#' Create conda env: basilisk
#' Create conda env using one of several methods.
#' @param pkgs data.table with the columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"package" : }{Package names.}
#' \item{"version" : }{Package versions.}
#' \item{"channel" : }{Channel where the package was installed from.}
#' }
#' This table can be generated by \link[echoconda]{env_to_yaml} function.
#' @param start Execute \link[basilisk]{basiliskStart}
#' to build the actual environment.
#' @param use_subversion Specify the specific package subversion.
#' @source \href{https://github.com/LTLA/basilisk}{GitHub repo}
#' @source \href{https://doi.org/doi:10.18129/B9.bioc.basilisk}{Bioconductor}
#' @returns An object of class \link[basilisk]{BasiliskEnvironment}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @inheritParams yaml_to_env
create_env_basilisk <- function(yaml_path,
start = TRUE){
package <- NULL;
# yaml_path <- tail(ymls$yaml_path,1)
yaml_txt <- yaml::read_yaml(file = yaml_path)
deps <- unlist(yaml_txt$dependencies)
#### Omit python ####
deps <- deps[!startsWith(deps,"python")]
#### Check for pip deps ####
has_pip <- if(!is.null(names(deps))){
} else {rep(FALSE,length(deps))}
#### Remove version numbers ####
deps <- stringr::str_split(deps,"=|>|<",
simplify = TRUE)[,1]
#### Remove deps that aren't available on Windows ####
## (at least, for specific versions)
deps <- deps[!deps %in% c("wget","gzip","htslib","axel")]
#### Subset to only core packages ####
#### Make sure package aren't listed twice ####
pkgs <- pkgs[!duplicated(pkgs$package),]
#### Omit subversions for increased flexibility ####
pkgs$version <- stringr::str_split(pkgs$version,"[.]",
simplify = TRUE)[,1]
## Split by pip / non-pip
pip_pkgs <- pkgs[package %in% unname(deps[has_pip]),]
nonpip_pkgs <- pkgs[package %in% unname(deps[!has_pip]),]
channels <- unique(c(pkgs$channel,
if(use_nodefaults) "nodefaults" else NULL))
#### Create basilisk env object ####
envObj <- basilisk::BasiliskEnvironment(
envname = yaml_txt$name,
pkgname = "echoconda",
## Use >= rather than = or == for increased flexibility,
## but reduced reproducibility.
packages = paste(nonpip_pkgs$package, nonpip_pkgs$version, sep=sep),
pip = paste(pip_pkgs$package, pip_pkgs$version, sep=sep),
channels = channels
proc <- basilisk::basiliskStart(env = envObj)
#' Get echoR
#' Get the echoR conda env
#' @param mini Use echoR mini.
#' @importFrom basilisk BasiliskEnvironment
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom yaml read_yaml
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @import R.utils
#' @keywords internal
get_echoR <- function(mini=TRUE){
#### Import yaml ####
yaml_path <- system.file(
package = "echoconda",
if(isTRUE(mini)) "conda/echoR_mini.yml" else "conda/echoR.yml"
#### Import version numbers using pre-existing conda env ####
# conda_env <- echoconda::yaml_to_env()
# pkgs <- reticulate:::conda_list_packages(envname = conda_env)
#### pkgs <- basilisk::listPackages(env = "echoR")
# data.table::fwrite(pkgs, "inst/conda/echoR_versions.tsv.gz", sep = "\t")
pkgs <- data.table::fread(
system.file(package = "echoconda","conda/echoR_versions.tsv.gz")
echoR <- create_env_basilisk(yaml_path = yaml_path,
pkgs = pkgs,
start = FALSE)
echoR <- get_echoR()
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