
Defines functions pkgAvail print.pkgDep pkgDep availPkgNames basePkgs

Documented in basePkgs pkgAvail pkgDep

#' Returns names of base packages.
#' Retrieves names of installed packages by calling
#' [utils::installed.packages()] and returning only those packages where
#' `Priority == "base"`.
#' @export
#' @family dependency functions
#' @seealso [pkgDep()]
basePkgs <- function() names(which(installed.packages()[, "Priority"] == "base"))

availPkgNames <- function(pdb) {
  pdb[, "Package"]

#' Retrieves package dependencies.
#' Performs recursive retrieve for `Depends`, `Imports` and `LinkLibrary`.
#' Performs non-recursive retrieve for `Suggests`.
#' @param pkg Character vector of packages.
#' @param availPkgs Data frame with an element called `package`. The `package`
#'   element is a vector of available packages.  Defaults to reading this list
#'   from CRAN, using [available.packages()]
#' @param repos URL(s) of the 'contrib' sections of the repositories, e.g.
#'   `"https://cran.us.r-project.org"`. Passed to [available.packages()]
#' @param type Possible values are (currently) "source", "mac.binary" and
#'   "win.binary": the binary types can be listed and downloaded but not
#'   installed on other platforms.  Passed to [download.packages()].
#' @param depends If TRUE, retrieves `Depends`, `Imports` and `LinkingTo` dependencies
#'   (non-recursively)
#' @param suggests If TRUE, retrieves Suggests dependencies (non-recursively)
#' @param enhances If TRUE, retrieves Enhances dependencies (non-recursively)
#' @param quiet If TRUE, suppresses warnings
#' @param includeBasePkgs If TRUE, include base R packages in results
#' @template Rversion
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to [available.packages()]
#' @export
#' @family dependency functions
#' @return character vector of package names
#' @example /inst/examples/example_pkgDep.R
pkgDep <- function(pkg, availPkgs, repos = getOption("repos"), type = "source",
                   depends = TRUE, suggests = TRUE, enhances = FALSE,
                   includeBasePkgs = FALSE, Rversion = R.version, quiet = FALSE, ...) 

  if (!depends & !suggests & !enhances) {
    warning("Returning nothing, since depends, suggests and enhances are all FALSE")

  if (missing(availPkgs)) {
    if (!is.null(names(repos)) & repos["CRAN"] == "@CRAN@") {
      repos <- p3m()
    if (is.na(type)) type <- "source"
    availPkgs <- pkgAvail(repos = repos, type = type, Rversion = Rversion,
                          quiet = quiet, ...)
    nrow(availPkgs) > 0, 
    msg = sprintf("Unable to retrieve %s package %s from %s", type, pkg, repos)

  pkgInAvail <- pkg %in% availPkgs[, "Package"]
  pkgInAvail <- pkg %in% availPkgNames(availPkgs)
  if (sum(pkgInAvail) == 0 ) stop("No valid packages in pkg")
  if (sum(pkgInAvail) < length(pkg)) {
    warning("Package not recognized: ", paste(pkg[!pkgInAvail], collapse = ", "))

  n_req <- pkg[pkgInAvail]
  n_req_all <- pkg

  # Suggests
  if (suggests) {
    p_sug <- tools::package_dependencies(n_req, availPkgs,
                                         which = "Suggests", recursive = FALSE)
    n_sug <- unique(unname(unlist(p_sug)))
    n_req_all <- c(n_req_all, n_sug)
  } else {
    p_sug <- NA

  # Enhances
  if (enhances) {
    p_enh <- tools::package_dependencies(n_req, availPkgs,
                                         which = "Enhances", recursive = FALSE)
    n_enh <- unique(unname(unlist(p_enh)))
    n_req_all <- c(n_req_all, n_enh)
  } else {
    p_enh <- NA

  # Depends, Imports and LinkingTo
  p_dep <- tools::package_dependencies(n_req_all, availPkgs,
                                       which = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo"),
                                       recursive = TRUE)
  n_dep <- unique(unname(unlist(p_dep)))

  p_all <- p_dep
  n_all <- unique(c(n_dep, n_req_all))
  n_all <- c(n_req, setdiff(n_all, n_req))

  ret <- n_all
  if(!includeBasePkgs) ret <- ret[!ret %in% basePkgs()]
  attr(ret, "pkgs") <- list(
    n_req = n_req,
    n_all = n_all,
    p_dep = p_dep,
    p_sug = p_sug,
    p_enh = p_enh,
    p_all = p_all
  class(ret) <- c("pkgDep", "character")

#' @export
print.pkgDep <- function(x, ...) {
  attr(x, "pkgs") <- NULL
  class(x) <- "character"
  print(as.vector(x), ...)

#' Reads available packages from CRAN repository.
#' This is a thin wrapper around [utils::available.packages()].  If the argument
#' `path` is supplied, then the function attempts to read from a local
#' repository, otherwise attempts to read from a CRAN mirror at the `repos` url.
#' @inheritParams pkgDep
#' @param filters passed to [utils::available.packages]
#' @export
#' @family create repo functions
#' @seealso [pkgDep()]
pkgAvail <- function(repos = getOption("repos"), 
                     type = "source", 
                     Rversion = R.version, quiet = FALSE,
                    filters = NULL) {
  if (!grepl("^https*://|file:///", repos[1]) && file.exists(repos[1])) {
     repos <- paste0("file:///", normalizePath(repos[1],
                                               mustWork = FALSE, 
                                               winslash = "/"))
  } else {
    if (!is.null(names(repos)) && isTRUE(unname(repos["CRAN"]) == "@CRAN@")) {
      repos <- p3m()
  ap <- function() {
    if (getRversion() >= "3.3.0") {
                 type = type, 
                 Rversion = Rversion), 
      type = type, 
      filters = filters,
      repos = repos
    } else {
                   type = type, 
                   Rversion = Rversion), 
        type = type, 
        filters = filters
  if (quiet) suppressWarnings(ap()) else ap()

# Modified copy of utils::contrib.url()
contribUrl <- function (repos = getOption("repos"), 
                        type = getOption("pkgType"), 
                        Rversion = R.version) {
  Rversion <- twodigitRversion(Rversion)
  if (type == "both") 
    type <- "source"
  if (type == "binary") 
    type <- .Platform$pkgType
  if (is.null(repos)) return(NULL)
  if ("@CRAN@" %in% repos && interactive()) {
    cat(gettext("--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---"), 
        "\n", sep = "")
    m <- match("@CRAN@", repos)
    nm <- names(repos)
    repos[m] <- getOption("repos")["CRAN"]
    if (is.null(nm)) 
      nm <- rep("", length(repos))
    nm[m] <- "CRAN"
    names(repos) <- nm
  if ("@CRAN@" %in% repos) 
    stop("trying to use CRAN without setting a mirror")
  ver <- Rversion
  mac.path <- "macosx"
  if (substr(type, 1L, 11L) == "mac.binary.") {
    mac.path <- paste(mac.path, substring(type, 12L), sep = "/")
    type <- "mac.binary"
  res <- switch(type, 
                source = paste(gsub("/$", "", repos), 
                               "src", "contrib", 
                               sep = "/"), 
                mac.binary = paste(gsub("/$", "", repos), 
                                   "bin", mac.path, "contrib", 
                                   ver, sep = "/"), 
                win.binary = paste(gsub("/$", "", repos), 
                                   "bin", "windows", "contrib", 
                                   ver, sep = "/"))
RevolutionAnalytics/miniCRAN documentation built on April 1, 2024, 3:46 p.m.