
Defines functions read_manifest find_dependencies scan_r scan_rnw scan_rmd scan_project_files

Documented in scan_project_files

#' Scan R files for package dependencies
#' This function scans the R files in your project, including scripts, Sweave documents and Rmarkdown-based files, for references to packages.
#' @param project_dir A project path.  This is the path to the root of the project that references the packages to be installed from the MRAN snapshot for the date specified for `snapshotDate`. Defaults to the current working directory.
#' @param scan_r_only If `TRUE`, limits the scanning of project files to R scripts only (those with the extension `.R`).
#' @param scan_rnw_with_knitr If `TRUE`, scans Sweave files with [`knitr::knitr`], otherwise with [`utils::Stangle`]. Ignored if `scan_r_only=TRUE`.
#' @param scan_rprofile if `TRUE`, includes the `~/.Rprofile` startup file in the scan. See [`Startup`].
#' @details
#' `scan_project_files` recursively builds a list of all the R files in your project. This includes regular R scripts, as well as Sweave files (those with extension `.Rnw`) and Rmarkdown-based files (those with extension `.Rmd`, `.Rpres` or `Rhtml`). It then parses the code in each file and looks for calls to `library` and `require`, as well as the namespacing operators `::` and `:::`. The detected packages are assumed to be available from CRAN/MRAN.
#' @section Manifest:
#' As an **experimental feature**, you can specify additional packages to include or exclude via an optional `checkpoint.yml` manifest file located in your project directory. This should be a valid YAML file with 2 components:
#' - `refs`: An array of package references to include in the checkpoint, that can be parsed by [`pkgdepends::new_pkg_installation_proposal`].
#' - `exclude`: An array of package names (without decorations) to exclude from the checkpoint, despite showing up in the scan.
#' A manifest file allows you to include packages from sources other than CRAN/MRAN in the checkpoint. You can include a Bioconductor package with a `bioc::` reference: `bioc::BiocGenerics`. A GitHub reference begins with `github::`, for example `github::RevolutionAnalytics/checkpoint@v1.0`. A `local::` reference can point to a package `.tar.gz` file, or to a directory containing the package source code.
#' You should use this feature with caution, as checkpoint does not check the versions of these packages. It's recommended that you include a version number, tag or commit hash in a reference, so that you always obtain the same version of the package. See [`pkgdepends::pkg_refs`] for a full description of the reference syntax; note that `installed::` references are _not_ currently supported by checkpoint.
#' A use case for exclusions is if your workflow loads packages that are not on CRAN or other public repositories. For example, Microsoft Machine Learning Server (MMLS) comes with a number of proprietary packages for big data and in-database analytics. You can exclude these packages from checkpointing by listing them in the `exclude` entry in the manifest. In this case, you must ensure that your packages are still visible to the checkpointed session, for example by specifying `prepend=TRUE` in the `use_checkpoint` call. If you share your project with collaborators, they will also need to have these packages separately installed on their machines.
#' @return
#' A list with 2 components: `pkgs`, a vector of package names, and `errors`, a vector of files that could not be scanned. The package listing includes third-party packages, as well as those that are distributed with R and have "Recommended" priority. Base-priority packages (utils, graphics, methods and so forth) are not included.
#' In addition, if any Rmarkdown files are found, the package listing will include rmarkdown. This allows you to continue rendering them in a checkpointed session.
#' @examples
#' scan_project_files()
#' @export
scan_project_files <- function(project_dir=".", scan_r_only=FALSE, scan_rnw_with_knitr=TRUE, scan_rprofile=TRUE)
        res <- try(requireNamespace("knitr", quietly=TRUE))
        if(inherits(res, "try-error"))
            warning("The knitr package must be installed to scan Rmarkdown-based files", call.=FALSE)

    r_pat <- if(scan_r_only)
    else "\\.(r|rnw|rmd|rpres|rhtml)$"

    r_files <- dir(project_dir, pattern=r_pat, recursive=TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)
    if(scan_rprofile && file.exists("~/.Rprofile"))
        r_files <- c(r_files, "~/.Rprofile")

    pkgs <- character(0)
    errors <- character(0)

    for(f in r_files)
        scan_deps <- switch(tolower(tools::file_ext(f)),
            "rmd"=, "rpres"=, "rhtml"=scan_rmd,
            "rnw"=if(scan_rnw_with_knitr) scan_rmd else scan_rnw,
        res <- try(scan_deps(f), silent=TRUE)
        if(inherits(res, "try-error"))
            errors <- c(errors, f)
        else pkgs <- c(pkgs, res)
    if(length(errors) > 0)
        warning("Following files could not be scanned:\n", paste(errors, collapse="\n"), call.=FALSE)

    mft <- read_manifest(project_dir)
    exclude <- c(
        # this package
        # while developing
        # all base priority packages, not on CRAN or MRAN
        c("base", "compiler", "datasets", "graphics", "grDevices", "grid",
          "methods", "parallel", "splines", "stats", "stats4", "tcltk",
          "tools", "utils")
    any_rmd <- any(grepl("\\.(rmd|rpres|rhtml)$", r_files, ignore.case=TRUE))

    pkgs <- setdiff(unique(c(pkgs, mft$refs, if(any_rmd) "rmarkdown")), c(mft$exclude, exclude))
    list(pkgs=pkgs, errors=errors)

scan_rmd <- function(filename)
    tempfile <- tempfile(fileext=".R")
    suppressWarnings(knitr::knit(filename, output=tempfile, tangle=TRUE, quiet=TRUE))

scan_rnw <- function(filename)
    tempfile <- tempfile(fileext=".R")
    suppressWarnings(utils::Stangle(filename, output=tempfile, quiet=TRUE))

scan_r <- function(filename)
    exprs <- parse(filename)
    deps <- character(0)
    for(e in exprs)
        dep_e <- find_dependencies(e)
        if(length(dep_e) > 0)
            deps <- c(deps, dep_e)

find_dependencies <- function(e)
    if(is.atomic(e) || is.name(e))

        fname <- as.character(e[[1]])

        if(length(fname) == 1)
            if(fname %in% c("library", "require"))
                mc <- match.call(get(fname, baseenv()), e)
            else return(unique(unlist(lapply(as.list(e[-1]), find_dependencies))))
        else if(fname[1] %in% c("::", ":::"))
        else return(character(0))

read_manifest <- function(project_dir)
    mft_file <- file.path(project_dir, "checkpoint.yml")
        mft_file <- file.path(project_dir, "checkpoint.yaml")

    mft <- yaml::read_yaml(mft_file)
    mft[c("refs", "exclude")]
RevolutionAnalytics/checkpoint documentation built on Jan. 30, 2022, 7:04 a.m.