
#' #' Query VCF file: CLI
#' #'
#' #' Query a (remote) VCF file using the Command Line Interface (CLI)
#' #' @family LD
#' #' @keywords internal
#' #' @importFrom echoconda find_package
#' #' @importFrom downloadR downloader
#' #' @importFrom data.table fwrite
#' query_vcf_cli <- function(query_dat
#'                           vcf_url,
#'                           locus_dir,
#'                           LD_reference,
#'                           whole_vcf = FALSE,
#'                           force_new = FALSE,
#'                           remove_original_vcf = FALSE,
#'                           download_method = "download.file",
#'                           query_by_regions = FALSE,
#'                           nThread = 1,
#'                           conda_env = "echoR_mini",
#'                           verbose = TRUE) {
#'     # vcf_subset <- "/pd-omics/brian/Fine_Mapping/Data/GWAS/Nalls23andMe_2019/BRIP1/LD/BRIP1.1KGphase3.vcf.gz"
#'     vcf_subset <- construct_subset_vcf_name(
#'        query_dat= query_dat
#'         locus_dir = locus_dir,
#'         vcf_name = LD_reference,
#'         whole_vcf = whole_vcf
#'     )
#'     ## These can be created if you stop the query early, or if the url fails.
#'     if (file.exists(vcf_subset)) {
#'         if (file.size(vcf_subset) < 100) { # Less than 100 bytes
#'             messager("+ LD:: Removing empty vcf file and its index", v = verbose)
#'             file.remove(paste0(vcf_subset, "*")) # Remove both
#'         }
#'     }
#'     tabix <- echoconda::find_package(
#'         package = "tabix",
#'         conda_env = conda_env,
#'         verbose = verbose
#'     )
#'     if ((!file.exists(vcf_subset)) | force_new) {
#'         messager("Querying VCF subset", v = verbose)
#'         if (whole_vcf) {
#'             region <- ""
#'             locus <- ""
#'             out.file <- downloadR::downloader(
#'                 input_url = vcf_url,
#'                 output_path = dirname(vcf_subset),
#'                 download_method = download_method,
#'                 nThread = nThread,
#'                 conda_env = conda_env
#'             )
#'         } else {
#'             # Download tabix subset
#'             if (query_by_regions) {
#'                 ### Using region file (-R flag)
#'                 regions.bed <- file.path(locus_dir, "LD", "regions.tsv")
#'                 data.table::fwrite(list(paste0(dat$CHR), sort(dat$POS)),
#'                     file = regions.bed, sep = "\t"
#'                 )
#'                 regions <- paste("-R", regions.bed)
#'                 tabix_cmd <- paste(
#'                     tabix,
#'                     "-fh",
#'                     "-p vcf",
#'                     vcf_url,
#'                     gsub("\\./", "", regions),
#'                     ">",
#'                     gsub("\\./", "", vcf_subset)
#'                 )
#'                 messager(tabix_cmd)
#'                 system(tabix_cmd)
#'             } else {
#'                 ### Using coordinates range (MUCH faster!)
#'                 coord_range <- paste0(
#'                     unique(dat$CHR)[1], ":",
#'                     min(dat$POS), "-", max(dat$POS)
#'                 )
#'                 tabix_cmd <- paste(
#'                     tabix,
#'                     "-fh",
#'                     "-p vcf",
#'                     vcf_url,
#'                     coord_range,
#'                     ">",
#'                     gsub("\\./", "", vcf_subset)
#'                 )
#'                 messager(tabix_cmd)
#'                 system(tabix_cmd)
#'             }
#'         }
#'         if (remove_original_vcf) {
#'             vcf_name <- paste0(basename(vcf_url), ".tbi")
#'             out <- suppressWarnings(file.remove(vcf_name))
#'         }
#'     } else {
#'         messager("+ Identified existing VCF subset file. Importing...", vcf_subset, v = verbose)
#'     }
#'     return(vcf_subset)
#' }
RajLabMSSM/echoLD documentation built on May 12, 2024, 3:23 a.m.