
Defines functions matexp_scale_factor p_matexp_pade p_matpow_by_squaring

#' Matrix Exponentiation
#' Routines for matrix exponentiation.
#' Formally, the exponential of a square matrix \code{X} is a power series:
#' \eqn{expm(X) = id + X/1! + X^2/2! + X^3/3! + \dots}
#' where the powers on the matrix correspond to matrix-matrix multiplications.
#' \code{expm()} directly computes the matrix exponential of a distributed,
#' dense matrix.  The implementation uses Pade' approximations and a
#' scaling-and-squaring technique (see references).
#' @references
#' "New Scaling and Squaring Algorithm for the Matrix Exponential"
#' Awad H. Al-Mohy and Nicholas J. Higham, August 2009
#' @param x 
#' A numeric matrix or a numeric distributed matrix.
#' @param t
#' Scaling parameter for x.
#' @param p
#' Order of the Pade' approximation.
#' @return 
#' Returns a distributed matrix.
#' @keywords Methods Linear Algebra
#' @name expm
#' @rdname expm
  function(x, t=1, p=6) 

p_matpow_by_squaring <- function(A, b=1)
  b <- as.integer(b)
  desca <- base.descinit(dim=A@dim, bldim=A@bldim, ldim=A@ldim, ICTXT=A@ICTXT)
  out <- base.p_matpow_by_squaring_wrap(A=A@Data, desca=desca, b=b)
  ret <- new("ddmatrix", Data=out, dim=A@dim, ldim=A@ldim, bldim=A@bldim, ICTXT=A@ICTXT)
  return( ret )

#matpow <- function(A, n)
#  m <- nrow(A)
##  if (n==0)
##    return(diag(1, m))
##  else if (n==1)
##    return(A)
##  if (n >= 2^8)
##  {
##    E <- eigen(A)
##    B <- E$vectors %*% diag(E$values^n) %*% solve(E$vectors)
##    return( B )
##  }
#  B <- matpow_by_squaring(A, n)
#  return(B)

p_matexp_pade <- function(A, p)
  desca <- base.descinit(dim=A@dim, bldim=A@bldim, ldim=A@ldim, ICTXT=A@ICTXT)
  out <- base.p_matexp_pade_wrap(A=A@Data, desca=desca, p=p)
  N <- new("ddmatrix", Data=out$N, dim=A@dim, ldim=A@ldim, bldim=A@bldim, ICTXT=A@ICTXT)
  D <- new("ddmatrix", Data=out$D, dim=A@dim, ldim=A@ldim, bldim=A@bldim, ICTXT=A@ICTXT)
  R <- solve(D) %*% N
  return( R )

#' @rdname expm
#' @export
setMethod("expm", signature(x="matrix"), 
  function(x, t=1, p=6)
    if (nrow(x) != ncol(x))
      stop("Matrix exponentiation is only defined for square matrices.")
    if (p > 13)
      stop("argument 'p' must be between 1 and 13.")
    S <- base.matexp(A=x, p=p, t=t)
    return( S )

## TODO export this from base src/
matexp_scale_factor <- function(x)
#  theta <- c(3.7e-8, 5.3e-4, 1.5e-2, 8.5e-2, 2.5e-1, 5.4e-1, 9.5e-1, 1.5e0, 2.1e0, 2.8e0, 3.6e0, 4.5e0, 5.4e0, 6.3e0, 7.3e0, 8.4e0, 9.4e0, 1.1e1, 1.2e1, 1.3e1)
  theta <- c(1.5e-2, 2.5e-1, 9.5e-1, 2.1e0, 5.4e0)
  # 1-norm
  x_1 <- norm(x, type="O") # max(colSums(abs(x))) 
  for (th in theta)
    if (x_1 <= th)
      return( 0 )
  j <- ceiling(log2(x_1/theta[5]))
  n <- 2^j
  return( n )

#' @rdname expm
#' @export
setMethod("expm", signature(x="ddmatrix"), 
  function(x, t=1, p=6)
    if (nrow(x) != ncol(x))
      stop("Matrix exponentiation is only defined for square matrices.")
    if (x@bldim[1L] != x@bldim[2L])
      comm.stop(paste0("expm() requires a square blocking factor; have ", x@bldim[1L], "x", x@bldim[2L]))
    n <- matexp_scale_factor(x)
    if (n == 0)
      return( p_matexp_pade(t*x, p=p) )
    x <- t*x/n
    S <- p_matexp_pade(x, p=p)
    S <- p_matpow_by_squaring(S, n)
    return( S )
RBigData/pbdDMAT documentation built on Oct. 29, 2021, 6:20 p.m.