
Defines functions makeLibrary updateRepoIndex makeRepo

Documented in makeLibrary makeRepo updateRepoIndex

#' Downloads packages from CRAN to specified path and creates a local
#' repository.
#' Given a list of packages, downloads these packages to a specified destination
#' folder using the required CRAN folder structure, and finally creates the
#' PACKAGES index file.  Since the folder structure mimics the required
#' structure and files of a CRAN repository, it supports functions like
#' [utils::install.packages()].
#' @template repo_folder_structure
#' @note Internally makes use of [utils::download.packages()] and
#'   [write_PACKAGES()]
#' @inheritParams pkgDep
#' @param pkgs Character vector of packages to download
#' @param path Destination download path. This path is the root folder of your
#'   new repository.
#' @template Rversion
#' @param download If TRUE downloads packages.
#' @param quiet If TRUE, suppress status messages (if any), and the progress bar
#'   during download.
#' @param writePACKAGES If TRUE, calls [write_PACKAGES()] to update the
#'   repository PACKAGES file.
#' @export
#' @return character vector of downloaded package files
#' @family update repo functions
#' @importFrom utils download.packages
#' @example /inst/examples/example_makeRepo.R
makeRepo <- function(pkgs, path, repos = getOption("repos"), type = "source",
                     Rversion = R.version, download = TRUE, writePACKAGES = TRUE, quiet = FALSE) {
  # if (!file.exists(path)) stop("Download path does not exist")

  downloaded <- lapply(type, function(t) {
    pkgPath <- repoBinPath(path = path, type = t, Rversion = Rversion)
    if (!file.exists(pkgPath)) {
      result <- dir.create(pkgPath, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
      if (result) {
        if (!quiet) message("Created new folder: ", pkgPath)
      } else {
        stop("Unable to create repo path: ", pkgPath)

    pdb <- pkgAvail(repos = repos, type = t, Rversion = Rversion)

    if (download) {
      download_packages(pkgs, destdir = pkgPath, available = pdb, repos = repos,
                        contriburl = contribUrl(repos, t, Rversion),
                        type = t, quiet = quiet)

  if (download) {
    downloaded <- downloaded[[1]][, 2]

    ## allow for more than one repo
    fromLocalRepos <- grepl("^file://", repos)

    if (any(fromLocalRepos)) {
      # need to copy files to correct folder
      if (sum(fromLocalRepos) > 1)
        warning("More than one local repos provided. Only the first listed will be used.")
      pat <- ifelse(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows", "^file:///", "^file://")
      repoPath <- gsub(pat, "", repos[fromLocalRepos][1])
      repoPath   <- normalizePath(repoPath, winslash = "/")
      path       <- normalizePath(path    , winslash = "/")
      downloaded <- normalizePath(downloaded, winslash = "/")
      newPath  <- gsub(repoPath, path, downloaded)
      file.copy(downloaded, newPath)
      downloaded <- newPath

  if (writePACKAGES) updateRepoIndex(path = path, type = type, Rversion = Rversion)
  if (download) downloaded else character(0)

#' @rdname makeRepo
#' @export
updateRepoIndex <- function(path, type = "source", Rversion = R.version) {
  n <- lapply(type, function(t) {
    pkgPath <- repoBinPath(path = path, type = t, Rversion = Rversion)
    if (grepl("mac.binary", t)) t <- "mac.binary"
    # browser()
    write_packages(dir = pkgPath, type = t, r_version = Rversion)
    if (twodigitRversion(Rversion) < "3.5.0") {
      pfiles <- list.files(path = pkgPath, pattern = "PACKAGES.rds", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
      for (f in pfiles) {
        pf <- readRDS(f)
        saveRDS(pf, file = f, version = 2)
  names(n) <- type

#' Deprecated function to download packages to local folder.
#' @inheritParams makeRepo
#' @export
makeLibrary <- function(pkgs, path, type = "source") {
RevolutionAnalytics/miniCRAN documentation built on April 1, 2024, 3:46 p.m.