
Defines functions convert_RLum2Risoe.BINfileData

Documented in convert_RLum2Risoe.BINfileData

#'Converts RLum.Analysis-objects and RLum.Data.Curve-objects to RLum2Risoe.BINfileData-objects
#'The functions converts [RLum.Analysis-class] and [RLum.Data.Curve-class] objects and a [list] of those
#'to [Risoe.BINfileData-class] objects. The function intends to provide a minimum of compatibility
#'between both formats. The created [RLum.Analysis-class] object can be later exported to a
#'BIN-file using the function [write_R2BIN].
#'@param object [RLum.Analysis-class] or [RLum.Data.Curve-class] (**required**): input object to
#'be converted
#'@param keep.position.number [logical] (with default): keeps the original position number or re-calculate
#'the numbers to avoid doubling
#'@section Function version: 0.1.3
#'@author  Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany)
#'@seealso [RLum.Analysis-class], [RLum.Data.Curve-class], [write_R2BIN]
#'@note The conversion can be never perfect. The `RLum` objects may contain information which are
#'not part of the [Risoe.BINfileData-class] definition.
#'@keywords IO
#'##simple conversion using the example dataset
#'data(ExampleData.RLum.Analysis, envir = environment())
#'@return The function returns a [Risoe.BINfileData-class] object.
convert_RLum2Risoe.BINfileData <- function(
  keep.position.number = FALSE


  # Self call -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if(is(object, "list")){
    ##call function
    object_list <-
      lapply(object, function(x) {

    ##merge objects
    if(length(object_list) == 1){

      return(merge_Risoe.BINfileData(object_list, keep.position.number = keep.position.number))



  # Integrity tests -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if(inherits(object, "RLum.Data.Curve"))
    object <- set_RLum(class = "RLum.Analysis", records = list(object))

   ##RLum.Analysis - final check, from here we just accept RLum.Analysis
   if(!inherits(object, "RLum.Analysis"))
     stop("[convert_RLum2Risoe.BINfileData()] Input object needs to be of class 'RLum.Analysis', 'RLum.Data.Curve' or a 'list' of such objects!", call. = FALSE)

  # Set PROTOTYPE & DATA --------------------------------------------------------------------------

  ##set Risoe.BINfiledata prototype
  prototype <- set_Risoe.BINfileData()

    ##grep allowed names
    allowed_names <- names(prototype@METADATA)

  ##grep records (this will avoid further the subsetting)
  records <- object@records

  ##write DATA
  prototype@DATA <- lapply(records, function(x) {x@data[,2]})

  # Create METADATA -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  ##create METADATA list
  METADATA_list <- lapply(records, function(x){
    ##grep matching arguments only
    temp <- x@info[toupper(names(x@info)) %in% allowed_names]

    ##account for the case that no matching name was found
    if(length(temp) != 0){
      ##correct names
      names(temp) <- toupper(names(temp))

      return(list(ID = NA))



  ##make data.frame out of it
  METADATA_df <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(METADATA_list, fill = TRUE))

  ##write METADATA
  prototype@METADATA <- merge(prototype@METADATA, METADATA_df, all = TRUE)

  ## +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++#
  ##fill various missing values

  ##helper function ...otherwise the code gets too nasty ... only used for NA values!
  .replace <- function(field, value){
    prototype@METADATA[[field]][which(sapply(prototype@METADATA[[field]], is.na))] <<- value


  ## >> ID << ##
  prototype@METADATA[["ID"]] <- 1:length(records)

  ## >> SEL << ##
  prototype@METADATA[["SEL"]] <- TRUE

  ## >> VERSION << ##
  .replace("VERSION", "08")

  ## >> RECTYPE << ##
  .replace("RECTYPE", 0)

  ## >> NPOINTS << ##
    prototype@METADATA[["NPOINTS"]] <- vapply(records, function(x){

    }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))


  ## >> LENGTH <<  + PREVIOUS
    ##even we have values here before, it will make no difference
    prototype@METADATA[["LENGTH"]] <- (prototype@METADATA[["NPOINTS"]] * 4) + 507
    prototype@METADATA[["PREVIOUS"]] <- c(0,prototype@METADATA[["LENGTH"]][1:length(records) - 1])


  ## >> RUN << ##
  ##if there is only one NA, we should overwrite it, to be consistent
    prototype@METADATA[["RUN"]] <- 1:length(records)

  ## >> SET << ##
  .replace("SET", 1)

  ## >> GRAIN << ##
  .replace("GRAIN", 0)

  ## >> GRAINNUMBER << ##
  .replace("GRAINNUMBER", 0)

  ## >> USER << ##
  .replace("USER", "RLum.Data")

  ## >> DTYPE << ##
  .replace("DTYPE", "Natural")

  ## >> LIGHTSOURCE << ##
  .replace("LIGHTSOURCE", "None")

  ## >> SAMPLE << ##
    ##get only the id's to change
    temp_id <- which(is.na(prototype@METADATA[["SAMPLE"]]))

    ##set name
    prototype@METADATA[["SAMPLE"]] <- vapply(temp_id, function(x){
      if(any(names(records[[x]]@info) == "name")){



    }, character(length = 1))


  ## >> COMMENT << ##
  .replace("COMMENT", "convert_RLum2Risoe.BINfileData()")

  ## >> FNAME << ##
  .replace("FNAME", " ")

  ## >> DATE << ## + TIME
    ##get only the id's to change
    temp_id <- which(is.na(prototype@METADATA[["DATE"]]))

    ##set date
    prototype@METADATA[["DATE"]] <- vapply(temp_id, function(x){
      if(any(names(records[[x]]@info) == "startDate")){
        strtrim(records[[x]]@info[["startDate"]], width = 8)



    }, character(length = 1))

    ##set time
    prototype@METADATA[["TIME"]] <- vapply(temp_id, function(x){
      if(any(names(records[[x]]@info) == "startDate")){
        substr(records[[x]]@info[["startDate"]], start = 9, stop = 14)



    }, character(length = 1))


  ## >> LOW << ##
    ##get only the id's to change
    temp_id <- which(is.na(prototype@METADATA[["LOW"]]))

    ##set date
    prototype@METADATA[["LOW"]] <- vapply(temp_id, function(x){

    }, numeric(length = 1))


  ## >> HIGH << ##
    ##get only the id's to change
    temp_id <- which(is.na(prototype@METADATA[["HIGH"]]))

    ##set date
    prototype@METADATA[["HIGH"]] <- vapply(temp_id, function(x){

    }, numeric(length = 1))


  ## >> SEQUENCE << ##
  .replace("SEQUENCE", "")

  # METADA >> correct information -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ##we have to correct the LTYPE, the format is rather strict
    ##(a) create LTYPE from names of objects
    LTYPE <- vapply(names(object), function(s){
      if(grepl(pattern = " (", x = s, fixed = TRUE)){
        strsplit(s, split = " (", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]


    }, FUN.VALUE = character(1))

    ##(b) replace characters
    ##(b.1) irradiation
    LTYPE <-  gsub(pattern = "irradiation", replacement = "USER", fixed = TRUE, x = LTYPE)

    ##(b.2 RF
    LTYPE <-  gsub(pattern = "RF", replacement = "RL", fixed = TRUE, x = LTYPE)

    ##set value
    prototype@METADATA[["LTYPE"]] <- LTYPE

  ##correct USER
  ##limit user to 8 characters
  prototype@METADATA[["USER"]] <- strtrim(prototype@METADATA[["USER"]], 8)

  ##correct SAMPLE
  ##limit user to 21 characters
  prototype@METADATA[["SAMPLE"]] <- strtrim(prototype@METADATA[["SAMPLE"]], 20)

  ##replace all remaining NA values by 0
  ##all remaining values are numbers
  prototype@METADATA <- replace(prototype@METADATA, is.na(prototype@METADATA), 0L)

  # Return --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

R-Lum/Luminescence documentation built on Sept. 22, 2024, 9:14 p.m.