asinhtGml2-class: Class asinhtGml2

asinhtGml2-classR Documentation

Class asinhtGml2


Inverse hyperbolic sin transformation as parameterized in Gating-ML 2.0.


asinhtGml2 is defined by the following function:

bound(f, boundMin, boundMax) = max(min(f,boundMax),boundMin))


f(parameter, T, M, A) = (asinh(parameter * sinh(M * ln(10)) / T) +A * ln(10)) / ((M + A) * ln(10))

This transformation is equivalent to Logicle(T, 0, M, A) (i.e., with W=0). It provides an inverse hyperbolic sine transformation that maps a data value onto the interval [0,1] such that:

  • The top of scale value (i.e., T ) is mapped to 1.

  • Large data values are mapped to locations similar to an (M + A)-decade logarithmic scale.

  • A decades of negative data are brought on scale.

In addition, if a boundary is defined by the boundMin and/or boundMax parameters, then the result of this transformation is restricted to the [boundMin,boundMax] interval. Specifically, should the result of the f function be less than boundMin, then let the result of this transformation be boundMin. Analogically, should the result of the f function be more than boundMax, then let the result of this transformation be boundMax. The boundMin parameter shall not be greater than the boundMax parameter.



Object of class function.


Object of class numeric – positive constant (top of scale value).


Object of class numeric – positive constant (desired number of decades).


Object of class numeric – non-negative constant that is less than or equal to M (desired number of additional negative decades).


Object of class "transformation" – flow parameter to be transformed.


Object of class "character" – unique ID to reference the transformation.


Object of class numeric – lower bound of the transformation, default -Inf.


Object of class numeric – upper bound of the transformation, default Inf.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls to the constructor

asinhtGml2(parameter, T, M, A, transformationId, boundMin, boundMax)


Class singleParameterTransform, directly.

Class transform, by class singleParameterTransform, distance 2.

Class transformation, by class singleParameterTransform, distance 3.

Class characterOrTransformation, by class singleParameterTransform, distance 4.


The inverse hyperbolic sin transformation object can be evaluated using the eval method by passing the data frame as an argument. The transformed parameters are returned as a matrix with a single column. (See example below)


Spidlen, J.


Gating-ML 2.0: International Society for Advancement of Cytometry (ISAC) standard for representing gating descriptions in flow cytometry.

See Also

asinht, transform-class, transform

Other mathematical transform classes: EHtrans-class, asinht-class, dg1polynomial-class, exponential-class, hyperlog-class, hyperlogtGml2-class, invsplitscale-class, lintGml2-class, logarithm-class, logicletGml2-class, logtGml2-class, quadratic-class, ratio-class, ratiotGml2-class, sinht-class, splitscale-class, squareroot-class, unitytransform-class


myDataIn <- read.FCS(system.file("extdata", "0877408774.B08", 
myASinH1 <- asinhtGml2(parameters = "FSC-H", T = 1000, M = 4.5, 
    A = 0, transformationId="myASinH1")
transOut <- eval(myASinH1)(exprs(myDataIn))

RGLab/flowCore documentation built on Aug. 26, 2024, 8:52 a.m.