
Defines functions updatePackages ask_to_update_package read_line_wrapper ask_to_update select_from_list graphics_capable simplifyRepos oldPackages

Documented in oldPackages updatePackages

#' Check for available package updates in a miniCRAN repo.
#' `oldPackages()` indicates packages which have a (suitable) later version on
#' the repositories whereas `updatePackages()` offers to download and install
#' such packages.
#' These functions are based on [update.packages()].  However, rather than
#' looking for locally installed packages they look for the package source and
#' binaries in the miniCRAN repository.
#' @name updatePackages
#' @inheritParams makeRepo
#' @inheritParams pkgDep
#' @param method  Download method, see [download.file()].
#' @param availableLocal all packages hosted in the miniCRAN repo, as returned
#'   by [pkgAvail()]. A subset can be specified; currently this must be in the
#'   same (character matrix) format as returned by [pkgAvail()].
#' @return `oldPackages()` returns a matrix with one row per package and columns
#'   for "Package", "LocalVer", "ReposVer" and "Repository".  The matrix row
#'   names the package names.
#' @seealso [updatePackages()], [pkgAvail()].
#' @export
#' @family update repo functions
#' @example /inst/examples/example_updatePackages.R
oldPackages <- function(path = NULL, repos = getOption("repos"),
                        availPkgs = pkgAvail(repos = repos,
                                             type = type,
                                             Rversion = Rversion),
                        availableLocal = pkgAvail(repos = path,
                                                  type = type,
                                                  Rversion = Rversion,
                                                  quiet = quiet),
                        type = "source",
                        Rversion = R.version,
                        quiet = FALSE) {
  if (is.null(path)) stop("path to miniCRAN repo must be specified")
  if (!missing(availPkgs)) {
    if (!is.matrix(availPkgs) || !is.character(availPkgs[, "Package"]))
      stop("ill-formed 'availPkgs' matrix")
  if (NROW(availPkgs) == 0L) stop("Invalid remote repository")
  if (NROW(availableLocal) == 0L) stop("Invalid local repository")

  idx <- match(availableLocal[, "Package"], availPkgs[, "Package"])
  compare <- sapply(seq_along(idx), function(i) {
      (availPkgs[idx[i], "Version"]),
      (availableLocal[i, "Version"])
    ) > 0

  update <- cbind(
    availableLocal[compare, c("Package", "Version"), drop = FALSE],
    availPkgs[idx[compare], c("Version", "Repository"), drop = FALSE]
  colnames(update) <- c("Package", "LocalVer", "ReposVer", "Repository")

simplifyRepos <- function(repos, t, Rversion) {
  tail <- substring(contribUrl("---", type = t, Rversion = Rversion), 4)
  ind  <- regexpr(tail, repos, fixed = TRUE)
  ind  <- ifelse(ind > 0, ind - 1, nchar(repos, type = "c"))
  substr(repos, 1, ind)

graphics_capable <- function() {
  .Platform$OS.type == "windows" || 
    .Platform$GUI == "AQUA"      ||
    (capabilities("tcltk") && capabilities("X11"))

select_from_list <- function(choices, preselect, multiple, title, graphics) {
  utils::select.list(choices, preselect, multiple, title, graphics)

ask_to_update <- function(oldPkgs, t, Rversion, ask = FALSE) { 
  z <- 
    if (is.character(ask) && ask == "graphics") {
      if (graphics_capable()) {
        k <- select_from_list(
          choices = oldPkgs[, 1L], 
          preselect = oldPkgs[, 1L], 
          multiple = TRUE,
          title = "Packages to be updated", 
          graphics = TRUE
        oldPkgs[match(k, oldPkgs[, 1L]), , drop = FALSE]
      } else {
        ask_to_update_package(oldPkgs, t, Rversion)
    } else {
      if (isTRUE(ask)) {
        ask_to_update_package(oldPkgs, t, Rversion)
      } else {
  rownames(z) <- unname(z[, "Package"])

read_line_wrapper <- function(prompt = "") {

ask_to_update_package <- function(old, t, Rversion) {
  update <- NULL
  for (k in seq_len(nrow(old))) {
    cat(old[k, "Package"], ":\n",
        "Local Version", old[k, "LocalVer"], "\n",
        "Repos Version", old[k, "ReposVer"],
        "available at", simplifyRepos(old[k, "Repository"], t, Rversion))
    answer <- tolower(substr(read_line_wrapper("Update (y/N/c)?  "), 1L, 1L))
    if (answer == "c") {
      cat("cancelled by user\n")
    if (answer == "y") {
      update <- rbind(update, old[k, ])

#' @inheritParams makeRepo
#' @param oldPkgs if specified as non-NULL, `updatePackages()` only considers
#'   these packages for updating. This may be a character vector of package
#'   names or a matrix as returned by `oldPackages()`.
#' @param ask logical indicating whether to ask user before packages are
#'   actually downloaded and installed.  Alternatively, the value `"graphics"`
#'   starts an interactive widget to allow the user to (de-)select from the list of
#'   packages which could be updated or added. The latter value only works on
#'   systems with a GUI version of [select.list()], and is otherwise equivalent
#'   to `ask = TRUE`.
#' @return `updatePackages` returns `NULL` invisibly.
#' @export
updatePackages <- function(
  path = NULL, 
  repos = getOption("repos"), 
  method = NULL, 
  ask = TRUE,
  availPkgs = pkgAvail(repos = repos, type = type, Rversion = Rversion),
  oldPkgs = NULL, 
  type = "source",
  Rversion = R.version, 
  quiet = FALSE
) {

  do_one <- function(t, Rversion, ask) {
    if (!is.matrix(oldPkgs) && is.character(oldPkgs)) {
      subset <- oldPkgs
      oldPkgs <- NULL
    } else {
      subset <- NULL
    if (is.null(oldPkgs)) {
      oldPkgs <- oldPackages(
        path = path, repos = repos, method = method,
        availPkgs = availPkgs, type = t, Rversion = Rversion
      if (is.null(oldPkgs)) {
        message("All packages are up to date from repos: ", names(repos))
    } else {
      if (!(is.matrix(oldPkgs) && is.character(oldPkgs))) {
        msg <- paste0(
          "invalid 'oldPkgs'; ",
          "must be a character vector or a result from oldPackages()"
    if (!is.null(subset)) {
      oldPkgs <- oldPkgs[rownames(oldPkgs) %in% subset, , drop = FALSE]
      if (nrow(oldPkgs) == 0) return(invisible())
    update <- ask_to_update(oldPkgs = oldPkgs, t = t, Rversion = Rversion, ask = ask)
    if (length(update[, "Package"])) {
        update[, "Package"], path = path, repos = repos, type = t,
        quiet = quiet, deps = FALSE, Rversion = Rversion

  lapply(type, do_one, Rversion = Rversion, ask = ask)
RevolutionAnalytics/miniCRAN documentation built on April 1, 2024, 3:46 p.m.