
#' Fitter for Linear Models
#' Fits a real linear model via QR with a "limited pivoting strategy", as in
#' R's DQRDC2 (fortran).
#' Solves the linear least squares problem, which is to find an \code{x}
#' (possibly non-uniquely) such that || Ax - b ||^2 is minimized, where
#' \code{A} is a given n-by-p model matrix, \code{b} is a "right hand side"
#' n-by-1 vector (multiple right hand sides can be solved at once, but the
#' solutions are independent, i.e. not simultaneous), and "||" is the l2 norm.
#' Uses level 3 PBLAS and ScaLAPACK routines (modified PDGELS) to get a linear
#' least squares solution, using the 'limited pivoting strategy' from R's
#' DQRDC2 (unsed in DQRLS) routine as a way of dealing with (possibly) rank
#' deficient model matrices.
#' A model matrix with many dependent columns will likely experience poor
#' performance, especially at scale, due to all the data swapping that must
#' occur to handle rank deficiency.
#' @param x,y 
#' numeric distributed matrices
#' @param tol 
#' tolerance for numerical rank estimation in QR decomposition.
#' @param singular.ok 
#' logical. If \code{FALSE} then a singular model
#' (rank-deficient \code{x}) produces an error.
#' @return 
#' Returns a list of values similar to R's \code{lm.fit()}. Namely, the
#' list contains: 
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'   \code{coefficients} \tab (distributed matrix) solution to the linear least squares problem \cr
#'   \code{residuals} \tab (distributed matrix) difference in the numerical fit and the observed \cr
#'   \code{effects} \tab (distributed matrix) \code{t(Q) \%*\% y} \cr
#'   \code{rank} \tab (global numeric) numerical column rank \cr
#'   \code{fitted.values} \tab (distributed matrix) Numerical fit \code{A \%*\% x} \cr
#'   \code{assign} \tab \code{NULL} if \code{lm.fit()} is called directly \cr
#'   \code{qr} \tab list, same as return from \code{qr()} \cr 
#'   \code{df.residual} \tab (global numeric) degrees of freedom of residuals\cr
#' }
#' @keywords Methods Extraction
#' @examples
#' spmd.code = "
#'   library(pbdDMAT, quiet = TRUE)
#'   init.grid()
#'   # don't do this in production code
#'   x <- matrix(rnorm(9), 3)
#'   y <- matrix(rnorm(3))
#'   dx <- as.ddmatrix(x)
#'   dy <- as.ddmatrix(y)
#'   fit <- lm.fit(x=dx, y=dy)
#'   fit
#'   finalize()
#' "
#' pbdMPI::execmpi(spmd.code = spmd.code, nranks=2L)
#' @name lm.fit
#' @rdname lm.fit
#' @export

setGeneric(name = "lm.fit", useAsDefault = stats::lm.fit, package="pbdDMAT")

#' @rdname lm.fit
#' @export
setMethod("lm.fit", signature(x="ddmatrix", y="ddmatrix"), 
  function (x, y, tol = 1e-07, singular.ok=TRUE)
    # checks
    base.checkem(x=x, y=y, checks=2L:3L)
    if (x@dim[1L] != y@dim[1L])
      comm.stop("Error : incompatible dimensions")
    oldctxt <- y@ICTXT
    # Matrix descriptors
    desca <- base.descinit(dim=x@dim, bldim=x@bldim, ldim=x@ldim, ICTXT=oldctxt)
    descb <- base.descinit(dim=y@dim, bldim=y@bldim, ldim=y@ldim, ICTXT=oldctxt)
    m <- desca[3L]
    n <- desca[4L]
    nrhs <- descb[4L]
    # fit the model
    out <- base.rpdgels(tol=tol, m=m, n=n, nrhs=nrhs, a=x@Data, desca=desca, b=y@Data, descb=descb)
    if (!singular.ok && out$RANK < x@dim[2L]) 
      comm.stop("singular fit encountered")
    if (base.ownany(dim=x@dim, bldim=x@bldim, ICTXT=x@ICTXT))
      x@Data <- out$A
    if (base.ownany(dim=y@dim, bldim=y@bldim, ICTXT=y@ICTXT))
      y@Data <- out$B
    eff <- new("ddmatrix", Data=out$EFF, dim=y@dim, 
               ldim=y@bldim, bldim=y@bldim, ICTXT=y@ICTXT)
    fitted.values <- new("ddmatrix", Data=out$FT, dim=y@dim,
                         ldim=y@ldim, bldim=y@bldim, ICTXT=y@ICTXT)
    residuals <- new("ddmatrix", Data=out$RSD, dim=y@dim,
                     ldim=y@ldim, bldim=y@bldim, ICTXT=y@ICTXT)
    # rearranging solution in the overdetermined and/or rank deficient case
    temp <- 1L:n # indexing of coefficients
    if (m >= n)
      y <- y[temp, , ICTXT=1L]
      cdim <- c(n-y@dim[1L], y@dim[2L])
      cldim <- base.numroc(dim=cdim, bldim=y@bldim, ICTXT=y@ICTXT, fixme=TRUE)
      c <- new("ddmatrix", Data=matrix(as.double(NA), nrow=cldim[1L], ncol=cldim[2L]), dim=cdim, ldim=cldim, bldim=y@bldim, ICTXT=y@ICTXT)
      y <- dmat.rbind(y, c, ICTXT=1L)
    # convert IPIV to global vector if it isn't already
    if (base.blacs(ICTXT=x@ICTXT)$NPCOL > 1L)
      dim(out$IPIV) <- c(1L, length(out$IPIV))
      c <- new("ddmatrix", Data=out$IPIV,
                dim=c(1L, y@dim[1L]), ldim=c(1L, y@ldim[1L]), 
                bldim=y@bldim, ICTXT=oldctxt)
      pivot <- as.vector(c)
      pivot <- out$IPIV
    if (out$RANK < n)
  #    vec <- as.ddmatrix(matrix(NA, nrow=1, ncol=nrhs), bldim=y@bldim)
      if (m >= n)
        y[(out$RANK+1L):n, , ICTXT=y@ICTXT] <- as.double(NA)
        if (out$RANK < m)
          y[(out$RANK+1L):m, , ICTXT=y@ICTXT] <- as.double(NA)
      if (any(pivot - temp != 0L))
        perm <- sapply(temp, function(i) temp[which(i==pivot)])
        y <- dmat.redistribute(dx=y, bldim=y@bldim, ICTXT=2L)
        y <- y[perm, , ICTXT=oldctxt]
        y <- dmat.redistribute(dx=y, bldim=y@bldim, ICTXT=oldctxt)
      y <- dmat.redistribute(dx=y, bldim=y@bldim, ICTXT=oldctxt)
    # rownames
  #  if (base.ownany(dim=y@dim, bldim=y@bldim, ICTXT=y@CTXT)){
  #    coords <- sapply(temp, function(i) base.g2l_coord(ind=i, bldim=y@bldim, ICTXT=y@CTXT)[5])
  #    mycoords <- coords[which(!is.na(coords))]
  #    rownames(y@Data) <- paste("x", mycoords, sep="")
  #  }
    qr <- list(qr=x, tau=out$TAU, pivot=pivot, tol=tol, rank=out$RANK)
    attr(qr, "class") <- "qr"
    ret <- list(coefficients=y, residuals=residuals, effects=eff, 
                rank=out$RANK, fitted.values=fitted.values, assign=attr(x@Data, "assign"),
                qr=qr, df.residual=(x@dim[1] - out$RANK))
    return( ret )
RBigData/pbdDMAT documentation built on Oct. 29, 2021, 6:20 p.m.