
## Synthetic data generation to evaluate ARM on sequential data - UDFs

# udf.dir <- "D:/State_transition/Codes/Final/"
# width = 50 # window size to create transactions
# len = 4 # length of lhs of the rules.


# UDFs --------------------------------------------------------------------
### support, confidence and lift
suppn <- function(x, vect, width=1){
  if(width == 1){
    return(length(which(vect == x))/length(vect))
  dat <- data.frame(rollapply(vect, width, rbind))
  res <- apply(dat, 1, function(xx){return(all(x %in% xx))})
confidencen <- function(x, y, vect, ...){
  return(suppn(c(x,y), vect, ...)/suppn(x, vect, ...))
liftn <- function(x, y, vect, ...){
  return(confidencen(x, y, vect, ...)/suppn(y, vect, ...))

### the arules func - generelized
getArulesGen <- function(vect, minlen=4, maxlen = 4,
                         width, minsup, minconf, method.rule = "role"){
  bad.seq <- "error"
  seq.rle <- vect
  freq.pat <- as.character(unique(seq.rle))

  seq.vec <- c(as.character(seq.rle))
  seq.mat <- data.table(rollapply(seq.vec, width, rbind))
  seq.mat <- eliminateAfterErrorSeqs(seq.mat)
  seq.clus.bin <- apply(seq.mat, 1,
                          xx <- freq.pat %in% as.character(x)
  seq.clus.bin <- data.frame(t(data.frame(seq.clus.bin)))
  names(seq.clus.bin) <- freq.pat
  rownames(seq.clus.bin) <- NULL
  seq.clus.bin <- sapply(seq.clus.bin, as.logical)

  ## apriori algorithm
  i <- as(seq.clus.bin, "itemMatrix")
  tran <- as(seq.clus.bin, "transactions")

  rules <- apriori(tran,
                   parameter = list(support = minsup, confidence = minconf,
                                    minlen=minlen, maxlen=maxlen),
                   appearance = list(rhs = c(bad.seq), default="lhs"))
  return(list(rules = rules, tran = tran, itemMatrix = i))

## older getArulesGen function
getArulesGenOld <- function(vect, width, eleminate.item = NULL,
                            method.rule = c("roll", "mat", "roll2"),
                            minlen = 4, maxlen = 4,
                            minsup, minconf, ...){
  #### Execute apriori algorithm on given data
  # frequent items - all items in data vector
  freq.pat <- unique(vect)
    freq.pat <- freq.pat[!freq.pat %in% eleminate.item]
  # method of converting to transactional data
  if(method.rule == "roll"){
    seq.mat <- data.frame(rollapply(vect, width, rbind))
  if(method.rule == "mat"){
    seq.mat <- data.frame(t(matrix(vect, nrow = width)))
  if(method.rule == "roll2"){
    vect <- c(rep(0, width-1), vect, rep(0, width-1))
    seq.mat <- data.frame(rollapply(vect, width, rbind))
  seq.mat <- eliminateAfterErrorSeqs(seq.mat)

  # Get transactions from data
  seq.clus.bin <- apply(seq.mat, 1,
                          xx <- freq.pat %in% as.character(x)
  seq.clus.bin <- data.frame(t(data.frame(seq.clus.bin)))
  names(seq.clus.bin) <- freq.pat
  rownames(seq.clus.bin) <- NULL
  seq.clus.bin <- sapply(seq.clus.bin, as.logical)

  ## apriori algorithm
  i <- as(seq.clus.bin, "itemMatrix")
  tran <- as(seq.clus.bin, "transactions")
  rules <- apriori(tran,
                   parameter = list(support = minsup, confidence = minconf,
                                    minlen = minlen, maxlen = maxlen), ...)

## generate random sequence - parameter based
randSeq.old <- function(region = c(50,70), max.inc = 5.4){
  ## 15 sequences (for e.g.)
  labs <- unlist(lapply(1:15, function(x){paste0("S",x)}))
  ## range of higher probability
  lowlim <- region[1]
  uplim <- region[2]
  ## Higher probabilitoes
  prob.tan <- tan(seq(atan(1), atan(max.inc), 0.01))
  ## normal probability of all states (equal)
  normprob <- 1/length(labs)
  ## random,location for error
  loc <- sample(c(400:700), 1)
  ## equal prob (mean zero) distribution until location
  rand <- sample(labs, size = loc,
                 replace = T,
                 prob = rep(normprob, length(labs)))
  ## higher probablity region with "tan" distribution
  chunks <- length(prob.tan)
  loc2 <- sample(c(lowlim:uplim), 1)
  rand.er <- unlist(lapply(1:chunks,
                             sample(labs, size = round(loc2/chunks),
                                    replace = T,
                                    prob = c(rep(normprob*prob.tan[ii], 3),
                                             rep(normprob, length(labs)-3)))
  ## normal sequences again
  rand3 <- sample(labs, size = sample(50:100, 1, T),
                  replace = T,
                  prob = rep(normprob, length(labs)))
  ## combined sequence
  Seq <- c(rand, rand.er, "error", rand3)

## generate random sequence - default
randSeqGen.old <- function(len = 10000, moreinfo = F,
                       plot.prob = T, max.inc = 5.4,
                       region = c(70,90), n.err, ...){
    cou <- round(len/685)
  } else {
    cou <- n.err
  uplim <- region[2]
  ## get the seq
  Seq <- c(unlist(lapply(1:cou,
                           return(randSeq(max.inc = max.inc,
                                          region = region, ...))
  ## plot the curve if wnated
  if(plot.prob == T){
    ## Higher probabilitoes
    prob.tan <- tan(seq(atan(1), atan(max.inc), 0.01))
    plot(prob.tan, type = "b", xlab = "",
         main = "Probability distribution of chosen sequences just before error",
         xaxt = "n", ylab = "Multiplier to the normal probability")
  ## return as desired
  if(moreinfo == T){
    loc.err <- which(Seq == "error")
    prob.s1 <- unlist(apply(cbind((loc.err-uplim), loc.err), 1,
                            function(x){ suppn("S1", Seq[x[1]:x[2]]) }))
    prob.s2 <- unlist(apply(cbind((loc.err-uplim), loc.err), 1,
                            function(x){ suppn("S2", Seq[x[1]:x[2]]) }))
    prob.s3 <- unlist(apply(cbind((loc.err-uplim), loc.err), 1,
                            function(x){ suppn("S3", Seq[x[1]:x[2]]) }))
    res.list <- list("Seq" = Seq,
                     "prob.s1" = prob.s1,
                     "prob.s2" = prob.s2,
                     "prob.s3" = prob.s3)

## Incrementing probability distribution
## P.S. dont change default values here, change forgenRandSeq/genSeq instead
getIncProb <- function(region = 100, max.inc = 10, min.prob = 1/30,
                       distr = c("sine", "cosine",
                                "tangent", "expo1", "expo2")){
  ## Generates a sequence for increasing probabilities
  ## based on the input parameters.
    dist = "tanegent"
  } else {
           sine = sin(seq(min.prob, asin(1),
                          (asin(1)-min.prob)/region ))*max.inc,
           cosine = max.inc-cos(seq(min.prob, acos(0),
           tangent = tan(seq(min.prob, atan(10),
           expo1 = exp(seq(min.prob, log(max.inc),
           expo2 = (1 - exp(-seq(min.prob, log(max.inc),
    # plot(sin(seq(min.prob, asin(1), (asin(1)-min.prob)/region ))*max.inc)

## generate random sequence
genSeq <- function(uniqs = 30, region = 100, min.prob = 1/uniqs,
                   max.inc = 10, len = region*5, distr = "tangent"){
  ## Generates a sequence of said unique sequences with "error" at
  ## the end. i.e. one chunk before an error.
  seqs <- sapply(1:uniqs, function(xx) return(strcat(c("S", xx))))
  norm.seqs <- sample(x = seqs, size = len-region,
                      replace = T, prob = rep(min.prob, uniqs))
  ## the chunk before error
  highProbs <- getIncProb(region = round(region/10),
                          max.inc, min.prob, distr)
  highProbs[which(highProbs < 1)] <- 1
  nchunks <- length(highProbs)
  loc.er <- region
  er.seqs <- unlist(lapply(1:nchunks,
                             lp <- 1/(27+(3*highProbs[ii]))
                             hp <- lp*highProbs[ii]
                             sample(seqs, size = round(loc.er/nchunks),
                                    replace = T,
                                    prob = c(rep(hp, 3),
                                             rep(lp, length(seqs)-3)))
  ## Generate random sequencese for seven chunks after error to
  ## make the support of the desired rule low i.e. like the -
  ## real world data.
  norm.seqs1 <- sample(x = seqs, size = 7*len-region,
                      replace = T, prob = rep(min.prob, uniqs))
  ## return the sequential portion
  return(c(norm.seqs, er.seqs, "error", norm.seqs1))

## default function wrapper
genRandSeq <- function(slen = 80000, reg = 100,
                       ners = round(slen*0.0007/8), ...){
  ## Generates a sequence with some errors in it, with increasing
  ## probabilitoes of S1, S2 and S3 before an error by supplied distr.
  flen <- slen/8
  seqs <- lapply(1:ners,
                   lowlim <- round(flen/ners*0.5)
                   upplim <- round(flen/ners*1.5)
                   len1 <- sample(x = c(lowlim:upplim), size = 1)
                   return(genSeq(region = reg, len = len1, ...))

### EoC ###
RAW21/aRmClassify documentation built on May 8, 2019, 4:54 a.m.