## parse output of curv1Filter and find modes and midpoints of the density
## regions
curvPeaks <- function(x, dat, borderQuant=0.01, n=201, from, to, densities=NULL)
## Some type-checking first
flowCore:::checkClass(x, "multipleFilterResult")
flowCore:::checkClass(dat, c("numeric","NULL"))
flowCore:::checkClass(borderQuant, "numeric", 1)
flowCore:::checkClass(n, "numeric", 1)
from <- min(dat)
flowCore:::checkClass(from, "numeric", 1)
to <- max(dat)
flowCore:::checkClass(to, "numeric", 1)
## extract boundaries
bound <- attr(x@subSet, "boundaries")
dens <- if(!is.null(densities)) densities else
density(dat, n=n, from=from, to=to, na.rm=TRUE)$y
## iterate over regions
regPoints <- list()
peaks <- midpoints <- regions <- densFuns <- NULL
i <- 1
#oo <- options(warn=-1)
for(b in bound){
## discard regions on the margins
if(b[2] > quantile(c(from,to), borderQuant) &&
b[1] < quantile(c(from,to), 1-borderQuant)){
## approximate density by function
afun <- approxfun(seq(from, to, len=n), dens)
sel <- seq(b[1], b[2], len=50)
regPoints[[i]] <- cbind(x=sel, y=afun(sel))
## compute maximum of function
m <- optimize(afun, b, maximum=TRUE)
peaks <- rbind(peaks, cbind(x=m$maximum, y= m$objective))
regions <- rbind(regions, cbind(left=b[1], right=b[2]))
midpoints <- c(midpoints, mean(b))
densFuns <- c(densFuns, afun)
i <- i+1
return(list(peaks=cbind(x=NA, y=NA), regions=cbind(left=NA, right=NA),
midpoints=NA, regPoints=list(cbind(x=NA, y=NA)),
return(list(peaks=peaks, regions=regions, midpoints=midpoints,
regPoints=regPoints, densFuns=densFuns))
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