
Defines functions tables type_size

Documented in tables

# globals to pass NOTE from R CMD check, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9439256

type_size = function(DT) {
  # for speed and ram efficiency, a lower bound by not descending into character string lengths or list items
  # if a more accurate and higher estimate is needed then user can pass object.size or alternative to mb=
  # in case number of columns is very large (e.g. 1e6 columns) then we use a for() to avoid allocation of sapply()
  ans = 0L
  lookup = c("raw"=1L, "integer"=4L, "double"=8L, "complex"=16L)
  for (i in seq_along(DT)) {
    col = DT[[i]]
    tt = lookup[storage.mode(col)]
    if (is.na(tt)) tt = .Machine$sizeof.pointer
    tt = tt*nrow(DT)
    if (is.factor(col)) tt = tt + nlevels(col)*.Machine$sizeof.pointer
    ans = ans + tt
  ans + ncol(DT)*.Machine$sizeof.pointer  # column name pointers

tables = function(mb=type_size, order.col="NAME", width=80,
                  env=parent.frame(), silent=FALSE, index=FALSE)
  # Prints name, size and colnames of all data.tables in the calling environment by default
  mb_name = as.character(substitute(mb))
  if (isTRUE(mb)) { mb=type_size; mb_name="type_size" }
  names = ls(envir=env, all.names=TRUE)  # include "hidden" objects (starting with .)
  obj = mget(names, envir=env)  # doesn't copy; mget is ok with ... unlike get, #5197
  w = which(vapply_1b(obj, is.data.table))
  if (!length(w)) {
    if (!silent) catf("No objects of class data.table exist in %s\n", if (identical(env, .GlobalEnv)) ".GlobalEnv" else format(env))
  info = data.table(NAME=names[w], NROW=0L, NCOL=0L, MB=0, COLS=list(), KEY=list(), INDICES=list())
  for (i in seq_along(w)) {  # avoid rbindlist(lapply(DT_names)) in case of a large number of tables
    DT = obj[[w[i]]]
    set(info, i, "NROW", nrow(DT))
    set(info, i, "NCOL", ncol(DT))
    if (is.function(mb)) set(info, i, "MB", as.integer(mb(DT)/1024^2))
    if (!is.null(tt<-names(DT))) set(info, i, "COLS", tt)  # TODO: don't need these if()s when #5526 is done
    if (!is.null(tt<-key(DT))) set(info, i, "KEY", tt)
    if (index && !is.null(tt<-indices(DT))) set(info, i, "INDICES", tt)
  if (!is.function(mb)) info[,MB:=NULL]
  if (!index)           info[,INDICES:=NULL]
  if (!order.col %chin% names(info)) stopf("order.col='%s' not a column name of info", order.col)
  info = info[base::order(info[[order.col]])]  # base::order to maintain locale ordering of table names
  if (!silent) {
    # add commas into NROW, NCOL and MB when displayed on console
    # but this added all these numbers as strings to the character cache which causes the character cache to
    # grow especially with a lot of tables, or changing tables over time. Stopped for now to avoid a tipping
    # point in RSS in #5520
    # pretty_format = function(x, width) format(prettyNum(x, big.mark=","), width=width, justify="right")
    # tt = shallow(info)
    # tt[ , NROW := pretty_format(NROW, width=4L)]
    # tt[ , NCOL := pretty_format(NCOL, width=4L)]
    # if (is.function(mb)) tt[ , MB := pretty_format(MB, width=2L)]
    print(info, class=FALSE, nrows=Inf)
    if (is.function(mb)) catf("Total: %sMB using %s\n", prettyNum(sum(info$MB), big.mark=","), mb_name)
Rdatatable/data.table documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 3:31 a.m.