_seq <- weight_seq[(weight_seq <= cur_val) & (weight_seq >= tmp_min[cur_index])]
      n_tmp_seq <- length(tmp_seq)
      if (n_tmp_seq > 1) {
        # randomly sample an element from weight_seq that is less than cur_val and greater than tmp_min
        # tmp_w[cur_index] <- sample(weight_seq[(weight_seq <= cur_val) & (weight_seq >= tmp_min[cur_index])] , 1)
        tmp_w[cur_index] <- tmp_seq[sample.int(n=n_tmp_seq, size=1L, replace=FALSE, prob=NULL)]
      } else {
        if (n_tmp_seq == 1) {
          # tmp_w[cur_index] <- weight_seq[(weight_seq <= cur_val) & (weight_seq >= tmp_min[cur_index])]
          tmp_w[cur_index] <- tmp_seq
      i=i+1 # increment our counter
    } # end decrease loop
  } # end final walk towards the edges
  portfolio <- tmp_w
  # checks for infeasible portfolio
  # Stop execution and return an error if an infeasible portfolio is created
  # This will be useful in fn_map so that we can catch the error and take
  # action (try again with more permutations, relax constraints, different
  # method to normalize, etc.)
  if (sum(portfolio) < min_sum | sum(portfolio) > max_sum){
    portfolio <- w
    stop("Infeasible portfolio created, perhaps increase max_permutations and/or adjust your parameters.")
#   if(isTRUE(all.equal(w,portfolio))) {
#     if (sum(w)>=min_sum & sum(w)<=max_sum) {
#       warning("Unable to generate a feasible portfolio different from w, perhaps adjust your parameters.")
#       return(w)
#     } else {
#       warning("Unable to generate a feasible portfolio, perhaps adjust your parameters.")
#       return(NULL)
#     }
#   }

#' Test if group constraints have been violated
#' The function loops through each group and tests if cLO or cUP have been violated
#' for the given group. This is a helper function for \code{\link{rp_transform}}.
#' @param weights weights vector to test
#' @param groups list of vectors specifying the groups of the assets
#' @param cLO numeric or vector specifying minimum weight group constraints
#' @param cUP numeric or vector specifying minimum weight group constraints
#' @param group_pos vector specifying the number of non-zero weights per group
#' @return logical vector: TRUE if group constraints are violated for a given group
#' @author Ross Bennett
group_fail <- function(weights, groups, cLO, cUP, group_pos=NULL){
  # return FALSE if groups, cLO, or cUP is NULL
  if(is.null(groups) | is.null(cLO) | is.null(cUP)) return(FALSE)
  group_count <- sapply(groups, length)
  # group_pos sets a limit on the number of non-zero weights by group
  # Set equal to groups if NULL
  if(is.null(group_pos)) group_pos <- group_count
  tolerance <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5
  n.groups <- length(groups)
  group_fail <- vector(mode="logical", length=n.groups)
  for(i in 1:n.groups){
    # sum of the weights for a given group
    tmp.w <- weights[groups[[i]]]
    group_fail[i] <- ( (sum(tmp.w) < cLO[i]) | (sum(tmp.w) > cUP[i]) | (sum(abs(tmp.w) > tolerance) > group_pos[i]) )
  # returns logical vector of groups. TRUE if either cLO or cUP is violated

#' function to check for violation of position limits constraints
#' This is used as a helper function for \code{\link{rp_transform}} to check
#' for violation of position limit constraints. The position limit constraints
#' checked are max_pos, max_pos_long, and max_pos_short. 
#' @param weights vector of weights to test
#' @param max_pos maximum number of assets with non-zero weights
#' @param max_pos_long maximum number of assets with long (i.e. buy) positions
#' @param max_pos_short maximum number of assets with short (i.e. sell) positions
#' @return TRUE if any position_limit is violated. FALSE if all position limits are satisfied
#' @export
pos_limit_fail <- function(weights, max_pos, max_pos_long, max_pos_short){
  # tolerance for "non-zero" definition
  tolerance <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5
  # Check if max_pos is violated
    if(sum(abs(weights) > tolerance) > max_pos){
  # Check if max_pos_long is violated
    if(sum(weights > tolerance) > max_pos_long){
  # Check if max_pos_short is violated
    if(sum(weights < -tolerance) > max_pos_short){
  # Return FALSE if nothing is violated

# test
# w <- c(0.1, 0.25, 0.3, 0.15, 0.05, 0.15)
# min <- rep(0.1, length(w))
# max <- rep(0.45, length(w))
# w1 <- rp_normalize(w=w, min_sum=0.99, max_sum=1.01, min=min, max=max)
# w1
# sum(w1)
# any(w1 < min)
# any(w1 > max)

# library(PortfolioAnalytics)
# data(edhec)
# ret <- edhec[, 1:4]
# funds <- colnames(ret)
# pspec <- portfolio.spec(assets=funds)
# pspec <- add.constraint(portfolio=pspec, type="weight_sum", min_sum=0.99, max_sum=1.01, enabled=TRUE)
# pspec <- add.constraint(portfolio=pspec, type="box", enabled=TRUE)
# pspec <- add.constraint(portfolio=pspec, type="group", groups=c(2,2), group_min=c(0.1, 0.2), group_max=c(0.3, 0.8), enabled=TRUE)
# weights <- c(0.15, 0.2, 0.15, 0.5)
# sum(weights)
# (w <- constraint_fn_map(weights, pspec))
# sum(w)

# R (http://r-project.org/) Numeric Methods for Optimization of Portfolios
# Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Brian G. Peterson, Peter Carl, Ross Bennett, Kris Boudt
# This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
# for full details see the file COPYING
# $Id$
R-Finance/PortfolioAnalytics documentation built on May 8, 2019, 4:46 a.m.